View Full Version : Need Better Cr 5 PPL
2003-07-22, 07:02 PM
all we have are cr 5 sammers who say useless things.. we need strategy.. we need leaders and ppl who listen to the great leaders .. :D
2003-07-22, 09:25 PM
like the nc on emerald
Diddy Mao
2003-07-23, 02:23 AM
:cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: cR 4.3 w00t!
2003-07-23, 05:12 AM
shoot I was thinking of checking this world out, now to hear you have the same problem with your CR5's
on Johari all they want is VERG VERG VERG
what they get is IGNOR IGNOR IGNOR
sure be glad to see some CR5 that has a tactical cell in their brain
2003-07-23, 12:46 PM
yeah im hopeing when a few of my outfit memmbers and me get to cr 5.. ( whenever that is) a few are almost there and they wont be bs'ing about how green te grass is:D
2003-07-23, 02:32 PM
Working on getting CR5 :p
2003-07-23, 03:26 PM
2003-07-23, 04:09 PM
LOL great leader :p
Just curious but what do you all think a good cr5 is, and who is an example of this?
Diddy Mao
2003-07-24, 03:20 PM
I know all the Cr 5's and none of them are a "Prime" example I know when i Make CR 5 i definetely will not be the greatest Cr 5 but i'll do what i can
2003-07-24, 06:29 PM
a good cr 5 arranges a good couple of squads from his outfit or something to do a full assault on a continent and use a solar strike ... which makes the enemy mad :mad: and kills many :D
2003-07-25, 03:41 AM
I've asked that question in the past, and no one could really give a specific answer. I don't think you'll ever get one.
Very true cease, in fact yesterday I sent a continental message trying to get people to a base that was about to be linked from off continent. Taking the base would have given us a presence behind the enemy lattice and would have made a continental lock much easier. Guess what, I got ignored by some people because of it. If a strategic bulletin is not good enough for continental chat then wtf is?
2003-07-26, 03:33 AM
When (if) I make CR5 I'm gonna shut the hell up.
2003-07-27, 01:14 PM
Originally posted by Bismarck
When I make CR5 I'm gonna shut the hell up.
Me too :nod:
2003-07-28, 05:02 PM
:rofl: yeah me too
2003-07-31, 09:12 AM
He he, I just know that these people probably get like 50 tells every time they say something on global.
Sometimes the tells are positive, sometimes they are negative. As long as we refrain from saying stupid shit, we get positive tells. I personally just do a sanc broadcast if I want people to enter a fight on continent x, it's just as effective and half as spammy. The only times I have done global are when our home continents are being rolled, and people are screwing around on ceryshen or something. I mean the TR probably doesn't even like to fight on ceryshen, so there is likely no resistance!
2003-07-31, 12:10 PM
i personally hate ceryshen i almost never go there
to many hills and slopes IMO
thats just me though
Well, imho, a capable CR5 will understand he/she is dealing with independent outfits with their own way of doing things.
They will understand the larger picture, will try to asertain where certain outfits are heading, and make sensable 'recomendations'.
A really smart CR5 will get the names of the folks who are commanding their outfits, and from time to time let them know what else is going on. They won't order anyone, but will share general and helpful information (ie. "SG is taking care of the ant run at Itar"). They will make themselves available for questions regarding next targets or areas of concern.
But mostly, to be a good CR5 you have to lead by example, not by being vocal. Anyone who puts in the time, can be a CR5, but that doesn't make you a leader.
Commanding Officer
2003-08-23, 07:17 AM
Originally posted by Yomm
Well, imho, a capable CR5 will understand he/she is dealing with independent outfits with their own way of doing things.
They will understand the larger picture, will try to asertain where certain outfits are heading, and make sensable 'recomendations'.
A really smart CR5 will get the names of the folks who are commanding their outfits, and from time to time let them know what else is going on. They won't order anyone, but will share general and helpful information (ie. "SG is taking care of the ant run at Itar"). They will make themselves available for questions regarding next targets or areas of concern.
But mostly, to be a good CR5 you have to lead by example, not by being vocal. Anyone who puts in the time, can be a CR5, but that doesn't make you a leader.
Commanding Officer
yeah but I have not seen many of that, on Johari they have no idea how to get organize, if a person can not do the job, then just start a new char, and just never be SL, any ways a SL is only as good as his squad is, a Squad can make that SL famous or a idiot.
On Emerald, I have seen a couple decient CR5's, at least they try and get LFS's a Squad.
CR5's shouldn't try and be in the fight too much, PPL need direction, and you can not give any, if your dead.
