View Full Version : Damn I it has so much going for it, later Guys :(

2003-07-22, 10:24 AM
I think PS has tons of potential; it�s stable for the most part(FPS that can allow DSL/Cable players to play side by side with 56K outside of huge battles is amazing) but it lacks one key ingredient for a successful persistent world, the use of strategy.

My previous post have been on how the developers could change the game to force more strategy but my experience since the last patch has lead me to believe that no amount of change to the game is going to change the behavior of the 12 year olds who just want to play CTF using zerg tactics.

I�ve been playing NC, VS and TR every single night; my time would break down roughly NC 50% of the night, VS 40% and TR 10%. So I�m not a player unaccustomed to being one the receiving end of a JH.

Up until the patch if I was in a NC group we normally had 2 � 3 surge JH twits, yes that is about 1 to 2 more then needed but they were there, last night when I joined a VS squad with my Comet I was the only person in squad not using a lasher it made playing my max pointless as they all ran ahead and were either dead when I got there (a solo max doesn�t live long) or they had killed everything. I realized I would need to get a magmower or a lasher to keep up with these twits so I logged onto my NC server. As a NC my sparrow was pointless there weren�t many planes, my falcon was pretty pointless to against the lasher menace, the scattercannon was the most useful but just couldn�t hold up to the 3 to 4 lashers against me.

I realized to be able to do anything from any side I was going to need to make a HA character so I logged off.

After I logged I did think of one change that would kick this silly play style of the 12 year old masses; they could put delays on how fast you can get a HA or AV weapon like they do with vehicles and Max�s (seeing as how half the reason my MAX couldn�t do much was every time I killed one he respawned and was back with lasher in hand before I was even done with his 2 buddies and when I died I would have to first find a max useable term and then hope the timer was already run out).

Then I realized that there is no good way to make suggestions to Sony and even when you do they don�t listen so I did what I should have done after playing EQ I ended my subscription, uninstalled and swore Sony would never own another game I would buy.

Good Luck to you all, it was fun playing and meeting many of you but I don�t envy your task communication with a 12 year old who has found a way to safely be a asshole is about as likely as getting Sony to listen to there players.

2003-07-22, 10:46 AM
Hmmm, noobs with HA dont bother me too much, they get sqaushed just the same. Sorry you feel like that, but if you're so sure you cant beat em and wont join them then its up to you.

2003-07-22, 11:01 AM
I remember reading a few posts from people saying that it would be nice if Heavy Assault wasn't even in the game. I'm almost inclined to agree with them. Almost...

But right now as a Vanu, you're going to experience Lasher mania because its the new thing right now. Many are trying it out. But from what I have seen with the Jackhammers popularity -- if its good then people keep it. The Lasher is proving to be good. So while I realize that much of the Lasher mania is curiosity, I don't expect the Lasher numbers to ever reduce drastically from is current form.

I'm seriously considering picking up a Max Pounder Cert again to combat this Heavy Assault blitzkrieg that the TR face.

2003-07-22, 12:06 PM
I can agree with you pretty much on these issues.

The new lasher is just way more powerful than the JH ever was. I was able to grab some last night, and started killing 2 to 3 times as many people as I do before I die with a jackhammer(Its important to note I played Soldier in TFC for years so timing my shots is something I'm good at, plus I was never good at shotgun type weapons, so it could just be me).

I really want MAXes to be tougher, also. There is no MAX that I'm afraid of in any situation anymore, and I feel that is a real problem. Sure, maxes are very good for the "balls to the wall" scenario, but if you have space you can skirmish it to death with any AV weapon, and they just suck in the open field.

I think the best way to combat HA is to help out MAX units. Reducing the damage dealt to MAX units by all the HA weapons would be a good start. Make it take about 40-45 shots with Lasher, 32-35 shots with JH(AP ammo), and 75-85 shots of AP with MCG to down a MAX and I think that would change a few things. Oh and make it hurt A LOT(english lesson for today!: the word "alot" does not exist; it is always properly "a lot", two words)... oops lost train of thought. Make it hurt vehicles a lot more when a vehicle hits a MAX too. I think it sucks you're a hulk of walking armor and just about anything can run you over and not even skip a breath.

2003-07-22, 12:19 PM
Originally posted by WritheNC
I think the best way to combat HA is to help out MAX units. Reducing the damage dealt to MAX units by all the HA weapons would be a good start. Make it take about 40-45 shots with Lasher, 32-35 shots with JH(AP ammo), and 75-85 shots of AP with MCG to down a MAX and I think that would change a few things.

I'm not sure how many AP rounds it takes from an MCG to down a MAX now, but it's not enough. I think it's closer to what you're describing than you think, though. Even before the patch I could circle strafe a MAX and down him without reloading. Chances are if I was forced to wait for a reload I wouldn't survive the vast majority of these situations, but I think infantry soloing a MAX up close with HA should be a rare situation anyhow.
At any rate, your Lasher/JH ideas are nice but you're being far too kind to MCG users. 75-85 shots get chewed through in an awful hurry.

2003-07-22, 12:22 PM
MAXs are screwed, there's no balance among them, pounder is still over powerful yet a Falcon is useless. I dont think they add much to the game and wouldnt be sorry to lose them altogether. As for stopping HA, well HA is the thing thats meant to take out MAXs in places vehicles cant get. I know AV will do it, but that was never the plan. Maybe make HA ver good against infantry armour but hardly damaging health at all until armour is totally gone.

2003-07-22, 01:18 PM

The solution is simple to me, but I'm not a programmer. It appears SOE has already coded something similar to my solution. Have yo uever tried to kill a max with anti-personnel ammo? You'll be there for days. You have to use anti-armor.

Why not code the Heavy Assault weapons so they do little damage to infantry then, and then the weapon would be used against vehicles only as it is intended?

The simple truth is, regardless of if it is designed for killing vehicles or not, if something kills a player in two hits...


I think that is obvious. I'd be all for seeing HA go to this change, or get rid of it entirely. Now that the lasher brigades are in force, I'm just going to drop my jackhammer tonight and switch back to special assault (for the decimator against max's and vehicles). My jackhammer is worthless up close against a lasher, and I'll change my tactics accordingly. hehehe (I'm not whining, so don't take this as a whine!) <smile>

If they can limit damage by certain ammo to certain avatars, then they should be able to limit damage by certain weapons to certain avatars. It doesn't seem like it would be too hugh of a leap programming wise.

Just my 2 cents,

2003-07-22, 01:18 PM
mmmk no the pounder is fine.