View Full Version : PS Lag.....

2003-07-21, 02:15 AM
ok, I was wondering, is there any lag in PlanetSide? My friend said there was TONS and wasn't worth it. My connection is DSL 356KBPS - 1.5MBPS. So, should I get lag in the game?

2003-07-21, 02:23 AM
Try out the 7 day trial on FP, nothing to lose.

Don't forget, lag can be a shitty computer with bad FPS too :p make sure once you get in game you go into game options and set your bandwidth to "high"

2003-07-21, 02:29 AM
it wouldn't be my computer(rocks). Yea, I will download the 7 day trial, but, I dont have a Fileplanet account and dont wanna pay for something I will use once. Any pther download mirrors?

2003-07-21, 02:37 AM
you need more than a good connection to get no lag.

2003-07-21, 03:41 AM
Every online game has lag of some form or another.

Planetside has excellent netcode... and coding a "massively multiplay" shooter isn't an easy task. Prediction code is excellent.

What you WILL get though is occasional short freezes and a bomb in frame rates on occasion (and only that) when things get really busy - too many are in the same place at the same time. If there's a MMPOG that's never had that problem, I've never played. Those moaning are just MMPOG n00bs who think you can have 500 in a game, and still play at all times like a six player CS game on a 30 ping server. With current technology, it just can't happen.

Hawkeye is right though, much "lag" is due to graphics settings being too high, or PCs generally not being up to the task. PS really does benefit from a fast processor/top end graphics card set-up - and it's pretty RAM hungry too.

2003-07-21, 07:51 AM
If you really want lag-free (almost) play, you'd better have at least 1GB of RAM. I have a fairly fast machine (Athlon XP2500+, GF4 Ti 4200 128 MB AGP, 512 MB PC2700 RAM) and let me tell you, when I get near a big zerg, she's screaming for mercy. This is the most RAM-hungry game I've ever seen, and I come from WWII Online, another RAM-hog of a game. Typically frame rates are not a problem and I have graphic settings set mostly to the recommended settings for my machine--the only thing I do is try to turn "flora" down to "low", though the setting won't stick and it keeps turning it off by itself. Textures medium, detail web is off to help stutters, most everything else is up pretty high. It's not the frame rates, it's memory usage causing a lot of disk swapping, I'm talking 2-5 second pauses sometimes. It gets worse the longer I play, so I figure there's a memory leak in there somewhere.

Guys in my outfit have upgraded from 512MB to 1GB and they say it's night and day, most of the disk thrashing goes away and things are much more manageable around huge fights. Hopefully I'll be able to drop the $70 or so for another stick of RAM this month.