View Full Version : Piith's Idea: The War Room

2003-07-24, 12:08 AM
Piith's idea is to have a War room in each empire sanctuary where CR5's can lay out plans.

I envision this:

A large room, like the old gathering places from back in beta. Those would be perfect, and they wouldn't have to make a new model.

On the wall would be an elevated screen. ON the screen the world map is displayed, along with drawings the CR5's place. Of course theres going to be idiot CR5's who drawing obscene things, but whatever. :rolleyes:

The CR5's could also place text on the screen, but looking at teh large screen, there would be no text displayed, jsut the drawings. Along the walls there would be small terminal-like maps where when you press G while facing them, it brings up the world map with the drawings and text. Maybe to make it more neat, different numbers could be designated by the CR5's on the screen and on a panel on the side there could be an explanation for the numbers. These numbers could also be color coded.

The CR5's would access the drawing and text displays through their CUDs.


2003-07-24, 12:16 AM
That would be great, maby have the option in the global map bar where you select what you want to see or don't there could be a button for CR5 Drawings so people wouldent always be asking 'WHERE ARE WE TODAY?!'.

Antres Midel
2003-07-24, 12:22 AM
I like it but, howa' bout' instead of giving CR5's free roam with a pen on the wall display you give them a set allotment of icons (similar to using smilies in the posts) that would be like icons for tanks, buggies, standered troops, medics, engineers, gals, revers, ams's, that kinda' thing?


2003-07-24, 12:35 AM
first i want a VR training room with npc targets that actually move and fire back.

2003-07-24, 12:54 AM
Damn i just made another post about this, hopefully Hamma will delate it for me :D but here is my idea:

I think maybe we should have only cr4/cr5 members go into the war room, to many SL's and basic cr members would just spam it up.

2003-07-24, 12:58 AM
v v n

V V Q!

2003-07-24, 03:58 AM
The SL�s need access so they have a knowledge of what the CR�s have planned, also a SL can let the CR�s know what they have in their squad, size, equipment as in if they have no GAL Pilot, there may just be the right spot for them. This idea will work better after they get the platoon thing going. Instead of allowing free hand drawing, make drop zones and direction, as in point a spot on the map select drop, and it places a icon for the drop, similar as the WP�s.
I am sure there are many ideas on how a WAR Room would work.

2003-07-24, 08:09 AM
mabey if they make is SL only be able to see it, just like with the CR abilaties on the map, you need to be SL to use em

PS Hamma whys my Sig gone? it was great! i mean it was a real nebula 8000 light years away! :tear:

2003-07-24, 08:24 AM
Originally posted by Antres Midel
I like it but, howa' bout' instead of giving CR5's free roam with a pen on the wall display you give them a set allotment of icons (similar to using smilies in the posts) that would be like icons for tanks, buggies, standered troops, medics, engineers, gals, revers, ams's, that kinda' thing?


yes I was thinking on the same lines as that.

2003-07-24, 01:52 PM
Originally posted by Sandman
first i want a VR training room with npc targets that actually move and fire back.

They wouldn't do this. So far they've avoided having to create any form of an AI in this game. I dont htink they'll make one just so that poeple can waste them with any weapon they want.

2003-07-24, 02:16 PM
I think this is a cool idea :p

2003-07-24, 03:00 PM
this is really great, antoher thing that can only make Ps better
comon! lets get this one noticed...somehow?

2003-07-24, 03:28 PM
Originally posted by Hamma
I think this is a cool idea :p

Hamma approval. Score.

2003-07-25, 07:35 AM
has this been brought up in any other PS forums?

2003-07-25, 07:43 AM
First I want CRs who actually deserve the rank.

2003-07-25, 02:44 PM
Originally posted by Incompetent
First I want CRs who actually deserve the rank.

Ya. :rolleyes: You're right.