View Full Version : Pretty Good Night Last Night...

2003-07-22, 12:32 PM
Regardless of your personal opinions of our CR5s, I liked that they seemed more *active* last night in terms of directing our forces. Malone and another(can't remember their name atm) kept our forces informed with what our goals and direction were. It was small and simple information but it makes a difference. Its a good step in the right direction IMO.

It was not only refreshing to be on another continent than Amerish, but nice to see a little more organiztion out there from the TR. We had a successful offensive as well as successfully watching our backside.

I know I'm often critical of our *zerg* and its decisions, but its just due to frustration knowing that we could do better. It doesnt take much to make a big difference in our success as shown last night on Hossin and Solsar.