View Full Version : New 'CTF' System - Why exactly is it a bad thing?

2003-07-22, 03:15 AM
I've seen all the angry posts. But very few of them really give any reason at all besides "GRRR! WTF?? DUUUDDE GHEY!" which really doesn't explain what the problem is.

Skipping right past the debate about if this is CTF or not (it'll most certainly be a modified form of CTF in some respect) I'm having trouble understanding why this is bad...

Are you guys really enjoying humping the CC for 15 minutes with almost no action most of the time?

Is hordeing up in the basement waiting for that one lone guy to try to get to the CC a ton of fun?

Is the fact that you can completely ignore the outdoors in most base battles (which leads in part of the dominance of heavy assault right now) something that adds to the game?

More then likely this system will augment what is already in place. Which means your still going to fight into the base just like you do now. You will still have to 'hack' the base to get to the object, you may even still have to guard it for a short period of time.

And then the battle moves to the outdoors as you transport the object across the map. No more sitting in a big laggy base. No more 15 minutes of thumb twiddling pointlessness. Battle keeps moving and the 'defending' team will still be able to impact the outcome moreso then they can now by making strikes on the object as it moves across the map.

This adds more uses for vehicles in the game. This adds the 'convoy' type stuff alot of people have wanted to see. This brings more of the map into play.

And yet, all most of you can do is immediately damn it because it's similar to a very popular and very fun mode of play from other FPSs?

Nobody bitched that the current hack system is really nothing more then Tribe's C&H with a timer. Now it'll be Tribes C&H crossed with CTF.

I'm at a loss as to how this is so horribly bad. CTF or not anything that gets the damn zerg to move out of the fucking base and do something is an vast improvement. Even if it is just trucking a big glowing box across the map.

2003-07-22, 03:17 AM
CTF, fun and enjoyable, now throw it in the middle of a never ending war.

2003-07-22, 03:17 AM
Well put, CTF is always fun. Escpially if they change it up a little. Ala Bf 42. But not that much, CTF is a good thing to start withm but a little mix here and there can do some good.

What I'm wondering about is servers. Will there be special CTF servers?

I hope so...

2003-07-22, 03:18 AM
I think Hamma is going to smack you for starting another thread about this, but.. :p

As far as I can tell, people don't dislike the concept of CTF - but rather the idea of the implementation of it in a war-like scenario. Admittedly, until they really flesh out their plans for it, it sounds like a desperation plea to get players to stay.

2003-07-22, 03:21 AM
I think CTF in the middle of a war would be so kick-ass.

Here we go AGAIN about the "soe sucks, i want more info"

Maybe they want secrets???

HL2 ring a bell!!

2003-07-22, 05:22 AM
People need a reason to bitch. It's pretty much that simple. I truely feel that if you don't like the way the game is now or the Dev's ideas for it's future, cancel the damn subscription. Nobody is forcing you to play. The rest of us that enjoy Planetside don't need you here and would probably be much better off without.


2003-07-22, 07:12 AM
I'm just pasting from my outfit thread about the patch, as these are very valid comments.

TetrisL wrote:
The LLU is a piece of equipment (a chip or whatever) that you have to carry from the base that you want to take over to a base that has a link, to establish the link and finalize the hack.

I really like this idea, because it will significantly switch the focus of the game from indoor fights towards outdoor fights and vehicles. Currently 90% of the fighting in PS takes place indoors or nearby bases. Currently most vehicles are useless, except for quick transportation. In future tanks will become really important, as transport and as escort for the LLU chip carrier. And terrain will become much more important, as the LLU carrier has to cross terrain and can be ambushed by the enemy. And aircrafts will become more important, as they are the best weapon to intercept and enemy LLU carrier.

Plus ... the introduction of the LLU removes the annoying and boring 15 minutes waiting time when everybody sits around the CC doing nothing, waiting for the hack to complete. Now some people will escort the LLU carrier, while others will already move on to the next base. No more waiting time.

Azzuri wrote:
One thing I thought... this is gonna make libertators much more desireable in the defence of a base. If a squad of enemy troops is escorting the lattice thing back to one of their facilitys, a libertator could carpet bomb them and wipe most of them out.

2003-07-22, 07:23 AM
As a dedicated tank driver this sounds like a REALLY good idea to me.:D

2003-07-22, 08:55 AM
I hope something is in place to prevent blockade runners in mosquitos from sneaking this thing out every single time.

