View Full Version : PlanetSide is going to hell....
NightWalker XI
2003-07-22, 07:31 AM
These new changes suck overall, the thign is, its not the changes themselves, its the stupid devs, they do NOT listen to the community!
Theres a fucking wishlist forum, more than most I see there is the "We want Platoons! they promised Platoons back in BETA, its great and still nothing, and now its not in future plans either, WTF?
They jsut seem to do the game how they want, its a community game, they are meant to put in content the majority wants right? that will make the players happy, not this CTF shit, if I want that I can get it for free!
Bah I'm pissed..what you guys think?
2003-07-22, 07:40 AM
I think they're trying. However, either DG or some suit is pushing them in another direction. These guys have to know that people don't want this. There's a litany of great ideas on the OF about ways to improve gameplay and combat, and bring people out of bases into the open. There must be over 20 pages of *good* ideas alone.
What bothers me is the apparent communication gap between the community and the dev team. Even though there was not any reason leading up to this decision, they made it anyway. No one in the community asked for it, and it was never an option anyone discussed. Personally, I feel like the DT is in trouble and they are trying to find a band aid for this game. They keep using words like, "inject life" and what not.
Furthermore, it seems like they don't even have a specific vision they are aiming for. Spork said something along the lines of, we'll try this, and if you guys don't like it, we'll try something else. That's not a confidence builder, especially since this last idea is evidence that they might not know what the community really does want. I think this was a bad time in PS's lifespan to pull a stunt like this.
edit: and to further the problem, there's a whole new crop of people telling others to "Quit playing, leave the game if you don't like it". Newsflash guys, how fun will PS be with only 1 circle?
2003-07-22, 07:56 AM
I like the game at the moment. The Lasher thing bugs me, but i have a 150mm cannon so its not a huge problem :)
As for CTF, i think it will benefit us outdoor fighters. Not having medium assault i'm not the most useful guy to fight alongside indoors (although i think the suppressor is hugely underrated) so as far as i am concerned anything that brings more of the fighting into my territory is good. Having recently organized a 10 vanguard force i know the huge tank battles these plans will create will be huge fun for everyone.
2003-07-22, 08:57 AM
w/e man...go play a new game then. This game ownz and it keeps getting better. i had the pleasure of getting this game on during the beta stages and all the way up til now..and i am not disappointed at all. perhaps people are expecting the year 2020's technology today or something...its still the most innovative game to date.
2003-07-22, 09:21 AM
Im not going to pass judgement on the CTF thing right now. It seems they want to make outdoor fighting more crucial to the game. I'm all for that since I'm medium assualt and most effective outside. Way too little info to pass judgement at this point.
I DO like the outfits claiming bases idea. I've been hoping they would implement something like that for a while now.
2003-07-22, 09:25 AM
Fabulous idea. Adding new measures of tactical warfare will definalty help keep this game fresh and interesting. Sure alot of ppl might leave the game now..but we just end up with the more stratigical players in turn. worth the trade off i think. im looking forward to this very much.
2003-07-22, 09:25 AM
Since did when Sony listen to customers? They think they know what we want, but we know what we want. And they dont listen.
2003-07-22, 09:33 AM
Originally posted by Sandman
Since did when Sony listen to customers? They think they know what we want, but we know what we want. And they dont listen.
I think they listen more than you may imagine. Try playing something from them totally unsupport a game thats number one in sales for 8 straight months only to become the most hacked up piece of crap this side of counter strike. hell, at least cs has punk buster. mohaa has nothing. ea dont give two want rapege....go buy mohaa and ask for help from ea with patches, updates or support. than come back to this game and appreciate what you have ;) i know i do.
2003-07-22, 09:42 AM
Yeah but MOHAA isnt MO, so you arent paying for your support. And its still a cracking game.
2003-07-22, 09:48 AM
OutlawSZ, I couldn't agree more. I LOVE this game and really like the outfit that I'm with. SOE will continue to get my money. I know there are going to be bugs and other crap to deal with, but it's not enough to make me leave the game all together.
I know there are some people that will leave because of the bugs and "lack of content" (in quotes because I think it's NOT true). The game has been out for about 2 months. GIVE IT SOME TIME!
