View Full Version : How would you feel about fighting in a city?

2003-07-23, 04:12 AM
I think it might be kinda cool, base would be at the end of the city, you have to fight your way in to hack. You can fight in buildings, and on top of them, in the streets. Might be able to set up some very cool choke points as well. Not sure how the upcoming changes would effect this, but it sounds kinda cool :D

2003-07-23, 04:29 AM
Cities whould be cool, I'm actualy quite intrigued by the prospect of any structures to fight in, or just more intresting terrain. A ceries of canyons with Vanu ruins intersperced in, large underground facilities. What whould be really cool is to have the wreckage of a giant vanu ship (or a couple types) call it a relic and grant some kind of common pool supertank to the controlling empire (still covered by the tank cert, two main guns, one straight rale, one lobbing artillery, front and both side anti infantry guns.

Yea that's the ticket.

2003-07-23, 04:31 AM
yeah i think a underground or cave would be very cool, no vehicles could get into it, only troops with massive choke points and maybe some kind of automated weopondry like turrets in it. I think that would be very very cool :cool:

2003-07-23, 04:53 AM
Yep, cities sounds good, but maybe some human cities too, street to street fighting around tall multi-storey building would be very intense, maybe with a base in the centre.

2003-07-23, 05:20 AM
yes... but this is just wishful thinkin. They cant even get platoons in =)

Thats what i dont like about ps ... Theres nothing but 4 or 5 different bases (that pretty much look the same) and there is no signs of a war thats been going on ( bases or terrain
dont have a scratch on them)

and the sanct is horrible .. When i first heard of the game and started looking up on it and heard about the sanct .. I thought of a home... not a base with 4 of everything

2003-07-23, 09:11 AM
i want cities that we can kill citizens in..............

2003-07-23, 09:32 AM
Urban Combat, definitely.

2003-07-23, 09:35 AM
They said that they can't do it with their technology.

2003-07-23, 10:06 AM
I've been wanting citys alot also. Something like in battlefield like berlin or the other city maps. I wanna be able to atleast hide somewhere and stuff get some tatics going, instead of just running up to a base go thru door kill till you get to spawn room or cc and then thats it. Everyday its the same, at the same bases on the same terrain. But I quess they don't have the technology for it :(

Vis Armata
2003-07-23, 11:43 AM
If you like 1.3 FPS, you'll love cityscape maps.

2003-07-23, 12:07 PM
I'd like to see a hidden Vanu capital ship on each continent, it regularly vanishes and reappears somewhere else. It'd be cool because it's like a mobile base. The CC is based in four parts of the ship, each LLU must be taken to a different friendly base, even if it's off the continent. Once this is done, the ship belongs to that empire. Inside the ship are several ancient Vanu things. There are of course spawn tubes that were put into the ships, but also organic tanks and stuff. On top it has landing pads and a few anti air turrets (heat seeking missles). Inside there's the cockpit, where the ship can be driven from. On the bottom there are drop pods where it has a downward camera and a little target thingie to tell you exactly where you'll drop at. The tanks are just hunks of blue tissue that require a medic with stim packs to build them. They have 4 gun slots, on on each side that can turn the full area in front of it, 180 degrees, and the driver obviously. The tanks are organic, so the turrets can move very quickly as they are not restricted by metal. The tanks take about half a minute of stim packs administered, then two minutes to finish growing. 15 minutes without any occupants and it goes neutral, and it uses NTUs as fuel. It needs to be refueled every now and then, but not as much as bases, nowhere near as much. For this purpose it has a refueling plane. It flies to a warpgate, loads up on NTUs, then the plane docks, the driver gets out and deploys it, and these tubes shoot out of the pad and start sucking it dry, absorbing the whole vehicle.

This would probably need an expanison pack, but there's no denying it'd be freakin awesome.

Post your ideas on this.

2003-07-23, 02:27 PM
Well, supposedly there are these orbital stations floating above the planet that the HART takes you to where you then board a pod that drops you anywhere on the planet. Would be cool to fight over those.

Any faction not controlling a station would only be able to use the HART to try and board and capture the station. Once the station is yours, then you have access to the drop pods.

2003-07-23, 02:42 PM
lol yeah the vanu ship idea would be kinda sweet, but itd b 2 unfair to the other factions...the tanks would be kick ass but also way too powerful, and finally the hardest thing is to actually get SOE to make all that, and its a sure bet they wont :p~

2003-07-23, 04:39 PM
the problem with fighting in a city in planetside is that u wouldnt be able to demolish buildings. so tanks have an inherent weakness.

2003-07-23, 04:44 PM
that sounds like fun EDIT: and what you said about the sanc being a home i like that idea that would be cool if you could have your own little barracks for your outfit - outfit logo on a banner on the wall and stuff - the more members you get the bigger the barracks get but i think there might be a problem with the amount of room and it would require a certain amount of outfit points

Cauldron Borne
2003-07-23, 08:17 PM
fitting in caves= afganistan. defenders=afgan attacker=russians/americans. city fighting=New York Street Gangs! the New Side! The Terran Homeboys! the Vanu! <-- their alright as is! Yeay!

2003-07-24, 12:43 PM
House-to-house fighting, Tanks in the street combat, and drops on the roofs of buildings would be boss. What I don't understand is how it "can't be done with current technology", because wouldn't the inside of a building take less processing power to compute because of the cutdown draw distance?

2003-07-24, 01:18 PM
In a tightly packed city, the infantry would rule. with so many spots for the grunts to hide, all vehicles would be toast. I like that idea a lot :D. It would also be super happy fun time for those individuals who like to snipe.

2003-07-24, 02:07 PM
We need an urban evironment to fight in. Not for every base, but at least a few on each continent. This only makes sense and would support the games back story as well.

'nuff said.

2014-08-21, 10:06 AM
Edit: Sorry, wrong topic.

2014-08-21, 01:35 PM
11 year necro! This has to win a prize! :lol: