View Full Version : Send in your crash logs. (Some of you may not know this)

2003-07-21, 07:57 PM
I hope everyone having the crashes is e-mailing their crash logs in to the developers.

Some people don't know this, but each time you crash there is a file called "planetside crash" that is created in your planetside directory. The instructions on where to send it are in the file itself. Just open it in notepad to check it out. These files where introduced back in beta and they helped clear up a few things back then. Please send them in if you have them.

I sent in two yesterday.

2003-07-21, 08:11 PM
Hey GGY,

Thanks for the info. I wasn't aware of that. I will start sending mine. It actually may help ;)

2003-07-21, 08:32 PM
wow...thats a big long list of stuff I have no clue about...43119 characters.

O well, looks like I got me sum e-mailing to do :D

2003-07-22, 12:22 AM
I'm bumping this because I think it might be a feature many people aren't aware off. Those crash logs give the devs all sorts of information as to where you where, what was going on and your computer specs. Sending them in is a lot better than just bitching about a crash.

2003-07-22, 12:29 AM
learn something new every day

2003-07-22, 05:25 PM
*BUMP* I thought they disabled this after beta but I guess not. Everyone start sending in your crash logs!

2003-07-22, 05:35 PM
Originally posted by Trol
*BUMP* I thought they disabled this after beta but I guess not. Everyone start sending in your crash logs!

Same here...