2003-07-22, 09:15 AM
The person carrying it will probably have a distinct radar signal or something along those lines.

2003-07-22, 09:21 AM
Even so if he can take it in a Mossie the only thing that can keep up is another Mossie and that cant gain on him, and they arent able to shoot each other down very easily anyway. Put a couple of reavers to defend his run and he'll be able to make it 90% of the time. i think they should make sure it has to be carried on the ground, maybe in some special vehicle with ant-like speed but a bit more amrour, coz even a basilisk is very hard to catch.

2003-07-22, 09:35 AM
Chances are high this LLU won't be able to be carried in an air unit. That would just bring back the old 'musical bases' game we played in early Beta.

2003-07-22, 09:51 AM
I give the LLU a thumbs up. I like the movement to the outside world. Have been in a few of these battles and Like them. I just have a few questions thought. Okay lets say you show up a on a Cont that is locked. You get into a base hack it(I.E. it goes neutral, whatever). Now where do you take a LLU to. Do you have to take back through the Warpgate to another Cont to get the hack or do you get that one for free? Still Love that Idea. Also love the final implamentation of the facilities doing what they are suppose to. If you read the PS manual, the devs had the Idea of the facilities previding certain things. The Amp station giving shields, the Tech center giving you the advanced vehicles, the Interlink making the turrents auto fire and letting you see nmies in SOI of a base. Even thought Turrents Auto Fire anyway now at vehicles. I did have some problems with what I erad about the Patch though.

A number one was the Outfit thing. I didn't really like that idea. It denotes a outfit individualized sense of being. What if my outfit gets the hack on a base that another outfit helped take. The other outfit may have wanted that base. Now they kind of wasted their time there and don't get the base. If there was no grief system then it would cause outfits to fight over base that already belong to their empire. Didn't really like that.

Would have loved to have seen the Platoon thing come into being. Would make The LLU thing a lot easier for base def and taking a base. You have like 3 squad you can command to cover different area. Okay you may be saying that is what outfit chat can be used for. How many times have you had everyone online and active from your outfit. I know as a SL I have a mixed outfit squad most of the time. Have been in multiple mixed outfit squads before, most of the time. If Platoons were ineffect them all three squads could get their orders easier. Also they could see how the other squads are holding up and fall back or move up if need be. Well that is all I gots

Overall loved the idea about the facilities and the LLU. Kind of Hated, but don't have enough info about the outfit specific bases, to judge. Would love to have seen the Platoons come about in the patch.


2003-07-22, 10:35 AM
What does this do? It forces guarding, something that's never happened before. This is a good thing. Why the hell did my comp have to break right before this comes out?! *sobbing* But yes, the carrier should display to everyone on the continent. Of course, Wraith drivers could just rush in, grab the thing, and run like hell back to their base. Even skeeters, unless they were very close, couldn't catch them in time. If skeeters can be used to carry the carriers, there has to be something done to them, like it messes up equipment so the person can only go at half speed or something. But other vehicles like say, a sunderer work just fine. This sounds like an awesome idea, and I pray that I'll be back in time to use it.

2003-07-22, 10:42 AM
Maybe if they allowed the LLU carrier ONLY to be a passenger in the vehicle?

That would bar most of the fast transports from moving him and at best he could ride a liberator/galaxy/buggy for the fastest speed.

That way without a buddy to help transport you, you have to walk.

2003-07-22, 10:44 AM
First of all, there are those who will bitch regardless. That's their lot in life and ignoring these individuals is for the good.

Second, I think the ideas thrown out with this letter sound pretty smooth. I think they will only add to the already kickin' experience PS has provided for me thus far. The idea of the LLU seems like a good one and I'm really interested in seeing it played out.

Bad Mojo
2003-07-22, 10:54 AM
It's possible that this LLU item is large enough that only someone in reinforced armor could carry it. This would eleminate most anyone flying or stealthing it out.

Vis Armata
2003-07-22, 12:42 PM
In any event, the LLU concept is fascinating, and I'll certainly wait to see how it plays out.

2003-07-22, 02:30 PM
I have to see how it will work...

Now dont get me wrong, I think that the current system is horrid, no one likes standing around in a base for a half hour doing nothing....

