View Full Version : Well it looks like VS and NC have switched

2003-07-21, 01:04 AM
NC needed on all servers. I think that patch went a little too far.

I mean they boosted the heavy assult and assult buggys of the TR and VS. They diddn't do anything to the NC. Good job devs.

2003-07-21, 01:08 AM
the nc heavy assault buggy had more armor than the other two. now they all have the same.... i think

2003-07-21, 01:09 AM
I couldn't be happier. A new player should not kill a hardcore veteran 90% of the time when both using heavy assult. I think it's time the NC got a lesson in "Hah! How do you like being the underdog?".

2003-07-21, 01:10 AM
lol now you n00b nc can feel what its like to be VS!! anyway i agree with oni i think apparently the devs are evening it out.... *mumbles*:rolleyes:

2003-07-21, 01:12 AM
NC shall still reign supreme on emerald anyway

(but boy jaged me feels sorry for the NC on markov they get owned everyday its sad):tear:

2003-07-21, 01:14 AM
If people are switching from NC on the first fucking day of the patch they are idiots. THey were not even nerfed :lol:

2003-07-21, 01:17 AM
Originally posted by Hamma
If people are switching from NC on the first fucking day of the patch.....

that doesnt sound like you hamma... are you drunk :p

2003-07-21, 01:24 AM
heh, I knew that was gonna happen. Now you NC know how it feels.

I think that this will continue to go on for another 6 or 8 months, or until everyone is sick of switching sides.

People should remain true to their empire. I started as TR on Emerald, and imma gunna stay TR on Emerald. If I want to be NC or Vanu, I'll go somewhere else. This is one of my biggest bitches about the game.

2003-07-21, 01:28 AM
I started as Vanu, I'll end as Vanu. Only now I can run three more of you over in my Thresher. :P

2003-07-21, 01:31 AM
i thought thresher sucked..... STILL jk haha

2003-07-21, 01:37 AM
I know! I mean WTF? Why would you switch empires and delete ur character after 3 months of playing?! Unless you either A. suck or B. are new, you should have leveled ur character at least some! And even if u are new, why would u wanna ditch ura character even then?! I know I started TR, and I say LOYALTY UNTIL DEATH!!!!!!!

(woohoo corny slogan)

2003-07-21, 01:52 AM
LOLOLOL this is too funnah now nc are whineing that "the vs is overpowered"

that is the joke of the centuary HAHAHAH

Finnally VS is getting the love it deserves! And the MCG got some lub 2, tried that biatch out in vr pre patch, i thought "wtf why do all the tr have this wep is sucks" I still dispise strikers, and pounders, but atleast the mcg isnt a pos.

The Vanu are *FINALLY* on the way to NOT being the laughing stock of auraxis

Once vs starts wining every damn day on emerald, then i will feel sorry for the nc :rolleyes:

2003-07-21, 01:56 AM
you wish

2003-07-21, 02:01 AM
I doubt that any empire will now win every single day. HA are now balanced and the VS got the lub they deserved. The tactics still remain the same: HA are for close quarters fighting. Wanna keep them at bay? Spam the area in front of them with the Thumper/Plasma nades. Easy enough to do, but n00bs always wanna run outside and get in my line of fire. Oh well I say, I've got 1000 til weapons lock. If that means I sacrifice 2 or 3 n00bs to achieve the tactic, then I win.

2003-07-21, 02:10 AM
I am going to stay NC and I have no problem with it. I am proud to be NC. But the nice thing is now all the noobs are going to vanu and we dont have to worry about them.

2003-07-21, 02:19 AM
OK... Nc loyalist here, played all 3 in beta to choose where I would end in retail, and here I sit.

I have no problem with some of the fun fun changes made (although CTD every 10 minutes now is annoying,) it pisses me off a little that the entire Medium assault class will soon be obsolete and only the pesky pre-req people get on their way to HA... but then again, HA should kinda own indoors. As I don't play infantry I'll be staying outside as much as possible, or only be MAX inside... simple.

I think my real problem was the fact that as you read the patch notes it was lots of fun stuff for everyone who is not NC. I mean, c'mon throw in something for us, make it up if you have to but something...

9) NC models all got larger cod peices to hold the huge brass ones it takes to play NC.
10) NC Weapon effects improved making the killing of people more sattisfying!

Oh well.

I played NC in Beta when NO ONE played NC... it was actually more fun, to the transient TR players who have been fouling up our waters... TATA


Surrender is not an option! (but sometimes it's kinda fun!)


2003-07-21, 02:25 AM
Even HA weapons should not be able to take out a MAX as quickly as they do tho :(

2003-07-21, 02:30 AM
Has anyone actually stopped fighting and just traversed the country side. Ive found some interesting plants. And even a rock formation or two.. i think they should put in more odd shape rocks for us to look at :D

2003-07-21, 03:46 AM
Ok, that confirms my fears. I just made a VS char on another server to try out this lancer. It flat out owns. If you see them, they are dead. I was fighting against the NC. We had 5 people to there 10-20. They had tanks and planes out the heazy. It took them a good half hour to take the tower from us. I even got a few complaints from the NC soldiers about how good the lasher is.

Must restrain self! NER..... N.... NE....nerf

Edit: I don't plan on staying with that Vanu char. I was just testing out the lancer from the other end of the barrel.

