View Full Version : Duff Series Racing: Hossin 001 (Emerald TR)
2003-07-17, 03:29 PM (
It's time to metagame. Sign up a 3 man deliverer crew and a 1-3 man escort team this Saturday for a hectic run through the smurf village (race date and time to be disclosed later). Heat and race times will be recorded and scored against future events. As the first event, Hossin 001 will be limited to a small number of teams on a first come, first serve basis.
I will keep this thread floating and announce here when the registration form is online this Saturday. If you have any questions, feel free to post them and they will be answered. We have tentative support from AGN, who may be offering live shoutcast coverage of the race.
2003-07-17, 04:01 PM
OMG!! It's a short-bus race!!
2003-07-17, 05:12 PM
well im NC and im willing to jump out of the bushes with a max or a phoenix
2003-07-17, 05:21 PM
i might make a char just compete in the race. /shrug
Count me in! We'll be there to harrass your racers!
If you want to setup some Official Hostile conditions, let me know via PM and I'll talk to my outfit and see how it goes.
2003-07-17, 05:37 PM
I've made the run a few times myself in the past day and normal conditions are pretty hostile. There will be notice given on PSU when the event starts, so any NC or VS "help" will have to be on the bounce. I want to do this on more continents, this first one is a test. If it works out, I will definately tell any NC or VS that want to organize their own race exactly howwe did it. Prolly let you use the web site for your races when it is up.
Each Race Team will have to complete the race in the vehicle they start with, so bring engineers. It will be up to the mosquito, reaver, or big effing liberator to keep your truck safe or the path clear.
It's an open rally, so there will be no course. Get to the checkpoints by any route you can.
2003-07-17, 05:45 PM
Yeah... and don't mind those friendly Galaxies parked just out of view of the checkpoint. "Hmm... I always thought it was odd to have Team 1 hotdrop into each gate." :D
2003-07-17, 06:11 PM
If the VS or NC take this seriously I will drive my Deliverer in the back so the guys in front of me can clear the enormous mine fields. :D 3-man escort team? You mean 3 reavers hoverin above me? Sweet!! :twisted:
Edit: A guy in my outfit calls the Deliverer the short bus, when we're gettin ready to leave you can hear him say something like, "Duuuh you guys ready?"
Edit2: It would be awsome if the devs could make it so that the people in the race couldn't get grief. We could all shoot eachother to Hell!! NASCAR on steroids. :D
Edit3: One last thing, this race should be on a Tuesday or Wednesday or after 8:30PM EST any day of the weak. :D
2003-07-17, 07:21 PM
As clarification, your escort can only be 3 ppl if they are in a single Liberator. One escort aircraft per race team. It will definately be held in the evening time and racers will be informed of the day with 5 days notice and the time with 2 days notice. The race itself is likely at least 10 days away. Upon completion of this event, the next one will be announced.
Registration for Hossin 001 will be limited to 18 race teams. Depending on logistics and turnout, future events may be larger.
Agression towards the other race teams is prohibited. There will most likely be plenty of blue and purple for you to shoot at along the way.
Among the staff needed are 4 timekeepers, two observers per Deliverer (1 for AGN purposes and 1 for officiating purpose), and support forces for the final assault.
2003-07-17, 07:35 PM
So tell me if i'm wrong, I can drive a deliverer with 2 gunners, plus a 3 man crew with ONE support vehicle (No 2 reavers or 2 lightnings) Can I have 2 men from that crew inside the deliverer for repairs, and one with a reaver above me?
2003-07-17, 07:40 PM
A race team is up to 6 people, and can only be the following:
1 Deliverer Driver
2 Deliverer Gunners
1 Supporting Liberator or Reaver or Mosquito.
The only way a race team has more than 4 people is if the escort is a Lib. Any and all of the race team may be engineers to repair the Deliverer as needed.
The two non-gunning positions in each deliverer will be used by an official observer and an AGN position keeper.
2003-07-17, 10:08 PM
Erm....not smart advertising to everyone. ya should have gotten a CR5 to /comall this :)...I hope you realize as soon as you put the date and time, I'm gonna /comall when it is, for maximum interference.
Ooh.../me has idea. Any VS CR5s, wanna for a temporary empire alliance on Hossin that day to reeeeally piss 'em off? :twisted:
Ooh boy I can imagine it...A huuuuuuuge line from coast to coast of NC and VS troops, vehicles, and armor. With AMSes parked every 200m for support....sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet...
