View Full Version : Once I'm in it's over

Dark Reign
2003-07-22, 09:43 AM
Planetside is about to go to hell the New Conglomerate is about to take over hope that anyone that wants to live join me tonight at 7:00 o clock be there or be shitty......

My bad to everyone who read this lol lol lol lol I had Mew Conglomerate not new my bad everyone but any way check it out.....Planetside is going to hell so be ready join now....!!!!!!!

2003-07-22, 10:13 AM
am i the only one who is unsure what this post is about? :rolleyes:

2003-07-22, 10:16 AM
Originally posted by Dark Reign
Planetside is about to go to hell the Mew Conglomorate is about to take over......

I am a little confused. Is this a new Empire that has fragmented from the Congs? Maybe a division over how they have been treating their kittens? All good with me - makes for a target rich environment. ;)

Dark Reign
2003-07-22, 10:27 AM
Originally posted by Aegis
am i the only one who is unsure what this post is about? :rolleyes:

My bad I just updated my post so go back and make your decision quick....

2003-07-22, 10:36 AM
Oh yes, forming a little 10 man posse to take over the world before the game meets the fate of AC2 mysteriously? The game isn't ending, it has less people because of SWG, but it's certainly not ending.

2003-07-22, 11:28 AM
It's not the mew that had us confused. Plus you said be there without any indication of where 'there' is :p

Plus if it's Emerald I think you need to relook. NC has been getting its ass kicked recently (thanks to numbers).

2003-07-22, 11:57 AM
I think Mew Conglomerate is the empire that Sputty plays on.

2003-07-22, 12:48 PM
:spam: :spam: :spam: :spam: :nono:

2003-07-22, 01:03 PM

I agree Revolver. The last few times I've played, NC has been getting mauled. It has been mostly from uneven numbers, but our tactics need to improve as well. I don't see the higher level command and control we once had. Maybe all of the CR5's are playing SWG as I took a short break to play? I don't always agree with their direction, but direction is always preferred to chaos.

Hands down, last night was CHAOS! Vanu on Cyssor were slaughtering us.


Happy lil Elf
2003-07-22, 01:20 PM
I'm playing Elite Force 2 atm, because it doesn't cause my computer to go apeshit after 10 minutes of playing. That, and Final Fantasy: Tactics. Gotta love old classics for $10 at Best Buy :p