View Full Version : Quick Idea for AMS

2003-07-22, 06:42 PM
Now this ISN'T a BIG deal to me but it still bothers me a bit. The fact that a lone AMS can drive circles around a large base battle and park somewhere is ANNOYING. I feel these out of everything else should be convoyed or protected in some way. The best and easiest way to fix this I think is to when the AMS is undeployed have signifacantly way less armor then what it has when it is deployed.

I just had to say that. What are your thoughts? I got a feeling I'm going to get flamed to death.

2003-07-22, 06:48 PM

2003-07-22, 06:50 PM
Very explainitory. Thank you!

2003-07-22, 06:52 PM
its an alright idea, but i dont drive an AMS and never have so i wouldnt know

2003-07-22, 07:45 PM
Since you're not an AMS driver, Veck (it shows...no offense), lemme explain it to ya. For every Enemy AMS you encounter in a large battle, there are 5 dead ones who tried to get there. Although it can go 70kph (or so it says...it refuses to break 69 except downhill), it's the biggest missile magnet in the game. If it had its armor decreased when it needed it (undeployed state), then AMSs would be useless in large battles, since they wouldn't be able to survive long enough to deploy (or deploy with a sliver of HP left only to be wasted by a deci)(or deploy safely waaaay out of range of the target making their existence redundant). If you want to take the armor off after its deployed (since its cloak bubble is its primary defense, not its high armor unlike many believe) then go ahead. but Driving an AMS is like playing Metal Gear Solid in its hardest mode: If you're spotted, you're fucked.

Hope it's more explanitory than the simple "Nope" I was tempted to put :lol:

2003-07-22, 07:49 PM
Reavers eat AMS's for dinner. As soon as they're found, you HAVE to move them, or they're toast. They usually travel a good distance cross country and through rough terrain to get to the base, and when they end up beside a wall or in the base, it's usually due to great teamwork.

2003-07-22, 07:51 PM
Yup. I usually use my CR5 powers to ask people for diversions while my (or someone Else's) AMS sneaks into position. Although 2nite I sell my AMS for a Basilisk :D (I need something to carry my now-reinforced ass around)

2003-07-22, 10:09 PM
no, the idea sucks IMO. nothing is wrong or needs to be changed on the AMS.