**edit** oh wait, never mind. I got a few pals who play TR on emerald (or will gladly make on on it) who can inform yer pretty much screwed :rolleyes:
2003-07-17, 10:29 PM
What happens if they get some D from some special friends? Yeah... then the smurfs are the ones who would be screwed my friend, no need to be a dick about it
2003-07-17, 10:33 PM
This is one of the best ideas ive ever heard! What a great idea.
Hopefully a lot of people show up.
2003-07-17, 10:45 PM
I'm sure me and a few other BOHICAns with join in.
Drunken Chicken
2003-07-17, 10:46 PM
Sunday, Sunday, Sunday!
2003-07-17, 10:48 PM
Pay no heed to the troll (even tho I could never resist). Race day will be just like every other day when I'm not afraid of his little pals. The beauty of it all will be when Zotz falls neutral and he has wasted his smurfly efforts to outzerg the mother republic. We will have our race and we will have it over your rotting stinking backpack, Revolver. And you had better pray to all things blue and yellow that the race goes down before the heavy weapon balance is in. :nod: :nod: :nod:
2003-07-17, 11:11 PM
Originally posted by Lonehunter187
Edit2: It would be awsome if the devs could make it so that the people in the race couldn't get grief. We could all shoot eachother to Hell!! NASCAR on steroids. :D Nascar doesnt have it does have a truck series, ahhh the smell of mauders in the afternoon.:D
o an this race is in the bag.:nod:
2003-07-18, 12:53 PM
Intercontinental Deliverer race! 18 teams only! Sign up July 19th. For more info go to
I had that on a macro last night, I used it for local chat every time my squad moved to a new facility, I also used it on outfit chat (almost 200 members :) so there should be a lot of applicants.
2003-07-18, 01:30 PM
Originally posted by PeregineDive
What happens if they get some D from some special friends? Yeah... then the smurfs are the ones who would be screwed my friend, no need to be a dick about it.
-PD It's called a joke. J-O-K-E.
2003-07-18, 03:22 PM
I'm fairly certain the CDL will be able to scrape together a team.
2003-07-18, 03:26 PM
wait, where do we sign up? here or sumwher else?
2003-07-18, 04:34 PM
The signup will be external to PSU, but all the information will be put here and submitted as news. The signup saturday will only be for team captains and staff volunteers. We're working right now on a way to get the teams put in so that we can try to avoid an information leak that would present abnormal resistance by the local smurf populace.
2003-07-18, 05:19 PM
koo, i need to still make my team, i think i got 1 but the rest think that theres too much lag ther (wich i disagree since i get 50+ lag then i do on Markov)
Cauldron Borne
2003-07-18, 06:10 PM
ooooooooooo. mines mines mines mines. hehe I think i'll lace the entire continent in a dominoes boomer lace. /me broods hehe. I like. maybe mine the checkpoints and snipe the repairman, yeah that sounds like an easy way to gain xp. tell me when it is plz.
hehehe. oh yeah and to any potential flamers. I plan to not listen to your stupid i-take-everything-seriously-even-though-its-just-a-game remarks so there:p :lol: :rofl: :brow: :O_O: :blowup: :sniper: party:
2003-07-19, 12:29 AM
OMG THIS IDEA ROXXORZ!!!!! In community newz i posted about ant x country races ive had but theyve been small 6 person races at best. I will be signing up, i hope the time is suitable and i hope i can find some of my outfit buds who wanna be in it.
2003-07-19, 12:34 AM
oh and u know wut else would be 1337? if i could find a nearly perfect ovular section of a road somewhere, i could have a big like 100 lap race like NASCAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that would be so tight, and u have to make like pitstops, where ur pitcrew are all engineers!!!!!!!! omg that would be soooooo freaking kool i may organize that sometime in the future.
2003-07-19, 10:53 AM
Yes, mines and boomers and ambushes will hopefully make a very dangerous race course. Extra caution will be needed around the check points, and the finish line should be a broiling mess by the time the racers get there.
Registration will be online at 3PM Eastern today. See ya then.
2003-07-19, 10:58 AM
3l33t. Get on TS if you can Airlift. We can't play now but hopefully soon
2003-07-19, 11:29 AM
My suggestion:
Go when NC has Hossin completely capped, and when VS are busy on amerish. And don't stop to hack towers, bases, etc., since when a hack starts it draws attention from NC globally. NC and TR have had massive fights at Hossin in the post (I remember one both sides were trapped on that bridge between bitol and Voltan for hours), and when we see a TR hack in progress, it really draws us to it.
2003-07-19, 11:32 AM
Somebody I know is pretty good at driving a deliverer, but at around 3-3:30 he'll be buisy. Could I sign up and turn my spot over to him?
2003-07-19, 11:44 AM
Yes Lonehunter, that will be fine.
Revolver, thanks for the suggestion. I've been watching Hossin for a while in preparation. I would rather have the race thru a contested continent, such that all three empires are active and busy capping bases. That way the place will be dangerous but a careful race team can slip past the rough spots. Capping towers or bases would only slow a racer down, so that probably won't be a huge problem. If only one of 18 race teams manages to make it to the finish line on their first vehicle, then we still have a winner ;)
Sputty, I'll connect to your ts server as soon as I get the reg form finished.
2003-07-19, 11:46 AM
If you can't get in my server is down currently. It'll be up tonight for sure, but for now it's down.
2003-07-19, 12:29 PM
so wait ull be posting reg forms here on PSU at 3?
2003-07-19, 02:08 PM
Yes. More specifically, at 3 PM EST (approx 1 hour from now), the link will be posted on and registration will be open for team captains, volunteer staff, Happy Pecan Pie Event staffers, and curious opponents alike.
Please excuse the broken style sheet on my site, I chose to go out drinking last night instead of fixing my half-done site re-design.
2003-07-19, 02:12 PM
Originally posted by Airlift
Please excuse the broken style sheet on my site, I chose to go out drinking last night instead of fixing my half-done site re-design.
Lazy bones
2003-07-19, 02:26 PM
one thing. if you or someone in ur team is unable to make the race, can you/ teammates just pick another dude? cuz im not sure if ill be able to participate, ive got my team set up, but im going on vacation nex saturday afternoon.
2003-07-19, 02:54 PM
I can't log into your site Airlift, how do I register?
2003-07-19, 03:00 PM
yeah same here, do u need to register/log in? cuz nothings up yet...
2003-07-19, 03:13 PM
AHHH CRAP AIRLIFT NEED HELP! When filling out ur form it says my SOE character name- KiKiNCHiKiN is an error and that it needs a valid name! what should i do?
2003-07-19, 03:15 PM
It won't work for me either
2003-07-19, 03:17 PM
2003-07-19, 03:51 PM
Sorry, I forgot the instructions. It wants your character id, not yout username. go here: and find your id
2003-07-19, 03:56 PM
I don't see it still
2003-07-19, 04:06 PM
nor do i
wut xactly do we need to input? a bunch of numbers? url? name?
2003-07-19, 04:09 PM
Look in the URL.
2003-07-19, 04:10 PM
Warning: mssql_query() [function.mssql-query]: message: Error converting data type varchar to bigint. (severity 16) in d:\web\eport_core\eport_db.php on line 18
2003-07-19, 04:10 PM
say wut?
2003-07-19, 05:11 PM
Airlift, what do we put in the Username and Password boxes? I tried my SOE account, don't work. PLEASE HELP!!
2003-07-19, 05:59 PM
Sorry Guys, There seem to be some bugs in it still. I will fix it tonight and reopen registration tomorrow. Because my shiat is broken, I will make sure that everyone who has posted on this thread requesting help with sign-ups will be reserved for a team.
2003-07-19, 06:05 PM
Ok, NP, bugs are to be expected sometimes
2003-07-19, 06:11 PM
Thank you
2003-07-19, 06:12 PM
ok thanks airlift :D
2003-07-19, 06:41 PM
Just to be sure (Wright this down) I'm Lonehunter187 and I'm Cifer on PS
2003-07-19, 10:14 PM
no ur my uncle.
i dunno but i didn't see the date for this upcomin race.....err, when is it, or did ya not put it up yet?
2003-07-20, 11:15 AM
The date will be announced privately to the race teams, but should be 2-3 weeks away depending on interest and logistics of the race.
I fixed the signup a bit ago and have tested it completely now. There shouldn't be anymore problems, but unlike yesterday, I will be in a position to fix anything unforseen in the code today.
Thanks for your patience, all. I have contacted the people with reserved spots via PM with instructions for updating their info, and there is plenty of room available still.
2003-07-20, 12:54 PM
airlift when i search using Lilbird2431 or my email
[email protected] it says no registration found for me. also where can i find the integer number?
EDIT: never mind i got it. its in the url those numbers. Thanks airlift.
2003-07-20, 01:41 PM
I failed to make the search for PSU handle case insensitive, sorry.
