View Full Version : Spec Assault .. what to carry?
2003-07-18, 12:19 AM
I've got MA and Spec Assault.
I love the cycler and the thumper. .Both are fun and I get good kills with them.
But when you need a decimator, YOU REALLY NEED A DECIMATOR RIGHT THEN...
So I have a three weapon, two slot dilemma.
What are other Spec Assault types carrying? Thumper, Decimator? Cycler, Thumper? Cycler, Decimator? Rocketlet instead of any of these?
I�m looking to be well rounded. What do you think the best spec assault config is?
2003-07-18, 12:37 AM
When I had SA I carried the Thumper in slot 2, Rocklet in slot 4, and a Decimator in the inventory. I didnt carry the cycler.
P.S. Tonight I figured out the the cycler/sweeper combo is great.
Next I'll be buying HA, once I sell the lightning.
2003-07-18, 12:45 AM
The thumper is really, really good. Hence, I'd keep that and an assault rifle in your primary holsters w/ decimators in the inventory. Tedious to switch, but ultimately you benefit (see MAX suit, run behind corner/tree, pull out decimator, blow MAX suit to bits).
2003-07-18, 01:08 AM
I actually use the Thumper & Decimator as my primary weapons. The rest are plasma & frag grenades. I'd rather be up close, and kill myself than give some guy with a n00b hammer XP :P
2003-07-18, 01:24 AM
n00b hammer, eh?
You been on test recently and tried out the lasher?
2003-07-18, 01:25 AM
Hell yeah baby. Lasher is going to be fun... but did they do what most of the player based asked and speed up the orb speed? Noooo... still, an incease is better than nothing.
Besides, everyone is biased to some fraction or another, gotta let people know what we think of the opposition :D
2003-07-18, 01:33 AM
I dont have the test server set up. How is the MCG now, if it's really good im gonna sell the lightning and buy it. Plz, anyone whos used it or faced I could use info!
2003-07-18, 01:48 AM
Actually I'd stick with the cycler, and carry a Decimator. I am a self-announced Thumper Expert, and in all honesty... it's clumsy. The Cycler is a sweet little infantry killer, but if you need a vehicle or MAX dead, turn around and put a decimator into it.
2003-07-18, 02:06 AM
MiniChaingun's accuracy was greatly improved. I haven't seen any damage increase, not that it really needs one, but I'm pretty sure the Lasher was beefed up. Heavy Assault weapons should be feared and I think it's safe to say that they will be after the next patch is released.
2003-07-18, 02:26 AM
My most common and most effective config:
Reinforced Armor
3 Decimators
Sweeper Shotgun w/ 2 Boxes of Regular Ammo
1 Plasma Grenade
3 Medkits
Alternately, the thumper's nice but the thumper/deci config will lead you to some awkward situations. You'll know what I mean. Thumper also eats through ammo VERY quickly, so if you're carrying a thumper, carry another AI wep with it.
2003-07-18, 07:22 AM
The Thumper is a great weapon for specific situations. While I've found situations where I *liked* the Thumper or Rocket Rifle. I've never really found a situation where I *needed* them. So I carry Cycler in Rifle slot 1 and Decimator in slot 2. Because I do *need* those quite a bit. I put a Thumper/Rocket and a few boxes of Ammo in my Inventory along with cycler Ammo and 3 medkits. Works well for me.
2003-07-18, 08:56 AM
This is what I did when I had Spec. Assault on a character on a different server. I made three favourites:
1) Rocklet + Decimator (one Jammer, REK, Rocklet Rifle with five boxes of rockets, two Decimators, three Medkits)
2) Thumper + Decimator (one Jammer, REK, Thumper with two boxes of plasma grenades and two boxes of frag grenades, three Medkits)
3) Rocklet + Thumper (one Jammer, REK, Rocklet Rifle with four boxes of rockets, Thumper with two boxes of plasma grenades and two boxes of frag grenades)
... I didn't use any Med. Assault, seeing as I wanted to make the best of the cert. I maintained a decent (more good than decent) kill count as well.
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