View Full Version : NC will still be good on emerald

2003-07-22, 03:19 AM
I think our core players and most experienced will stay. LOts of good NC on there. We still have kick ass battles on solsar (mont especially) everyday with TR. Im hoping we will be alright :D

2003-07-22, 03:26 AM
The jackhammer didn't get any worse.

2003-07-22, 04:01 AM
I hope you all will continue to fight because those are the best fights. When i go to amerish the VS often lose or take the bases behind us, prolonging the inevitable. I appreciate you NC coming in to the fight because you present a good ol fashioned fight. The VS fight till they die and run, hacking what we just took, (in my experience). I will see you all on Solsar for some good fighting and if you want to coordinate let me know ingame.

PS I love the JH Lancer Striker et. al. we are different empires with different guns deal with it.

Diddy Mao
2003-07-22, 04:20 AM
I use to enjoy fighting the VS but now it's horrible everywhere I look Lasher's Lasher's Lasher's. I think for the patch they should have Increased the Damage "OR" Increased Speed....NOt both of em! Now the Chain Gun and the JH dont' stand a chance! but I think we've had it coming beign that the VAnu have had the low pop count or the longest ass time! I guess it's all balancing out in the end!

2003-07-22, 04:24 AM
Seeing one faction using a powerful HA weapon on almost every infantry? That's certainly unheard of :P

2003-07-22, 05:07 AM
Seeing one faction using a powerful HA weapon on almost every infantry? That's certainly unheard of :P

I've never seen more than one weapon of any type used with such frequency like the Lasher has since the patch. And that counts the jackhammer because I know someone will bring it up.

I'll see you TR on Solsar tomorrow night, btw. :D

2003-07-22, 05:32 AM
Originally posted by WritheNC
I've never seen more than one weapon of any type used with such frequency like the Lasher has since the patch. And that counts the jackhammer because I know someone will bring it up.

I'd bet that this isn't true.

2003-07-22, 05:38 AM
I'll take that bet!

I got .76 here on my desk...at least until friday!

2003-07-22, 07:15 AM
There's never been nearly every NC with a jackhammer, never more than half, thats still a lot, but recently 70%+ of VS have Lashers. I wouldnt mind if it had any disadvantages (JH is useless at range... and therefore against vehicles), but as far as i can see it doesnt have any. Lashing damage and ROF makes missing all but impossible at close range and long range spamming still works better than any other HA by a very long way.

2003-07-22, 07:46 AM
The best fights on Emerald are VS vs. TR. :P Half of the NC are such shitty players it's depressing. Hell I charged forward and knifed one to death the other day.

2003-07-22, 08:52 AM
yes i bet you did:rolleyes:

2003-07-22, 11:17 AM
At the JH peak it was easily more common than the Lasher is so far. Give it some time, though, the Lasher usage seems to actually be increasing. It has a chance to take the title.
I'm also seeing FAR more MCG then I did a couple of weeks ago.

2003-07-22, 12:45 PM

All nerfs and tweaks are bad for the game if you ask me once it is retail. The fall out and change to game dynamics plays havoc with your customers. The Vanu weapons were always uber to me since they kill so easily through armor. I still don't think they needed changing. If anything they should have nerfed the Jackhammer if people were complaining so much, but increasing stuff is a bad move. This game will end up like EQ, and things will just keep getting more and more powerful as one class (or weapon cert carrier) whines to the next.

I don't mind getting mauled by Vanu's weaponry. The problem for NC now on Emerald at least is that the Vanu have become very good at tactics in the past because of being out-numbered. Now they have the same good tactics, but they also have growing numbers and better weapons. It is going to be difficult to defeat them without at least equal numbers. Last night on Cyssor, NC was barely holding on to a few bases left that were not Vanu. They appeared to be outnumbered at least 2 to 1 in every fight I participated in. It was a bloodly hell.

I'm up to the challenge though, and I'm not going to add to the whining. I'll have fun either way, and tactics will continue to be the number one tool of victory. Weaponry only goes so far in a game (we don't have the almighty nuke trump card as in IRL), so no matter what weapons a person has--tactics will eventually win the day. I'm up to the challenge, and no amount of struggle will stop me from being NC.

