View Full Version : Playstation 2 experiences.
2003-01-04, 01:41 PM
I really like the system...
I went out and got these games:
Tribes: Arial Assualt - Its pretty strange... the whole idea of getting comfortable with a controller after using the keyboard for that game... over all i think its an ok consol game, but the PC version is far better...
State of Emergency- wth!?! this game is way violent. I really think it would be nearly impossible to complete if you didn't use the invicible cheat... Very strange...but good for the 10 bucks i spent on it :)
TimeSplitters 2- the best consol FPS game i have ever played... I actually had some friends over and we played 4 person multiplayer and it was simply the best action I've seen in a FPS for a system... awesome buy :D
Final Fantasy X - amazing. I'm only about half way through with this game, but I absolutely adore it :D lol, I'm going to spare you the nerdom that i can release while talking about this game... but if you are a fan of great story lines within games, FFX tops them all.
Onimusha- Bah, I dunno... the samurai thing is kinda weird... I mainly got that one for a friend to play...
Silent Hill 2- Ok, the scariest thing I have ever played...and I'm not done with the second stage yet! It was so freaking dark, and I finally found a flashlight in this old apartment room...turned it on and Holy shizzal! some kind of creepy creature trying to eat my face... I jumped a mile :D
StuntMan- got this for a friend to play... i think its kinda dumb... but i don't like crashing cars and stuff... he likes it though.
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty- Ok, so i got this because the guy at the store told me that it was an amazing PS2 experience...and I suppose he is going to be right... I didn't really get time to play this yet... but I did shoot some hairy armpit lady up with tranquilizers...that was fun :)
WWF SmackDown: Just Bring it- we got this because it was a 4 player game...and It is exactly what you would expect from a wrestling game... i just like creating crazy people :P
Extermination: I haven't played this one yet... I played a bit on a demo, but besides that... Its pretty cool... controls are kinda awkward if i remember correctly... but good overall (so far)
Devil May Cry- I haven't played this one yet either :( Lol, I thought it looked pretty cool...and it was cheap, so I picked it up :)
Ico- I love this game :D The graphics are amazing...and it has this sorta odd way of pulling at your emotions... it is entirely creative and I think its a good release when you get tired of the norm.
Orphen - Save your money.
Games eMa says you must have:
Silent Hill 2
Timesplitters 2
and I'm strongly suggesting Ico as well... sorta hesitant though because i'm sure some people might not have the patience when dealing with the puzzles...
So, what games do you have and what do you think of them?
I'm interested in what you guys thought of the games i have, and what you think of the stuff you have :D
2003-01-04, 02:20 PM
Metal Gear Solid 2 kicked ass! You should like the ending.
I loved Final Fantasy X! They're coming out with FFX-2 but alot of the characters will be gone :p
Silent Hill 2 was great! Scared the crap out of me... I loved it, and the ending is cool too :D
I played the Ico demo, it was ok.
Devil May Cry was a reat game. 'Nuff said
I have the first Timesplitters, it was great at first... but got boring fast. I haven't played the second one tho.
Glad you like the PS2
Games I have:
Silent Hill 2
Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance
Madden '00-'03
... I'll think of the rest later...
2003-01-04, 03:08 PM
If you liked the Final Fantasy games and you don't think Disney is an uber power that should be brought down by the power of the people, then you'll LOVE "Kingdom Hearts" The combat is a lot different than the FF series, it's in real time rather than turn based, but the story line more than makes up for this change. It brings back some of the old FF characters and uses Disney Villains as the antagonists (a nice touch in my opinion)
I'm also a huge fan of the Grand Theft Auto series, though I'm sure you wouldn't be eMa since you don't like the driving, crashing, and blowing things up.
MGS2 is a great game, though i haven't gone back and finished it yet.
As far as FPSs go PS2 isn't the way to go. You'd want the xbox for that. Halo is, in my opinion, the best console game ever. Also the best FPS I've ever played. Immersive story line, non-stop action, cool weapons, and fun (if hard to control) vehicles.
