View Full Version : Friendly Emerald Commanders

2003-07-23, 03:03 PM
With CR5's like this, who needs enemies?


Be sure to send him tells and let him know we <3 him here at PSU

2003-07-23, 03:06 PM
{BOHICA} has been killing him everytime we see him for about 5 weeks now. Not that we would ever condone Tking. He almost got himself banned. Too bad.

2003-07-23, 03:09 PM
:D ooooh ya. ObFrog, its liek Zhaaz(sp?) all over again.

2003-07-23, 03:10 PM
I love it when people get CR5, just so that they can act above everyone else.

2003-07-23, 03:11 PM
I just noticed he /ignored you too.

LOL I got the same wonderful treatment for telling him to keep his chit chat about his bathroom to /tells.

No shit, CR5 is proof you have too much free time (no offense to the like 3 good CR5's). It doesn't mean you're a leader or that people even like you.

I still think they should have implemented a global voting system.

2003-07-23, 03:11 PM
Yea, near the end he ignored me :rofl:

2003-07-23, 03:14 PM
I'll be honest, the most fun I've had in PS, is when some griefer started fucking with us, and didn't realize who we were. So for like the next 3 days we just would wax them every time we saw them. Many weapons locks have come from those good times. Hell, sometimes people who weren't even around when the griefing occured got in on it.

2003-07-23, 03:14 PM
Originally posted by {BOHICA}Navaron
I still think they should have implemented a global voting system.


2003-07-23, 03:15 PM
PSU hunting party? All the people we can get on every empire to hunt him down?..Hmmmm. That would be fulfilling. Anyway, him calling you a noob was funny

2003-07-23, 03:18 PM

Hamma - 10
Malone - 0

I really hope he gets to go back and read this thread, after everyone has ripped him a new asshole.

/me Stomps on Malone's face---- "ZERG THIS YOU SON OF A BITCH."

2003-07-23, 03:21 PM
I am now CR3.5 working everyday to get to 5.

That way everyone can start ignoring me and calling me a newb on a global scale

2003-07-23, 03:22 PM
Malone's not the same guy who got banned way back in the day is he?

2003-07-23, 03:23 PM
No, that was a different Malone on this forum hehe

2003-07-23, 03:24 PM
Originally posted by Hamma
No, that was a different Malone on this forum hehe

How sure are you? I'm just hoping there aren't that many people that are that fucking annoying.

2003-07-23, 03:25 PM
Malone has been on my:

"Kill on site" list for a very long time.

Its like Vietnam, where sometimes enlisted men would kill officers in the field because the officers were morons.

2003-07-23, 03:26 PM
Ahh can ya feel the love TR?

2003-07-23, 03:27 PM
Originally posted by {BOHICA}Navaron
How sure are you? I'm just hoping there aren't that many people that are that fucking annoying. 100% sure, the malone from this forum used to be on my team. And he doesent even play PS now

2003-07-23, 03:27 PM


2003-07-23, 03:29 PM
I say we try to get him to make a post on the forums. Ownage would then ensue

2003-07-23, 03:44 PM
I don't think he knows about the goodness that is PSU

2003-07-23, 03:46 PM
Originally posted by Hamma
I don't think he knows about the goodness that is PSU

2003-07-23, 03:48 PM
I don't think he knows about the goodness that is PSU
The goodness of kittens?

2003-07-23, 04:10 PM
Hamma=My Hero.

Vis Armata
2003-07-23, 04:16 PM
I'm sure glad our (meaning SG) CR5s don't act like that.

Diddy Mao
2003-07-23, 04:21 PM
UR social Skillz0rz are 4m4zing Hamma! I Congratulate U I will promptly kill him either way cuz i'm NC it'd mean more if it was tk'n but oh well!

2003-07-23, 04:34 PM
im a tr on emerald and i think ive heard him before - i think it was the guy i ran over in my maurader

2003-07-23, 04:46 PM
i'm CR1, not that i've commanded anyone, i just happened to be the squad leader, when we capped a few bases. ( i didn't give orders or anything).

btw, what do you get at each Command rank?

