View Full Version : Whats the most usefull skill....

2003-07-24, 05:40 PM
Whats the most usefull skill and is it worth getting the advanced form of it?

2003-07-24, 05:58 PM
Repair, I don't know about CE. If you have repair and Avdanced Regeneration, you'll last a LONG time. That's what I have. Combined with surge to get me outta trouble quickly so I can repair and heal, I always find myself running out of ammo becouse I've lasted so long and then I have to re-stock.

2003-07-24, 06:26 PM
Medical. It'll keep you alive for soooooo long, since one Medical Applicator clip holds the equivalent of 40 med kits. Since HP is the only thing that keeps you alive, not armor, it's very useful. As for adv. medical, it's not that great IMO. Even with the latest changes that make dead people show up on radar and adv. meds show up on their radar, people still click that respawn button as fast as they can :ugh:

2003-07-24, 07:24 PM
I would vote for eng. Combined with adv regen and med paks, you can keep yourself in prime fighting condition.

2003-07-24, 07:25 PM
Originally posted by Jaged
I would vote for eng. Combined with adv regen and med paks, you can keep yourself in prime fighting condition.


2003-07-24, 07:30 PM
Basic Engi and Basic Medical are like bread and butter. If you work in squads then AdvMedical owns all. Specially when you have like 6 of 'em and it's more than a zerg squad.

2003-07-24, 07:34 PM
Hacking, hands down. Its life saving to have the ability to access any terminal, friend or foe.

2003-07-24, 07:55 PM
Originally posted by 1024
Hacking, hands down. Its life saving to have the ability to access any terminal, friend or foe.

Don't you mean advanced hacking?

2003-07-24, 08:00 PM
Yes. Whatever.

grammar nazi.

2003-07-24, 09:28 PM
Originally posted by 1024
grammar nazi.
actually, that's not being a grammar nazi since he's not correcting you on a grammatical basis, but on a basis of the gameplay, and it's rules.

Now that was being a grammar nazi

2003-07-24, 10:19 PM
Originally posted by Revolver
actually, that's not being a grammar nazi since he's not correcting you on a grammatical basis, but on a basis of the gameplay, and it's rules.

Now that was being a grammar nazi


2003-07-24, 10:42 PM
Hacking by far. Think about it: You get into an enemy base, or tower, by some means that I don't know, you are hurt, bad, armor = poo, health is not so good, you hack a equip terminal, swap armor, and then go hack a med terminal. All of which can be done in 15 seconds.

Might not apply to meatbags that go all armor but it works for us agile little beasts. ;]

2003-07-24, 11:12 PM
Using only the medical skll I have stayed alive for 30 minutes+ in the huge outdoor zerg fights. I have had to loot corpse because I ran out of ammo for all my weapons...

While hacking is useful inside a base, Medical is useful everywhere....If you play smart you can stay alive rediculous periods of time against crazy odds......

2003-07-24, 11:34 PM
Adv. Hacking definitly

My TR uses infil suit + adv. hack to get into a pounder inside spawn to then resume the freshly spawned rape!

2003-07-24, 11:56 PM
The problem is the hacking tree is only effective if you are frequently inside towers/facilities. For overall combat effectiveness I'd take enginnering. 2-3 health packs combined with smart repair goes a long way. Toss in medical and you'll never die of attrition (though lashers will still frickin own ya).

2003-07-25, 04:41 AM
Originally posted by nightcr4wler
Hacking by far. Think about it: You get into an enemy base, or tower, by some means that I don't know, you are hurt, bad, armor = poo, health is not so good, you hack a equip terminal, swap armor, and then go hack a med terminal. All of which can be done in 15 seconds.
Or get shot in the back, whichever comes first. Hacking doesn't do you any good when you're pinned down behind a rock.

Okay for thoses that don't know. If you have an eq handy and your armor is toast. You can switch to a different armor then switch back and be full again. So if you are in agile>getdamaged>eqterm>standard>agile>fresh armor>get it?

2003-07-25, 04:47 AM
You know it really depends on what class you are.

2003-07-25, 10:23 AM
It does...Infil i dont think can get by without AdvHack. Whereas Reinforced Grunts can rarely get by for long without Engi and Medical. While pilots/drivers need Engi, Hack/AdvHack may be of more value. But AMS deployers IMO shouldn't have the Cert if they can't take care of it. Meaning they must be CEs in order to defend it.

2003-07-25, 10:30 AM
streamline best post of the bunch IMO, seen too many AMS's that had no defenses just get raped by one person, while also have spawned and was choosing a favorite outfitting then heard mines go off only to look around and see a dead reinforced.

IMO if your going to be a driving a vehicle for most of the time, ENG is a must. With med and eng you can own being a grunt.

2003-07-25, 10:30 AM
there isnt realy a "most useful skill", its the combinations that work best..

infil: adv hack, combat eng, basic med
grunt:basic eng, basic med
support: basic med, combat eng, hacking
tank/reaver driver: basic eng,hacking


2003-07-25, 01:05 PM
Once again you people mean ADVANCED HACKING. Some noobs might not get the idea. And for high ranking people two certs means a lot.