View Full Version : New Patch!

2003-07-20, 01:36 AM

We will be releasing a client-side patch tomorrow morning at 3 AM Pacific. The patch will contain the following:
Bug fixes:
1. Spawn tube doors are fixed, this also fixes numerous issues where hacked doors would not open.
2. Players who have more than 100 health due to empire balance adjustments will have full health bars.
3. Players with 1 health point will no longer appear dead on your client.
4. Your UI settings will now persist between logins.
5. You will no longer have a strange chat message appear when you are revived.
6. Liberator and Skyguard certifications appear on myPlanetside.
7. You can no longer get stuck in offline training mission 1 if you clear your inventory.
8. /who teams results are now formatted correctl.
9. /ignore player results are now formatted correctly.

1. Medic/Engineer/Hacker icons will appear over friendly heads if they are holding the associated tool, i.e. Medical Applicator, BANK, Nano-dispenser, REK.
2. Advanced medics are able see dead people who have not yet released their corpses on the proximity radar when they have a Medical Applicator equipped. Likewise, dead players who have not yet release their corpse can see the position of Advanced Medics who are holding the Medical Applicator.

1. Faster clean up of objects based on object density. In other words, if there are many objects appearing, such as backpacks and destroyed vehicles, they will decay faster. This is intended to help client and server performance in large battles.
2. Grief Points work on a sliding scale, where grief accumulates faster as a player accumulates more points in a brief period of time. The threshold for grief accumulation to begin moving up this sliding scale has been increased. This should reduce the grief generated in extended vehicle collisions.
3. Change to nano-dispenser fire effect.
4. Performance monitor can be toggled pressing Shift and the period key. This will allow you to view your framerate and ping times and packet loss.
5. The Lasher�s refire rate was increased, lashes more often and in a slightly larger space
6. The Thresher's flux cannon damage has been increased 50% against players and its range has been increased 50%.
7. The maximum Cone of Fire on the Mini-Chaingun has been reduced. The Cone of Fire expansion now starts later in the burst and expands more slowly.
8. The Skyguard�s flak cannon range has been doubled.
9. Marauder health increased by 1/3.
10. Thresher health increased by 1/3.
11. Empire logos on HART dropships are fixed and look better.
12. The Lightning now sports 360-degree turrets.
13. The Hotspot threshold has been decreased. Six people involved in a battle will generate a Hotspot. Hotspots will also last longer.
14. Updated physics engine to Karma 1.3.

Victor Wachter
Community Relations Representative
Many questions can be answered by reading the PlanetSide Game Info and FAQ

*EDIT* I noticed on the official MB that there was some guy that kept saying it was going to come out on the 20th............

2003-07-20, 01:49 AM
Good times ahead for us Advanced Medics....

Wish they'd fix the spawn tube bug, but that's just a matter of time. Did anyone participate in the Test Server find-a-bug? Was wondering what the GM's and DEVs got out of it.

I was wondering when they'd get around to fixing the Nano-Dispenser look. It always looks like I'm firing straight down on someone I'm repairing.

And now we have a Lightning capable of 360 degrees. I can see the Empire's sanctuarysbeing overrun by Lightnings. This would be a great theme night to ring in the Lightning.

The Lasher is gonna be great. Playtested it on the Test Server. The Vanu now have a weapon on-par with our other weapons. Soon screams of "Nerf the Lasher!" will invade the Official Forums. The Vanu won't feel left out of the "Nerf this" bug most of the Forums have.

2003-07-20, 01:52 AM
Look at #1 on the list Sentrosi, its about the spawn tube doors,

2003-07-20, 01:52 AM
Yeh, it was on sum other website about a week ago

2003-07-20, 01:53 AM
people have known whats going to happen, but now the patch is actually coming out.

2003-07-20, 01:59 AM
Awesome. I was just thinking about how little the Lightning's guns could guess I'm gonna rebuy that cert. :spam: :spam:

2003-07-20, 02:05 AM
Heh, I read that as them fixing the rear door bug. Completely blew by the Spawn tube bug fix.