2003-07-21, 03:59 AM
Originally posted by Jaged
Ok, that confirms my fears. I just made a VS char on another server to try out this lancer. It flat out owns.
Must restrain self! NER..... N.... NE.... nerf

The lasher has been over porked-up IMHO, but I'm not exactly drowning with sympathy for the NC.. that's how the rest of us have felt about n00bhammers since release. I guess it's the chaingun that gets the boost next, so we can both whine about that !! :D

Not sure if you meant Lancer or Lasher (the first one you mention) ? If Lancer, no way does it "own". A lot of VS loot both Striker and Phoenix to use instead - I don't have the cert now but previously I'd always keep a stock of Phoenix in the locker. It's use as a pseudo sniper-rifle is vastly over-rated by the other factions (too ammo intense, not quite accurate enough) and as AV it's pretty much useless against anything larger than a buggy or Reaver unless the crew is asleep or there's two or three of you. The one task it does excel at is med/long range MAX destruction.. it is pretty pokey for that.

2003-07-21, 04:07 AM

2003-07-21, 04:08 AM
Something about NC crying for lasher nerfs makes me very amused.

2003-07-21, 04:31 AM
Yeah I must admit I expected to see a lot of people with a Lasher... old school VS and all... but I never expected to see so many NC jump over. Or at least I assume thats the case since when I logged in all servers needed NC... not the normal Vanu.

But it might just be people trying the Lasher out. I'm sure things will settle down after about a week. And while the lasher is a lot more deadly... its by no means more deadlier than a JH. They are both uber indoors. I'm sure its a little rough for some NC to get used to dying so fast. All I can say is welcome to our world.

2003-07-21, 04:42 AM
No, it ia definatly more powerful than the JH. When I tried it out, I easily killed JH users. I killed them faster and easier than I ever killed anyone before.

2003-07-21, 05:07 AM
I mean, I don't think the JH should be the most powerful weapon. I don't think the Lasher or MCG should be the most powerful either. I think that all the HA weapons should be on par with the old lasher or old MCG. This would call for a nerf of all three HA weapons. I don't want to be tossing nukes around.

Edit: And while you are at it, give the vanu some air defence. It was difficult to test out the lasher while dodging swarms of reavers and mossys.

2003-07-21, 06:51 AM
Having just experienced the new Lasher i think its way more powerful than the JH (which i dont use BTW), and makes the CG look totally useless. JH needs nerfing a bit and Lasher needs nerfing a lot to even things up IMHO.

2003-07-21, 07:24 AM
Im startin to think that Vanu should have been left as the underdog. :P

Pre-patch you had a choice between the Swarm, the Norms and the Underdog.

Now its all mixed around.

2003-07-21, 07:49 AM
I don't sweat it too much. Half the people I fought outdoors today with lashers were shooting at me from 30+ meters or farther(I'm estimating). Its a simple matter of putting holes in them with a gauss and then taking their HA weapon.

As for people jumping ship after the first day, I hope you don't come back, and I pray you only do better for the side you're gonna join.

As far as people complaining about NC getting the shaft now, I wouldn't worry about it. You just have to get adjusted to the fact you can't be as gungho as before, flying around corners with the jackhammer blazing.

Adversity breeds creativity(and effeciency) I suppose. All the current VS players had to be that much better to stay on par in terms of kills, etc. with substandard weapons. Now that their weapons are beefed up, they have the same skill and better weaponry.

I expect it to be a couple weeks before things start settling down and whether or not we know it is all really balanced, mostly because of the psychological factor and strategies people develop around the weapons they have access to. Before I never really saw too many VS players charging in guns blazing so much; after just one day it feels like they're adopting the change with zealous fervor.

2003-07-21, 08:36 AM
I think it's pretty disgusting that so many people would switch empires at the first sign of an opposing upgrade. "Oh my gosh, we're not rediculously overpowered anymore! We better join with our previously abused opponents before they give us the lashing(pun intended) we deserve!"

Get some balls and stand up to a damned challenge. Now the playing field has been leveled. Time for you to stand up and proove us wrong that the Jackhammer requires no skill.

2003-07-21, 09:08 AM
Oh i wouldnt have ever said the VS were underpowered, having a BR7 Vanu alt (when my main server is down i play this guy) i've got a reasonable idea how to play as VS. Their MAXs are much more useful for assaulting things (NC and TR MAXs are more defensive) and the Magrider is probably the most effective vehicle in the game coz of its ability to squash huge amounts of other people.

Jackhammer, hmm, it hits hard, but NC are described as hitting hard. Its useless at anything past close range.

Chaingun, it certainly has the best rate of fire, not as good as the JH up close, but better at medium range.

Lasher, well its as good as the JH close up and better than both at medium range now, still sucks at long range, but so do all HA.

Hate to moan, but it seems every race had one area where they had a unique advantage, except the NC just lost theirs. I'll be staying with NC though.

2003-07-21, 09:21 AM
I honestly hope they do nerf the lasher. I don't want NC playing in my squads. Anyone I recognize as former-NC is getting run over.

2003-07-21, 09:24 AM
Originally posted by Sentrosi
The tactics still remain the same: HA are for close quarters fighting. Not with the Lasher. All you need to do is spam it over distances and while it probably won't hit it's very effective at forcing enemies to stay behind cover

2003-07-21, 09:24 AM
The way I see it this is how things will be when HA sttles down finally.

At 10 feet a JH is going to own all (people will not like this)
At 15 feet a lasher will own all (even more people will be upset)
At 20 feet a MCG will own all (TR will throw a party no one wil attend)

nerfs are not needed whats needed is to learn their weakness if you own a HA weapon attack from your reach and don't get in line of site until then or you be DEAD simple.

