View Full Version : I finally understand infiltrators!
2003-07-13, 04:34 PM
i've used agile for quite a while, and i never thought i'd EVER want to play as an infiltrator. but yesterday, i put on the shifting suit, and vanished into the shadows.
GOD, it's fun.
i'm not a ghost hacker on a mine-layer, but the medical applicator has never been more useful. from hiding in the shadows and bringing me back up to 100% to reviving my teammates IN FULL VIEW of an enemy, i will now and forever be a ghost medic.
plus, the *tink*, *tink*, *tink*, "aaaaugh!" of a knife kill is SOOO satisfying.
the only thing i miss is being able to take out MAXes and vehicles. which is why at BR9 i'm gonna buy AV as an alt. favorite.
okay, just had to say that.
also, stop complaining about darklight, you infils. it's not that hard to get around.
2003-07-13, 04:47 PM
hmm, excellent point. I'd been background considering a medic type character now that they're getting some loving and I'd never seen the point of running out to someone, freshly killed by the enemy, and attempting to rez them. it always seemed to be a quick ticket to the respawn tube.
that ghost medic thing though....excellent idea.
edit: just keep that ass thing on your side of the room, ok?
2003-07-13, 04:57 PM
also: which one works, infils?
AMP, or empire pistol?
i've been using repeater for the long-range capabilities so far.
First: INfil don't complain about DL that muhc, only n00b infils who run all over the place.
Second: I was a ghost medic FOREVER, and have mentioned it multiple times. He came up with the good idea? Idon't even think i did...
Last: AMP is better for all around, but for other infils to agile empire seems to be better. I'd stick with the AMP if i were you though, we're alread yrestricted on what we can kill as it is.
2003-07-13, 05:03 PM
depends, if you're playing TR (as you appear to be) or NC you can choose between an AMP or your empire pistol. they all perform nicely just in different niches.
if you're VS fuggin forget it and go with an AMP or stockpiles gobs of the other guy's pistols. the beamer is the running gag of planetside for a very good reason.
2003-07-13, 06:02 PM
of course i'm TR, silly. i'm well aware with the quality of the flashlight.
2003-07-13, 06:07 PM
get combat engineering they can down MAXS via boomers
2003-07-13, 07:13 PM
NC = use shotgun pistol
TR = i personally perfer the AMP
2003-07-13, 07:15 PM
vs just dont use anythin but the AMP, i mean even ur knif sucks.
2003-07-13, 07:23 PM
I always thought infils were little packets of +10 grief that don't seem to understand the combination of two concepts, they have no IFFs at range, and "when in doubt, empty your clip"
2003-07-13, 07:26 PM
yeah ur completely exposed
2003-07-13, 08:19 PM
Two words if you like knifing; melee booster
Sneak up on someone (from behind is safer) and turn melee booster on, once you've got right behind them, flick the knife to secondary fire, two quick stabs, and back to primary.
Reduces noise to a minumum and even an reinforced is down in two :)
And the VS knife is exactly the same stats as all the others, it's just the aesthetics that differ, but yeah, the beamer sucks, I have about 32 repeaters in my locker (I prefer the TR pistol to the NC because it's more versatile).
The VS knife is way better than the others. I so wish i could loot them off corpses.
2003-07-13, 08:32 PM
For cloaker's weapon of choice, I've always preferred the TR repeater, for range and accuracy. I can see the points on the AMP and the shotpistol and the knife, but if I don't have to be right on top of them to kill them, I prefer it, thus the repeater. Now if only I could get a Predator-style shoulder-mounted blaster...
2003-07-13, 09:27 PM
Repeater > amp. by far.
amp is only good at 0-10 meters, while the repeater can own at ranges up to 30m.
my VS alt on werner has half a locker of repeaters :D
one more thing....if you wont be attacking people much, just use the knife with melee booster implant, so you can carry more ACE's/med appl/bank,etc.
2003-07-13, 09:36 PM
the vs knife sucks because its the only 1 in its secondary mode that reall gives away your position because its like your lil 2 battery flashlight. the nc knife is pretty good in 2ndary cuase its the only 1 that could be blanked out if next to a runing vehicle. the tr knife is the monkey in the middle. its just loud and cant blend in with other sounds....
i almos couldv looted a knife was laying right next to the coffin thing.....but i kept getting "loot this coarsp" message thing.....
2003-07-13, 11:14 PM
Teh infiltrator r0x0rz! You can do so much as a spy (inf) like get a look at an enemy base for OS, medic some d00ds, go anti-MAX with boomers, or hack towers and bases easily.
List of Inf Jobs
Information Gatherer (Forward recon, targeting for OS)
Hacker (Obvious)
Medic (it's great when you aren't seen)
Knifer (Obvious)
Saboteur (Sets up boomers near enemy vehicle pad, then wait for enemy to get a Prowler or Magrider or Vanguard, then BOOM and bye bye infantry that are in line and near-by tanks)
Tossing nades at TR anchored MAXes are my favorite way of taunting the TR....specially when they turn around and I detonate 2 boomers and toss another nade.
2003-07-13, 11:31 PM
A little tip for all you infiltrators out there. When you spawn or load a continent take a few second to pull out your knife and put it in secondary mode. Put it away. Now the next time you pull it out you won't have to waste time switching it to secondary mode! This awsome tip has saved my ass lots of time that flicking it on would have had me dead.
Originally posted by BUGGER33
the vs knife sucks because its the only 1 in its secondary mode that reall gives away your position because its like your lil 2 battery flashlight. the nc knife is pretty good in 2ndary cuase its the only 1 that could be blanked out if next to a runing vehicle. the tr knife is the monkey in the middle. its just loud and cant blend in with other sounds....
Wrong. When You're pulling out your knife, the nme shouldn't know you're there yet. You use this to get behind them and THEN you use secondary on the VS knife. This means they have NO IDEA you're there and you're doing maximum damage compltelyey surprising them. By the time htey figure out you're hitting them, and they have the chacne to see your knife, they're dead. The otehrs instantly alert anyoen near to start lookign for an infil.
2003-07-14, 12:40 AM
It's funny tho...i see vs infil try to sneak up behind my tr buddies who i happen to be lookin towards...And the infil has the knife on secodary..this seems stupid bbecause (i doubt most ppl do this btw) the infil had the knife on secodary the whole time....he didnt just flick it on,kill and turn it off...he sat there with it on secondary...anyways i killed him quick... just a warning tho most smart infils already know this ... :P
that would be a n00b infil. :rolleyes:
2003-07-14, 09:32 AM
a very n00b infiltrator....
2003-07-14, 09:44 AM
i think he meant dont get it out till you absolutly have in sneak upbehind them, then whip out the knife not walk up to thjem holding it
2003-07-14, 09:45 AM
I'd laugh if he tried to knife a MAX after walking up to it in secondary mode.
2003-07-14, 10:17 AM
Way too many n00b stealthers run around with there tools out. I don't pull anything unless im gonna use it. I actually like the VS knife the way it is. The fact that it glows and the fact that the beamer blows. reinforces my belief than being a VS infil takes the most skills. But thats just my opinion.
But i really think the infil needs its own tool. Much like the CUD but does ninja stuff. Maybe a jump booster allow the user to jump say, tower height. Or maybe a limited range teleporter say the radius of a motion sensor. I've heard grappling hook tossed around. Maybe for an additional 2 or 3 points and infil can upgrade his suit to include an additional holster. Only the holster is really small say, 4 squares. only big enough for a nade.
2003-07-14, 12:03 PM
We gotta Adv Hack/ Adv Medic/Combat Engineer Inf in our outfit. I can't even begin to tell you how versatile and important he is to our operations. Every outfit needs a few of 'em.
2003-07-14, 12:31 PM
yeah he is (onetoomany right?)
newho why hasnt neone said nething about grenades? When i use infil, thats all i use. Load up on 6 plasma grenades and an REK. when i run outta grenades its time to use the knife. when i get infil back tho, ill use the ACE.
Originally posted by Cease
We gotta Adv Hack/ Adv Medic/Combat Engineer Inf in our outfit. I can't even begin to tell you how versatile and important he is to our operations. Every outfit needs a few of 'em.
I wouldn't ever do something liek this, becasue i like to have a loadout that i can utalize as many of my certs as possible at one time. I don't ever want to be caught in my CE loadout when everyone needs a medic and i can't use a equip term.
Originally posted by Stream|ine
Way too many n00b stealthers run around with there tools out. I don't pull anything unless im gonna use it. I actually like the VS knife the way it is. The fact that it glows and the fact that the beamer blows. reinforces my belief than being a VS infil takes the most skills. But thats just my opinion.
But i really think the infil needs its own tool. Much like the CUD but does ninja stuff. Maybe a jump booster allow the user to jump say, tower height. Or maybe a limited range teleporter say the radius of a motion sensor. I've heard grappling hook tossed around. Maybe for an additional 2 or 3 points and infil can upgrade his suit to include an additional holster. Only the holster is really small say, 4 squares. only big enough for a nade.
I liek this idea. I would support it. Having the infil have ways of getting around easier for a cost of some inv space. And also the boost in inv space wouldn't urt much. I support this idea full-on.
2003-07-14, 02:12 PM
Two words if you like knifing; melee booster
Sneak up on someone (from behind is safer) and turn melee booster on, once you've got right behind them, flick the knife to secondary fire, two quick stabs, and back to primary.
Reduces noise to a minumum and even an reinforced is down in two
I love using my knife, but I prefer not going into secondary mode. First off, my infil is vanu, which explains it partly. But I find that even with other empires, most experienced players will know the sound of knife in secondary mode, and will turn around before you can get the first strike in. In secondary mode, its practically silent and no red circle flashes on their screen when you hit them. Most of the time they have no idea of what's going on, neither do the people around them ( especially if fighting is heavy and the {yourname}{knife icon} {slaughtered victims name} scrolls by too quickly for them to realize they got knifed).
It takes about 4 hits on agile, and 5 on reinforced when using melee booster. Its great fun to creep up on a wall where snipers and av enemies are positioned. You just keep knifing them over and over. I killed NC like this for a half hour straight one time before the fools actually suspected that an infil was killing them. Then I just lobbed plasma nades from right outside DL range, while the poor bastards ran around like chickens with their heads cut off trying to find me. For some really easy kills, hang out in an enemy base behind the lines, and knife them while they're busy at terms. Doing that feels much more fun, like a real assassin.
I've often wondered what kind of havoc an all infil squad could wreak. The biggest limitation to the infil is its limited inventory and single pistol slot, often requiring you to make a tough choice on what to carry. But ten infils, coordinating and cooperating? ACEs,jammer nades, other nades, knives, pistols, medics and hacking galore. Man imagine that :)
Jaged tried to get an all cloaker outfit going, but too many people dismissed it as a basd idea, when it was actually one of teh good ones, IMO. Man that would be awesome. Imagine flciking on your DL and seeing 15 cloakers!
You would get swarmed befoer you could say "WTF?"
2003-07-14, 02:25 PM
I have been a Infiltrator since I started this game. You dont learn it over night.
Current Specs:
Adv Eng
Adv Hacker
Silent Run
Silent run is pretty nice, you surge + Silent Run and you have made it into a base rather nicely and can scout out a AMS.
If you are found Surge away or to a enemy AMS and Drop a Boomer and surge out. You will die but you will also take a few with you.
Pistols, I am NC. Scatter > AMP. In my opnion when Grunts hear the noise of a AMP they suspect a Infil. So I stick with the Scatter in hopes of not being noticed, as much. However I do have a stack of repeaters in my locker :)
There are a few bugs I have noticed being a infiltrator. And have seen when playing as a Pheonix assault.
1. Infiltratar sitting at the edge of the AMS shield will cause him to be seen with out DL on.
2. I normally surge into a tower that is under siege, and get into the spawn room, and hide for a few minutes before killing folks. However some newly spawned victims are able to see cloakers. Still have some testing to do on this.
There are a few others but can be countered.
A hint most Infiltrators dont know about, Crouch + Surge = less outline.
Have fun, do alot of flanking.
Originally posted by Phorcy
Silent Run
Ditch DL and get Adv Regen, trust me, it helps. A lot.
2003-07-14, 02:34 PM
The only real infil problems they still seem to have are:
The DL bug. Many times an enemy using DL will not show on your screen as using DL. When you should be surging like a madman to run away, you're standing still to make a fat target for them because you don't think you're visible. This one is getting really old.
The sniper bug. Yes, they changed it so that stationary infil can not be seen through the scope. Unfortunately, there is still the problem that crouch walking infil show up way too bright in the scope. I think it has to do with the way the magnification is coded, that more of the infil suit and less of the background shows up than would show up if you were looking normally.
Your green name not appearing from a certain distance. I don't think it's a bug, but it sure makes things overly dangerous sometimes. I'm sniped by friendlies a few times a night because they scope me and my name doesn't show up. I've done it myself with another char, and it blows. A poor infil works their tail off getting near the enemy and I cap them as they crest a hill.
There are certain nights where friendly fire and enemy snipers account for 75-80% of my deaths which can make for some frustrating times.
2003-07-14, 02:41 PM
Originally posted by 1024
Ditch DL and get Adv Regen, trust me, it helps. A lot.
Ya thats a tough one. I haev thought about it alot. Especially since just someone spitting on me takes 10 health points.
However I have killed more Infils then alot of other grunts.
Its a real toss up, I may try it this afternoon, thanks for the tip.
2003-07-14, 02:54 PM
Originally posted by ReaperofDeath27
get combat engineering they can down MAXS via boomers
I've found sneaking ahead of the front is a good tactic for CE's. What I do is sneak through the wood/desert/snow or whatever that cont. has and place mines in bases that will be defended in the future. Look at the lattice, and see when a particular base will defended. I place mines everywhere, go up to a hill or someplace high, and snipe until I'm out of ammo. Then I go take a tower, refill on ammo and ACE's and let them re-take the tower, I just sit on the roof. They never see me because they figure I'm a cloaker so they don't even bother to look on the roof. Another good tactic is, take a tower next to a base that isnt that important, but make sure it's a good bit of distance away from the base. Take the tower and wait outside, hiding. Then when their vehicles roll up and they get out, you place mines/boomers all around their vehicles. Than you can do 2 things with boomers.