2003-07-20, 02:48 AM
this patch sounds big....i'm gona stay up till the patch is up so i dont hav to d/l lik tomaro....

2003-07-20, 02:53 AM
I call bullshit on the Lasher. It fires faster but the weapon is still conceptually flawed. Oh boy, 4 shots per second instead of 3 for you to dodge. Go ahead and nerf that thing to death - no one uses it anyway except when they're waiting to loot another HA weapon.

"But it's good in close quarters!" So is every other weapon in the game. The JH and the MCG are still *better* in close quarters.

On that note, the MCG went from balanced to ridiculously overpowered. Short, medium, long range - np, gg, k thx, I'm not renewing next month if they keep making such profoundly retarded balance decisions.

2003-07-20, 02:56 AM
14. Updated physics engine to Karma 1.3.

What does that mean?

2003-07-20, 03:14 AM
They updated the physics engine to a newer version of the previous revision. They use a third-party physics engine called Karma.

2003-07-20, 03:27 AM
Originally posted by Arakiel
I call bullshit on the Lasher. It fires faster but the weapon is still conceptually flawed. Oh boy, 4 shots per second instead of 3 for you to dodge. Go ahead and nerf that thing to death - no one uses it anyway except when they're waiting to loot another HA weapon.

"But it's good in close quarters!" So is every other weapon in the game. The JH and the MCG are still *better* in close quarters.

On that note, the MCG went from balanced to ridiculously overpowered. Short, medium, long range - np, gg, k thx, I'm not renewing next month if they keep making such profoundly retarded balance decisions.

Wow, I call bullshit and your entire post.

Have you even TESTED the lasher on the test server? I'm going to take a guess and say - No.

The thing is crazy overpowered now and makes the 'improved' MCG look like a peashooter. The MCG is *slightly* better then it was before and in it's previous state it was INFERIOR to both the Lasher and the Jackhammer on the curretn servers.

The Lasher has the benefit of doing 30 damage to ANYTHING that crosses it's path regardless of what it is (max/tank/AMS/infantry/cloaker/aircraft) and how far away it is.

The Lasher has the benefit of having an AOE damage that DOES NOT give grief. And this AOE/Lash damage is VERY VERY effective now (if not overpowered) with the changes. It's made it to the point that trying to hide behind cover while reloading against a lasher is a pointless endevor. You'll get shredded just by the lashing of the bolts flying past you.

If anything the MCG is *still* going to need a slight boost to catch up with the killing power of the JH/Improved Lasher. Calling a gun that is finally able to occassionally hit someone without me actually sticking it into you and doesn't force me to BURST FIRE short 4 round bursts when using a MINICHAINGUN (a weapon that should be the king of 'hold down the trigger and fire' weapons) is crazy. Now I'm finally able to fire an acceptably long burst before having to let it 'cool' down again. Plus the max COF no longer blooms to larger then that of a Cycler.

Maybe outside of test when the populations are even (test was 60% VS) the Lasher won't seem as overpowered as it did there. But, my current impression at this point is that they've overbuffed the Lasher and it's going to be the next one on the top of the majority of whine threads nerf lists.

2003-07-20, 03:30 AM
What does that mean?

From what I've seen on test it means that most of the vehicles are about 10x 'heavier' then they used to be.

In the case of the 'new' maruader it now handles worse then an AMS, takes massive damage from any sort of a jump and barely gets off the ground when moving over the terrain (it used to get airborne alot, now it's slower and seems to wiegh 120 tons)

Overall I suspect most of the vehicles are going to feel more sluggish and take more damage from falling. That's what I've seen so far. They also 'stick' to the ground better and don't float quite as much like they're full of helium.

2003-07-20, 03:33 AM
Thanks, cyber. That was what i meant.

2003-07-20, 06:17 AM
8. /who teams results are now formatted correctl.

hehe. dosn't make you belive it.

NightWalker XI
2003-07-20, 06:45 AM
I don't like the idea that you have to have a certain equipmwent out to show you on the map, its stupid, I mean I only pull out my medical applicator if I SEE sumone dead, because if I wander aroudn with it out all it does is slow me down....