2003-07-21, 10:24 AM
I think PS could due without HA period.

2003-07-21, 10:48 AM
The MCG is actually fun to use even if I did get owned by the lasher in a few hallways. It wasn't fun or useful before. I still use my cycler with some loadouts, but that's more because of the ridiculous amount of ammunition the MCG chews through and the inventory space needed to feed it properly. I can't even imagine a striker/MCG loadout right now, my inventory space would need to just about double. The cycler is also still more useful from a bit further out.
When I played yesterday afternoon every single server needed Vanu, although I had 103 HP the entire time I was logged on which is the most I've ever seen. I like that the MCG got enough love to please those of us already playing the TR but not enough love to get the people jumping factions to come over.

2003-07-21, 11:48 AM
The lasher is a bit too buff now but I find it hilarious how a lot of NC players are getting a taste of thier own medicine. The JH still wins if you can get in close, but if not, forget about the JH and use the gauss. The MCG still kinda sucks and easily falls to both JH and Lasher.

I agree with a previous poster on the fact that HA kinda sucks all around. I really dont like instagib modes in FPS games and now thats exactly what we got. MAXs should be the only Heavy assault, and especially now with the current AA situation, ridiculous weapons like the Striker, and now the HA buffs, there isnt any reason to be a MAX at all.

Vis Armata
2003-07-21, 12:23 PM
Well, it's nice to see some improvements to HA anyway (I personally don't like the range of the Jackhammer, so I don't use it); I guess only time will tell if the change was a good idea.

The NC will be just fine.

2003-07-21, 12:26 PM
First of all, greetings to all... I'm new to this forum (though I have known of the site and visited periodically for a while now). I think I will make this my one stop forum shop from now on. I'm getting sick of the back to back bitching on the official PS forums. It drives me to insanity.

I myself haven't been able to try the lasher since the patch, but before the patch I used it quite a bit before switching certs to an Infiltrator character. It was a difficult weapon to master, but I did master it and was quite effective with it.

Anyway, to make a long story short, any seasoned FPS gamer is going to learn to adapt to their circumstances and learn to use what they have. I'm not saying you don't constructively discuss issues at hand (ie: balancing, bugs, etc...), but if you're not willing to adapt to what you have until things change, then you just prove what level of player you are. The vanu have been the underdogs in many ways for a while. However, I think this challenge has been great. I personally have liked the challenge and have stood up to meet the challenge.

The business of switching empires to 'follow the lovin' is very silly. I think you'll find the game more fun if you're willing to meet a challenge and conquer it. So is the Vanu the new 'newb' empire? I don't know yet as I haven't played much since the patch. I'm going to stay with the Vanu, though, as that's who I have been with since I started playing and it's all about the outfit playing for me. I'm staying with my outfit. I would like to hope the rest of you with other empires stick it out and learn to adapt. If there is a serious issue at hand, then rebut it with sound arguments. The business of crying NERF! when you're first killed by a tweaked weapon is for the birds, though (I think I'm mostly speaking to the smacktards polluting the official PS forums right now).

2003-07-21, 01:11 PM
Man these forums are a breath of fresh air compared to the official forums. And thank you for that! The lasher only seems overpowered because everyone is using it. This will change. It's nice seeing some NC take cover and use the gauss from a distance rather then all surging in right away. My only gripe about the patch is the body bags don't stay long enough for me to loot jackhammers :( I liked the JH/Lasher combo before the patch now it's got to be insane.

2003-07-21, 01:42 PM
Here are my views of the subject:

The NC pre-patch had the Jackhammer, and the Vanguard (I like it's pretty 1 shot kills) as strong points. Post patch, they only have the Vanguard going for them, which is still outclassed (not by far though) by the Magrider.

The TR pre-patch had the Pounder, Dual-cycler, and striker as strong points. Now, you can add the MCG.

The VS pre-patch had the Lancer, Lasher (yes, it was good pre-patch), and Magmower as strong points. Now one of their strong points has been upgraded.

NC: 1 strong points, and it's 150mm 1 kill hit vs. infantry cannon.

TR: 3 strong points, all allowing effective outdoor and indoor combat.

VS: 3 strong points, an infantry plow, AV infantry sniper, and squad killer.

Oh well, I guess it's the NC's turn to be underdog. TR's turn next :p

2003-07-21, 02:31 PM
People thought the NC were overpowered for a while, now the Vanu are, I hope the devs don't skip our turn :(

2003-07-21, 02:34 PM
I think the JH, is once again being downplayed. It wasn't nerfed, so its just as powerful as it was. But like was mentioned, you can't use the same old John Wayne approach like you used to with it. At least not vs the VS. NC players will have to adapt, and they will.

2003-07-21, 02:35 PM
..... so much ignorance. The Magrider is not the best tank. If a skilled tank crew gets the jump on a Vanguard, then yeah they will prolly win but a skilled Vanguard gunner eats Magriders for breakfast, and the Prowler kicks the shit out of both of them

2003-07-21, 03:50 PM
Originally posted by Queensidecastle
..... so much ignorance. The Magrider is not the best tank. If a skilled tank crew gets the jump on a Vanguard, then yeah they will prolly win but a skilled Vanguard gunner eats Magriders for breakfast, and the Prowler kicks the shit out of both of them

The Prowler? At least you're not afraid to stand alone in your opinions.

