View Full Version : Indoor or Outdoor?

2003-01-03, 05:08 PM
I'm curious. Are there some people out there who are choosing to focus more on indoor combat?

Or folks planning on focusing on Outdoor combat?

2003-01-03, 05:12 PM
I'd have to say outdoors, sniping, piloting, MAXing (hey it's a word! :lol: ) and so much more that you can only do outside.(and yes i know MAXs can go inside but you won't be able to do as much as outside)

2003-01-03, 05:12 PM
I'd like to take part in taking over bases, but I dunno, it depends on if there are headshots, and if your crosshair is gigantic while moving.

2003-01-03, 05:15 PM
I'll probably be focusing on outdoor. I'd rather just raid the bases, but I'll probly end up going inside.

2003-01-03, 05:17 PM
I'll be spending the most time on the attack outside. I would think most of the indoor combat time is spent on defense, but I guess occasionally you do have to fight inside in order to take a base.

2003-01-03, 05:18 PM
I think with this cone aiming system, its going to be hillarious, 100 people are all going to be standing still mowing into eachother in a gigantic field because they can't aim while moving.

2003-01-03, 05:25 PM
I think outdoor will be best since i love long ranged combat and i get vehicles and much larger and probably mor prettier

2003-01-03, 05:32 PM
two words, Galaxy Pilot.

2003-01-03, 05:37 PM
Originally posted by Venoxile
I think with this cone aiming system, its going to be hillarious, 100 people are all going to be standing still mowing into eachother in a gigantic field because they can't aim while moving.

Not hilarious, realistic. Not many peeps who can run and aim at the same time in RL. :)

2003-01-03, 05:56 PM
Originally posted by Dio
Not hilarious, realistic. Not many peeps who can run and aim at the same time in RL. :)

ltes not forget about people jumping up and down while shooting :D

2003-01-03, 06:46 PM
Originally posted by Dio
Not hilarious, realistic. Not many peeps who can run and aim at the same time in RL. :)

Yes, but is realistic = fun?

Not always. I think this game will benefit from not being so realistic. Moving + shooting = fast gameplay. And that is what the devs want, right?

2003-01-03, 06:52 PM
The cone aiming system works fine, I used it in LW. It takes some getting used to but overall it works.

2003-01-03, 07:01 PM
run and gun isnt hard, just alot less accurate. hamma, i believe people (having the option of four characters per server), will try to enjoy both the out and inside. I, for example, am going to "base rape" with an infiltration suit. On the other hand, i will also try a reconissance.

2003-01-03, 10:00 PM
Dio ever watch paintballing, or seen the big tournaments...If a guy can sprint 100 feet and take 3 guys with quick well placed shots and dash for cover before the enemy team can return fire quick enough... Im sure it is possible and realistic for a futuristic game where guns are high tech and could possibly have built in autoaim(realisitic to games story perhaps, but indeed you aren't going to see such things in actualy gameplay..aside from a few weapons that home in on targets).

Man those guys are insane...

2003-01-03, 10:08 PM
Well if said guy shoots those 3 guys without pausing to aim then i give him props and i would like to see this guy. Also a paintball gun isn't the same as a rifle, less recoil. :)

2003-01-03, 10:35 PM
I have to say, it's simply not going to be possible to focus on just interior combat. You have to get inside first, which means at least some exterior combat.

It will be possible to fight solely outside, attacking the base and then repelling the D reinforcements.

I think the game dynamics in play will make playing one or the other highly unenjoyable. You will not have the full "flavor" of the game if such a narrow approack is taken.


2003-01-04, 12:18 AM
I tend to agree, was curious what everyone elses thoughs are :p

2003-01-04, 01:14 AM
I plan on spending a lot of time outside, in a Reaver or maybe a MAX suit, but I also paln to be one of the people helping take control rooms. So maybe.....80% outside 20% inside.

2003-01-04, 01:19 AM
The cone aiming system works fine, I used it in LW. It takes some getting used to but overall it works.

The "cone aiming system" is in any FPS which doesn't have dead on accurate shots when you fire. If every shot is off by a tiny amount, the farther the shot is away, the wider your shots will disperse. Thus creating a cone.

2003-01-04, 02:24 AM
Comon the weapons are futuristic in this game. Well at least Vanu :)

2003-01-04, 02:27 AM
Outdoor mostly.

Maybe a little bit of indoor Stealth Ninja knife kills.

2003-01-04, 02:35 AM
I'll do outdoor combat, but only when geting to the indoors. I like fighting with a lot of cover and being able to catch someone in an immoble situation.

2003-01-04, 02:43 AM
Originally posted by SandTrout
I'll do outdoor combat, but only when geting to the indoors. I like fighting with a lot of cover and being able to catch someone in an immoble situation.


2003-01-04, 05:10 AM
Anyone with a suppressor of cycler will be forced in first, that's for sure. Anyone with a really fast weapon will be stuck with indoor attacks. There's no chance of any armor so might as well use the fastest thing available. I'll be going for outdoor mainly, how much indoor combat can there be. It'll probably be ahrder to get to the base and get inside and after getting inside it will probably ease a little.

2003-01-04, 05:19 AM
fighting indoor would really bite if there weren't headshots(please don't turn this into another headshot, then sniper, then sniper vs MAX debate)because if your fighting in close quarters like a hallway only wide enough to have 2 people pass each would turn indoor fighting into a mexican stand off movie were there are people 5 feet apart unoading on each other and the person with the better gun wins automaticly.

2003-01-04, 06:43 AM
It would also depend on how inaccurate one of the people' weapon is and how stable their hand is.

2003-01-04, 08:56 AM
I'll be indoor sniping the outdoor or visa versa

2003-01-04, 01:48 PM
If i can find a way to get a tank inside a base, I'll also be doing indoor :brow:

2003-01-04, 01:56 PM
Originally posted by Blitzkrieg
If i can find a way to get a tank inside a base, I'll also be doing indoor :brow:

2003-01-04, 03:09 PM
Ill prolly do what I did in tribes: I think I'm gonna try to specialize in engineering and cloaking. Then I could use the det pack that the engineers get, sneak into an enemy base, and start placing those everywhere and blowing people up. I would also use the engineering cert for building defense inside my bases. Prolly the most time I will spend out doors will be travelling to enemy bases, so I will prolly be spending a lot of my time in doors.

2003-01-04, 03:31 PM
Yeah detpacks in T2 were awesome, specially the 2 detpacks in the ninjamod, those were freaking deadly! :)

But i didn't hear that there would be the same thing in PS, engineers can set turrets, sensors and mines but not sure about satchel charges, would be awesome if they had some though. :thumbsup:

2003-01-04, 04:16 PM
Engineers can set explosives which they can then detonate. So one would assume that given the way certs work, if you wanted to be just a regular soldier guy, you could in theory get some Engineering skill and set explosives yourself.

Here's the specifics:
Combat Engineering
Allows the use of the ACE device to construct deployable turrets, motion sensors, remote-detonated "boomers" and high-explosive mines.

2003-01-04, 05:30 PM
Correct, there is a "sachel charge" or sorts.

2003-01-04, 07:50 PM
Outdoor :D

2003-01-04, 08:02 PM
my clan is going to be focusing on indoor combat I believe