However, I jsut see it as being impossible to get out for the 1st 10 sec, then once you get it out of the base, your home free. You can get lost in this map very easily, even if they put a tracer on the LLU. I just see people hoping into gals (with skyguards) and running to the other base. The only thing that could catch up to them are reavers/skeeters and so long as you have 2-3 around the area, you should be able to fight off the others with little to no problem (since you can outrun the land forces of the enm, you only have their air units shooting at you, lots of skyguards will be key to a good LLU escape run.
However since air will be the only real thing to catch them, people will ditch most tanks, sunders, buggies, etc and go for skyguards and reavers.

Also, IMO this will destroy all defence people will put up, insted they will have a few people at the base for the initial defence, then they will all run the the clossit enm base to try and head off the guys with the LLU.

This will jsut cause much pain and suffering for us all I fear, as it will just be races with little chance of ever recovering the LLU once it has gone from the base, might as well leave the base and move twards one of theirs, if you bother defending at all.

Just my thoughts anyway, and I do hope that im wrong....

2003-07-22, 02:32 PM
Also, note that they said "In the month of August, we will be finishing up the long-awaited Facility Link Benefits across the world."

They never said when the CTF stuff was going to be in game. Now it it just me, or does that tell you it will be a few months off, I mean look at the lodestar, it was suposed to be in game a month ago, and now it seems to have vanished w/o any hint of where it is going or if it will be in game.
So, my guess is that we will see the rest of the base stuff in game in aug (wasnt that suposed to be in game in beta?) and then perhaps the ctf stuff in sept.

2003-07-22, 02:48 PM
Maybe add another vehicle that is made to carry the "falg". It cant go over 45 or lower, somethign slow. Dont maek it so you can just go in grab it and run.

I love the idea.It helps spread out teh battle.

Another idea i've heard of and have expanded on is to have bunker-type buildings in between each base that an Empire msut own in order to cap a linked base. These buildings wouldn't be very big and would only be one level. Maybe even have the panel out in the open, outdoors.

The original idea was to allow Engineers to set up "lattice distruptors" between bases that must be destroyed in order to cap a linked base.

2003-07-22, 02:58 PM
I think that the bunkers need this:

1. A 12mm Mounted Chaingun in the bunkers that can be used as a turrit
2. In the bunkers that go underground, put a purchase term at the bottom center so there is a reason to take the bunker

2003-07-22, 03:22 PM
I think we are all overreacting at this point, I am witholding any judgement or discussion until we see the details.

2003-07-22, 06:52 PM
Originally posted by Bismarck
I think CTF in the middle of a war would be so kick-ass.

Here we go AGAIN about the "soe sucks, i want more info"

Maybe they want secrets???

HL2 ring a bell!!

You recieve more of my cynacism then anyon should without an antidote kit and a flak vest. Comparing HL2 to PS is apples to oranges. One is a game I've paid for, am paying for, and has been proceeding in one manner, the other is a game that hasnt even been given a solid release date yet. I'm reserving my judgement but the lack of data is driving me up the wall, now that I'm paying for the game I tend to feel I should have a better clue of major changes their making to a service I pay for. It's roughly equivalent of my phone company mentioning "oh by the way were making some changes to your phone line" and then a week later knocking me from DSL to dialup.

2003-07-22, 07:35 PM
it said on sporks newest post that the 'flag' carrier cannot drive or fly any vehicles, and can only passenger or gun ground vehicles. this means that there should be bridge battles again. as someone said in the other thread, this gives VS a big advantage with thresher and mag as they can go over water...

[i dont think you have to be so worried about thresh actually...]

2003-07-22, 07:43 PM
Originally posted by Call-The-Gestap
it said on sporks newest post that the 'flag' carrier cannot drive or fly any vehicles, and can only passenger or gun ground vehicles. this means that there should be bridge battles again. as someone said in the other thread, this gives VS a big advantage with thresher and mag as they can go over water...

[i dont think you have to be so worried about thresh actually...]

I thought about the VS too, but they seem to be placing all kinds of arbitrary restrictions as to where it can and can't go, so I'm sure it wouldn't be able to go in the Thresher or Magrider, or at least over water, which would create massive balance bitches.

2003-07-22, 07:47 PM
it most likely with give off some "radiant effect" that makes the overcrafts sink. Now deliverers, thats a differetn story.