View Full Version : A cool berserker tactic

2003-07-16, 01:27 AM
found a cool strategy for those who enjoy running into masses of people and taking out as many as possible.

First off, you'd need the surge implant, and at least med assault. Then choose your mass of enemys, and run in when they least expect it with surge on moving around * a single target out of the mass* with your gun firing. If you do this properly then you will be able to be as close as possible to them ciricling around them firing , and they will be so confused and disoriented that they will not be able to do sufficient damage to you, and then move to your nearest enemy and do the same, all the while your occasional misses go into the mass of enemys. This is not only effective for taking down multiple targets, but also really fun :thumbsup:

( i discovered this after falling out of a mosquito with only my cycler and a lot of ammo and surge into a disgusting mass of new conglomerate. Lets just say blood doesnt wash out easy :cool2: )

2003-07-16, 01:34 AM
well you had a cycler :)

2003-07-16, 01:46 AM
Option 2: Toss a plasma grenade. Run.

2003-07-16, 01:48 AM
This is new???:confused:

2003-07-16, 02:12 AM
Every good "mass of people" strategy involves a thumper, or several thumpers, or the desire to acquire a thumper.

2003-07-16, 02:12 AM
its betr if ur in a vehicle.....also funnyer, run over maxs in a mauderer if u got som1 in the bak launchin nades, u kill alot. if no1s in the vehicle, its funner, an u die within 10 or less seconds after u drove in. hehheh, kinda funny....

2003-07-16, 02:54 AM
Of course the real fun by-product of running into a mass of people is watching the enemy TK others trying to kill you.

2003-07-16, 02:55 AM
okay, so yeah, the thumper IS a better idea. but it was really cool at the time :dance::dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

2003-07-16, 02:55 AM
thumper+plasma nades = crowd control :D

2003-07-16, 10:07 AM
The problem is when people like yourself run into the crowd and get nailed by our nades. :D

2003-07-16, 07:38 PM
or u could use infil armor andgo into middle planet a boomer...get out then egnite :D

2003-07-16, 07:47 PM
how do we know when they dont expect it? :D

2003-07-16, 07:47 PM
Me and 2 buddies of mine use rocklet guns, 3 people in 2nd firing mode = Ownage

2003-07-16, 08:04 PM
Sorry to go way OT but darkchii, please tell me you arent planning on keeping that monstrosity of a sig? it's bleedin' huge

2003-07-16, 08:42 PM
*off topic* Hahha... holy shit its huge! Not that bad tho...

Yes, Thumper = the king of crowd control. Got some fellas storming up the stairs, Audio Amp. and Thumper. You wouldn't believe how many people think they can bum rush me on the stairs with a thumper and have paid the price. And if you have 2 Thumpers working in tandom, dear Lord - game over man, game over!!!


2003-07-16, 09:00 PM
there are so many ways to go about this feat. that that you could try for long time and not get them all. :ncrocks: :usa: :D

2003-07-16, 10:40 PM
that sig is gonna get nazi-fied.

2003-07-17, 12:47 AM
all i'm saying is if you dont have nades it can be a good idea to run in and use confusion as your ally. (i fell out of a plane into the middle of a full squad, what was a supposed to do?)