View Full Version : ---> Sanctuary

2003-01-03, 05:37 PM
I noticed on that arrow/warpgate-pic that you cant go to enemy sanctuaries, opinions?

2003-01-03, 06:20 PM
you can fly there

2003-01-03, 06:29 PM
No you can't fly there, its impossible. I think that this whole sanctuary thing is good. It's a place to regroup.

2003-01-03, 07:11 PM
1 sanctuary per empire.

if thts the case.

it would suck if they get boxed.

they'd have a whole faction stuck in a small sanct lol

2003-01-03, 07:20 PM
It's virtually impossible to box an empire into their sanctuary. You would have to cover all three warp gates. And they could easily outnumber you.

2003-01-03, 07:49 PM
Ive got a QA coming up that addresses this issue. Stay tuned next week. :D

2003-01-03, 08:16 PM
You really couldn't box them in... If you covered all three warp gates and they sent a ton of people to one gate they'd own you. There'd be no way to stop them from getting out (especially since there's the big protection bubble. :)

Maybe vanu could be boxed in and wouldn't figure out how to escape. :)

2003-01-03, 08:35 PM
If and I mean if this does happen all you have to do is use the drop pods to get to the surface. Which means you could land behind the lines and kick some arse if there was a large enough force that went at one time. As far as the sanctuary thing goes it's a good idea to have so you can regroup and not be completely over ran. Seriously if your sanctuary was over ran with enemy troops every time you spawned you would get killed. There's nothing worse to be instant-killed on spawn. Put yourself in that situation and see how fun it is. Although it would be interesting if it did happen and a side did get boxed in.

2003-01-03, 08:46 PM
You can't box an empire in, even if you had enough manpower... or bugpower to completly block off the gate they could still use the sanctuaries HART (High Altitude Reentry Transport) and drop in on the other side in pods.

Camping Carl
2003-01-03, 09:52 PM
Maybe vanu could be boxed in and wouldn't figure out how to escape.


2003-01-03, 09:57 PM
:lol: :lol: :lol:

2003-01-04, 01:21 AM
There's no way to box a Faction in. Even if you have ALL of your guys defending the exit points for that sanctuary, the third Faction would rip you up from behind, assuming the boxed Faction didn't do that when they break out via a massive assault.

Also, if you could enter the enemy's Sanctuary, there'd be spawn camping going on, and that's just not healthy for the game.

2003-01-04, 05:44 AM
Originally posted by SpecialOpRanger
If and I mean if this does happen all you have to do is use the drop pods to get to the surface. Which means you could land behind the lines and kick some arse if there was a large enough force that went at one time. As far as the sanctuary thing goes it's a good idea to have so you can regroup and not be completely over ran. Seriously if your sanctuary was over ran with enemy troops every time you spawned you would get killed. There's nothing worse to be instant-killed on spawn. Put yourself in that situation and see how fun it is. Although it would be interesting if it did happen and a side did get boxed in.

You can only drop inside your own sphere of influence, so this wouldn't work.

2003-01-04, 06:19 AM
Uh, no, you can drop anywhere outside the enemy SOI.
edit: and dropping inside your own sphere of influence is kind of iffy, most people seem to think you can't but the way the devs said it makes me wonder if you can.

2003-01-04, 09:43 AM
then one empire would have to control the enemy they are boxing in, and fight off attacks from the third empire

2003-01-04, 04:23 PM
Originally posted by snipe
then one empire would have to control the enemy they are boxing in, and fight off attacks from the third empire

Impossible, unless there is a huge population issue, where one Faction is quite a bit larger than the other two.