View Full Version : What 3 weapons will you be using constantly/the most?
2003-01-03, 01:02 AM
What 3 weapons will you be using? And does anyone know what refire rate means? Is it reload time? or is it rate of fire?
Also, what vehicles will you be using?
1. Gauss
2. Amp
3. Phoenix
1. Reaver
2. Vangaurd
2003-01-03, 01:05 AM
Refire rate is easy with the bolt driver, it's the time to reload :)
Stated because that's my chief weapon at the moment, and I'll base my secondaries around my capabilities after getting the driver.
2003-01-03, 01:19 AM
1. Cycler
2. Mini-Chaingun
3. Chainblade :father: :rock:
1. Mosquito
2. Quad-cycle
I'm not a big fan of vehicles. I would prefer just to hop in an APC and allow someone else to drive, but when I do use vehicles I prefer the quick-light ones.
the cycler seems the most logical choice among a recon squad (which im hoping i will be a part of). also, the punisher and mini-chaingun look fun. if i get to do some infiltration, then all i can bring is a pistol and knife, nonetheles, its going to be one of the funnest situations. ofcourse im going to have to give all of them a good try to see which roll i can compromise to be most useful and still enjoy.
2003-01-03, 01:37 AM
Probably the beamer, the force blade, and the pulsar. Vehicles will prolly be the mag rider tank because it looks really manuverable, and the reaver because it sounds like it will be the most effective agressive flying vehicle.
2003-01-03, 02:31 AM
Cycler, Thumper and Decimator. For vehicles probably the Deliverer and the Sunderer.
2003-01-03, 02:47 AM
2003-01-03, 03:28 AM
1.)Pulsar-Just the sweetest assault rifle :cool:
2.)Lancer-Good accuracy and anti-Vehicle are always good :)
3.)Bolt Driver-Not a *great* sniper, but I can use it for spotting and picking off important tagets :nod:
1.)Reaver-Gunships rock :thumbsup:
2.)Basilisk-Need a fast ride to scout, find a sniping position, and to sniper hunt. :)
2003-01-03, 06:32 AM
1. Bolt-driver
2. Gauss
3. MAG-Scatter
1. Reaver
2. Mosquito
2003-01-03, 09:22 AM
I'm definitely going with the Punisher, the Rocklet, and the Decimator. That combo is both anti-personel and anti-vehicle. You just cant beat a semi automatic Rocket Launcher with a capacity of 12. If I do go for vehicles, i want to be a pilot, the Reaver and the Mosquito look awesome! Planertside is sure going to run sweetly on my new AMD Athlon XP 2100+ 512 RAM Radeon 9700 Pro Graphics card and 19 inch monitor with optical cordless mouse and keyboard. Oh, and how could i forget the 120 GB hard drive, yeah i got that too...
2003-01-03, 11:59 AM
Repeater and Chainblade.
2003-01-03, 12:14 PM
1. Lightening's 75mm cannon (boom)
2. Lightening's chain gun (rip-shred-tear)
3. Lightening's front bumber (splat)
Notice a pattern?
I'll probably need me one o' dem engineering certs to repair the fender after flattening a MAX or three, but with all the trunk space, I ought to be able to hold a lot of repair cannisters (and weapon reloads).
To be perfectly honest, I'll probably also want a cert in the TR tracking missile launcher for AA purposes. I get the feeling that the chaingun won't quite cut the mustard. And the trunk can hold plenty of missile ammo too. :rock:
1. Lightening (you guessed? Must be psychic)
2. Reaver
3. AMS. I plan to do some leading.
2003-01-03, 12:19 PM
I havent really thought about this much yet, When I played my layout was:
For vehicles it will be
with some ground things mixed in :D
2003-01-03, 12:54 PM
1. Lasher
2. Pulsar
3. Punisher
1. Reaver
2. Magrider/Mosquito (Not sure yet)
1-Supressor or Pulsar
2003-01-03, 01:14 PM
Cycler, Punisher, and either the AMP or the Repeater.
Harasser and Mosquito.
2003-01-03, 01:47 PM
eventually I would say
1) mini-chaingun
2) striker
3) MAX with Pounder
1) Reaver
2) Prowler
3) AMS
somebody has to get the AMS into the field.
2003-01-03, 01:48 PM
1. Bolt driver
2. Striker
3. Suppressor
2003-01-03, 02:41 PM
I noticed that most people don't realize the 3 guns have to be 2 rifle's and a pistol. You can't carry 3 rifles. Max guns you can carry is 2 rifles and 2 pistols on medium armor.