All the early registrant data is in except for BUGGER33's. I will keep an eye out for his registration to come through.
2003-07-20, 03:10 PM
Hey i would gladly help out..cept im vs on emerald...and that being my main server i ain changeing empires.
So i said "know when it will be so i can crush it" :D
Lemme know when you start puting together "interferance teams". Would be happy to get my dedicated outfit blowing up shit :p
2003-07-20, 03:21 PM
General VS activity on the continent during the race will definately help to disperse the people out to hunt down the racers, but beyond an email to those who registered on the day of the race, I won't be specifically organizing an enemy response.
Ya know.. if there are enough vanu that would want to help you, it might be really interesting to see you run a race at the same time... maybe going WP 3, 1, 2, 4. Then we can have a three way fight for the base at the end.
Cauldron Borne
2003-07-20, 04:47 PM
Whats the base? Need 2 know to keep you guys from not having any fun for lack of resistance. I'm sure I could plant a few 'presents' here and there to 'liven' things up a bit:blowup: :lol: party:
2003-07-20, 04:54 PM
Originally posted by Lonehunter187
If the VS or NC take this seriously I will drive my Deliverer in the back so the guys in front of me can clear the enormous mine fields. :D 3-man escort team? You mean 3 reavers hoverin above me? Sweet!! :twisted:
2003-07-20, 11:29 PM
Originally posted by Airlift
Ya know.. if there are enough vanu that would want to help you, it might be really interesting to see you run a race at the same time... maybe going WP 3, 1, 2, 4. Then we can have a three way fight for the base at the end.
DUDE that would be SWEET id offer to lead it but im not cr5 yet, only cr3, which is still good but, its no scarab backpack
It might be a little late for this one (when is it again?) But definatly for the next one. Vanu take every chance they get to blow shiat up..specially dem striker and jackhammer users :D
I always thought that multi-empire coordinated events would be kickass. Do-itDo-itDo-itDo-it
2003-07-21, 01:27 AM
K i have some questions for you airlift.
1. Are we all running at the same time? Or is it like a time trial? And is this going to be recorded and kept for future races like a points series?
2. What is the finish line? Crossing a warpgate or what? me=confused.
3. Just a note, i heard u say 2-3 weeks from now, i will be on vacation from this saturday until like august 2nd or so. I will be back by the the 4th tho definitely. ill get u more specific dates. i dont xpect u to organize the thing around my schedule but im just throwing it out there early.
2003-07-21, 11:01 AM
There are only 4 teams signed up and 2 outside volunteers at the moment, so there is still a lot of flexibility in the date, and we can do it in August.
All teams will preferrably be running in a single heat for this race, especially if turnout is lower than expected.
The checkpoints will be on the raised platform in the center of each warp gate. The finish line itself will be on the road leading directly up to Zotz. Your observer (assuming I can recruit enough volunteers) will communicate with the checkpoint official to get leg and overall times, which will be recorded for points that will accumulate thru the racing series. If this goes well, the second race will probably either be on Searhus or Cyssor. Eventually, I would like to do a cannonball run across several continents, but first thing's first.
2003-07-21, 03:52 PM
Originally posted by Airlift
All the early registrant data is in except for BUGGER33's. I will keep an eye out for his registration to come through. wait evryone else got thru the signup thing? crud, uhh, do we putin our emerald game names, or our regitration(damn i cant spell) name on
Cauldron Borne
2003-07-21, 05:50 PM
okay the base is Zotz i got that and the continent is Hossin, but when is it? I don't plan to run in the race, but if this is gonna be a race with a massive attack on Zotz right after it then I'd like to be there to make things a little bit more interesting. You could just PM me and tell me only when it is. I swear I won't tell any one else. Not that you believe me but I try. I'd just like to be a dedicated annoyance throughout the race. the teams could learn to look out for me and avoid my traps, you know, add a bit of a challenge to it.
2003-07-21, 05:52 PM
I think there will be plenty of challenge without you :D, no enemies should know when the race is in advance.
Edit: Airlift shoud PM the race time to the contestants when he's ready
Cauldron Borne
2003-07-21, 07:20 PM
hmmmm.... maybe. I was just interested. Thought is would be a good thing to try out my mines with. haven't used convetionals in a while and thought it would be fun. Oh well. I'll probably wind up on some other continent when it finally kicks off anyway and miss it all. Wont even get to 'greet' the winner. :(
2003-07-21, 09:07 PM
Sign up at the site under "know when it is so i can crush it"
If it was extended to VS i would have a team in about 2 minutes
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