2003-07-21, 03:58 PM
Originally posted by Lonehunter187
People thought the NC were overpowered for a while, now the Vanu are, I hope the devs don't skip our turn :(

2003-07-21, 04:39 PM
I can regularly kill Lasher users. for the majority, they use their noobspammer incorrectly. however, it's taking more and more luck to survive encounters with multiple lasher users.

you have to fight them almost like you do a max. constant speed strafing with surge to get the upper hand. whereas before, I popped off 3 shots w/out much movement, then moved to the next Vanu.

also, abusing the way stairs work helps a lot in tower battles.

all in all it is an extreme challenge to survive Lasher encounters.

2003-07-21, 05:03 PM
The fact that you have no idea about the Prowler exactly illustrates my point perfectly. I guess since the vast majority of players dont have a clue about the Prowler works towards it not getting nerfed.

100mm gun with fast fire rate. >DPS than Vanguard
More maneuverable then the Vanguard. Faster turning capabilities, narrower turning radius, more traction on terrain, better breaks. Add to that, the chaingun operated by a seperate gunner that can cut down infantry, aircraft, and maxs very efficiently, that can be focused at the main gun target as necessary and its really no contest. 3 heads are better than 2. The Prowler takes more to be good than the other tanks, but when you get a good crew, its just not a contest.

The popular misconception is that the Magrider is the best tank due to strafe, when actually it is forced to strafe to use its driver gun. When you run your tank between 45 and 80 degrees of a magrider they just cant hit you and they are out 1 gun while you are wailing on them with 2 prowler guns at once. This maneuver also keeps Vanguards from closing the gap and getting beneath your firing arc

So yeah, just ignor me and uhh, there is nothing to see here, please move along :)

2003-07-21, 05:10 PM
As an exclusive TR player, it seems like more of us are running from encounters with the Vanu and making our max exodus to NC continents. Though the lasher needed an upgrade, I think they took it a bit too far... it could have easily been a big improvement if JUST the ROF or JUST the damage per shot was increased.

As it is, I'm hoping this will be just a week-long event with everyone trying the damn thing out. Maybe its the fact that half the Vanu I meet are using this weapon is the cause of my absolutely hating it. Funny how it makes the Jackhammer seem more friendly.

One thing I'm tired of is that HA weapons are slowly moving up and up, making them "must have" weapons for the majority of players in that empire. Most people hate the TR Striker, but what they don't realize is half the time somebody is just pointing it at you to scare you off... only firing when they see you linger in your firing position on our AMS. The Jackhammer... it has become more acceptable, though many TR wish that it at least had a little less range.

Heavy Assault only needs nerfing in the aspect that its one blade that can be used to slice anything, be it infantry, MAXs, or vehicles. Strategy is when you need that butter knife to tackle the butter, and that steak knife to go on that red meat... it shouldn't be seeing how many guys you can get in HA to mow down a path of infantry and armor to get through some place.

As it stands, it almost makes me want to pick up a sniper rifle and stay away from the action. I'm confident it'll cool off after the first week, though. Remember the Skyguard and Liberator? Everyone was driving one for the first week it came out before they found it had weaknesses or that you needed a measure of skill to use it effectively. My only fear is that maybe the Lasher doesn't require much skill to point and kill... then again, the same could be said about the Striker, because a tree will also make you miss your target with any weapon.

2003-07-21, 05:13 PM
And for the non-TR, the Marauder did get a nerf despite the increase in armor. The turning rate, which used to be much like a Harasser, is suddenly much wider and cumbersome, leaving many veteran drivers heading into trees and rocks.

The bright side is that its rumored to be a by product of the changes in the physics, and might get fixed with a later patch.

2003-07-21, 05:19 PM
Originally posted by Queensidecastle
The fact that you have no idea about the Prowler exactly illustrates my point perfectly. I guess since the vast majority of players dont have a clue about the Prowler works towards it not getting nerfed.

First of all, you are only comparing them on a tank vs. tank basis. Even then not all of your facts are complete. The chaingun is minimally effective (and is often difficult to find gunners for) but not horrible. The cannons aren't bad, but the reticule change from cannon to cannon is enough to keep the tank from being as effective as it should be. As you fire the cannons the reticule jumps slightly left and right for each cannon, keeping direct hits from a distance at a minimum.
The Magrider has the distinct advantage of being slowed down by very little terrain which is why it becomes a terror against infantry and MAXes stuck in the field. If I'm going tank on tank, the Magrider is probably not the tank I'd want to be manning. In 75% of battlefield situations however, it is. The strafing ability and the ability to go over so many objects make it the mower we all know and love.
The Vanguard with a decent gunner will pummel most things in the game. If the Vanguard knows you are there, good luck getting close enough to be able to correct for the Prowler's reticule changes for direct hits. Vanguards shelling towers are incredibly effective as well, although only slightly more effective than the Prowler in that regard.
I appreciate your assumption that I know nothing about the Prowler, other than having the cert and jacking the other tanks and playing them all I guess there's not much more I know about them. Having an invaluable resource such as yourself to point me in the right direction can only help me though.

2003-07-21, 05:27 PM
Your assumption that I was alone in my opinion about the Prowler was also incorrect, but hey, you started the debate with false assumptions so it seemed you needed some education.

