View Full Version : Chill!

2003-07-22, 03:37 PM
I am personally pleaing to everyone here and now to chill on the CTF discussion for a bit. I am certainly not going to lock threads, and if they continue I am not going to nazi them.

But we do not know the details, we should be hearing them very soon as I understand it so lets start ripping eachothers heads off when we do.

Man, never thought I would be calling for peace :D

2003-07-22, 03:40 PM
seriously, how could CTF make PS bad??? sounds good to me

2003-07-22, 03:40 PM
goes to show how many people care about this game.

either because they want it to succeed or they're paying for it.

2003-07-22, 03:47 PM
Im actually excited about finding out what they intend to do. I have a feeling it will kill three birds with one stone:

1> Make outdoor combat more crucial to the "success" of an empire.

2> #1 would in turn raise the value of Medium Assault. It may also make Heavy Assault more situational and not damn near mandatory for grunts as it currently stands.

3> Base defense may actually have a purpose/reward now.

2003-07-22, 03:49 PM
i dunno bout this but latticehad alotta ppl mad but it turned out all right so peace...

2003-07-22, 03:55 PM
ok, war on hold we will nazi each other next week when the tell us :/

2003-07-22, 04:13 PM

2003-07-22, 04:16 PM
the thread was a grandtotal of 45 min old... is a nazi bump necessary.

oh well

:bump for no reason:

2003-07-22, 04:31 PM
I decide when its necessary :brow:

2003-07-22, 04:32 PM
Love And Peace!
Love And Peace!
Love And Peace!


Happy lil Elf
2003-07-22, 04:38 PM
:communist bump:

Take that, you facist cur!

2003-07-22, 04:43 PM


2003-07-22, 05:36 PM
-When do you think if ever we'll hear more bump-

2003-07-22, 06:03 PM
What's probably gonna go down is that a hacker needs to go into the enemy base, hack the CC, and wait for, let's say 5 minutes. After 5 minutes that hacker is flagged as having the Latice Logic Unit (LLU). Then the "flagged" hacker needs to amscray over to the nearest linked friendly base, and insert the LLU into that bases's CC, and wait another 5 minutes, and then the opposing base belongs to what ever faction.

What it is going to do is make Heavy Assualt still vital for the battles that determine who gets the LLU, but not the weapon that wins the day. It's going to bring a whole lot more value to Sniping, Medium Assualt, Anti-Vehicle, and tanks. It's adding life to the game. Instead of "Kill, hack, wait" for both "defense" and offense. It's now "Kill, hack, wait, run, fight, insert, wait." On the defense it's more like "Wait, search kill, return." Also, with the new global base benefits and outfit base ownership, it's giving people a *REASON* to stay and defend bases. I give applause to the dev team, and I kick all you whiners and complainers in the nuts. When this "CTF" system is implemented, I think my enjoyment of the game will skyrocket from where it already was.

Good day.

2003-07-22, 06:06 PM
Originally posted by MrVulcan
Love And Peace!
Love And Peace!
Love And Peace!


2003-07-22, 06:13 PM
Actually, Spork is writing a synopsis now.

2003-07-23, 12:42 AM
trygun rox :)

2003-07-23, 12:58 AM
nazis...remind me of nazi recruiting techniques...
They macro "/invite L337Revolver" or "/outfitinvite L337Revolver" and keep pressing it as fast as I can "/decline" or "/outfitdecline" :mad: DAMN THEM!!!!1:flamemad::nazi:

2003-07-23, 01:43 AM
I am going to quote my message from one of the other "CTF sux" threads

"They said they're adding base benefits, and I don't think this is a bad idea, just it leaves some exploits THAT WE DON'T KNOW THEY HAVEN'T CONSIDERED.

You think that when somebody says something they're telling you everything that there is to know. Maybe something as insignifacant as some exploits have already been thought of and taken care of but spork didnt want to go into every little detail?

So please, for now atleast, STFU"

2003-07-23, 01:37 PM
unless they decide to give the people protecting the friendly base a piece of the hack XP when the LLU shows up, I still don't think it will help much. The zerg will still go with the hack and it will only become more frustrating to get a hack.

Also since it's random, how do we know which base to protect? There currently isn't enough people to protect every frontline base on each continent.

As soon as the hack starts it should notify the people on the continent where the LLU will need to go.

We'll see though...