2003-07-13, 01:50 PM
The moment you REACHED BR20. What were you doing. What got you the last few XP to finally get BR20? Was is kinda lame? Sitting in CC waiting for a cap? Or was it glorious?
I was just outside, south of Itan. We had an AMS on a platue above the road to the north and just to the south of the mountain range. All empires were Zerging rather heavily. Tr had Itan, VS had Kaang and NC had Gunuku. In the midst of a battle to take Itan a Vanguard rolled up mowed down a ton of ppl then pilled up on the back of the AMS. I had starting Lancing it on approach and just as it dissapeared into the cloak bubble i fire my last shot into the void. BOOM!!!111 as the Vanguard blows up the cloak drops for second with a flash of light leaving the Vanguard a chared burnt out husk. Just as i get notification that i have now reached BR20.
Aaaaaahhhh i need a cigarette. :cool2:
I was just outside, south of Itan. We had an AMS on a platue above the road to the north and just to the south of the mountain range. All empires were Zerging rather heavily. Tr had Itan, VS had Kaang and NC had Gunuku. In the midst of a battle to take Itan a Vanguard rolled up mowed down a ton of ppl then pilled up on the back of the AMS. I had starting Lancing it on approach and just as it dissapeared into the cloak bubble i fire my last shot into the void. BOOM!!!111 as the Vanguard blows up the cloak drops for second with a flash of light leaving the Vanguard a chared burnt out husk. Just as i get notification that i have now reached BR20.
Aaaaaahhhh i need a cigarette. :cool2: