View Full Version : An open letter to the Conglomerate

2003-07-26, 02:51 PM
Ladies and gentlemen of the Conglomerate community, welcome.

The last seven days have seen tremendous upheaval on the face of the Ten Continents of Auraxis. Since the 20th of July, there has been a huge upswell in the Vanu ranks (and a parallel loss of Conglom and some Terran ranks) of defectors to the Sovereignty. This reason has nothing to do with loyalty. It has little to do with comaraderie. It has everything to do with a patch that SOE released that has made the Vanu Lasher the latest toy of the Sovereignty. Previous to this, the Vanu were known for Magrider strafing runs, for flying MAX armors, and for hit-and-run strikes that takes them out of the range of our Jackhammers. Now, they're known for being a swarming fighting force, with many of them armed with a juiced-up version of their Lasher. The nature of its enhancements have dispirited the other two empires, and have led to defections of players to the Vanu empire, just to play with these weapons, loyalty be damned.

The last seven days have opened for us an incredible opportunity.

Who do we have left on the Conglomerate armies? The most dedicated. The most skilled. Fighters that won't yield or give in when an opposing army suddenly has an unexpected capacity for slaughter. We have the same comrades that matter - the patriots of the outfits, who have dug in their heels to the dust and will meet the coming Vanu challenges with heart and stubbornness.

What does that leave us? It leaves us, as Conglomerate warriors, with HP and EXP bonuses since we're now the population underdog. The riff-raff of all our outfits are now cleared - less whiners, less troublemakers. It gives the Terrans a sudden wildcard - the Vanu is THEIR opposing army as well. It opens the door to clearing the slate of older Vanu-oriented tactics and replacing them with new and unexpected methods we've been dying to try. Terrans and Congloms have been sharing such tactics to one another on a personal basis, allowing our mutual battlefield to evolve. Let freedom of communication reign.

No one is undefeatable. Both the Terrans and the Vanu proved that when we'd sweep the infantry field with Jackhammers and would watch their men and women die, and they kept coming. And WE will prove it to them, both Vanu and Terran, that they are now facing the finest, the noblest, the most dedicated the Conglomerate has to offer. They call us anarchists. Let us remind them that we are, in truth, revolutionaries.

Let the call go out to every Conglomerate soldier and outfit on Johari. Let the core of our armies rally and regroup to face the enemy as an indomitable wall of bravery and determination. For too long, we have operated as outfit-nations unto ourselves, and have held our own. Now we are called to a GREATER unity, a greater challenge - to shout out a mighty thunder across Auraxis that the free citizens of the New Conglomerate will NEVER yield!

With sincerity,


Command Council, Planetside Division

The IRON Brigade - Serving the Conglomerate on Johari


Are you a Conglomerate outfit leader, seeking to join arms with your bretheren in a more organized fashion? If so, please direct your attention to our public forums on http://www.iron-hq.com/forums/ - introduce yourselves, talk with us, and add your voice to ours. Also note, the purpose of this letter is to rally and encourage our Conglomerate (and ok, even the Terran) militia. This is NOT an invitation to complain about the Lasher or the Vanu. Post here to show your support of this contention. Thank you.

2003-07-26, 02:57 PM
"Viva La Resistance Lives On"

2003-07-26, 02:58 PM
Everybody, this is what you call a smurf on PMS.

2003-07-26, 03:01 PM
:ncrocks: :vssucks:

2003-07-26, 03:02 PM
Guard dogs I hate fucking gaurd dogs.

2003-07-26, 03:16 PM
Onwards with the New Conglomerate!

2003-07-26, 03:22 PM
*salutes* lets kick some ass :cool:

2003-07-26, 03:27 PM
It's all just because :ncsucks: and :vsrocks:

2003-07-26, 03:30 PM
Look! The NC are getting pwned all the time now!

I love it. :trrocks:

2003-07-26, 03:33 PM
Sorry but....

:nazi: :ncrocks: :vssucks: :trsucks: :usa:

2003-07-26, 03:36 PM
And your word is the end-all, hands down, I pwn, because I said so of opinions....

2003-07-26, 04:34 PM
At least the NC isnt creating 50 billion threads complaining about how powerful the lasher is. I seem to rmeember a certain trillion threads aboiut the jackhammer.:rolleyes:

I really didnt see much of problem before the lasher update, when the jackhamemr was the strongest. All of the sides were still able to hold their own. Every side had their decent chunk of bases at the end of each day. Now its just crazy.