1. Blow them up while they're away and when they come outside and see they're smoking piles their vehicles give them a warm welcome wiht you're gun.
2. Wait until they get in their vehicles then blow the boomers, this is dangerous because if you dont destroy them at first they will quickly kill you.
That or place mines on the road which they will take and watch in joy as they blow themselves up on mines.
I wonder if I will pay fo telling ppl this....
And hey Aztec, your JH is vicous.
i wanted to kill you so bad that second time we met, till that damn cloaker got you with that AMP
2003-07-14, 02:56 PM
I have been a infil since I started and have modified my play style a few times, my new favorite is:
Infil suit
Advance hack
MAX Scattercannon
MAX Falcon
Now instead of just killing grunts I sneak in and hack a term then begin to reak havoc in a secure base with a max.
There is nothing like watching a grunt walk through a door with no weapon out see you, pause confused then turn to run all so very to late :D
My locker currently has 34 repeaters though I've recently taken a unexpexted liking to the scattorgun.
2003-07-14, 03:23 PM
Originally posted by aiwest420
Repeater > amp. by far.
amp is only good at 0-10 meters, while the repeater can own at ranges up to 30m.
my VS alt on werner has half a locker of repeaters :D
Yeah :) .. one good thing about being an infil.. if your weapon (pistol) of choice is that of another faction, they are very easy to get hold of. Compared with looted AV weapons anyway. I play mostly Vanu/Werner and have a good stock of both Repeaters and Scatter Pistols.. I prefer the first when I'm using Melee Boost, and the second when I'm not. The Beamer is a pretty uncomfortable half-way house for an inf.. most VS use the AMP I think.
The "stealth medic" is far from a new concept.. it was one of the original ideas for the class (hacker, obviously, being the main one). When/if life gets made a little better for adv medics (they need that "radar"), no doubt we will see a lot more of them. I feel sorry for the guys trying now, they do their best, but whatever messages they put out people just insta-respawn anyway.
2003-07-14, 07:09 PM
1024 I'd almost sort of agree with you about the VS knife not being too bad if it didn't make any sound. almost agree with you because the point of an infiltrator is so the enemy can't see you to determine where you are to shoot at you.
which one gives away your position more, the sound of a knife in the general area or a glowing fuggin rave stick in your had exactly where you're standing? yeah, i thought so.
besides, VS knife makes sound AND glows so it blows no matter how the issue is argued.
2003-07-14, 07:34 PM
Originally posted by Cease
We gotta Adv Hack/ Adv Medic/Combat Engineer Inf in our outfit. I can't even begin to tell you how versatile and important he is to our operations. Every outfit needs a few of 'em.
This is a proven combo in my eyes. So you really can't knock it.
You don't really need melee booster to use a knife. I'd duel any MB/?/?/infil with my surge/dl/aa/infil.
One problem with plasma nades.... useless in a swamp. Plasma + water = bad juju. Any pistol and a single box of ammo can go along way. Add a REK, a cr3 w/CUD, and a medical applicator and you're a pretty selfsufficient unit.
After all the shit talk about the beamer. I went out beamering on Emerald sunday night. It works, you can kill with it. It still sucks. But its hella fun and lotsa laughs.
2003-07-14, 07:49 PM
Originally posted by LeLoki
[B]I have been a infil since I started and have modified my play style a few times, my new favorite is:
Infil suit
Advance hack
MAX Scattercannon
MAX Falcon
Now instead of just killing grunts I sneak in and hack a term then begin to reak havoc in a secure base with a max.
There is nothing like watching a grunt walk through a door with no weapon out see you, pause confused then turn to run all so very to late :D
Now try this in a hot spawn room. Do it well and you're golden.
My locker currently has 34 repeaters though I've recently taken a unexpected liking to the scattorgun.
Depending on what i have at the moment. I do/don't do certain things depending. For example i'd never go inside of a structure with just a beamer.
Amp = inside or up close
repeater = outside (though still somewhat effective inside)
mag-scatter = inside or up close
beamer = outside
2003-07-15, 10:39 AM
Originally posted by SumYungGui
1024 I'd almost sort of agree with you about the VS knife not being too bad if it didn't make any sound. almost agree with you because the point of an infiltrator is so the enemy can't see you to determine where you are to shoot at you.
which one gives away your position more, the sound of a knife in the general area or a glowing fuggin rave stick in your had exactly where you're standing? yeah, i thought so.
besides, VS knife makes sound AND glows so it blows no matter how the issue is argued.
Unless you are real close to that knife, you never see it. Even the times I've been close enough to see that knife waving around it takes a second to process that it's not just some graphic glitch. From a distance the knife glow is almost impossible to see.
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