Oh well

2003-07-20, 12:05 PM
Originally posted by Cyber

Have you even TESTED the lasher on the test server?


Originally posted by Cyber

The thing is crazy overpowered now and makes the 'improved' MCG look like a peashooter. The MCG is *slightly* better then it was before and in it's previous state it was INFERIOR to both the Lasher and the Jackhammer on the curretn servers.

The lasher is the running joke of heavy assault. Making it fire mildly faster did not make it an uber weapon. However, the fast CoF bloom was the only meaningful disadvantage to the MCG - and now that's being removed.

Originally posted by Cyber

The Lasher has the benefit of doing 30 damage to ANYTHING that crosses it's path regardless of what it is (max/tank/AMS/infantry/cloaker/aircraft) and how far away it is.

Right. I'm sure you'll see people with lashers shooting down reavers like nothing. Vanguards will run when they see lashers firing. Pounder MAXes will start squabbling over who gets to cry in the corner first. All this because it fires 4 shots in a second instead of 3 and lashes a slightly larger area.

Originally posted by Cyber

The Lasher has the benefit of having an AOE damage that DOES NOT give grief. And this AOE/Lash damage is VERY VERY effective now (if not overpowered) with the changes. It's made it to the point that trying to hide behind cover while reloading against a lasher is a pointless endevor. You'll get shredded just by the lashing of the bolts flying past you.

I'm sorry, but citing stupid tactics isn't a valid stance on the lasher. If someone's firing at you with a lasher and you decide to duck behind a box that they have angle to, you deserve to die. Of course, this is all hypothetical because the MCG has a newbie-friendly huge clip that means you won't be reloading during a 1vs1 anyway.

Originally posted by Cyber

If anything the MCG is *still* going to need a slight boost to catch up with the killing power of the JH/Improved Lasher. Calling a gun that is finally able to occassionally hit someone without me actually sticking it into you and doesn't force me to BURST FIRE short 4 round bursts when using a MINICHAINGUN (a weapon that should be the king of 'hold down the trigger and fire' weapons) is crazy. Now I'm finally able to fire an acceptably long burst before having to let it 'cool' down again. Plus the max COF no longer blooms to larger then that of a Cycler.

The MCG was always fine, if not already overpowered. If you're trying to tell me that the MCG should be exempt from every other weapon being more accurate in burst fire by applying the "but it's a chaingun@#!" argument, then just stop now.

Originally posted by Cyber

Maybe outside of test when the populations are even (test was 60% VS) the Lasher won't seem as overpowered as it did there. But, my current impression at this point is that they've overbuffed the Lasher and it's going to be the next one on the top of the majority of whine threads nerf lists.

I would have rather they halved the damage on the lasher and doubled the orb speed than do what they did to it now. It's still not even close to the jackhammer, even though the MCG just surpassed the JH itself.

2003-07-20, 12:28 PM
Originally posted by Arakiel
I call bullshit on the Lasher. It fires faster but the weapon is still conceptually flawed. Oh boy, 4 shots per second instead of 3 for you to dodge. Go ahead and nerf that thing to death - no one uses it anyway except when they're waiting to loot another HA weapon.

"But it's good in close quarters!" So is every other weapon in the game. The JH and the MCG are still *better* in close quarters.

On that note, the MCG went from balanced to ridiculously overpowered. Short, medium, long range - np, gg, k thx, I'm not renewing next month if they keep making such profoundly retarded balance decisions.

Vanu weapons aren't supposed to be powerful, or be the best. They focus on mobility. Use the MAG-Mower more. And I hate to say it but the Vanu DO need a big boost. Lately the NC and TR population percentage is always in the high 30s or 40s, with the Vanu below 20. They do need somekind of "jump start" becouse they are almost dead.

2003-07-20, 12:50 PM
Personally, I think they should have improved the MCG the least. I haven't tested it on the test server, but TR already has the strongest Max - pounder, AV weapon and IMO the cycler is still the best empire specific MA (albeit by a very small margin - the clip size edged it out). And yes I do play TR quite a bit:


In its current state, I don't think the lasher is a joke. However, it certainly isn't any more powerful than the MCG. If you are a TR player and think your weapons fall short compared to other empires, go play against TR. TR, collectively, has the best weapons in the game. If you are TR and are getting defeated, you are either outnumbered, the side defeating you is better organized, or the other side's players have better skill, pings, or pc's...probably its is a combination of all of these factors.

But let's not kid ourselfs, if my weapons are 20% better than yours, but you bring 50% more people to the battle, who do you think is gonna win? When MMO meets FPS, it gets pretty ugly. Starcraft will always be my all time favorite game, so hearing and typing the term zerg will always bring a smile to my face. As long as the battle are relatively even, things like skill and organization are meaningful. When sides aren't even, game balance means nothing compared to the ZERG!!!

2003-07-20, 12:55 PM
Originally posted by Lonehunter187
Vanu weapons aren't supposed to be powerful, or be the best. They focus on mobility.

Heh heh...when Vanu's infantry gets jump jets, then we'll talk. As far as I can tell, every empire's infantry has the same mobility =P.

2003-07-20, 12:55 PM
Originally posted by Lonehunter187
Vanu weapons aren't supposed to be powerful, or be the best. They focus on mobility.

You're correct in the sense of what was originally intended. However, our weapons don't really give us a mobility/diversity advantage. Honestly, when you're looking for weapons that you'd want to use, do you want the "flexible" weapon or the "powerful" weapon?

Therein lies the problem with VS as a whole.

2003-07-20, 02:16 PM
bizzump... time to start using this thread to discuss the new patch...

2003-07-20, 02:38 PM
Originally posted by Strygun
bizzump... time to start using this thread to discuss the new patch...


2003-07-20, 02:46 PM
No matter what the dev's do people will always bitch that their empires weapons suck.

2003-07-20, 02:52 PM
Originally posted by Hamma
No matter what the dev's do people will always bitch that their empires weapons suck.


On that note, however, I have heard little to no complaining from the NC as far as their weapons go for the last month or so. It's much easier to complain when you're at the disadvantage. I am an expert in this field. :P

2003-07-20, 03:21 PM

2003-07-20, 09:22 PM
Whoopie! Vanu have mobility on our side. Big deal. Our empire specific vehicles can strafe and our MAX can jumpjet can barely make it on top of a tower. Are you people so afraid that you will actually have to fight as hard as Vanu to get a win?

2003-07-20, 09:48 PM
-first: i am TR
-second: i don't have MA, HA, AV, or SA. i use the repeater, and rarely at that.
-third: the vanu needed this lasher buff, now they have it, it IS more effective, like it or not, now stop looking a gift horse in the mouth.
-fourth: if you aren't having fun, why play?

i have a damn fun time using primarily knife, med applicator, wraith, and liberator. all common pool. if you don't like your empspecific weapons, there are plenty of good common pool weapons. sure the punisher is inaccurate, but only if you don't burst with it. and an extra bit of plasma damage to everyone in the room before you even start to sling bullets is nothing to scoff. also, no one ever complains about the special assault because every spec assault weapon is common pool. yet, they're all still damn effective. (i had SA for a few days, and if i didn't go infiltrator i'd still use it). if you don't like your weapons, why do you use them? try out other weapons. try out other empires. if you don't like the "mobility" of the vanu, play TR or NC on another server.

there are lots of commonpool weapons and vehicles, and they're just as good as the empire specific weapons and vehicles. and here i quote many a NC talking about the MCG "if you use it right".
find what you use right, or what you enjoy using, and play with that.

and besides, it's not hard to loot a bunch of weapons and keep them in your locker.

2003-07-21, 01:00 AM
After going up against the lasher for a few hours tonight, it is the new jackhammer :lol:

2003-07-21, 01:11 AM
Really, I think the Lasher and MCG are easily at least in the same realm as the Jack. I wish they offered all 3 weapons for every empire though...I can see using each in different situations, depending on what you're facing. Of course, if they offered all 3 weaps to all empires, then we'd all be bitching about reinforced only having 2 rifle slots...