Now, the Prowler isnt as effective against infantry and MAXs as the Magrider and you certaintly cant be effective with it if its just the driver, but the Magmower blah blah blah bandwaggon gets really old and really annoying, especially when its not even close to the best tank. Having used all tanks extensivly, I actually rate it last. In short, the lawnmower argument is just overdone and played out and I just get sick of bandwagoneers. I run over scores of people with my Prowler. Scores. Also, I never have problems getting run over by magriders, ever. So I can only view it as players not paying attention to thier surroundings. If I am driving a tank (dont matter which one) and I can run over you, I am going to do it. I want my gunners on the enemy vehicles.

2003-07-21, 05:32 PM
And for the non-TR, the Marauder did get a nerf despite the increase in armor. The turning rate, which used to be much like a Harasser, is suddenly much wider and cumbersome, leaving many veteran drivers heading into trees and rocks.

I believe this is due to the new physics engine.

2003-07-21, 05:36 PM
Hey everyone, how's it going? = )

I don't see anything wrong with spending a day playing VS or TR to see how the weapons work. Besides, aren't you doing yourself a favor by "knowing your enemy"? Give it a week or so, I'm predicting things will go back to a somewhat normal condition again.

I'm glad the TR's mini-chain gun got improved. I liked how it was more effective at range. I had fun running around with it, and it should be fun facing the TR who use it.

The VS lasher however... dear lord. It only took 4 shots to kill reinf infantry before with it, and still does, but those rounds come out faster than a jackhammer can spit out 3 shots. I used surge and this, and mowed down everything in my path. It can shoot it's rounds at much farther range than the JH as well, and correct me if I'm wrong, but it also hits with 'near miss' or 'lash' damage. As it sits, I think they made it a bit over powered. I'd like to see it's rate of fire more than it was pre-patch, but just a bit slower than it is now. I agree, let's give the Vanu some improvements to some of their weapons, but right now the lasher has way too many benefits compared to either the JH or MCG. Grats to the Vanu on the game's new "noob-weapon", for lack of a better phrase.

Which brings me to something that annoys me once in a while. I've heard a lot of people say "now the NC know what it feels like" and other "noobhammer" statements made by people who IMO probably don't play NC on a regular basis, or use the Jackhammer regularly. I think those statements are now, and always have been, a lot of bullshit. I'll remind you a Jackhammer has shit for range. From this patch forward, if you're constantly being killed by a Jackhammer wielding NC while playing the other factions with superior ranged weapons, then I'll agree with you on your calling the Jackhammer a Noobhammer... cause that's all it's going to be killing, is noobs (and a few people who got snuck up on). And if you're bitching about it being too powerful in CC's and towers, STFU. The Pounder MAX and Lashers are equally useful in these situations.

Ok, just my 2 cents. Have good one.

2003-07-21, 05:42 PM
Originally posted by Queensidecastle
Your assumption that I was alone in my opinion about the Prowler was also incorrect, but hey, you started the debate with false assumptions so it seemed you needed some education.

No, my exaggeration (slight) about your flawed opinion on the Prowler rubbed you the wrong way and you decided to make blanket assumptions and silly statements because it was easier than a well reasoned argument. My education is doing just fine, but I'm sure it's all the better with your input.
I've run over people in the Prowler as well, and the Vanguard. It's really not that tough to do. It isn't as easy as it is in the Magrider, however. That's not jumping on a bandwagon, that's a fact. A Magrider can go over some rocks and the hulks of destroyed vehicles and barely slow down, the other tanks will often get hung up on these things. The Magrider can use the strafe and actually increase it's speed on the diagonal to help squash people who try to surge to the side at the last second. The Magrider is the most effective tank in open field situations with lots of infantry around, it's just more maneuverable.
It's easy to get a gunner for a tank. It's often harder to get 2 gunners even in a decent squad, especially when the chaingun gets very little effective play. Anybody jumping in the Prowler alone is just asking to get destroyed, but the same can be said for the Vanguard. The Magrider can still be very effective with a single driver.
I'm sorry that your extensive testing and 'scores' of squished people didn't bring you to the same conclusion that I've come to, and that 'scores' of other people have come to. It's not jumping on a bandwagon just because other people say something. That's ignorant. Sometimes other people are actually intelligent enough to find their own evidence and come to their own conclusions, and sometimes you just need to realize that maybe they're on to something.
The only statement I made was that you weren't afraid to stand alone on an opinion, too bad your sense of humor seemed to drop off long before your strong opinions did.

2003-07-21, 05:49 PM
I guess we wont agree then. Enjoy your self limiting "alternate" reality, good day

2003-07-21, 05:52 PM
Originally posted by ONiel
Which brings me to something that annoys me once in a while. I've heard a lot of people say "now the NC know what it feels like" and other "noobhammer" statements made by people who IMO probably don't play NC on a regular basis, or use the Jackhammer regularly. I think those statements are now, and always have been, a lot of bullshit.

From what I saw there were an awful lot of VS and TR who had lockers stockpiled with Jackhammers who were saying such things. I know I ran around with it for a while before I posted about it. People have also complained about the Reaver and the Magrider plenty, I tried both of those and realized that there was significantly more skill involved in each than I'd given it credit for. There's a lot less skill in surging forward with the Jackhammer, I tried it with my TR and even created an NC Jackhammer monkey on Markov for a couple of days to better try things out.
People complain about a lot of things, most of them seem to die down. Where there's smoke there's fire a lot of times, and if the complaints don't die down I think that there's a distinct possibility that often times the complainers have a point. You still see the occasional complaint about the Magrider or the Reaver, or the Striker, but you don't see the constant threads on any of them like you did with the Jackhammer. Now we're seeing lots of threads about the Lasher. I'm curious to see how many people are still passionate about the Lasher in 3 weeks.

2003-07-21, 05:53 PM
Originally posted by Queensidecastle
I guess we wont agree then. Enjoy your self limiting "alternate" reality, good day

It works better to have the smug air of superiority after you've pwned somebody.

2003-07-21, 05:55 PM

What it means is you are now dismissed from this thread. If you have anything constrctive to say, please continue, otherwise, I am just not interested

2003-07-21, 06:01 PM
Originally posted by Queensidecastle

What it means is you are now dismissed from this thread. If you have anything constrctive to say, please continue, otherwise, I am just not interested

I know what you meant. You meant to have a smug air of superiority, just like the idea that you could possibly 'dismiss' me. I've said many constructive things, the fact that you can't actually see that surprises me not a bit.
My favorite part is when you repeated scores of people. That was good stuff.

2003-07-21, 06:04 PM
From what I saw there were an awful lot of VS and TR who had lockers stockpiled with Jackhammers who were saying such things. I know I ran around with it for a while before I posted about it. People have also complained about the Reaver and the Magrider plenty, I tried both of those and realized that there was significantly more skill involved in each than I'd given it credit for. There's a lot less skill in surging forward with the Jackhammer, I tried it with my TR and even created an NC Jackhammer monkey on Markov for a couple of days to better try things out.

I won't begrudge the people who've voiced an informed opinion. I do however get quite sick of the "I pwn joo, I'z l33t, newbhammer fookers suck" posts.

People complain about a lot of things, most of them seem to die down. Where there's smoke there's fire a lot of times, and if the complaints don't die down I think that there's a distinct possibility that often times the complainers have a point. You still see the occasional complaint about the Magrider or the Reaver, or the Striker, but you don't see the constant threads on any of them like you did with the Jackhammer. Now we're seeing lots of threads about the Lasher. I'm curious to see how many people are still passionate about the Lasher in 3 weeks.
It's refreshing to have a well voiced rebuttal and point of view. Thank you.

2003-07-21, 06:05 PM
glad you liked it madcow :)

2003-07-21, 06:17 PM
i think the rocket launcher on the enforcer needs lock on

2003-07-21, 06:21 PM
Then it would be an amped up skygaurd, no way.

2003-07-21, 07:24 PM
Maybe the Lasher is overpowered. Or maybe it's just right, but the VS are badasses due to their past hardships? :D

2003-07-21, 07:40 PM
Yay I love being the underdog. You don't get any of those whiny noobs. I have been NC from the first day I got the game and it will stay that way. I remember when the TR got 'nerfed' and all the noobs came to NC. I must say that sucks having a bunch of CS noobs on your team tking you constantly. Now you vanu get all the fun. See Arakiel I told you I like being the underdog :p

2003-07-21, 07:42 PM
Oh thats sad... I just see that my sig has been removed..... no aieeeeee raped by the sigbot.......

2003-07-21, 08:51 PM
During a huge battle I was in on Markov last night, while playing NC, we met up with a sizeable number of Vanu, most of whom were using Lashers with a few Lancers mixed in. There were almost no vehicles on either side, for some reason.

Here are my conclusions:
- The Lasher, always a formidable weapon, is now a weapon to be feared.
- A competent group of mixed MAXes and grunts, working together, can still overcome a bunch of Lasher-spamming individuals
- Thumpers are still my preferred weapon for dealing with everything that moves, with a shotgun backup weapon (either one) for everything that comes in range, and will tend to win against Lasher-users when any cover is available at all.
- The sound of a Lasher-user reloading is my favorite sound and seems to happen a lot more often now, for some reason.

2003-07-21, 09:09 PM
*cue music*
Jaged: I've been playing Planetside since open beta.
Jaged: I thought I was doing pretty good with the Jackhammer, and so was everyone else.
*clip: A jackhammer-wielding agile nc killing 5 people in a cc*
*cut back to Jaged*
Jaged: It was like, ca-chunk ca-chunk ca-chunk and everyone was dead. That was cool.
Jaged: But then one day these Vanu came along with their lashers. They were like psh psh psh psh and we were like ca-chunk ca-chunk ca-chunk, but we died not them.
Jaged: It was a really good weapon. Maybe too good.
Jaged: So I made the switch and haven't looked back!

2003-07-21, 09:52 PM

2003-07-21, 10:22 PM

Perfect, Seer.

2003-07-21, 11:06 PM
k, i was happy to see the nc complain about vanu being overpowered, but now its just...woa.... on markov right at this minute nc are getting pwned soooo bad (4 bases on solsar is all they own), man i wana pwn some nc....:(

2003-07-22, 02:40 AM
O we were owning u earlier. U had one little tower in the north with over a hundred tr piling out of it to get our base. I left after that cause it was going no where. All we needed were some libs and u would of been gone.

2003-07-22, 02:46 AM

2003-07-22, 03:41 AM
I was on emerald fighting with the NC and VS alternately going where the outfit asked and the NC and the VS switched Bzichness. The TR are having trouble with the VS. WTF happened? Did all the NC go to the new noob weapon? I know the TR have stuck around through all of our nerfs by and large so HELLO NC COMMANDERS lift some morale and come back to fight, and VS we are still here, and you will still lose if the NC dont all come fight for you.

