View Full Version : How often do you play?

2003-07-19, 07:04 PM
How often do you play PS? Has your game time gone up or down recently?

2003-07-19, 07:08 PM
I exctually added up the time I play a week and it was over fifty hours :lol:

2003-07-19, 08:12 PM
I haven't been playing too much but when Knoll comes I will start more.

2003-07-19, 10:39 PM
i would b playing evry night from like 9pm-4am (4am if my mom hasn't woke up by then), but since my mom found prOn that my friend d/led to a comptr and not to a disk, she enabled the password to her account which i can only play on. so i hav to ask her if i can play an i'm at her knees wether she says yes or no. so its like everyother day (or maybe 2 days) when i dont play. an since i went on vacation fer a week at disland, and then again 2 weeks at grandmas (yes i still go an see me grandma, but half me friends r up ther...) in like a week or so, i think my mom should be payin the monthly fee since i barely even play 15 hours a week. :o why cant she trust me?

2003-07-20, 01:20 AM
been playing mroe as of late

2003-07-20, 01:22 AM
What else do we have to do ? Drool over HL2 videos.......again?

2003-07-20, 02:14 AM
Been playing at a steady clip of 30 or so hours/week, but that'll come down drastically as I'm moving into my new house in the next month. Hopefully Planetside hasn't dried up by then.

NightWalker XI
2003-07-20, 03:24 AM
I used to play about 3 hours a day first every day mostly, but with the lockups pissing me off so much I haven't played in 3 days and when I do first lockup I get I don't play for the rest of the day, its pathetic...

Oh well, I'm gonna mess about with display like some dude said, doubt it will help but meh...

2003-07-20, 03:41 PM
I used to be on all the time, but ive droped back quite a bit as of late. Still around, but not 24-7 ;)

2003-07-21, 07:39 AM
Usually manage about 2-3 hours a night, depending on other obligations. Spent about 50-60 hours this last week thanks to days off. :D

Think I'm finally getting the hang of this .. only took me a couple months .. :rolleyes: :lol:

2003-07-21, 09:35 AM
3-4 hours a night i think, say 20-30 hours a week, depends when i'm working. So basically any free time i have :p

Happy lil Elf
2003-07-21, 02:47 PM
About 10 hours a week I suppose. My playtime has been dropping with every patch though because of a bug that I have that seems to get worse with every patch. Only being able to play for 5-15 minutes before haveing to log out and restart gets old kinda fast :(

2003-07-21, 02:54 PM
I work 11 AM to 8 PM so I always get in at LEAST 5 hours. But I have the next two days off. With my mini fridge stocked with pop, two 12 packs of crackers, and my brand new computer chair, I'm ready for a marathon.

2003-07-21, 03:13 PM
Originally posted by MrVulcan
I used to be on all the time, but ive droped back quite a bit as of late. Still around, but not 24-7 ;)

2003-07-21, 03:47 PM
Dropping each week it seems. Bugs in combination with some things continually wearing on me is making it lose some of it's appeal. Still probably get in 15 hours a week, though.