2003-07-23, 04:52 PM
loose women and free beers

2003-07-23, 05:11 PM
I agree with the entire voting system for Cr5 in that there should be one. I don't know what things are like on the Tr and VS side but with NC 90% of the CR5 guys don't know jack about strategy, don't update their strategys to take into account changes to the game, or are only concerned with sending Global messages about AMS locations at a specific point on an entire continent. Plus they fill your screen with useless information half the time.

On a Malone note I remember back when the NC had there first big raid on the TR and Malone was the CR 5 for Forseral....worst commanding ever. If we had any resistence there we would have been screwed. He set up no front line, didn't watch/protect the other entrances to the continent until it was too late, and many other things that I can't recall now

2003-07-23, 05:18 PM
How did i miss this thread? Oh well, i will send him a nice /tell whenever the hell i get in game again.

2003-07-23, 05:42 PM
Originally posted by kidriot
loose women and free beers i get that whenever i hop into the sunderer (its like the bangbus:D )

Ability to lay up to 4 waypoints for your squad, and 1 personal waypoint.
Access to the command channel, ability to see all friendlies on your map periodically (via the Command Uplink Device), and access to the Command Uplink Device.
Ability to draw on your map, which in turn is shown on your squad's map, and ability to activate an 'EMP', which goes out in a radius of the commander acting as a jammer grenade to anything inside it's shockwave.
Ability to see all enemies on your map periodically, via your Command Uplink Device, ability to do continent wide broadcasts, and ability to do a limited Orbital Strike.
Ability to do global chat broadcasts, and the Orbital Strike.

2003-07-23, 05:55 PM
OMFG that was THE best thing ive ever read.
i never saw you argue hamma (i am fairly new). im glad im not tr. but we have RAVENUSC3 on our side.

dont let me talk about him, cause it wont be good.

2003-07-23, 05:58 PM

2003-07-23, 06:28 PM
:rofl: Malone calling Hamma a newb in PS is like someone calling Tiger Woods a newb in golf. This guy grow up in an envelope or what? Malone just got my vote as the ultimate lemming leader. :rolleyes:

2003-07-23, 06:40 PM
Pretty poor taste. It's so sad that you had to take this arguement out into public Hamma.

Not getting enough attention at home? Need more of mommy's attention?

Don't worry, I'm sure you'll start banning people.... Flex your muscle

2003-07-23, 06:49 PM
..... malone fanboy?

2003-07-23, 06:53 PM
Don't mind Valcron, as he has said many times, he is only here to bitch. Do a search on his posts, and you will see he lives up to it. :lol:

Doesent really bother me that he is dissapointed in me.

2003-07-23, 06:55 PM
Originally posted by Valcron
Pretty poor taste. It's so sad that you had to take this arguement out into public Hamma.

Not getting enough attention at home? Need more of mommy's attention?

Don't worry, I'm sure you'll start banning people.... Flex your muscle
You're in AOD?

2003-07-23, 07:00 PM
I found the cutest little button in PSU the other day, it's this I at the corner of most posts that makes it so I dont hav eto hear from that assklown anymore. PS has something similar, I honestly didnt expect to see it until an expansion, along with the Lodestar, base benefits, a balanced pounder max, jimmy hoffa, some working antiair (common pool) and the gold at the end of the rainbow.

2003-07-23, 07:03 PM
Anyone else find it strange that malone immediately changed the subject to the size of his penis, possibly trying to compensate for something?

2003-07-23, 07:07 PM

2003-07-23, 07:18 PM
^^^what he said

Cauldron Borne
2003-07-23, 07:22 PM
I played tr on emerald for about 3 days and missed my pheonix (I know...newb weapon). But any way I think I accidently mined this guy like eight times. I had mined off a cc room and was using inf suit in a corner. I would /tell everyone I could that the room was mined and that they should pass the word. well lo and behold some idiot kept trying to come in. At one point he started yelling at me in global
:You son of a penis bitch (....?)
Cauldron Borne: huh?
:stop blowing me up newb penis!
Cauldron Borne: huh?
:flaming ass
:do you know I'm a CR5?
Cauldron Borne: no, need i care?

Went on like this for a while then he /ignored me.

So my question is.... who was the moron that told him to keep going in that room? I KNOW it was one of you guys! Not that I mind, see. Just want to congratulate him. I'm thinkin' about going TR on emerald again. and going NC on Johari (sp?). yeah, cool times. Oh, and weapons look doesn't count for detonators, does it?

2003-07-23, 07:58 PM
Malone is an ass goblin.

2003-07-23, 10:04 PM
What's wrong with RavenUSC3? I don't really talk to our high ranking CR's. And who is considered to be the good ones?

And if any TR ever wanna let me know where this Malone guy is, I'll be happy to shoot him for you too(not that you really need me to).

2003-07-24, 12:06 AM
you guys seem to hate cr5s and how do you put your character stats at the bottom of your posts?

2003-07-24, 01:32 AM
we dont he is just a asss i say everyone that isnt on his ignore list should get on at a certain time and spam him /tells:nod:

2003-07-24, 03:58 AM
Ok since this was posted by a Admin Pls Allow me a Small retort. From the looks Of that Post you Intentionally where trying to get under his skin. Anyone that knows Malone knows all you have to do to get a very colorfull response is Question his leadership which obviously is what u were doing.

Iam the outfit leader for AOD and I have had noone come to me to complain about malone.....funny that I have to be informed of flames such as this when a simple tell in game can do wonders. Most of you who know me know AOD is a good outfit we work well with others and we never Tk anyone unless first prevoked.

Now I will of course now go back and talk to malone about this incident. Either myself or AOD_Soulja will be more than happy to talk to anyone about the conduct of our members. We expect that All AOD promotes fellowship in game.

This post is not falling on deaf ears malone was out of line no question, but Iam pretty sure you knew you where going to get that response and it looks more like you just provoked him to get the response u wanted.

As for Malone being on your Tk lists....AOD protects its own....and we are in the terran alliance which will back any of its outfits. I think u know what I mean...I truly cant stand tking but its easier to do when your defending a member. Tking solves nothing and will just increase bad blood. Bring it to the AOD leadership guys we will handle it.

Sorry for the long post I wish you all well and I hope to Kill many NC and VS with my terran brothers here.



Pls feel free to email or aim me if you cant get in touch with me in the game :)

[email protected]

2003-07-24, 04:44 AM
I'm sorry.. but I find it hard to believe that, after repeteded incidents with malone myself, you've never heard of a problem with him. He does this to ANYONE who even ASKS him to play smart and split the zerg a little. The intense hatred that people have for malone can almost be seen eminating from the SMART squads who go somewhere else when zergmaster and his lemmings show up.

Edit: On a further note... the fact that he's so ill-informed, seeing as he's obviously so l33t after playing so long and having cr5 as he mentions, as to call Hamma (wasn't he one of the first people to try out ps besides the sony employees?), someone who puts a shitload of his time into probably the best unofficial ps site, a fucking newb with penis envy. Sorry, but that's just ignorance, stupidity and the mark of a 13 year old moron right there.

2003-07-24, 09:57 AM
Gawd im glad i left Emerald....TacticalCommand is shit head too.

2003-07-24, 12:55 PM
Nobody on Emerald likes Malone.

Good thing I don't play much anymore. I hate listening to that guy. A word of advice, if Malone tells you something needs to be done, do the opposite and you'll be doing the right thing to help your empire. I swear Malone is some NC spy trying to wreck us.

2003-07-24, 01:07 PM
yeah ive heard he was an asshat, but yesterday i decided to invite him into my squad cuz my friend told me to. Now myself and my outfit play pretty seriously and dont usually take ne crap, but to be honest he was very responsible and did a good job following my orders, working toghether. but i have seen him spam the GC, which shouldnt be done... and as for good CR 5's 7th legion has 4 of em- Nferno, Gammarkantis, klar, and 50 cent

2003-07-24, 01:09 PM
malone is sporratic... he used to talk some shit like that too me to before, and i was on his ignore list. A week later he took me off of his ignore list. and never talked to me like that again. i think its just the beer he drinks...

or it could be the all powerful me :p :p

2003-07-25, 03:59 PM
Liquid Smoke,

While I agree that this probably should have been brought to your attention, the fact that he hasn't learned his ways means that he may need more of your Discipline.