2003-07-26, 04:40 PM
Actually the NC force before the patch was just a big Jackhammer zerg, and you know what zerg do. That's right! They follow eachother! Good job. After the Lasher upgrade, the zerg moved to the VS.

2003-07-26, 04:46 PM
You Vanu and Terran people who posted are pathetic. If he meant this post to you, he would have named it, "An open letter to Everyone" but he did not, he named it "An open letter to the Conglomerate" so please for the love of XP, go away you lame spammers (:spam: .) Now, like 1024 stated, do you see 100's of "NERF THE LASHER!" No, you don't because no matter what the NC knows that the VS used to be good, now they have a bunch of cross-server wankers screwing them up. This causes disorganization and disorganization creates confusion within the VS ranks, thus allowing the NC to come back and still fight hard.
The NC may be the least favored Empire currently, but we still give everyone a hell of a fight (atleast from what I've seen) sure we don't hold alot of bases, but that is due to the lame horde attacking from behind, and from the TR and VS working together to squish the NC between them, thus forcing the NC into a two-front war. We may not be able to hold what we capture, but we will fight for what we want, and we will prevail against all odds!

To IRONxTurgenev, great post, very well thought out and very nicely stated. Long live the New Conglomerate!

2003-07-26, 05:04 PM
Originally posted by Dryoc
You Vanu and Terran people who posted are pathetic. If he meant this post to you, he would have named it, "An open letter to Everyone" but he did not, he named it "An open letter to the Conglomerate" so please for the love of XP, go away you lame spammers (:spam: .)
:rofl::lol::rofl: Spam? The only people that spam are the ones who use the dancing spam can, like your self.

sure we don't hold alot of bases, but that is due to the lame horde attacking from behind, and from the TR and VS working together to squish the NC between them

thus forcing the NC into a two-front war.
Duh :rolleyes: That's how it's always been, a two front war.

We may not be able to hold what we capture, but we will fight for what we want, and we will prevail against all odds!

Wasn't the percentage of neutral bases greater than the percentage of NC bases the other day? Yes it was.

2003-07-26, 05:20 PM
Lone, that was the most intelligent post, EVER. seriously, look at what you jsut wrote. You look soooo smart.



2003-07-26, 05:27 PM
Originally posted by 1024
At least the NC isnt creating 50 billion threads complaining about how powerful the lasher is. I seem to rmeember a certain trillion threads aboiut the jackhammer.:rolleyes:

I really didnt see much of problem before the lasher update, when the jackhamemr was the strongest. All of the sides were still able to hold their own. Every side had their decent chunk of bases at the end of each day. Now its just crazy.

hahahahaha, youve got to be joking. There have been tons of thread about how the lasher is "overpowered" now. All from NC at that. You guys seem to forgot you are now MATCHED in HA. You meet someone closerange with jh and the other guys got a lasher, its goina be damn close unless you suck with the jackhammer.

And how dident you see the problem? Oh wait, I guess its fun to play an underpowered emprie, cause NC just beats up on low ranks anyways.

2003-07-26, 05:32 PM
Originally posted by r3d
And how dident you see the problem?

Becasue back then every empire was at least getting 25% of the bases at the end of each day.

2003-07-26, 05:38 PM
Maybe on the server you played, other servers got owned hardcore by NC.

2003-07-26, 05:44 PM
Yeah 1024, you play on Johari. I have a character there. It's boring :( hardly any action. Even when there is, not nearly as much as the action on Emerald. Back in the day, NC owned all.

2003-07-26, 05:47 PM
Emerald is all zerging(or so it seems). Johari has a lot mroe tactics due to the alck of palyers. Althoug hi'm not saying theres no zergs on here though. :rolleyes:

2003-07-26, 10:20 PM
Lol!!! OMG, the servers were owned by NC before the patch? HA HA, no they weren't. NC had the most kills yes, but our beloved elmoes usually won. The NC was just blood n' gore with the zerg and JH. The TR held bases with their Pounder and Striker. Barney's children were hardly free EXP, they were gardeners (magmower).

The NC had their two advantages taken away from them: the Sparrow AA max (ninja nerfed), and the JH. What does this mean? The zerg moves on, thus the numbers of the empire nerfed, or left unchanged, dwindles.

I refuse to complain though, because as a result of the migration of the overmind, the NC as a result will become better as a faction, and use their other weapons to their advantage. For example, I killed 12 of Barney's kids consecutively with a Thumper loaded with frag nades. Around 20 to 30 of Barney's children around the corner refusing to move while spamming a disco's worth of lasher orbs vs. my thumper = many orgasm-like-squeels-of-glee from me.

Oh oh happy days...

2003-07-26, 10:32 PM
Hurrah! Get out there NC and whoop up!

I'd like to delve into a secret strategy.... don't look unless you're NC!

1.) Get a certification that you can kill something with (Like Jackhammer, any vehicle, or just load up on grenades!).

2.) Find an enemy.

3.) Fire, throw, drive, or fly low towards/at your enemy.

4.) Repeat step 3 until enemy is dead.

5.) Go to step 2.

If you've done everything right, it should look something like this....
NC Soldier --> :domotwak: <-- VS/TR Soldier

Good luck everyone!


2003-07-27, 02:47 AM
That was so inspirational :usa:

2003-07-27, 05:31 AM
The one thing that still amazes me, is the fact that no matter what the NC post, the VS and TR try to turn it around so that we're complaining about the Lasher. This post was directed to NC by NC, as something inspirational to US, not you. If anyone saw anything at all in it regarding a 'nerf the lasher' theme, then you're reading way to fuggin far into it. Sounds like someone has a guilty conscience. Now that the roles are reversed in regards to who holds the HA crown, the VS rigidly defend their beloved lasher the same way the some NC used to with the JH before the patch. But now that they have the upper hand its fine to call everyone else whiners, but were doing the same not so long ago. Does that make it better? No. Does this make either side right? No. Don't be shitty winners though. You have the upgrade, gratz to you. There will be complainers about it, thats a given. Just like YOU used to complain about the JH. The JH hasn't been changed, but you don't hear anyone saying anything about how strong it is now. Mainly for two reasons:1. The majority of people who depended on it are now wearing purple. 2. The lasher is more potent than the JH ever was. Anyone who thinks that HA is evenly balanced now is smoking some crazy shit. But the why's and mean's of the JH-Lash-MCG debate will continue on probably forever. Every time you point the finger at someone, there are three fingers pointing back at you on the same hand. By this I mean stop accusing people of doing shit that you've already done. Even so, you shouldn't forget the position you were in about a month ago. You didn't like it anymore than we do now. I don't use HA so I could care less, but i'm tired of every post we make, is replied the same way every time by the other two empires. The game as we know it will permanantly be changed due to the patch. I don't care what pro-lasher folk think, this is true to the end. So the TR and NC need to change tactics and strategy, fine. It'll be done in different ways as seen fit per situation. Whatever means are necessary to promote morale for the NC, be assured it'll be done as seen fit as well.

Liberty or Death

2003-07-27, 02:03 PM
Originally posted by Cirkusphreak
The one thing that still amazes me, is the fact that no matter what the NC post, the VS and TR try to turn it around so that we're complaining about the Lasher. This post was directed to NC by NC, as something inspirational to US, not you. If anyone saw anything at all in it regarding a 'nerf the lasher' theme, then you're reading way to fuggin far into it. Sounds like someone has a guilty conscience.......Whatever means are necessary to promote morale for the NC, be assured it'll be done as seen fit as well.

Well said. Very well said

2003-07-27, 02:18 PM
Good afternoon, all.

The reason for this letter was not to open up a thread on "the jackhammer sucks" or "the lasher needs to be nerfed" or "the MCG is too powerful" and have everyone say each other is a whiner.

The whole point of this letter was to show - to EVERYONE, although my main audience was intended to be the NC - that no challenge is insurmountable. Looking at NC performance over the last few days, where we were lowest population on Johari but still managed to sweep continents effectively, is stark testimony to that.

Do I have a personal gripe with certain weapons? Yes. Does that stop me from fighting them anyway? No. We adapt to the circumstances provided for us. And at any rate, I've got a collection of Lashers if anyone with HA wants them. ;) (Never had MA let along HA)

To anyone that sees my post as an incitement to post about nerfing - please read the bottom of my letter, where I pretty much remind people that this isn't a complaint thread, and I request that it's not used in such a fashion. Rather, let it inspire the Conglomerate (and sure, even the Terrans) to not lose heart with recent events, since when it all comes down to it, it's not the strongest weapon, but the most skilled hand wielding it that prevails on the battlefield.