Anyways, that's my 2 cents. I can't think of any more really good games i've played. Actually, SOCOM wasn't pretty neat...difficult, but cool. Oh yeah, and Dead to Rights (hard but fun) :D
half the sky
2003-01-04, 08:34 PM
I have a new playstation 2 as well. So far I've tried:
Kingdom Hearts.
I love this game. Graphics are awsome. If you've ever been to Disney world, you will feel like you're walking around in the magic kingdom again. Storyline is wonderful. I like the real time fighting. This game is complex enough to hold the attention of an adult and inviting to children as well. I'ts fun to trapse through all the Disney movies and books I enjoyed as a child. Even have disney characters like Tarzan as a companion for a world. Help Hercules out, rescue Alice in Wonderland from beheading only to have her kidnapped.
There are many mysteries to solve, real time fighting, worlds to explore. Those of us who enjoyed a nice game of asteroids in arcades way back when will love flying the ship and shooting things up on the way to new worlds in Kingdom Hearts. Who could ask for more?
Tony Hawk's Proskater 4
This is really, really addicting. Once you learn to grind it's hard to stop. This game makes me want to go out and get myself a skateboard and get the highschool kids at my local skate park to teach me how to grind in real life.
Tribes players who love skiing will love this game. Graphics are nicely done. We play with blood turned off. :P~
The only thing that really annoys me is the one and only female model makes horrible squeeling noises whenever she falls down. MUTE!!!
You have to level up to try out new places to skate such as the zoo. I like that you can do two player with a split screen. You can earn money and buy yourself gear. My husband thinks it's funny to skate around in his underwear.
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
If you love The Harry Potter series, which my daughter and I do, you'll love this game. It follows the storyline well and for Harry Potter fan's it's awsome to be able to actually play at Hogwarts and to explore the shops in Diagon Alley.
In the classrooms of Hogwarts there are desks to go through, book cases to search, chests to open. You dodge ghosts, avoid damage from magical severed hands, sneak past prefects and learn new spells by obtaining spellbooks after performing incredible tasks.
You fight the whomping willow, Gargoyls, duel with Malfoy in real time, play Quiddich matches and there are mysteries to solve. Broom flying seems so easy when your 8 year old daughter scores an A+ by flying through 85 magic floating rings on her very first try... but it's not that easy.
It's a blast for Harry Potter fans. Stay away if you don't love the books.
Overall it's a well rounded game with flying, real time battles and mysteries to be solved.
2003-01-04, 09:22 PM
PS2 sux0rs and XB0X R0X0RZZZZZZZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry, I don't think that the ps2 sucks, but I thought you'd like to hear it from a friend first. Here come the smacktards........release the hounds....
Vice City is the kinda of game that consumes you. I played 13 hours before I actually realized how long I was playing it.
I'll try to put it down and rent some of those games you people mentioned. :D
half the sky
2003-01-04, 09:31 PM
Originally posted by {BOHICA}Navaron
PS2 sux0rs and XB0X R0X0RZZZZZZZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry, I don't think that the ps2 sucks, but I thought you'd like to hear it from a friend first. Here come the smacktards........release the hounds....
ps2 is just different. I considered buying Tribes: Aerial Assault but after trying it out I realised I love PC versions of Tribes so much more and the game is too complex for the awkward ps2 controller to handle well.
Do not expect a pc experience for fps games. It will not happen. I don't think any of us who enjoy our PS2s have implied that. Bring on your smacktards. I can take them.
2003-01-04, 09:34 PM
"ps2 is just different. I considered buying Tribes: Aerial Assault but after trying it out I realised I love PC versions of Tribes so much more and the game is too complex for the awkward ps2 controller to handle well.
Do not expect a pc experience for fps games. It will not happen. I don't think any of us who enjoy our PS2s have implied that. Bring on your smacktards. I can take them."
Huh?:confused: :huh:
I was joking, because inevitably some smacktard would come by and system smash the ps2. I have an Xbox and didn't expect a pc experience (that's why I got the xbox - ;) ). I'm confused.
2003-01-04, 09:39 PM
yes. yes you are ;)
2003-01-04, 09:40 PM
Well as long as we're on the same page.
2003-01-04, 09:56 PM
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City is by far one of the best games i have ever played. The physics are great, the graphics are great, everything in the technical department is wonderful.
Unlike most games, which seem to hire the worst voice over actors they can, this game has wonderful voice overs, crystal clear and non-cheesy.
The atmosphere is great, it really makes you feel like you're in 1980s Miami, with roller-skating babes in bathing suites, big beach houses, neon-lights by the waterfront at night, and the music, which brings me to whole nother thing about this game. The radio. Oh, my god, nobody has ever done a video game radio station this good. The talk stations are HILARIOUS, the music right from that era, from 80's new wave to some Van Halen, with actual tracks form the era as well as some created for the game. Theres literally hours and hours and hours of radio, enough to keep you satisfied for a long time.
Now, the gameplay. Again, the game delivers in this department, offering some of the most open ended gameplay available. There is of course a main storyline, which has you as a gangster trying to make yourself in this town, and with that, you'll be associated with other gangs and do business with them, which often may lead to gangwars in the streets. You can actually watch as the gangs skirmish and have street brawls and gunfights all because of your actions. Once you have made more of a name for yourself and are better situated you start doing things for yourself, including making businesses pay up their protection money, heheh. By advancing the main plot, you will open up new areas to explore and new items and weapons and vehicles to use, including a helicopter. Tose are real fun to fly, it lets you look out over the entire city, and because of the enormous draw distance in the game, you can really see the entire thing. Of course, there are so many other things to do beside the main plot, there are so many little secrets and other non-essential missions. One of the things you can do to start making a name for yourself is to buy legitimate real-estate. These real-estate properties offer you a place to rest and save you game, but they often also generate a proffit for you. Once you bump off a backstabbing employer, you can "acquire" his estate as yours, which itself generates a max of 5000 dollars of revenue. Other properties include a taxi company, and ice cream factory, a strip club, a hotel, and a parking garage. Theres more, I'm sure, but I have yet to complete the game. One of the cooler and more innovative missions has you bombing a dock full of Cuban drug smugglers and their boats for a rival Haitian gang with a toy plane that you can control, It's hilarious.
Easter eggs abound as well. You can often spot sharks, submarines and sunken ships in the ocean that surrounds the island city, which brings me to another point. The city. The city isn't just a backdrop for the game to take place in. It's a living breathing city, functioning all on it's own. Rival gangs will engage in shootouts. Police officers will chase down shoplifters and purse snatchers. The crowds disappear late at night in residential areas, while they seem to swell in near the neon beachfront areas, where the nightclubs are. Hookers and crooked-looking individuals prowl the streets of crummy and sleezy areas, looking for business or looking for drugs. Head out to the waterfront estates and you'll find large houses, fast cars, and wealthy shopping women. For christ's sake, there's even a mall! When people are injured in a brawl or are run over by bad driving, paramedics come to revive them. Cause some fires and you'll see a firetruck pull up to put it out. Cause enough chaos, and you'll get police, SWAT, the FBI, and eventually the National Guard on your ass.
GTA:VC often gets a bad rap from the more conservative people, who often write it off as a game created with maximum violence in mind. I do not believe this is true. Effort, thoughtfullness, creativeness, and event artistry were put into this game. It's not created for violence. While the action may sometimes seem over the top, mostly because you caused it to happen, the game never gets too heavyhanded and real with the violence and mature themes. While the graphics are amazing, they seem to be creating a world that looks different, one that seems seperate from ours. Now, this is by no means bad, they are amazing in their own world. For example, if I saw the kind of violence I sometimes commit in this game on TV, or on a game with a more "real" air to it, I might be slightly disgusted and just turn the channel or pass the game by, but this game never lends itself to let it look too much like real life. It handles everything with a tongue-in cheek humor, including the graphics.
I wouldnt advise you to play this game with your 6 year old daughter, but I wouldnt go so far as to ban it completely from your house as I know some people have. If I were to lend this to the movie rating system, I would give it a PG-13, a PG-13 on the mature side definitely.
Now, if I were to rate this game between 1 and 10, I'd give it a 9.8, the .2 drop mainly because of the dificulty some people may find with the missions.
