View Full Version : Hmmm guess the Dev's really hate the idea of defense
2003-07-23, 01:46 AM
The defending Empire cannot retrieve a dropped Module that is still active. Instead, they must guard its location until the Module�s lifespan runs out. The effective defense pursuing a moving Module will want to identify and set up forces at any chokepoints that may exist or organize ambushes on the Module carrier. The effective offense will set up a convoy to escort the Module carrier to their destination and send out advance forces to deal with roadblocks set up by the defenders.
Ok so now lets take the cap point ouf of a fortified structure with a backdoor. And if IF the defenders manage to kill the flag hauler they have to defend it ON OPEN GROUND until it despawns.
Seriously the dev's must hate the concept of people defending a base, they must enjoy continent turnovers every two minuetes, maybe because they think this promotes "dynamic content" or saves them having to worry about anyone ever getting in the position where they could conceivably sanc strike.
Before I was skeptical now Im just intesely cynical because already it's hard enough to defend/rehack bases, and the only reward given is for crappy defense (having to rehack) this just makes it worse.
Wonderfull dev's wonderfull, how about you drop this stupid idea and go back to work on the loadstar.
2003-07-23, 01:48 AM
Hamma will you please start locking these threads???!!!
2003-07-23, 02:07 AM
Admit it Bismark you'd just like to kick my puppy, besides this particular sub issue wasnt covered in the other threads.
2003-07-23, 02:17 AM
Bismarck, quiet.
This is an important issue that, as he said, wasn't mentioned before.
2003-07-23, 02:23 AM
Ugh, what happened to the post reply button? It's not like this is new. It's not news or anything just an opinion.
And BTW, when you sit around something and gaurd it, it's called defending. You're just looking for things to dog the community with.
Just because it may not be "base defending" doesn't mean it's not defending.
2003-07-23, 03:51 AM
Originally posted by Bismarck
Hamma will you please start locking these threads???!!!
Go troll elsewhere
Tribalwar has alot. Try there. You'll fit in nicely
2003-07-23, 04:04 AM
Sputty just OWNED bismarck.:D
Diddy Mao
2003-07-23, 04:16 AM
I Always Knew the Terran were Puppy Killer's!
2003-07-23, 04:22 AM
Originally posted by Bismarck
Hamma will you please start locking these threads???!!!
In the time i've been on this board (not nearly as long as some Ill be the first to admit) I think I've seen a grand total of 1 post locked, and honestly it's been so long that I've forgotten why. You seem to overlook the fact that this is a message board, some of us come here to post messages about a game we enjoy and want to succeed and continue to be enjoyable. A territary function is for trolls like you to show up, I dont like it, but the only action Ill really take against it is deal out my own brand of cynacism everytime you come on my proverbial lawn.
In other news, what whould people suggest as bonuses to base defense should they implement this plan. I personaly rather then seeing them spawn the "Flag" in some random place, have it spawn behind a series of locked doors in some kind of safe. Or perhaps the forcefield idea could be implemented for bases on a latice linked to an amp station, that whould make amp stations mucho coveted.
PS. Bis, thanks so much for posting here, a more rational discussion thread might hav esliped to page 2 hours ago.
2003-07-23, 05:28 AM
bismark .. do u know how hard it is going to be to "defend" a modual in the open field (this was mentioned in the other thread) Its ganna be close to imposible
2003-07-23, 05:28 AM
Well i like the new LLU idea, it'll give my Vanguard something else to do other than hunting AMSs and spamming bases and towers. In some of the snow continents it should be very easy to set up ambushes. Ceryshan bridges spring to mind. A boomer in the right spot....
2003-07-23, 09:04 AM
I just dont think it's very defensive when you have to chase someone down, granted the old ssystem wasnt perfect either but I felt there were better ways to make taking bases more intresting/exciting.
2003-07-23, 09:09 AM
Say, lets make all those pesky whining PS players guard something out in the open so a mag can come though and kill them in one go, or so a reaver can swoop down spamming missles. Those PS players will so busy bitching about that we can put in a few stealth nerfs!
It -will- be impossible to defend this thing if you can't return it to base immediately. It's hard enough to stop people from capping the flag in CTF, where you can return it instantly.
In fact, all it would take to spoil an open-terrain defense, to the extent that one can be mounted now, is two guys in a liberator. Don't tell me to shoot them down with a skyguard, because yeah, that's going to be easy to keep alive in a fixed, open position.
Jeez, this solution sounds inelegant, is all.
2003-07-23, 10:11 AM
I personaly hate the idea. It does nothing for me in making the game funner. I never knew those people at the base were defending it though, the 100 people who stick around for a base are just tryign to get hack exp and that is soooo boring to me.
Milenko, those people aren't getting anything for staying, as it is well known that there is no exp when there are no enemies.
Think for a moment, though: if everyone left for the next base, who would be left to defend against resecures?
2003-07-23, 11:37 AM
I think it all stems from the fact that SoE doesnt want to give the same XP from defense as offense or hasnt figured out a way to properly code it
2003-07-23, 03:16 PM
Something needs to change about that, there needs to be a way to recover the module.
2003-07-23, 03:18 PM
Originally posted by Hamma
Something needs to change about that, there needs to be a way to recover the module.
Yeah, I don't even get what they thought would make that a good idea. The whole things screwy, but leaving it in a field?
However, I know I'm gonna piss myself laughing when they try and explain why it has all the effects it does on the user.
2003-07-23, 03:22 PM
I still dont think the whole lattice module is a bad idea, they will just need to work on it and tweak it. When it comes on the test server, then we will be able to see how it works. Right now It sounds pretty good on paper to me, there are just a few flaws.
2003-07-23, 03:29 PM
Open field fighting = GOODNESS
2003-07-23, 03:30 PM
Originally posted by Jarlo
Open field fighting = GOODNESS
Open field fighting = lib spam, orb strike spam, and magmower frenzies
2003-07-23, 03:32 PM
Originally posted by {BOHICA}Navaron
Open field fighting = lib spam, orb strike spam, and magmower frenzies
Yep, outdoors for infantry = mega death.
2003-07-23, 03:44 PM
You cant comment on the dynamics of a fight for one of these "Units" until you have actually been in one. You dont know what it will be.
2003-07-23, 03:57 PM
Originally posted by Sputty
Go troll elsewhere
Tribalwar has alot. Try there. You'll fit in nicely
Thank you... its about time someone said something. I mean this is a community which means that anyone can talk about what they want as long as its not against the rules. This topic was perfectly good and has a good purpose. :D :rolleyes: :p :)
2003-07-23, 05:19 PM
I don't think the LLU will ALWAYS be caught out in an open field. There are plenty of forests and mountains to fight on. Just look at Hossin. Someone drops the LLU there and you'll be lucky to EVER find that thing in a swamp.:rolleyes:
Therefore, IF this ever goes live, (which I pray it doesn't) the smart attackers will opt for taking the "long way" to the friendly base. Not taking shortcuts through forests, hills, and other chokepoints. This way the LLU can drop in a field, where a defending force can easily be overtaken. While the smart defenders will opt to set up a stealthy ambush and once the LLU is dropped, NOT crowd around it like flies to crap. Instead they should try and remain unseen. Surprise attacking anyone who goes for the LLU.
2003-07-23, 05:21 PM
i think there should be a way of making the base capp faster if theres more people there. ie one bloke on his own would have to wait longer, say 25 minutes.
but if theres loads of people there then i should capp almost instantly.
this is because there are situations where in reality the base has been capped. ie theres about 40 odd people in the base, no ememy, and they are all just waiting for it to be capped so that they use it facilties.
this would also make it less feable for someone to invite one person into his squad, then go round an empty island capping empty bases for the Command points.
2003-07-23, 05:30 PM
as if this new kinda hack thing is stupid enough, there needs to be a way how to regain the flag thing, if the person dies right outside of the courtyard where he needs to brign the thing, do you really want to defend right next to som bigass enmy turrets thats anti max/vehicle. then a reaver comes along and blows the shit out of the little defence group and regains the module, that doesn't sound very fun, that sounds like major BS.
as i said, this "ctf" like hack will kill the game, i mean, KILL the fucking game.:o
2003-07-23, 06:03 PM
Originally posted by X-113
IF this ever goes live If they have gone this far in announcing it, it will be live in one form or another. So don't hold your breath
2003-07-23, 06:29 PM
Well a man can dream, right? :)
2003-07-23, 06:32 PM
Originally posted by Hamma
If they have gone this far in announcing it, it will be live in one form or another. So don't hold your breath
Anyone remember the lodestar?
