View Full Version : LASHER?

2003-07-21, 05:13 AM
ok, I love the new patch! I love the new lasher. I love winning, but for some reason it doesn't feel right... I'm I just not use to it? I mean, "I just took out a pounder max... not as fast as missle looks takes out our maxes.. but I surrvived!" I don't get taken out by the TR Medium assault cycler in close corners anymore either??? AND what's even crazier... I kill as many hammers as they kill me! I don't know if it's unbalanced or not... should it be tweaked.. or do I just not feel right being a purple guy on the winning side? Let me know what you guys from other empires and our own (THE VS!) think. :confused: I can't believe the time has come for the VS to be balanced with the other empires.. but at the same time it's not feeling right cuz I can kill things that were before only by luck destroyed..:confused:

2003-07-21, 09:32 AM
I think right now the biggest complaint about the Lasher, at least from most of the TR I have conversed with regarding the Lasher, is the Lashers effectiveness on Maxes. I haven't really had much of a chance to face off against them yet.

I did some testing in with my Vanu alt in the Virtual Shooting Range. I was taking out maxes in one clip. I thought I had read it takes like 22 or 23 shots to take out a Max(20 rounds in a clip so it would require a reload. But I was doing it with one clip.. thus not needing to reload to take out a max. That seemed a little wrong to me.

2003-07-21, 01:35 PM
tr have been owning me since the patch

2003-07-21, 07:09 PM
I would give a long answer to this but I need to go make a thread in general discussion about Tr idiots. But simply I think the patch is perfect, the MCG is still last in the HA category, but not by a whole lot.

2003-07-22, 03:26 AM
Bismark, the MCG was on par with JH before patch, TR just didnt know how to use it. Now its better...NC got screwed because they didnt help us with anything

just because we win doesnt mean we're overpowered, someone will always win

How about fixing the pheonix? or weakening Strikers? Fixing Magriders? all they did was hurt NC with the patch

2003-07-22, 07:08 AM
i dont mind the new lasher, seeing those bolts fly through the air like that looked cool, but it put a lil fear in me, in the Vanguard i was in even, but those things are accurate byond the range i could see on Hossin, which is a lil wrong, but what can i do? all i want it the Guass clip increased by 10, and the pheonix fixed and givin the dumbfire mode, like it says it has, and increase its range and speed mabey, it can only go 130 meters, stryker, goes much further

Then, and only then, things will be even

2003-07-22, 09:14 AM
Well I got more experience being on the recieving end of the lasher last night. And of course Vanu's population is incredibly strong right now and every other VS has a lasher at the moment. So I recieved lots of Lasher love. :)

I'm still un-decided. It seems to be way more effective at range than any of the HA weapons. Just burst some orbs in a enemys direction and they have to find cover. With so many VS getting skilled at Lancer sniping, the Pulsar being a very a strong MA weapon, and now the Lasher having some respectable effectiveness from range... the Vanu are incredibly strong at range now no matter which way a VS grunt certs.

I still have to admit how amazed I am at the sudden population changes. Vanu were the winners on all the servers except Werner yesterday. I'd attribute that to population more than anything right now. But one has to wonder if its just a fad, or the ways things are going to be. It going to be rough for the NC for a bit since it looks to me like they took the biggest hit of player loss switching to Vanu.

Diddy Mao
2003-07-22, 11:12 AM
One Word "FilePlanet" i Know it's 2 words jus tmore Dramatic this way! The Influx of n00b's in overwhelming and i bet they decided to join VS a the time when the Lasher is god over all other HA's

2003-07-22, 07:10 PM
Originally posted by MJBuddy
Bismark, the MCG was on par with JH before patch, TR just didnt know how to use it. Now its better...NC got screwed because they didnt help us with anything

just because we win doesnt mean we're overpowered, someone will always win

How about fixing the pheonix? or weakening Strikers? Fixing Magriders? all they did was hurt NC with the patch

The MCG on par with the JH......what planet are you on?

Every NC has the Jackhammer, very few TR have the MCG in comparison. You've never been on the receiving end of a jackhammer, or if you have it's not been a very extended, endlesss sound of chucka boom chucka boom. And you made my point EXACTLY, "TR just didn't know how to use it", The JH is a no skill weapon, it takes alot of skill to use the MCg effectivley, thus meaning the JH is a much easier weapon to use and therefore kill with. Play as a Tr for a week, fighting only NC, you will then begin to understand what I'm talking about.

EDIT: "All they did was hurt the NC" Maybe this was because the NC owned everything?

Diddy Mao
2003-07-23, 02:47 AM
Bismarck I actually I know Plenty of ppl that dont' use the N00bhammer many of them despise the Hammer and say it sucks! As do I MJ uses the N00b Hammer dont' listem to Him I Never really gave much thought attempts at the JH but i think they did buggg the lasher up too much and tons of Terran use the MCG What planet are u from Bismarck Plenty of Terran use the MCG I can't get away from the damn thing!

2003-07-23, 02:32 PM
Diddy stfu, ive only played with it for one week

I didnt hear u bitching when i was a cloaker engi and got raped left and right to take bases for your ass

JH isnt a no skill weapon, try using it outside, u cant even fire till ur within 30m. I have to bounce from tree to tree to rock and slowly get closer until im withing 30m, then i can kill

if i remember correctly, the MCG is effective at 50m? Now even more effective. Ive lost one on one stand still and unload on the other person fights between MCG and JH from 7m. If u die from JH, its normally because u were outsmarted or a dumbass. If you die because of MCG, its because someone just ran around holding the trigger. I've also seen the MCG Zerg attack on towers. All they do i hold trigger and run thru door and down steps while holding trigger, hitting everyone for alot of damage. No different then JH except it has further range

So now Vanu can kill ANYONE at ANY range. Terran can Zerg anything with no skill(ur going to tell me the spray and pray motto of Terran doesnt mean Zerg) and NC can only hope and pray to get inside of a base and HOPE theres no Terran or Vanu with HA weps to fight back, since JH isnt ass effective anymore

NC has NOTHING good anymore, but Vanu has Mags, Lancer and Lasher. TR has MAXs, MCG and Striker. NC has...Vanguard? No wait, the Strikers, Lashers, and Lancers destroy those about instantly....umm no, nothing.