2003-01-04, 10:38 PM
all ff games are amzing, more like interactive movies, rather than games themselfs
imo ff6 is still the best
I loved Final Fantasy X! They're coming out with FFX-2 but alot of the characters will be gone
what do u mean? ...a squel, thats never been done...
ive had a ps2 for a couple years and the only games i ahve are
ffx, amored core 3, dynasty warriors 3, and vice city, my brother owns a shit load more, but alot of them suck, but if u ask me, the quilty of games has gone down greatly screw graphics, i want gameplay
Tribes: Arial Assualt - Its pretty strange... the whole idea of getting comfortable with a controller after using the keyboard for that game... over all i think its an ok consol game, but the PC version is far better...
all FPS suck on consoles, i dont care what u say, back when goldeneye came out, everyone thought that was the shit, to bad i was playing Half-life
2003-01-04, 10:40 PM
somebody had better read that long-ass post i made about GTA:VC and comment on it...... :)
2003-01-04, 10:52 PM
Yeah it was long as hell and I didn't read it. It looked nice though. But seriously man, you gotta have a lot of free time.:eek:
2003-01-04, 10:55 PM
2003-01-04, 10:59 PM
great review ;)
2003-01-04, 11:02 PM
tha nazi reviewer thanks you :)
2003-01-04, 11:24 PM
what do u mean? ...a squel, thats never been done... Oh its happening :p Go look it up.
2003-01-04, 11:29 PM
Erm, what do you mean it's never been done? Are you being sarcastic or something? Maybe i'm confused but i'm pretty sure FF10 is a sequel of the original FF. That's just how it works. If you put out a game with the same name and a different number, that's a sequel.
Nice post on Vice City Doobz. A little long-winded though :p
2003-01-04, 11:47 PM
Erm, what do you mean it's never been done? Are you being sarcastic or something? Maybe i'm confused but i'm pretty sure FF10 is a sequel of the original FF. That's just how it works. If you put out a game with the same name and a different number, that's a sequel.
with the exception of a couple having cameos in other squaresoft games, and some having same name, characters from 1 ff have never gone on to another, chars for ff6 did not appear in ff7, ff8 chars did not appear in ff9, ect.
each game has had a different plot, system and chars.
ff 10 is not a squeal of ff1 (in terms of plot) in fact the only thing they probly had in common was that bahamut was in both.
FFX-2 but alot of the characters will be gone
of corse, auron is gone, the aeons are gone ect.
i am spectiacal of ff11 being online play, every ff game is different, but to almost completely change the genre?
2003-01-04, 11:55 PM
nooo!! for the love of god keep the Aeons!
and wth, Yuna with a hand gun!?!?!
I dunno guys... i think Rikku's hair is ugly too...
Bah, this new FF looks a little too comericialized... the females all show skin, and the male characters are not equally as attractive... male targeted more so than the previous...
FFXI looks pretty cool...what are your thoughts on that one?
2003-01-05, 12:04 AM
I haven't seen any screen shots of the new one they're supposedly making. In fact, this is the first I've heard of it. I must be out of the loop. :(
2003-01-05, 12:07 AM
bah, last time square was on crack was devolping ff5, guess they relapsed ;(
ff11 looks alright, but why call it 11, it isnt a single player (for the most part) party-based RPG anymore, maybe if they called it ffonline, but change the whole genre? arent there enought MMORPGs out there already? ive been playing ff games since i was 6, kinda pisses me of where there seris is going.
Originally posted by Doobz
somebody had better read that long-ass post i made about GTA:VC and comment on it...... :)
Alright... I own the porn studio, Malibu, Taxi cab place, and the mansion. Where do I get my next mission? I've bought the docks, save point near biker bar, down town with heli pad on top, the villa, place near mall, and the harbor.
*Guns N Roses voice*
"Where do we go now. Where do we go?"
2003-01-05, 02:48 AM
i dunno, im not that far.
hey can you tell me exactly HOW you go about collecting revenue from the strip club? if you can?
im still not exactly completely clear on that, i know that some businesses generate revenue, but don't exactly know how to go about picking it up.
When you have completed all the mission for an area it will begin generating revenue. It'll look like a save point icon. It should be sitting beside the save point or near the entrance.
Porn studio = $7,000
Taxi Cab = $5,000
Malibu = $10,000
Mansion - $5,000
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