View Full Version : I really like this idea

2003-07-24, 12:51 AM
tthis was quoted from another member, but damn i do like it. BUt i think maybe we should have only cr4/cr5 members go into the war room, to many SL's and basic cr members would just spam it up. Here is the thought:

I think a War room is really needed.
you could go three and see what the plan is, as why things are now basically all a CR5 can do is tell where the VERG (mob fight) is happening. with a War room, the plans can be laid out by the CR5. Newly formed squads can go to the WAR room and see where they are needed the most, and maybe pick up some more LFS's there as well.
you can make it were only a SL & CR1 and up can enter the War room. input can be shared there, and plans can be laid out, and now we have a good battle with a plan, not mindless mob fighting

2003-07-24, 12:55 AM
you dont have to make another thread.

2003-07-24, 12:58 AM
yeah i didn't see the other thread till after i posted this one, and it won't let me delete it :(

2003-07-24, 01:49 AM
but ddin't u say u it was quoted from another member/ so that means u had to see the thread about a war room and u CUOLD have posted there. either that or i am just a dumbass who did not read thread right:confused: .