View Full Version : Favorite Implants

2003-07-22, 02:17 AM
What's ur fav implant? Mine is Darklight, followed by targeting cuzim a reaver pilot then surge.

2003-07-22, 02:29 AM
targeting when i'm reaver or a sniper, darklight when i'm a grunt, surge or sound if i'm cloaker.

2003-07-22, 02:38 AM
Tossup for me between audio and DL, personally i LIKE audio more, but DL wins out because its damn near impossible to function on the battlefield without it.

2003-07-22, 02:47 AM
My top 3 implants in order from favorite to least:

Adv. Targeting (Like to see when they're gonna die)
Darklight (Almost like a staple in PS)
Audio Amp (A + for putting the enemies on radar, useful in a base)

2003-07-22, 03:12 AM
i like darklight and adv regen. it nice to have adv regen when theres no medics around and ur outaa med kits.

2003-07-22, 03:32 AM
Anyone who doesn't choose darklight deserves to be beaten with a stick.

2003-07-22, 03:54 AM
DL Audio Targeting Surge Shield nothing else

2003-07-22, 04:42 AM
Originally posted by Bismarck
Anyone who doesn't choose darklight deserves to be beaten with a stick.

Proceed with my beating at your leisure then i guess because after all your the authority.

Personaly I dont have issues with cloakersI dont have any lousy behaviors that get me killed by them very often.

1) I dont ever expose my rear when i'm guarding something. If i even suspect I see a blur I cook off some ammo, ammo is cheap, darklight costs an implant slot.

2) Many infiltrators are stupid, audioimplant catches them before they even round the corner, and then they catch shotty pelets. More importantly it catches everyone else, so they catch shotty pelets too. I've shut down half squads in base corridors because I caught them with their pants down thanks to audio amp and a sweeper shotty or a couple boomers, what I do with the hammer is just criminal.

3) I'm self contained, it cost me a lot of points to get there but I almost never need to loot suplies off corpses, on my infiltrator this is the number one time I got people. As a engie/medic I can surge away form the last spot of battle, put my back to something solid, turn on audio amp and repair/heal in relative safety.

In closing let me say the following:


2003-07-22, 07:30 AM
I like DL, but no longer use it as a driver, i only use Adv Regen, but a DL MAX is top dog for holding a CC.

Never tried surge, must give that a go tonight for a few minutes.

2003-07-22, 09:06 AM
Doppler you use that godawful second form of darklight if you see one and they go into the next room you just spray all the corners with lead do you not?

2003-07-22, 09:29 AM
I used to love Adv Regen. Not sure why, but recently, I just haven't found myself using it as often as I used to. So last night I decided to give some of the others a try. I gave Second Wind a shot. That is absolutely the most useless implant to get. I'm going to do some testing on it(by getting an Outfit mate to shoot me) to see if it actually even works, because it never seemed to do a damn thing last night after hours of fighting(and dieing).

With the increase of Vanu popularity and their strength at range... I'll probably end up going with Surge as a replacement for my Adv Regen.

2003-07-22, 11:51 AM
I dont need Darklight or Audio amp to kill Infiltrators. Shooting every CC console and all corners near it gets you so many Infil kills, that DL and audio amp is a waste of an implant slot. Not only that, you can just straight up see them running or if they try to attack you. Since I cert Heavy assault, MAXs and vehicles, getting assasinated by Infils is never a problem.

1) Advanced targeting - Crucial for vehicles, MAXs, and just nice to know when you need to be agressive or defensive
2) Surge - So many uses for this. I use it for quick travel around bases and towers as much as I use it for battle. Really nice since movement in Reinforced is like chugging thru mollassas.
3) Advanced Regeneration - If you are a grunt and have Engineer spec, you can effectivly hunt untill you run out of ammo. Great combo for solocaping bases, and towers when you are having a grudge duel against another grunt

2003-07-22, 12:24 PM
surge all the way. DL is overrated, and a crutch. unless you are in a max, or driving, surge will come in handy. in my infil suit i can almost keep up with a max while using it.

Happy lil Elf
2003-07-22, 12:34 PM
Surge, because god damn reinforced runs slow after playing in agile for about 45 combined battle ranks :p

2003-07-22, 12:36 PM
my favs:

1. Darklight
2. Advanced Regeneration
3. Surge
(those are the 3 i have equipped now)
4. Range Enhancer thing
5. Advanced Targeting

2003-07-22, 12:44 PM
Surge. I use it with whatever weapons (right now my Pulsar or Sweeper) to close the gap to the enemy swiftly then strafe the hell out of them while pumping them full of holes. I'm a fast action FPS kind of player and surge is where it's at for this kindof play.

2003-07-22, 02:24 PM
my main is br18, so i use 3 implants.

surge: i use jackhammer, go figure ;)
darklight: no brainer.
adv targeting: i drive a lightning quite a bit, so its very useful when im up against other vehicles.

2003-07-22, 02:28 PM
coundl't live without my AA.

2003-07-22, 03:26 PM
You forgot the range mag

2003-07-22, 03:52 PM
With repair and Adv. regen I always find myself fighting to the bitter end, with my knife. I last so long I run out of ammo. Combined with surge to get myself to a safe place quickly, and my rocklett rifle, my kill ratio is pretty good. I'm BR 13 so I don't know what I'll get next. I might get a lightning so maybe adv targeting.

2003-07-22, 03:56 PM
Ill tell you when I get that high lol

2003-07-22, 06:41 PM
Originally posted by ReaperofDeath27
Doppler you use that godawful second form of darklight if you see one and they go into the next room you just spray all the corners with lead do you not?

Hell no, why the hell whould I chase an infiltrator into a battle of their choosing. THis is the tactical equivalent of chasing a thief into a dark alley in a city you dont know. Sometimes whgen i want to get lots of kills and I know an enemy is beyond a door, I will place a boomer,surge in, surge right back out and hit the boomer, flash frying any stupid enough to follow me out of the CC.

2003-07-22, 07:17 PM
Or you could just turn on DL and shoot them.....

2003-07-22, 10:16 PM
Ah but your contention was that darklight is a necessity which I have I think adequatly proved wrong, granted there arnt many good implants out there, but there are a few I whould rather have then darklight.

2003-07-22, 10:20 PM
i love DL. sometimes when i see an infil then he stops so icant see him, i act like i dont see him. then i walk towards him then i turn on DL and cap that stupid infil.:D

2003-07-22, 10:28 PM
I like DL, but no longer use it as a driver... LOL, you're one of those, aren't you. :nod:

2003-07-22, 10:36 PM
BTW, I use surge and adv regen. Handy since I'm NC and use the JH, and a comb eng. Get there, shoot them, drop a spitfire then heal myself and my armor at the same time, leaving med kits for emergency heals in combat.

At 18 I'll probably get Darklight so I can see better when I'm flying my reaver. lol

2003-07-23, 01:52 AM
Darklight is all but a necessity.

Personally I have Dl and Surge. Surge is fun but I've only found uses for it when attacking a nme hacked CC or trying to run away from reavers.