This exchange took place on Wednesday, July 23rd.

I was playing as my alternate character Vasi on the server, had started a small squad of my fellow outfit mates getting ready to board the HART, and Malone starts to send me /tells on "once I (meaning malone) can see command chat then I can talk to him". I did not predicate or instigate this chat. I then kindly asked him to stop pestering me and my outfit mates. He kept on sending me derogitory /tells based upon my battle rank. It was then that I started to spam broadcast messages such as "Whoever dislikes Malone, please say so." I know that was wrong of me. I am sorry that I did that in Sanctuary. But it still does not forgive Malone and his past transgressions.

I have a question for you, does one have to talk down to someone who is of low battle rank or command rank? Effective leadership begins with yourself.

2003-07-26, 11:11 AM
guy sounds like a prick to me, a lil one too, makes me wanna play on Emerald just to kill him. i as a cr3 commander would never do such a thing, yes id draw a bunch of stupid things off to the side of the map, because im a noob at Cr3 still, ( isnt it COOL!?! ) but for someone to insult someone for questioning their leadership, thats total bullshit, anyone has the right to question someone elses leadership, especialy in a game, and when you ask a higher Cr to do something, something simple and needs to be done, like say in contenent wide, so and so base needs a ANT or in this case, needs reinforcements, and they dont, well they shouldnt even have that rank. thats just bad leadership, and a moron commander as well. you AOD or whatever people need to get your commanders straight, because in my outfit, shit like that isnt tolerated, infact, shit like that will put you on our hitlist

2003-07-26, 02:21 PM
Hey Smoke, If you are a half-decent outfit leader, you should have kicked this idiot out a long time ago. Especially so if you're in an alliance. Being in one indicates skilled and level headed players, not childish, smack-talking idiots.

Its not like you'd be losing a great asset to your outfit.

2003-07-26, 02:46 PM
Originally posted by Lilbird2431
yeah ive heard he was an asshat, but yesterday i decided to invite him into my squad cuz my friend told me to. Now myself and my outfit play pretty seriously and dont usually take ne crap, but to be honest he was very responsible and did a good job following my orders, working toghether. but i have seen him spam the GC, which shouldnt be done... and as for good CR 5's 7th legion has 4 of em- Nferno, Gammarkantis, klar, and 50 cent

klar? Um no. He used to spam everytime I'm on. Ever since I threatened to /appeal him he stopped.

2003-07-27, 02:55 AM
Speaking from personal experience, I have never had Malone talk down to me or denigrate me for sending him info in battle. I have seen other CR5's use global or continent chat for spamming each other. I have respect for anyone who has attempted to command squads because in many ways it is a thankless task, on the same level of difficulty as attempting to herd cats, since a squad leader has little or no influence on squadmembers except to kick them out of the squad.

Malone is no better or worse than many cr5's. But in my experience he has learned a lot about the game and his suggestions are often clear, concise, and right on the money.

With rank, however, comes responsibility and the need to act maturely, and one responsibility is to ignore challenges or irritations and get on with the game.

What most people need to remember is that being a cr5 does not confer any special expertise or true command ability, nor does it provide the necessary charisma to get a bunch of PS egomaniacs to listen to you.

2003-07-27, 06:24 AM
As I said any issues you have...with Malone or any AOD..by all means contact me and we will resolve the matter instantly.

FYI I beleive this is more than u see from most outfit leaders. I think the fact that I posted on this thread speaks for itself. On a side note aperently theres a Malonecr5 posting all over god and creation.....being a serious ass.....this is not malone...but a imposter. God knows why anyone would want to impersinate malone lol but its being done.

2003-07-27, 06:39 AM
Originally posted by AOD_Liq_Smoke
As for Malone being on your Tk lists....AOD protects its own....and we are in the terran alliance which will back any of its outfits.

rofl....Not sure if we're talking about the same Terran Alliance, but the one I know is primarily on Markov (see http://www.theterranalliance.com). Also, I'd hold my tounge before speaking for other Outfit Leaders on whether or not they'd defend somebody with an ego as inflated as Malone's. There have been enough threads in both PSU and the Official Forums to give me reason to question his ability.


2003-07-27, 01:50 PM
This guy a TR CR5? If he is I feel bad. :P And whoever was talking about RavenUSC3 being bad, that's really uncalled for. And as for Valcron; stop talking about me in the command channel, I know you like to. XD

2003-07-27, 10:00 PM
I really don't understand the hatred people have for cr5s.

*on topic*
In a vain attempt to stay with the original poster: malone sounds like an idiot, at least from what hamma posted.
*on topic*

ok now back to the meat of my post. The other day on hossin I was coordinating the defense with some other cr5s. We had forces on oshur at zal and when their hack was complete, another link would open to a hossin base. At the time, the TR were beating us back, and the link would allow us to establish a second front. So I send a continent all message to the effect of "A link to ixtab is about to open, if a squad or two could head there and hack it we would all be grateful". Not ten seconds later I get a tell "I ignore bad cr5 commanders" Wtf? Why would I be ignored for that? Some people *grumble grumble grumble

2003-07-27, 10:36 PM
Yeah, some people are asses. CR5's that i personally know get some strange ass tells for contientally saying on topic stuff...dunno.

But yeah, there are a hella lot of bad CR5's. They need to put a timer on the continental/global SpAm or preferably, take it out all together.

Put in something else, posted by someone somewhere, "Request Reinforcements"

Next ten Instant Actioners go to j00

2003-07-27, 11:19 PM
I am profoundly surprised the VS Emerald CR5s haven't really been flamed on this thread too much, because from personal experience, most of them suck. :P

2003-07-27, 11:23 PM
:rofl: at that conversation.

2003-07-27, 11:32 PM
I only need something like, 6.8 more bars to reach CR5. Whenever he says anything on global or continental, I'll just say "omg rofl stfu n00b". Too bad he'll get all his AOD buddies to TK me. :(

2003-07-28, 01:34 PM
but malone is cool :'(...

2003-07-28, 01:58 PM
Originally posted by GammA
but malone is cool :'(...


2003-07-28, 02:39 PM
I can't believe I read all the posts on all five of those pages......

Being on topic, Malone sounds like a jerk, scratch that..... a moronic leader leading his troops into a slaughter house.

I can't wait until I reach CR1. I have the worst luck with CR points..... I lead squads, take bases with them, and still I'm under 1/2 of a CR.... and I played from the release date.... oh well.

2003-07-29, 02:33 AM
Yeah Malone on Emerald is a prize ass.

Nearly as annoying as Klar with that constant chat spam.

There is a guy badly in need of a TK fest.

2003-07-29, 01:17 PM
DONT KILL UM! n000!!!

2003-07-29, 02:29 PM
"AOD protects its own"

as does BOHICA. i really loved how malone TK'd me a couple weeks ago. he looks afk (or using is CUD, whatever but he wasnt moving) i ran up and tore to pieces 3 VS that were approaching him. when they were dead, i started moving on and reloaded my amp. only then did i get his amp in the back. derive waht you will from this, let him deny what he will, noone i know of has ever TKd a bohica and survived.

2003-07-29, 08:46 PM
Originally posted by TheAngelOfWar
"AOD protects its own"

as does BOHICA. i really loved how malone TK'd me a couple weeks ago. he looks afk (or using is CUD, whatever but he wasnt moving) i ran up and tore to pieces 3 VS that were approaching him. when they were dead, i started moving on and reloaded my amp. only then did i get his amp in the back. derive waht you will from this, let him deny what he will, noone i know of has ever TKd a bohica and survived.

In fact, this is the only thing I like about Planetside any more.

2003-07-29, 09:23 PM
Such horror stories.

On Konried the NC have pretty good CR5's. They don't get any respect, but there are quite a few that are good. So don't get a bad idea about CR5's because of one asshole. In my experience a few will help out quite a bit. But then it seems like most of them send me /tells to do some dirty work away from the zerg.

Oh well. I don't think I'll ever reach CR3 because I am not an XP hunter. Dawn Patrol tends to hit things that aren't protected and stay outside of the SOI killing reinforcements.