Think about it from SOE's perspective. THey have a game that 1,000's of people are playing. All with different ideas on how to make it better. If they implement one, they make someone mad. If they implement another, they make someone else mad and start getting posts like "SOE SUX!". It's a no win situation for them, but just be happy that you have this game to play and they ARE making efforts to add more content. It may not be exactly what you want, but be thankful it has some new content.
I say give it more time and see what happens. I'm sure you'll be happy with something that SOE does... :D
2003-07-22, 10:26 AM
Originally posted by Aegis
Yeah but MOHAA isnt MO, so you arent paying for your support. And its still a cracking game.
true that...but i pay 70 a month for a game server to run decision...bad decision..i pay more for this game on a monthly basis than i do for planetside by far.
Happy lil Elf
2003-07-22, 10:55 AM
They jsut seem to do the game how they want, its a community game, they are meant to put in content the majority wants right?
No. Maybe in an ideal world, but what the majority wants and what the Dev team does will generally have nothing to do with with one another. Any other questions?
2003-07-22, 10:56 AM
I have yet to be disappointed with anything the devs have done.
2003-07-22, 10:57 AM
What the Devs do is mainly covered by time and budget contraints. They run Planetside to make $$$s, nto for our enjoyment, but since they need us to enjoy it to get us to pay $$$ the two need to have a vague relationship.
And if people were half as unhappy as most forums suggest then there would be nobody playing, and there are plenty from what i see each night.
2003-07-22, 10:58 AM
The only problems I had were the Spawn Tube Doors and the MCG CoF. Now that they are both fixed, I'm a happy little camper!
2003-07-22, 10:58 AM
Outlaw, why don't you just go to a suck off fest with the devs then?
2003-07-22, 11:00 AM
Valcron, that was one of the most educated and well thought out posts I have every seen! (COMPLETE SARCASM!)
bitch bitch bitch bitch... guess the offical PS forums trolls are here too. so much for finding new forums. people can't appreciate anything these days.
2003-07-22, 11:01 AM
Originally posted by Valcron
Outlaw, why don't you just go to a suck off fest with the devs then?
GG you immature little maggot. lol..try something a bit more creative next time.
2003-07-22, 11:03 AM
Originally posted by pauljar1
The only problems I had were the Spawn Tube Doors and the MCG CoF. Now that they are both fixed, I'm a happy little camper!
2 huge fixes. The MCG just became even more practical to use. Cant wait to drop this pounder config and pick up heavy tonight.
Happy lil Elf
2003-07-22, 11:08 AM
Outlaw, why don't you just go to a suck off fest with the devs then?
Valcron, why don't you unimpale yourself from your dads lap and go back to playing in traffic? Go back to the official boards you worthless little wanna be troll.
2003-07-22, 11:13 AM
I'm with the not so hapy one above. :eek:
2003-07-22, 01:25 PM
Woohoo!! :D
I love ganging up on the little trolls!!!
:domotwak: <----- Valcron
I, too, have noticed that PS is going down the fast track to a shit o' a game.
I am seriously considering going over to SWG if the Devs dont seriously get things together.
First of all, they released this game WAY. TOO. EARLY. I mean, come fucking on, they released the game and they're still dealing with weapon balances?
2003-07-22, 03:23 PM
I love how peopel critisize the devs for releasing the game too early, as if you even understsand how the industry works :lol:
2003-07-22, 03:24 PM
Originally posted by Valcron
Outlaw, why don't you just go to a suck off fest with the devs then? And I suggest you straighten up your act, your bullshit wont get ignored here like it does on the OF
2003-07-22, 03:24 PM
And once again, we are all over-reacting right now. We don't even know the details.
2003-07-22, 03:30 PM
hamma: .......
who ya talken to?
the games fine
2003-07-22, 03:31 PM
We are over-reacting about the whole CTF annoucment, because we dont even know how its going to work, there are NO details yet.
2003-07-22, 03:33 PM
sounds gravy to me ;) i cant wait
NightWalker XI
2003-07-22, 03:40 PM
1. This thread is here for people to discuss their opinions on what I posted and what they think of PlanetSides current direction, so you flaming trolls can go back to your holes.
2. The games release date WAS ewarly but you guys have to understand SONY probably gave the Devs a deadline, when that was reached the game was released, thats how the industry usually works unless the game has very big stability issues.