2003-07-22, 03:48 AM
Ah yes of course everyone stayed on TR after the max 'nerf'. Sure nobody left TR for NC.... never happened did it? HAH

2003-07-22, 03:51 AM
jw.....has nc ever got anything nerfed?

2003-07-22, 05:15 AM
the beta gauss rifle could fire more rounds before the cof started to widen, and at release I think they changed it so it widens sooner. I think the accuracy was changed too but I'm not sure if either of these happened(there was hearsay), although it felt like it to me! But if I don't play 3-4 hours a day my skills go straight to hell heh

2003-07-22, 05:16 AM
I can regularly kill jackhammer users. for the majority, they use their noobhammer incorrectly. however, it's taking more and more luck to survive encounters with multiple JH users.

you have to fight them almost like you do a max. constant speed strafing with surge to get the upper hand. whereas before, I popped off 3 shots w/out much movement, then died.

also, abusing the way stairs work helps a lot in tower battles.

all in all it is an extreme challenge to survive JH encounters.

2003-07-22, 06:01 AM
All the upgrades and increases to weapons doensn't make anyone a better player. Everyone and their mom is now talking shit because they have new upgrades and feel superior now. Whatever. When the game is balanced through and through, then people who stand out on a balanced playing field can talk trash. HA blows on every side. I don't use the jackhammer in case would-be flamers are standing by. I'll stick with the BD.


2003-07-22, 07:04 AM
I just hope the TR and NC are given something to help. I play NC on Werner mainly and almost since release the vanu have won almost every single day, and that was before the patch!

2003-07-22, 01:54 PM
I do find it entertaining reading how some of the NC are whining about the Lasher. It like the roles were immediately reversed. Just swap JH and lasher words around.

Yet, I do find the lasher incredibley effective at medium ranges. Much more than the JH. I killed alot with the JH, and even killed at MA with the JH if the target was not paying attention.

The lasher though, I can kill as easily at short ranges as I do medium ranges.

The Lasher CoF is too large to kill anything at long ranges unless you're lucky. The orbs are all over the place, but the target.

The only problem I see with the new lasher is that the damage drop off is either non-existant or too low.

If they fix that, I think it'll be more in line with what a close range HA weapon is suppposed to be.

2003-07-22, 02:34 PM
Originally posted by Onizuka
that doesnt sound like you hamma... are you drunk :p

The real question is, Are you not drunk?

2003-07-22, 02:44 PM
Funny story... This morning I was camping a spawn room while waiting on the hack to cap and some guy thought he was clever and was matrixed at another base/tower. He would spawn in with reinforced/lasher. After I jackhammered him 3 times in a row, I shit you not, he spawned in with his own jackhammer that he obviously retrieved from his locker and was finally able to kill me.

The point of the story is that the Jackhammer is still king at close range.

2003-07-22, 02:46 PM
I honestly think the dev's were aiming for range specialties with the HA. Jackhammer owns all at Close Range. Yet the Lasher whups it's ass at Medium range. However both the Lasher and the Jackhammer have nothing on the Mini Chain Gun's accuracy at longer distances.

2003-07-22, 03:53 PM
Originally posted by Eliaas_Demens
I honestly think the dev's were aiming for range specialties with the HA. Jackhammer owns all at Close Range. Yet the Lasher whups it's ass at Medium range. However both the Lasher and the Jackhammer have nothing on the Mini Chain Gun's accuracy at longer distances.

??? The MCG is still worthless at long ranges. The reticule starts out too large to begin with even crouched, and even though the bloom is delayed it's still large enough quick enough to make sure it makes no sense trying to use it from distance. The cycler is far better from distance than MCG is, although MCG is finally moderately useful at medium range.

2003-07-22, 03:56 PM
Originally posted by Madcow
??? The MCG is still worthless at long ranges. The reticule starts out too large to begin with even crouched, and even though the bloom is delayed it's still large enough quick enough to make sure it makes no sense trying to use it from distance. The cycler is far better from distance than MCG is, although MCG is finally moderately useful at medium range.

Are you kidding? I get riddled with chain guns before I'm close enough to even consider using my Thumper.

2003-07-22, 03:58 PM
Originally posted by Eliaas_Demens
Are you kidding? I get riddled with chain guns before I'm close enough to even consider using my Thumper.

I'm not kidding at all. From that distance I wouldn't even bother pulling the MCG out. I think you should loot a few and try them out, they aren't what you think they are. They're far more useful than they used to be, and they're fun to use, but they're no good from a distance.

2003-07-22, 04:15 PM
I'll back that up. Long range belongs to the cycler. Med and closer MCG is ok. The MCG, while improved, is not a long range weapon. Try one.

2003-07-22, 04:34 PM
"The cycler is far better from distance than MCG is, although MCG is finally moderately useful at medium range"

I concur. Totally true statement

2003-07-22, 04:39 PM
*hugs his Cycler*

Its my favorite weapon in the game. :)

2003-07-24, 02:00 PM
Originally posted by Madcow
I'm not kidding at all. From that distance I wouldn't even bother pulling the MCG out. I think you should loot a few and try them out, they aren't what you think they are. They're far more useful than they used to be, and they're fun to use, but they're no good from a distance.
I agree with you on the accuracy at long range .. but with a well stocked backpack you can keep them at bay for a bit until help .. on either side .. arrives. Then ya have to make your shots count.