Well i didn't think he meant in 1 trip. I don't even know if i'll be using med armor. :)
2003-01-03, 02:49 PM
I wish there was an indepth article on the assault rifles, all i know is that the cycler has good rate of fire and crappy zoom, the gauss has high damage, no idea about the pulsar, and the chaingun has extremely high rate of fire.
2003-01-03, 02:53 PM
Chaingun isn't a rifle, the Pulsar has reduced/no kickback and the Punisher (common pool) has an underslung grenade laucher, theres not alot more to know that you can learn without using the guns.
2003-01-03, 02:58 PM
actually a punisher has a rocket launcher, not a grenade launcher. And I already knew about the chaingun.
2003-01-03, 03:01 PM
If you want to get technical it can use both, i call it a grenade launcher because there are three different types of grenades it can use and only one type of rocket.
Evidence ( Dmediaimgthin& %2F015582.html)
The ammo is, from left to right, anti-personnel bullets, anti-armor bullets, rocket, fragmentation grenade, plasma grenade and jammer grenade. Please note this is not stated by a dev anywhere, but mearly required common sense to figure out.
2003-01-03, 03:01 PM
NO, it is a grenade launcher. Go watch the videos, its clearly a grenade launcher.
2003-01-03, 06:45 PM
Mag-scatter (when stealth/infiltration suit)
Gauss (when Med armor combat)
NC MAX /Scatter Cannon (Heavy base assault or defense)
NC MAX /Sparrow (For special occasions)
2003-01-03, 07:26 PM
I'll use what ever layout works best in the mission so it just depends.
1. Mag Scatter / Mag Cutter / AMP
2. Gauss / Punisher / Jackhammer / Suppressor
3. Phoenix / Decimator / Thumper / Rocklet
As far as the punisher thing goes the discription says a single fire rocket but, it would be nice to pick your ammo for the launcher, rather it would be rocket or what type of grenade you want.
1. Gauss
2. Rocklet
3. Surpressor / Punisher / Jackhammer
um..... iduno i like riding in things =x or being a gunner.
so ill prob be
1. gunner for galaxy
2. gunner for tank
3. gunner for buggy
2003-01-04, 01:51 AM
Anyone else notice a patern comeing from NC weapon configs?
I'm talking gauss here. Anyone else find it strange that while the gauss is included in almost every NC post, they other empires' assault rifles lack mention?
2003-01-04, 01:57 AM
Almost all of the Vanu have listed Pulsar and the Terrans have listed Cycler. So I think you're just looking at NC posts.
2003-01-04, 03:26 PM
"I noticed that most people don't realize the 3 guns have to be 2 rifle's and a pistol. You can't carry 3 rifles. Max guns you can carry is 2 rifles and 2 pistols on medium armor."
You realize the question was what 3 will you be using most often, not what 3 weps will you be carrying.
Depending on the mission, the 3 weps people have been listing is what they will carry. But not all 3 at once for most of the replies. Mine I listed 2 versions of MAX, with seperate roles for each. One for stealth missions (when can only carry 1 pistol) and one for main combat, assault, general melee type fighting. I wont be carrying all 4 weps at once. And neither will they.
And nowhere have I seen information saying the punisher can fire granades. Punisher can fire unguided rockets, and standard bullets. Show me proof of granade launcher. Theres an actual weapon to fire grandes, the Thumper.
Originally posted by Incompetent
If you want to get technical it can use both, i call it a grenade launcher because there are three different types of grenades it can use and only one type of rocket.
Evidence ( Dmediaimgthin& %2F015582.html)
The ammo is, from left to right, anti-personnel bullets, anti-armor bullets, rocket, fragmentation grenade, plasma grenade and jammer grenade. Please note this is not stated by a dev anywhere, but mearly required common sense to figure out.
Click on evidence, you'll see a bunch of different nades. Also in 1 vid i saw somewhere you saw a punished shooting a plasma nade of some sort.
2003-01-04, 08:00 PM
Correction on Rein equipment layout:
Reinforced armor gets 2 pistole slots and 2 rifle slots, not 2 rifle slots and 1 pistole slot. Also, I think you need to load a grenade into a weapon slot before useing because of a screeshot I saw of a plasma grenade loaded into a weapon slot. Can't find the shot right now, but I know I've seen it somewhere.
2003-01-04, 08:28 PM
lets see
1.) Anti Infantry MAX
2.) Anti Vehicle MAX
3.) Anti Air MAX
for vehicles...
1.) Reaver
2.) Mosquito
2003-01-04, 09:07 PM
I'll probably use whatever the last weapon the vanu I killed had. So I guess whatever Dio said he was going to use. :D
2003-01-06, 07:26 PM
:D :p :lol: :rofl: :clap: :rofl: :lol: :p :D
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