3. The CTF thing is not being over inflated, it is a bad idea, I agree that sitting in a CC for 15 minutes is pointless especially if 10 MAX show up and kill everyone (happened alot to me) and that combat need to be more outside instead of the same bases, yet this CTF like idea is no good, CTF is an old concept, this game promised us new, if I want CTF I can play good games that give me it for free like BF 1942, Unreal 2, etc
4. The community needs to be heard, the wishlist forum is pointless, so far I haven't seen the major ideas on the wishlist forum implemented, these are among many: Platoons, new base designs...etc
Happy lil Elf
2003-07-22, 04:18 PM
2. The games release date WAS early but you guys have to understand SONY probably gave the Devs a deadline, when that was reached the game was released, thats how the industry usually works unless the game has very big stability issues.
You got it partly right. In many cases, especially for games tying to pull something like this off, a deadline is set and the deadline is unrealistic. Executive types don't like waiting and realize people will buy unfinished games anyways, since they have been doing just that for years.
3. The CTF thing is not being over inflated, it is a bad idea, I agree that sitting in a CC for 15 minutes is pointless especially if 10 MAX show up and kill everyone (happened alot to me) and that combat need to be more outside instead of the same bases, yet this CTF like idea is no good, CTF is an old concept, this game promised us new, if I want CTF I can play good games that give me it for free like BF 1942, Unreal 2, etc
You have no idea what this system will be like. You have only the vaugest hints at what it is. You do not have enough information to form an educated opinion. That said yes you are more than free to have the opinion that this will be the destruction of planetside. It's an uninformed and ignorant opinion, but it can be yours all the same. There are many of us who will wait until the changes are actually mapped out or *gasp* brought to the test server so we can expreience them first hand and then discuss them. Flying off the handle now accomplishes nothing and is very premature.
4. The community needs to be heard, the wishlist forum is pointless, so far I haven't seen the major ideas on the wishlist forum implemented, these are among many: Platoons, new base designs...etc
You haven't seen them implimented because it takes a lot of work to do the vast majority of the ideas presented. Know what else? The vast majority of them will never, ever, be implimented. A stupendously awesome idea != a practical idea that can actually be implimented. Could you remind me where the Lattice system came from again? I think it starts with a "The" has a "players" on the end...
P.S. Platoons aren't from the wishlist, they're from something that was supposed to be in the game "By the end of beta or shortly thereafter".
2003-07-22, 04:25 PM
Nightwalker: yet this CTF like idea is no good, CTF is an old concept, this game promised us new, if I want CTF I can play good games that give me it for free like BF 1942, Unreal 2, etc
Spork: What we are envisioning is not a simple capture and deliver game. That's been done - you've all done it and for a game shipped in 1997, it would be pretty innovative.
I'd say give 'em a chance to at least outline what they plan to do. Obviously its going to have some similarities to CTF otherwise they wouldn't have given it a CTF moniker, but lets at least see what the details are before we judge.
NightWalker XI
2003-07-22, 04:54 PM
I know Platoons are originally from BETA and that exactly my point, all this time plus people asking when its coming, if its coming and if they can put it in soon and after all this time still nothing?
Happy lil Elf
2003-07-22, 05:43 PM
4. The community needs to be heard, the wishlist forum is pointless, so far I haven't seen the major ideas on the wishlist forum implemented, these are among many: Platoons, new base designs...etc
Ok, I may have misunderstood you, but you sure made it easy to do :p
2003-07-23, 02:01 PM
Originally posted by NightWalker XI
if I want CTF I can play good games that give me it for free like BF 1942, Unreal 2, etc
Did you know that you can play good games featuring King of the Hill gameplay for free too?
Did you also know that there is already CTF in PS in the form of ANT runs?
2003-07-23, 02:52 PM
Planetside is not going to hell. The attitudes of players and those who want everything now, now, now are however.
Christ people a game like this has never been done before and the idea was that it would grow as time went by. It's only been a couple of months since it came out and I've heard nothing but whining from people with no patience and who expect the devs to just pull this shit out of their ass and give it to you as soon as you can dream it up.
Are there bugs? Yes. Have we gotten fixes? Yes. Will we get more fixes and more toys? Yes.
You can call those of us that are having fun and patiently waiting for the game to grow crazy if you want. Flame away, makes no difference to me. But, at least we got the right attitude.
2003-07-23, 03:12 PM
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