I am sure that would not happen, this is a GAME, and I am sure someone is not going to stand in a safe place and never do battle just so they can shout out orders, not after paying $13 a month.
But it sure would be nice if the CR5's would make some attempt of organized group play
2003-08-23, 03:22 PM
From what I've seen most CR5s are idiots who just spam global and have no idea how to command or even shut up
Diddy Mao
2003-08-23, 04:23 PM
I think u speak of Klar the Most annoy'n CR5 to ever Grace Planetside!!! I'm not even terran i know about him! He Spam's Global about how he like's his dog to lick peanut butter off of his balls!...ofcourse i have obtained all this info from Visit's to the Official Forums! There is a STFU Klar topic almost ever day!
2003-08-24, 12:50 AM
well, the only reason I want CR 5 is so that I can use it for important speaking, such as my Squad has an ANT almost to such and such base, to keep the general population from worrying, or to let the LLU carrier know that we are trying as fast as we can, so he won't get pissed. I do so hate it when I see a global saying that such and such continent needs all of you right bloody now, when I'm on a different continent doing my job of taking bases from the enemy, or when I get a continent message saying we are attacking such and such place right now, get here to help. HELLO, I'm busy on the other side of the friggin continent making war, not love.
COmmanders really need to realize that they should do general tells, like saying such and such place needs an ANT, or that one is on it's way, or to ask people to try to get somewhere, because that commander can't and his squad are unable to get there.
Flammey - Emerald
"Actually, I really don't have much of a beef. I know commanding is tough job, but someone has to do it."
Diddy Mao
2003-08-24, 01:09 AM
It is cuz somtimes if You ask "Does Anyone have a Ant inbound to Facility X" You'll get 1 or two Tell's! Or you'll get around 10 tells. I usually take it to tells from that point and redirect the closest Ant to the Bases that need's NTU's and direct's the other one's to the Bases we already own! I would go on Ant run's myself but I have no vehic's! Sometimes in the Heat of Battle and all the Tells U may Mispell Some thing's. I remember my first day as CR 5 i was on Forseal and I said Pwyll Needed "Nut's" or we would loose the base!
2003-08-24, 10:40 PM
:jawdrop: TOo FUNNY :jawdrop:
2003-08-26, 11:55 PM
the problem with CR is that most people assume 'hey, if i can tell everyone on the server to do this for me, why the hell should i do it myself?'
i constantly see cr5's in the middle of a zerg, calling for a squad to go hit this or that, GO HIT IT YOURSELF. oh sorry, wouldnt want you to miss 3 seconds of that zerg. especially since you dont even need the xp anymore.
~calling for reinforcements? fine.
~asking if anyone has an ANT? fine.
~announcing fun events to make the game interesting or obliterate some enemies? fantastic.
~spending 14 minutes telling someone to get an ANT, then thanking everyone for losing the cap because there never was an ANT? stfu.
~telling people to stop fighting here or there, and get to X spot, because that's where that commander wants to zerg? stfu.
~XXXX is a TKer, plz kill on sight? stfu.
~telling us how your damn day was? stfu.
2003-08-27, 10:09 PM
Actually, I couldn't have said it any better myself. I don't mind globals or commands asking if anyone has an ANT. I can't stand it when someone globals, "Hey welcome So-and-so to CR5." Hey, I'm sure I speak for all of us when I say, "WE DON'T GIVE A SHIT!"
Incidently, I found the weak point of these specialized tells. This morning someone sent a command for someone to drain the NTU's from a base we had nicely secured, just so they could fill it with the ANT faster. So, like a good Base Killer I am, I did the thing I was sure to drain the base. I destroyed the generator, knowing full well that when it went neutral I would be able to fix it again. Now, I knew the base was secure, so did everyone else. I was only doing what I was commanded to do. I got yelled at by people, and by a few squad mates, who left my squad. They said that they had the base secure, that now because of me, nothing could be used. Well, for f'n sakes people, I know what I am doing. I was asked to do it, don't friggin get mad at me for it. It was easier to blow the generator and then fix it, than to run around destroying turrets and terminals, and then have to fix all them. I know my friggin job, leave me to it.
Okay, enough of my ranting. I'm just saying that sometimes, these CR anythings (1-5), do ask people to do things that are easy to do. And sometimes they say, "hey, we are attacking this base's back door, get here now," when I'm half way on the other side of the continent. But anyways, enough ranting. I'm not even sure what I'm trying to say anymore.
2003-08-28, 12:23 PM
I show off my backpack. That's it.
2003-09-17, 03:10 PM
NC is cool join it its cool:nazi: :nazi: :nazi: :nazi: :nazi: \
stupid terran elmo's and vanu barney's!
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