Revolver, thanks for the heals btw, hee hee... It is good to see people from on here in the game from time to time to say hello!

See you all in the game,

2003-07-22, 01:15 PM
When in game its generally too hectic to tell exactly how many are using certain types of weapons. Yeah the VS have a ton of people with Lashers right now, and that is different from the way the VS USED to be. But its not any different than the NC have been with the JH for a long time now.

Its probably a change for a NC player, but for this TR player its the same stuff in a different empires colors. Not only will you see Lasher Lasher Lasher... but now the NC can experince the HA+Agile+Surge lemmings that I've seen the NC use so often.

Its only been a couple of days. The "core" NC players are about to be tested. It's one thing to say "We'll be fine" after only a couple of days. Go a month or two of fighting all the Lasher users... go a month or two of being consistenly being out-numbered and then we'll see who is still around.

2003-07-22, 01:24 PM

While I agree with most of what you said, please don't lump all jackhammer users into the surge forward, no tactics, and no team skills player. I use a jackhammer while in close combat, and I always wear reinforced. Charging forward alone isn't something I do, and I don't use surge as you suggested. People might be surprised, /gasp, but I actually use my jackhammer to kill vehicles. <chuckle>

I don't think you meant to say all jackhammer users are like that, but I just wanted to say I'm definitely not one of them. This game is a game of tactics for me, and I want people to work together as teams. Individuals are worthless imho.


2003-07-22, 01:39 PM
The other thing that makes it seem like the Lasher is everywhere is the distinct disco balls filling the air. It doesn't take many Lasher users to really spam the air, so even if there aren't many people using it then it looks like every purple guy around is firing one. It's almost like walking into a base a month ago and hearing the constant unique sound of the Jackhammer over and over (a sound I learned to loathe). I think that the Lasher is going to get a lot worse before it dies down, though. People are just playing with their new toy, give them some time to enjoy it. The JH at it's peak seemed to be used by a much higher percentage of the NC, but I found that over time a lot of NC seemed to either have dropped the cert or decided to use new tactics/different weapons inside to keep from being bored. The Lasher needs to plateau before it can come back to reality though.

2003-07-22, 06:13 PM
I concur. I accually wasnt on for the launch of the lib, but im guessing you saw a hella lot of liberators when it was first launched. How many of these people have sold their certs after this?

Give it time. Lasher will come back into perpective, and untill then WTFH all you damn empire switchers get the HELL offa vs on emerald! we can win w/o your help.

I think its more fun watching nc whine about lashers, then the accual boost. If they woulda switched when the jh was peaked...they wouldnt bitch so much.

Go lasher love :p

2003-07-22, 06:50 PM
As Gohan said.

Yeah, there were a lot of libs, and then they slowly dissappeared, same will happen with the lasher.

And yeah, can all the empire switches drokk off, I don't want to play as part of a zerg, I want tactics (which we did have :()

2003-07-23, 12:33 AM
I agree with ag instead of upping all weapons they should have just nerfed the jh. Id prefer a good firefight as to having to respawn all the time. Im sure the vanu fealt the same way on emrald as we were the ones with the numbers and stronger weapons. sure takes the excitement outa it when youre whole empire only has 5 bases on a world. and all you can do is try and hold those (no points in that except for kills) Cya in the trenches term

2003-07-23, 05:49 AM
Originally posted by Diddy Mao
I think for the patch they should have Increased the Damage "OR" Increased Speed....NOt both of em! I agree 100% that they should have only increased on variable on the laster instead of 2.

As for all of you who say that its just that the disco balls are more noticable is the only reason it seams like nearly every vanu uses a lasher, you are worng.

I play an infil suit so I try to stay away from the main part of the fighting when I can, but I've seen the Vanu at the equipment terminals geting their shit, and I'd say that at the very least 1/3 of the Vanu get lashers. Also, I try to scavenge off pulsars as well after major fights with the vanu, but guess what, only about 1 in 5-10 backpacks have puslars, instead, about 2/3-3/4 have lashers.