2003-07-21, 04:38 AM
IMO they made the Lasher "n00b" freindly. Just like they wanted to. I read an interview recently stating that this is the what the game industry is driving for. Pleasing the casual gamer. Hardcore gamers are never gonna be happy when the puppet masters posess this mentality. Because when you make anything geared for the "casual gamer" n00bs little to no skill is required.

While the lasher is now an effective weapon. I would have rather it still taken skill to use. I heard from some sources that they wanted to make indoor fighting more fun and interesting. I think they accomplished that. I used the MCG prepatch and i never had any issues with it. I could scavenge one and kick ass with it just fine. But it's how it's used that is key. After my own expeience with the MCG prepatch i would say that if i wanted to n00bify the MCG i would do exaclty as they have done. IMO HA is now balanced.

Where would one find a "mobility" bonus in a HA weapon? Well lets see here. The factor that would have to be considered would be. ROF = MCG, Damage = JH, and projectile speed = Lasher? If VS were to get a "true" mobility bonus IMO it would and should be in projectile speed. But thats not the case where VS weapons are concerned. Gimped right from the start with the slowest projectile.

Since a faster projectile with lower ROF and/or a better COF would take skills. They went the other way with it and made it somewhat of a spamming weapon. But i'll live with it cuz the other empires got to live with their lame shortcomings aswell. ATM my favorite weapon combo for reinforced armor the lasher/JH in closer situations one picks up where the other leaves off. At least to me it does. I'm not some JH guru so i'm sure this is arguable.

I certed Thresher a couple days ago to check out what was wrong with it and also after the patch if i still didn't like it i could unlearn it right away. After using the new model i decided i'm gonna keep it. Since i've caught big air off soft targets. The gun could use a bigger clip. But eh... i don't have to gun.

2003-07-21, 09:31 AM
Okay. I have a TR a Vs and NC character. I have just started with the VS and Tr, but I have looted plenty of their weapons before on NC. From the TR I love the Cycler, Great rate of Fire. The VS lasher has a nice Lash effect. I like it pretty nice now. This is my first time playing around with the NC Jh and I don't think I like it. Last night it was like 5 shots to kill a reinforced infantry at Close Quarters. I have tried full auto and single shot. The Lasher still does move kind of slow. Was shooting at a mosq that was sitting over our base last night. Got the shots off and he wasn't even moving. Then a reavor flew up there from ground level and blasted him before the bolts could even reach him. Do not like the damage the lasher does from NC infantry. 3 shots dead, even with second wind implant. I like the Vs med assualt rifle. I love the dual effect of armor piercing and standard fire in the same weapon. The TR miniChaingun still kind of sucks at long range, but it is not suppose to be for long range. Use it up close you will like it. I have and walked through a lot of infantry with it. I mean damn use the cycler at range and then the MCG at CQC(close quarters combat). If you were ever in the military you would understand this. Certain weapons for certain cituations. Online have found myself hung out there with the wrong stuff for what was going on. You just have to improvise or die respawn and get the right shiznit. Okay enough about this. My real reason for the post was about the patch.

Anyone still having trouble with doors. Me and My GF were unable to hack any doors last night. You get the Disable IFF message and try to hack the door but no progress bar. Before you got nothing at all. now you get no bar. Moved all around the IFF lock to try and get it. I don't know what happened either.


2003-07-21, 11:21 AM
I had never realized until after the patch the way the lasher works, that it rips your health away and barely touches your armor. I died and still had 85 armor (reinforced) yesterday when I turned a corner and was face to face with a lasher user with my MCG out. I'm not complaining about it, it actually makes sense based on what the weapon is. I didn't have anybody try to use the lasher from any sort of distance but every time I ran into a lasher user inside a base we were so close together I had no chance to get enough distance to try to use the strength of the MCG. At least I know I did good damage to the people before I went down I suppose.
I also had somebody sit in a hallway waiting for me to spawn so that he could claim my MCG. That was a first.