But in all seriousness here is what I whould suggest. The stupid "flag" module (call it what you will it will still be a flag in my mind) is only an expediter. Here's how it break down, five minuetes of hack goes by, computer system is now begining to transmit the security and authentication codes to your empire to bring the base under your controll. Since this is terrabytes of infirmation ( i know I know but work with me here) it's downloaded to a emmory module (which schould not spawn randomly in the base, since the defending empire cant destroy the thing anyway) Now you have two choices you may devide your forces towards running the flag, and keep some back at the base to guard the CC, or you may simply hold out and guard the CC in the traditional manner. This allows the attackers to expedite the hacks whithout screwing the defenders enitrely. Should the ha kers take the flag and run, and then the defenders breach the CC and rehack it proceeds as it always has with the base being resecured and the Flag going "POOF". This is a way to use the flag system without completely screwing the defenders. I also think think that placing a boomer on a dropped flag should destroy it, or maybe an oribtal strike, the damn things shouldnt be completely indestructable.
2003-07-23, 06:51 PM
Originally posted by Doppler
Anyone remember the lodestar?
Have they said anywhere that its not coming out?
2003-07-23, 06:52 PM
My main problems.
Random spawning location of the LLM (LLU.) This hurts defense. If the LLU spawned in a seperate room it would give the defense a place to fall back on. Lets say that hacking the CC only opens a room. In that room is the LLM. They must carry the LLM out of the base and to a linked friendly base. Random means that you have to go get it.
Defense can't pick it up. I have said it before and I'll say it again. You defended a base, you failed. You defended the LLM when it spawned, you failed. Both of those times you actually had spawn points near. You had resources, and terminals available.
Now you don't. You have to guard something that is in the middle of no where, behind enemy lines, with baddies crawling around. Chances are slim that you are going to be able to guard it for any amount of time. If you could pick it up and return it to the base. GREAT! That would help defense here. This won't.
I can accept CTF. It might lose a little magic for me, but I can accept it. I can't accept it done incorrectly where defense doesn't have a chance at all. I can't accept cercumstances that increase the Zerg.
2003-07-23, 07:27 PM
Originally posted by Hamma
Have they said anywhere that its not coming out?
Whould you concied that my lack of faith is perhaps justified considering they've kept us appraised of every other thing they might introduce.
2003-07-23, 07:31 PM
Originally posted by X-113
I don't think the LLU will ALWAYS be caught out in an open field. There are plenty of forests and mountains to fight on. Just look at Hossin. Someone drops the LLU there and you'll be lucky to EVER find that thing in a swamp.:rolleyes:
The thing fucking glows and shows up on the map, Helen Keller could find it.
2003-07-23, 07:33 PM
Originally posted by {BOHICA}Navaron
The thing fucking glows and shows up on the map, Helen Keller could find it.
And when she does she'll meet a nice volley of rocklets!
I like to hurt disabled people.
2003-07-23, 07:43 PM
I like this idea. It can open up lots of tactical thinking. What happens if there are no other bases under your control on a continent? (Dont shout at me, cos I haven't seen anything about it) I like the idea of having to hack the CC first, then having to carry the LLU back to base. The CC should be able to get hacked again, which would destroy the LLU if its being carried.
Cauldron Borne
2003-07-23, 07:49 PM
and who evers carrying it :)
Cauldron Borne
2003-07-23, 07:54 PM
But seriously. I think if its going to be like CTF then it should be like UT CTF where if the attacker grabs it s/he has to go to his/her base. If the attacker drops it a defender/runner ought to just touch it and it returns to the room of wence it came. This would also open the doors to other possiblities like a LLU room (I believe this has already been stated). That would also make the defenders job easier.
And about this Loadstar. WHAT THE HELL IS IT???? I can't find ANY info on it. will someone please TELL ME WHAT THE HELL IT IS?
2003-07-23, 07:55 PM
[i]And about this Loadstar. WHAT THE HELL IS IT???? I can't find ANY info on it. will someone please TELL ME WHAT THE HELL IT IS?
Aircraft that can carry vechicles like tanks and stuff
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