Another thing I would like to point out is that while the Vanu have been doing poorly prior the patch, the NC wasnt doing all that well ethier despite our "n00bhammer". We were always constantly fighting for control of cyssor and Hossin and rarely took signifigant amounts of basses outside our home continents. I dont think I've ever seen the NC lock Searhus(which is supposed to be the closest thing to a neutal continent).

However, I agree that the JH was unbalanced compared to the other HA weapons. The reason we did only reasonably well prior to the patch is because the JH was the only weapon that wasnt weaker to it's other empires' counterparts.

NC MAXes suck, the special ability is useless for combat(shield shuts down when fireing, and is weak as hell anyways). The Gauss is worse at close and medium range than the cycler or pulsar, and its hard as hell to shoot down a reaver with a phoenix. The Vangaurd was ok, but the Enforcer was useless against anything except the Prowler.

*Edit: Iforgot to mention that the Falcon is compleatly useless against anything that moves faster than infantry.*

2003-07-23, 06:00 AM
Will the Lasher numbers decrease? Maybe. But its proving to be one of the top weapons in the game. I wouldn't expect the number of Lashers to go down too much. Unless its changed, you're going to get the Lasher in disgusting dosages for a long time.

2003-07-23, 07:52 AM
Originally posted by SandTrout
but the Enforcer was useless against anything except the Prowler.

All I can say is that you must really suck. The enforcer is the best of the 3 empire buggies. The amount of kill's I have gotten in one of those as gunner with my little NC is unreal. It owns at tower fights and the splash damage off it is just so sweet. Id swap the Thresher for the Enforcer any day.

2003-07-23, 07:53 AM
Originally posted by Cease
Will the Lasher numbers decrease? Maybe. But its proving to be one of the top weapons in the game. I wouldn't expect the number of Lashers to go down too much. Unless its changed, you're going to get the Lasher in disgusting dosages for a long time.

You mean like the amount of NC welding Jackhammers or TR welding Strikers and MCG's?

2003-07-23, 07:59 AM
You mean like the amount of NC welding Jackhammers or TR welding Strikers and MCG's?

Not even comparable, there's far more VS with lashers than NC or TR using HA, at least double the percentage i would say.

2003-07-23, 10:29 AM
Originally posted by Aegis
Not even comparable, there's far more VS with lashers than NC or TR using HA, at least double the percentage i would say.

True on the second fucking day man. Give it a chance to settle down. Lots of people dropped certs to try the new improved Lasher and will soon go back to there usual certs.

And the amount of MCG's that I seen on the bodies of dead TR's is way more than you make out not to mention the fact that very few NC ground troops dont carry the Jackhammer speaks for itself. I honestly cant remember the last time I died to a NC trooper indoors that wasnt by the Jackhammer.

2003-07-23, 10:54 AM
Originally posted by Jounar
True on the second fucking day man. Give it a chance to settle down. Lots of people dropped certs to try the new improved Lasher and will soon go back to there usual certs.

And the amount of MCG's that I seen on the bodies of dead TR's is way more than you make out not to mention the fact that very few NC ground troops dont carry the Jackhammer speaks for itself. I honestly cant remember the last time I died to a NC trooper indoors that wasnt by the Jackhammer.

I used to have the MCG cert, tried it out for a while and just couldn't handle how useless it was. I'll freely admit I dropped some certs to get the MCG again once these changes went through. Like the Lasher users, we're enjoying our new toy. I think the MCG users will stabilize quicker than the Lasher users though, the MCG is fun but it's certainly not changing the tides of battles. Before this last patch seeing an MCG user was RARE though.

2003-07-23, 11:19 AM
Are you serious? The amount of MCG user's on both Konreid and Wernier is huge. Maybe the Vanu will keep the Lasher cert, I know I will as its so nice to be finaly able to kill someone playing as a Vanu. Before the last patch it was so much harder playing my Vanu than playing my NC. The enemy just seemed to die easier and quicker to my NC guy.

2003-07-23, 11:46 AM
Current lasher = jackhammer 2.0

Be nuts to be a vs player whitout one.