View Full Version : my lengthy diatribe on bunkers
2003-07-14, 08:07 PM
whilst slaughtering a few oppressive Terran Regime soldiers in the cold blooded yet forgivable manner of a war, I happened to have a brief moment of lucidity. for some reason the bunker that was in my crosshairs leaped out at me, mentally slapped me across the face, said 'hey stupid! think about me!' then refused to close the door on the way out of my mind. perhaps it was the fact that in the course of the last hour or more of fighting in this fairly heated battle I had yet to see a single person attempt to occupy it for strategic advantage. regardless, I started this eerie process that some people apparently call 'thinking' and came across a few concerns/ideas.
bunkers seem to me to be largely ignored, and while I feel there are a multitude of reasons for this I still think I can fully understand why. they're pretty much pointless and risky on top of it. as a brief mental exercise, before which I had to do alot of mental "warming up" to avoid hurting myself, I thought 'what if someone was to use a bunker?'. some good came out of this process, and we'll get to that later. for now lets cover the few things I've decided, in my infinite and peerless wisdom, that I don't like.
-their placement and positioning really seems to be out of synch with their usefulness. most of them seem to offer stunning views of the backside of a rock or breathtaking vistas consisting of 10 square feet of hill in front of you, while others offer truly delightful ocean-side views with a guarantee of no nosy neighbors or enemy soldiers ruining your contemplations of life, the universe, and everything (which, incidentally is 6X9=42).
-they have a totally open door behind you in addition to a passage to another bunker that you have zero hope of keeping an eye on as you try to fire at the approaching enemies. you're just barely safer being in a bunker than anywhere else on flat land right outside of your own base
-I personally find the little ramp on the ground in front of the 'firing windows' to be inappropriately designed.
-they don't actually offer anything that satisfies my inner monkey's desire for the 'neato' factor.
risking mental life and limb I continued my mental exercise and asked myself 'self, what would you do to fix them? now remember you simpleton, game balance has to be considered in everything you do so don't go overboard'. cowering slightly in fear of my mean-spiritedness I managed to stammer out a few answers:
I feel bunkers need to stop this childish desire for independance. they're simply not ready for that kind of responsibility. they need to suck it up and become one with the force, err, base. assuming you've played planetside for a little while you know the shape of the gates to a base, which is good because you're gonna need that thought a few sentences from now. herein, I propose to maim three birds with one stone. those three birds are the independance of bunkers, the general feeling that gates suck as defense, and the lack of a warm fuzzy 'safe' feeling while in a bunker. take the bunker, ram it into that large flat, totally gauche section of wall under the overpass on the inside of the gate to a base. after ramming it in there, stretch it a bit and wrap around the wall just a skosh. we'll end up with a vertically stretched 'C' looking shape that now has a commanding view of the passageway between the outside of the base to the inside. don't wrap it around too far, limit the people in there to defending the gate itself. (I'm actually gonna throw the ball in everyone else's court here, and leave it totally open to speculation as to the height of this set up. should it be high enough to leave a blind spot under each bunker that has to be covered by the opposite bunker, or should it be right on the ground so nobody can sneak past?) anyone trying to just waltz through the gate with the new, improved, low low price of a single patch bunker would now have to contend with some actual defense, rather than the inevitable spitfire turret stuffed into that corner behind the gate (you all know exactly where I'm talking about, admit it.) having bent, folded, spindled, and mutilated our bunker into a good position we now need to offer our defenders a way in. this is easy to accomodate, while addressing the second little dash I made up there ^. if the entrance to the bunker is an off-shoot hallway of the inside of the base compound then you have a fair, though not complete and thus still paranoia inducing, sense of security and can concentrate on making dead things out of the currently walking and shooting things trying to get in your base.
next up we have the little ramps in front of the 'firing windows'. they're good in theory, but they need some working. they need to be calibrated so that anyone standing back a few inches, off of the ramp, is at 'eye level' with the firing window. anyone standing on the ramp, when crouched, should be at the optimal shooting level as well, which would give them the crouched accuracy. at the middle of the ramp as we go from left to right there needs to be a little niche carved out so that a MAX can stand there and be at the optimum level.
finally, we have to satisfy my inner monkey always looking for the shiny new stuff in the world. he told me he wants to have some kind of light turret between the top of the bunker and the bottom of the overhead walk-way. nothing as big and nasty as the phalanx turrets we have on the walls, and it should be only anti-infantry in it's set up. he does think it should be repairable from inside the bunker, but that point is open to debate.
so, there you have it. my rambling diatribe on bunkers. bye bye for now.
2003-07-14, 08:25 PM
May I be the first to say
"What an absolutely amazing post"
your use of grammar and punctuation was excellent.
I do think this should be copied and pasted into the wishlist.
As for the bunkers, excellent suggestions, we need more base defenses. Sandbags, wire, trenches, active sensors, upgraded/different turrets i.e on the roof of a base there could be steps leading up to a flak battery.
the entrance to bases could also be protected by cannons.
Doors should be able to be barricaded and cleared by boomers. etc.
2003-07-14, 08:29 PM
equipment and med terms halfway between the tunnels!
Originally posted by Trebor95
Doors should be able to be barricaded and cleared by boomers. etc.
:brow: yeah baby
2003-07-14, 08:51 PM
I must confess I've been lurkin through these forums for quite some time. After reading yer post I had to register just so I could reply.
This is an excellent idea, but that alone may not have accomplished much. Your delivery and pitch of this idea are sure to attract attention. I agree this should be sent to the wishlist, just as it is.
I look forward to occupying one of these bunkers.
Nicely done
-Yukon Jack
(sig coming eventually)
2003-07-14, 08:53 PM
It would be great if Bunkers were more than a waste of time. Your idea has a lot of merit and I like it.
2003-07-14, 08:57 PM
This was a good post. I'm glad you resurrected it.
2003-07-14, 09:14 PM
Very constructive post. Very good ideas.
Also, in addition to bunkers, could we troopers running across the top of the walls get some protection from pesky aircraft? I mean, c'mon, someone built a military compound with walls for defensive features and in an age of aircraft left the tops of these walls completely open? Now, I'm not advocating the complete roofing of the base, but a few 'bomb shelters' that are somewhat enclosed on the top of the walls would give the defenders the ability to at least survive an aircraft attack out in the open.
I think we all agree that the defensive capabilities of the various bases need to be boosted considerably. I don't think it would be out of the question for it to be fairly easy for 50 to hold a base against 100. This would force people to actually use tactics in their base assaults rather than just mindlessly zerging.
2003-07-14, 09:41 PM
Excellent post man. I love your ideas for the bunkers... maybe someone will get wind of them. The only times I have used bunkers would be when I am attacking a base and need to take cover so NC/TR can't find me. This would add considerably to the strategery found in the game :D
2003-07-14, 10:11 PM
This is an Awesome idea man! i mean i read a bit of the wishlist, and alot of them seem to be things that will totally alter the game. (im thinking like that one air carrier idea, while neat it is in effect a totally diffrent game) and of course the inevitable shite ones. But this is really awesome, it is well thought out, doesnt totally alter game infact offers more options for one. I am not sure about having the doors openable by boomers and about if the bunkers were to open into the bases basement? that would make them reasonably secure though still accesible. That would also bring more relevance to the back door..... as in a small team has to break into the back door and clear out the bunkers (maybe a couple of infiltrators with boomers) so the main assault can push through without getting slaughtered.
I dont even think putting a turret in there is really neccessary..just a bunch of guys with AV HA and all the other good weapons should be able to massacre just about any charge to the door....notice charge..cause an organized assault could probably still get past the bunkers with a few well placed grenades or missles.
This would also put a new relevance to the Vanu MAX jumpjets, i mean they can totally by pass the bunkers and get some heavy fire power into the base...going back to their greater mobility that SOE says they have :D
hehe i love this idea if you cant tell ^_^ we definatly need to try and get this to the attention of the developers =o
maybe we can get spork to come and look at it or something. I dunno, but again awesome post man
Happy lil Elf
2003-07-14, 10:58 PM
Take some writing classes. With some polish you may be able to make it.
P.S. That means the excellence of your ideas could only be overshadowed by the brilliant way in which they were presented.
Stupid changing scentence format in the middle and fucking it all up.
Yay, all fixed now.
2003-07-14, 11:10 PM
Originally posted by SumYungGui
whilst slaughtering a few oppressive Terran Regime soldiers in the cold blooded yet forgivable manner of a war, I happened to have a brief moment of lucidity. for some reason the bunker that was in my crosshairs leaped out at me, mentally slapped me across the face, said 'hey stupid! think about me!' then refused to close the door on the way out of my mind. perhaps it was the fact that in the course of the last hour or more of fighting in this fairly heated battle I had yet to see a single person attempt to occupy it for strategic advantage. regardless, I started this eerie process that some people apparently call 'thinking' and came across a few concerns/ideas.
bunkers seem to me to be largely ignored, and while I feel there are a multitude of reasons for this I still think I can fully understand why. they're pretty much pointless and risky on top of it. as a brief mental exercise, before which I had to do alot of mental "warming up" to avoid hurting myself, I thought 'what if someone was to use a bunker?'. some good came out of this process, and we'll get to that later. for now lets cover the few things I've decided, in my infinite and peerless wisdom, that I don't like.
-their placement and positioning really seems to be out of synch with their usefulness. most of them seem to offer stunning views of the backside of a rock or breathtaking vistas consisting of 10 square feet of hill in front of you, while others offer truly delightful ocean-side views with a guarantee of no nosy neighbors or enemy soldiers ruining your contemplations of life, the universe, and everything (which, incidentally is 6X9=42).
-they have a totally open door behind you in addition to a passage to another bunker that you have zero hope of keeping an eye on as you try to fire at the approaching enemies. you're just barely safer being in a bunker than anywhere else on flat land right outside of your own base
-I personally find the little ramp on the ground in front of the 'firing windows' to be inappropriately designed.
-they don't actually offer anything that satisfies my inner monkey's desire for the 'neato' factor.
risking mental life and limb I continued my mental exercise and asked myself 'self, what would you do to fix them? now remember you simpleton, game balance has to be considered in everything you do so don't go overboard'. cowering slightly in fear of my mean-spiritedness I managed to stammer out a few answers:
I feel bunkers need to stop this childish desire for independance. they're simply not ready for that kind of responsibility. they need to suck it up and become one with the force, err, base. assuming you've played planetside for a little while you know the shape of the gates to a base, which is good because you're gonna need that thought a few sentences from now. herein, I propose to maim three birds with one stone. those three birds are the independance of bunkers, the general feeling that gates suck as defense, and the lack of a warm fuzzy 'safe' feeling while in a bunker. take the bunker, ram it into that large flat, totally gauche section of wall under the overpass on the inside of the gate to a base. after ramming it in there, stretch it a bit and wrap around the wall just a skosh. we'll end up with a vertically stretched 'C' looking shape that now has a commanding view of the passageway between the outside of the base to the inside. don't wrap it around too far, limit the people in there to defending the gate itself. (I'm actually gonna throw the ball in everyone else's court here, and leave it totally open to speculation as to the height of this set up. should it be high enough to leave a blind spot under each bunker that has to be covered by the opposite bunker, or should it be right on the ground so nobody can sneak past?) anyone trying to just waltz through the gate with the new, improved, low low price of a single patch bunker would now have to contend with some actual defense, rather than the inevitable spitfire turret stuffed into that corner behind the gate (you all know exactly where I'm talking about, admit it.) having bent, folded, spindled, and mutilated our bunker into a good position we now need to offer our defenders a way in. this is easy to accomodate, while addressing the second little dash I made up there ^. if the entrance to the bunker is an off-shoot hallway of the inside of the base compound then you have a fair, though not complete and thus still paranoia inducing, sense of security and can concentrate on making dead things out of the currently walking and shooting things trying to get in your base.
next up we have the little ramps in front of the 'firing windows'. they're good in theory, but they need some working. they need to be calibrated so that anyone standing back a few inches, off of the ramp, is at 'eye level' with the firing window. anyone standing on the ramp, when crouched, should be at the optimal shooting level as well, which would give them the crouched accuracy. at the middle of the ramp as we go from left to right there needs to be a little niche carved out so that a MAX can stand there and be at the optimum level.
finally, we have to satisfy my inner monkey always looking for the shiny new stuff in the world. he told me he wants to have some kind of light turret between the top of the bunker and the bottom of the overhead walk-way. nothing as big and nasty as the phalanx turrets we have on the walls, and it should be only anti-infantry in it's set up. he does think it should be repairable from inside the bunker, but that point is open to debate.
so, there you have it. my rambling diatribe on bunkers. bye bye for now.
the way bunkers were ment to be. :thumbsup: :clap:
2003-07-14, 11:15 PM
I love the idea, those things really need some love, right now they are more deathtraps then anything else. My compliments to you for your ideas and for their stellar deliverery.
2003-07-14, 11:43 PM
Now lets guess the chances of it being implemented!
I say, 1 in about 20 billion! :D
Oh well, we can always dream.
2003-07-14, 11:47 PM
hey, spork is on every once in a while theres a chance it could happen, unlikly tho
2003-07-14, 11:51 PM
Yeah well. I hope SOMETHING happens to the bunkers.
It would be a first for me.
I have yet to play a single FPS where bunkers were actually useful, usually if you try to use one you just become sniper fodder, especially if you're using a mounted MG in a WW2 game. BF1942 did it pretty good because at distance, bunkers seem very dark, causing it to be near impossible to see (and therefore shoot) people inside. The mounted MGs were still useless though.
Should would be nice to have some bunkers that really make you feel safe, or at least until some guy chucks a plasma grenade in there.
2003-07-14, 11:55 PM
Elf was the grammer thing directed at me or some??
I worried about my writing l33t skills atm hehe
2003-07-15, 12:21 AM
I find bunkers quite useful for racking up kills. That is... killing the poor shmuck inside that never saw the plasma grenade coming.
Vis Armata
2003-07-15, 01:58 AM
The only thing I use bunkers for is to evade Liberators...but that's kind of a narrow circumstance.
2003-07-15, 02:53 AM
there have been many good ideas for bunkers in the official forums.
some of the ideas were to raise the bunkers off the ground, half as high as a wall with bulletproof "windows" that allow people inside to shoot out of but make it much harder to hit people that are inside. sort of like murder holes in castles/keeps.
also, making the door hackable with terminals inside is a common idea.
as it stands the bunkers are underused cos they aren't built defensively.
some people have even suggested static weapon placements as in anti-infantry machineguns or anti-armor mortars, etc.
all in all the bunkers need a change.
2003-07-15, 03:35 AM
Agreed. I like the idea for mounting weapons on Bunkers. Gives the defends a better chance against teh Zerg than we have now....
2003-07-15, 10:21 AM
Excellent post abut bunkers.....give then controlable Miniguns in the front to give it a RTCW feel too. But Huzzahs for such a pointer!:rock:
Happy lil Elf
2003-07-15, 10:44 AM
No, it was directed at the author of this topic.
2003-07-15, 10:56 AM
These comments are now on the OF. Shouldn't have bothered, the first reply is from an illiterate f00l
2003-07-16, 05:11 AM
Nobody else has any thoughts?
2003-07-16, 06:48 AM
they need to be placed in hill sides/tops overlooking passes and choke points in the terrain tbh.
they should be a lot bigger so as not to have one well placed plasma take out a squad occupying the bunker, tunnels leading to them also need to be either wider, or more numerous in number.
they should have a central large bunker unreacheable by foot from the front, and could maybe have smaller tunnels leading off from the main area to smaller "advanced" firing posts/observation posts, they could also have different functions.
For instance, one area on the top of a large mountain range could be for defense, the bunker range would stretch out overlooking the sides and could be key in holding an area as men/vehicles would have a hard time breachin a well defended bunker.
Other bunkers may revolve around say an interlink type facility, smaller in size but giving radar coverage for a certain area which will show up enemies no matter who they are for a very limited range (perhaps not cloaked units)
Other bunkers could be used to set up killing zones like thr bridge bunkers but 10000 times better placed, set out etc.
I really want to see large scale organised assaults on bunker complexes and control of them to provide key defense to an area.
2003-07-16, 07:34 AM
As long as they do something about the doors, even an IFF lock, but better to just have a tunnel to the nearby base as the sole access to the bunkers.
2003-07-16, 07:56 AM
2003-07-16, 10:01 AM
"They" put a link here?
I think you mean "we" put a link "there" :D
2003-07-16, 01:04 PM
Now if bunkers are made harder to kill and more difficult to enter, then what the devs need to do is give the tanks some sort of High Explosive (anti-personnel) shell. Maybe something that bursts into short timed bomblets when its contact fuse goes off.
2003-07-16, 01:39 PM
why give tanks anything? half of my post was spent pointing out how useless and unused bunkers are. if they're suddenly made useful why give tanks anything? we already know infantry are more than capable of clearing a bunker, that's half the reason nobody uses them.
2003-07-16, 04:32 PM
One thing they need to do is raise the point at which gun fire travels outward from a crouching character.
Its really dumb that crouching up on base walls (to get accurate shots) will make most of your bullets hit the wall. Same thing goes for the random boxes inside bases.
2003-07-16, 04:47 PM
Bumped the OF post, Spork better see that.
2003-07-16, 05:04 PM
I have an idea. How about we give bunkers a nice location change along with a HUGE 50MM Chaingun? Huh? Then bases could have big pill-box like structures to mow down da zerg :P
2003-07-16, 05:07 PM
I personally like the idea of giving a bunker a tunnel directly to the base, and that being the only bunker entrance. The blast door controls in bunkers sounds cool too. But he's a bunker idea: Put a bunker (or on) the side of the tech plant ground veh term! Then, if you're trying to secure a base, the veh term is hacked, and a veh is on the way out, you load up ur Striker/Phoenix/Lancer/Max Clip and unload on the thing. Sure, may not be the most useful idea, but its a thought.:D
2003-07-16, 05:18 PM
I'm about to spam the official forums saying to read that post. But, after I think about it, it'll just make them mad and they might not read it. Great ideas though! I would like to see a couple bunkers (just 2) inside the bases as well. Or, have a bunker in a base wall that faces the inside and out of the base.
2003-07-16, 05:32 PM
I've always felt that the bunkers were one of the least thought out positions in the game. Most of them are poorly positioned and in many cases it looks as if they were just randomely placed about. I've done some level building with other games and I honestly can't understand why you would just haphazardly do this.
The main bunkers near base gates should certainly only be accessible from somewhere within the base. I like the idea of connecting it to the lower floor of the base. Even a simple tunnel leading from the wall to the bunker would be preferable to the current set up with the open door at the back.
I'd like to see bunkers contain lockers. Any good fortification is going to have some sort of stockpile of ammunition and weapons. The locker system would be pefect for this. An actual equipment terminal would perhaps make it too powerful, IMO.
Bunkers should also be placed near important terrain features. Most bridges have something placed near their ends, but in most cases they are impractical to use and worthless. Here is another good reason to have lockers in them. They are typically far away from any terminal and having access to a locker would make it more worth while to stay there for a time to defend the location. Perhaps the bridge bunkers could also have a terminal that controls a barrier that covers that particular end of the bridge. This barrier would be wide enough to prevent vehicle traffic but still allow foot traffic, which means you would need to first take control of the bunker in order to bring down the barrier.
Perhaps base gates could contain a small gatehouse with a switch for some sort of similar barrier to protect the base entrances. Assault forces would need to first bring down this barrier by assaulting the gate house before they have free reign to run amok in the courtyard. Now we could introduce a new certification costing one point and called the "Grappeling Hook" or something more sci-fi sounding. With this cert you can purchase some sort of device that allows you to scale the wall of a base or tower thus bypassing the gates. This new cert is only available to non MAX units. This would help create a more siege like atmosphere with people defending the walls and attackers trying to scale them. Perhaps Combat Engineers get to erect some more permanent ladder or such that needs to be destroyed by the defenders.
Bases are far too open for an assaulting force to enter. Make bases a lot harder to get into and a lot easier to defend and I think people will start getting a lot more satisfaction out of taking a base than they do now.
2003-07-16, 05:41 PM
I just thought of something that might be fun. In order to scale the walls of a base, Combat Enginners can deploy a small device with an energy field that when stepped on propels the infantryman over the wall. You basically run and jump on it and go airborne for a moment. It could easily be destroyed and the Combat Engineer would have to make sure he doesn't deploy it too close or too far away from the wall. Otherwise, Splat!:D
2003-07-16, 05:48 PM
Wow... like another person earlier, I've been a longtime reader of PSU for weeks since its one of a few PlanetSide-related sites that I have access to at work. I must commend your ideas in making bunkers more useful!
In response to weapons emplacements on said bunkers, I think it'd be interesting if Empire-specific weapons rose out of the roof of the bunker depending on who is in control. VS energy weapons, TR pounder and machine gun emplacements, and NC Enforcer-like rockets and gauss cannon emplacements. Unlike turrets, perhaps they can be permanently destroyed and have a time limit as to when they can be rebuilt... much like you can't just keep buying vehicles back to back.
And another nice addition to bunkers would be limited Inventory Terminals. Say, something that only spits out ammo boxes and refills for the Medic and Engineering applicators. This way cheap people can't just sit there and buy medkits and new armor to fight off wounds, but those with proper support classes can keep the bunker crew alive.
If you add this stuff to the official forums, please feel free to tack on my comments if you find them useful. I won't be able to get home and do so for a few more hours.
2003-07-16, 06:08 PM
Ooooohhh I just thought of something.
Ok, bridges. At each end they have bunkers right (usually, if not put them there) these bunkers will be bigger and better protected than the stupid things we have now which the devs seemes to just stick there (on an elevation perhaps).
Ok in these bunkers there will be a CC like one in a tower. They control an energy gate or some sort of barrier on the bridge which when engaged acts like trying to fly into an enemy sanctuary warp gate, you cant get past it.
Now the CC in the bunkers will control this, basically you have to hack one to raise the shield on that side, therefore one attacking force could hold the CC on their side of the bridge meaning the barrier will be down on their side, but if the enemy holds it on the other side; the barrier will be up = bridge unpassable.
Ok, for this to be overcome, a galaxy could fly over and behind then deploy troops who then assault the bunker to gain access to the CC to lower the barrier.
Or, a crazy deliverer driver could cross the water somewhere with a small force (probably cloakers) or a couple of deliverers with an assault squad who again would assault the bunker.
The bunker system would probably comprise of a rear area/defense from the one entrance with barrier inside/firing positions to cover the door like a room in a base, it could have a med terminal but probably no equipment terminal (or a limited terminal as has been said) there would also be an emergency exit/entry which could have less of a basis for cover and provide a "safer" entry point for cloaker, an assualt squad could draw the fire and attention while the cloaker slips in and brings down the shield, which could have a 5 minute lockout before the enemy could re-establish it, perhaps longer to allow the enemy to storm through and thoroughly take the bunker.
Then from this rear area a tunnel system (obviously not straight) as to avoid direct LOS to the bunker front from the rear) with small areas on the way like locker room (already said and medical area) with the normal notches in the wall for covering positions, and finally the bunker front (revamped of course) with proper firing steps, smaller gun slots (less of a target) 1 or 2 spaces for max units to provide fire. and deepened, larger room for ability to fall back from the front to repair, rearm.
This would make bridges the choke points/defense that they should be, it would enable skilled stealthers to bring down the barriers and be the one who successfully unleashes an assault onto an enemy base, it would increase the use of the deliverer, the bridge could become a death zone for unwitting tanks, forces who didnt check to see if the field was down - prey to libs, reavers, etc. and the attacking force would need air support.
However saying that it would have to be balanced, a lone soldier or small squad may find it hard/impossible to get near the base.
A lodestar when out could deploy an AMS behind the lines also to add ot the tactical options open. the enemy could set up an ambush nearby (flank the enemy) as they approach the bridge to trap them between two forces.
my �0.02
thats my 2 pence for you Americans :)
2003-07-16, 07:30 PM
I think in the offcial forums something was mentioned about having like vehicle barriers that deploy on the bridge and is controlled by a switch in a nearby bunkers. This way, infantry can still run across... and it'd be quite interesting to see a column of tanks get trapped in the kill box. Basically a CC in each bunker, and your empire has to control both to gain access. The barriers can be force barriers of some sort...
Also, I think somebody said it'd be interesting to have draw bridges of some sort. Personally, I wouldn't mind seeing bridges with perhaps some catwalk beneath it. Nice fire fights going on, people falling off and into the water... maybe give the bridge a limited SOI and give further incentive to wage war in the country-side. Oh boy, if you thought Hossin was hell...
2003-07-16, 07:33 PM
Originally posted by Nixon
I think in the offcial forums something was mentioned about having like vehicle barriers that deploy on the bridge and is controlled by a switch in a nearby bunkers. This way, infantry can still run across... and it'd be quite interesting to see a column of tanks get trapped in the kill box. Basically a CC in each bunker, and your empire has to control both to gain access. The barriers can be force barriers of some sort...
Also, I think somebody said it'd be interesting to have draw bridges of some sort. Personally, I wouldn't mind seeing bridges with perhaps some catwalk beneath it. Nice fire fights going on, people falling off and into the water... maybe give the bridge a limited SOI and give further incentive to wage war in the country-side. Oh boy, if you thought Hossin was hell...
I must have missed that post in the mass of all the trash (for the most part) over there :D
2003-07-16, 07:37 PM
Actually, I think we're talking weeks ago... like maybe a week after the game came out somebody proposed the idea.
Zentenk VA
2003-07-16, 09:18 PM
Yeah, I like to get in bunkers and i say /s Hey lets get in the bunkers and set up D.... everyone then makes fun of me :(
2003-07-16, 10:17 PM
I say a mounted 20mm machine gun in each bunker would make them more know....REAL bunkers. And you could kill the man manning the gun as opposed to him being pretty much invincible as a gunner in a harasser or other buggy.
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