As for the tanks .. I've not had the opportunity to drive a magrider .. yet .. the only thing that I can see advantageous there is being able to ride on water .. :D

2003-07-24, 08:23 PM
well that sucks we could use some upgrades considering that we are sucking right now on markov. We are getting blown to shit and we could use some help. TR are taking the hell over and we need more people to join the Game. THIS SUCKS :mad:.

Diddy Mao
2003-07-24, 08:27 PM
Originally posted by Sentrosi
heh, I knew that was gonna happen. Now you NC know how it feels.

I think that this will continue to go on for another 6 or 8 months, or until everyone is sick of switching sides.

People should remain true to their empire. I started as TR on Emerald, and imma gunna stay TR on Emerald. If I want to be NC or Vanu, I'll go somewhere else. This is one of my biggest bitches about the game.

I agree I wanted to be NC before I was even Accepted to the Beta and Haven't even though once about switch'n. I could be a "Fanboy" i just don't switch everytime there is a patch

2003-07-24, 11:46 PM
Originally posted by Diddy Mao
I agree I wanted to be NC before I was even Accepted to the Beta and Haven't even though once about switch'n. I could be a "Fanboy" i just don't switch everytime there is a patch

Exactly what i did. I am true to my empire and everyone else should be too.

2003-07-25, 12:04 AM
NC dont need upgrades. I believe we're fairly balanced across the 3 empires.

the problem I do see is that NC lacks a lot in tactics and strategy. while Vanu had to deal w/the JH they adapted and as a whole, what remained were smarter leaders.

NC for the first time is having to deal w/factions they can't streamroll with vanguards & JH's.

take for example, Hossin since patch change. stalemates every night where NC is constantly retreating. this has rarely happened, even when TR had their pre-adjustment pounder. are we losing solely based on the Lasher? I don't buy that. I can understand when we are outzerged but still, there remains spec ops type situations that can change the face of the battle.

if Vanu are pushing in on Mulac and Mulac is our last base, why dont NC squads lattice punch at Hurakan or Chac? if we're stuck in between TR and Vanu, fight where they are not. it may be boring but it allows us more options as a faction.

there are many things to consider as to why NC has been getting its ass handed to them. I believe it's the fault of lack of leadership and proper direction when squads sit at the sanc screaming for reinforcements.

I am cr5 and I can probably do something about it, but.. my preference is leading my outfit squads. I'm just not the type of person to willingly lead continents.

on a side note: the only area I believe the Lasher needs a fix is the AV portion. either give it a toggle like the Pulsar with a slower fire rate and/or dmg drop off and/or lower AP damage, or just flat out reduce the AP damage the Lasher causes. it won't reduce the "versatility" that Vanu weapons are known for but it will make the Lasher a realistic weapon. realistic meaning non-God mode.

Cauldron Borne
2003-07-25, 02:11 AM
I don't mind a bit, corse I use tactics that completely negate the use of HA on mine and the Enemy's part. All the people that left the NC are probable floaters (<--new players that only go with the uber weapon team) and now that they are all in Vanu the average Vanu skill level will dramatically drop. We'll be hearing things like Vanu zerg on hossin before too long I'm sure. I have never, NEVER heard warnings of a Vanu zerg before. (A zerg IMO is a mindless mass of tactless idiots, as opposed to a large skilled army, which the vanu manage to pull off some times and are actually more fun to play with/ against).

And now for something completely different...:

2003-07-25, 03:52 AM
As a grunt facing a grunt with a Lasher I have no problems with weapon. Its strong, but there are ways to beat it. But in all honestly that weapon does WAY too much damage to Maxes in too short of time. I was partnering up with an outfit member today who was using his Maxes. I was the repairman. I got to see A LOT of what the Lasher does vs Maxes. Its too much for a HA weapon. Especially considering there is no ammo change needed. I know people say the JH and MCG have higher DPS vs maxes with AP rounds than the lasher, but I want to see the data. I'm going to do some testing on this. I don't think the JH and MCG(even with AP rounds) do that kind of damage to a Max that fast.

Its an all around strong weapon. Great vs Inf, Very strong vs Maxes, and makes quick work of Engy Deployables from range too.

2003-07-25, 04:41 AM
makes quick work of Engy Deployables from range too.
If you can hit them; the lasher's CoF is the largest of the HA weapons, the balls fly everywhere!

2003-07-25, 10:57 AM
Bah the hilarious thing is that so many VS are using the Lasher that they are canon fodder for reever pilots. They sit there firing up at you when you are 50m away hovering, I easily strafe avoiding most of them and reply with a volly of rockets, or if I really want to put some humiliation into it, use my 20 mike mike.

I will say that IMO the lasher is now the premier HA weapon because of two reasons.

1: It doesn't degrade, its as powerful at 30m as it is at 10m.

2: Indoors its hard to evade. Big balls (as the song goes) and come out rather fast now.

But after saying that I think that the JH still rules up close, but honestly I just don't like the MCG, I think it takes up too much ammo. If they were to beef it up by increasing its range, that might compensate for its lacking in other areas. This would let the TR be dominate in the open areas.

But regardless I look at things as a reaver pilot and as a reaver pilot IMHO TR is the best to fly for. The vanu AA max is laughable to reever and skeeter pilots, easily afterburner'd away from. And the NC AA max isn't very good for much other than AA so you don't see it much.

Now I've tested NC and VS and have found that the TR is perhaps the hardest to play against because of the darn striker. Seems every john doe out there carries one so when you are attacking a base, like 20 TR will lock onto you, even if 20% hit, your a dead reaver pilot.

At least the TR own in that category.