2003-07-27, 02:18 PM
-Sniff- Bringing a tear to my eye, man.

2003-07-27, 02:20 PM
This thread just gave me gas. :o

2003-07-27, 04:36 PM
Originally posted by Kestrel
Hurrah! Get out there NC and whoop up!

I'd like to delve into a secret strategy.... don't look unless you're NC!

1.) Get a certification that you can kill something with (Like Jackhammer, any vehicle, or just load up on grenades!).

2.) Find an enemy.

3.) Fire, throw, drive, or fly low towards/at your enemy.

4.) Repeat step 3 until enemy is dead.

5.) Go to step 2.

If you've done everything right, it should look something like this....
NC Soldier --> :domotwak: <-- VS/TR Soldier

Good luck everyone!

Kestrel So that's what I've been doing wrong...

2003-07-27, 05:29 PM
I'm theorizing its a good thing the NC population is hurting right now. Whoever's left just has to play better and be more organized.

Also, you'll have to give it a few weeks on Emerald, since the TR and VS are doing their "this is payback for all the times you killed/zerged/JH'd me!" thing on against NC. Just doesn't seem like either two are concerned about each other right now, but I could be wrong. ;)

2003-07-27, 05:58 PM
Originally posted by 1024
Emerald is all zerging(or so it seems). Johari has a lot mroe tactics due to the alck of palyers. Althoug hi'm not saying theres no zergs on here though. :rolleyes:

Oh please :rolleyes: Just becouse there's more people? Johari has more tactics becouse they have less players? Dude, try PLAYing on Emerald sometime.

2003-07-28, 02:18 AM
All I really have to say is..Bring it on.

2003-07-28, 02:25 AM
Originally posted by WritheNC
I'm theorizing its a good thing the NC population is hurting right now. Whoever's left just has to play better and be more organized.

Also, you'll have to give it a few weeks on Emerald, since the TR and VS are doing their "this is payback for all the times you killed/zerged/JH'd me!" thing on against NC. Just doesn't seem like either two are concerned about each other right now, but I could be wrong. ;)

You'd be correct, we're getting our asses plowed because the TR and VS are sick of us pwning them with the Jackhammer. We don't zerg either, maybe other factions on Emerald but NC use a lot of tactics, you'd be surprised. -firm nod.-

Btw I was actually quite serious.

2003-07-28, 11:14 AM
Nice speech but lead still kills you smurfs, GO Terrans!

2003-07-28, 12:33 PM
Ahh, the IRON Brigade... it's always been interesting facing off against your forces, whatever the continent. If there's one thing I can remember well from those battles, it's that your outfit does an excellent job at sticking together as a team.

A few weeks ago on Ishundar, I remember setting down my Galaxy atop a hill north of Lahar for some much-needed repairs. With CommanderDeath covering my back, I began patching up the Gal when all of a sudden my health dropped to 10. As I ran around the side of my Gal, I saw three IRON Brigade soldiers sporting Jackhammers and doing a number to my ride. Though we ended up shooting two of them with the mounted weapons and running over the third, the event stands out in my mind in terms of sheer determination. As we came back for another flyby, it turns out that you guys had an AMS parked on the slope of the hill no more then 20 meters from where we were. It's outfits like yours that makes the game interesting in terms of organized combat, rather then mindless Zergs.

Many among the TR will agree that the lasher has drastically changed the battlefield, being the ultimate spam weapon in that the direct hit and splash will do a number against infantry, MAXs, and even vehicles. We've seen our ranks drop ever so slightly, but like you we're ready for the new challenges that await us. The Vanu are now much more aggressive with both increased numbers and a beefed-up weapon, but we will still beat them back to their warp gates. The stronger, dedicated veterans will be back those who change sides more often then I change my oil.

Live long NC? No, I don't think I can support that... down with the VS? You're singing my tune...

2003-07-29, 10:40 AM
Originally posted by Nixon
Ahh, the IRON Brigade... it's always been interesting facing off against your forces, whatever the continent. If there's one thing I can remember well from those battles, it's that your outfit does an excellent job at sticking together as a team.
There's a reason why our Brigade motto is "Those Who Stood Like IRON ". :D Which outfit are you with? I look forward to seeing you squad on the field - thus far, and this is in no way a slander on the Vanu, the TR has given us the heartiest battles from sheer stubbornness to give up a tower or base. As a Mosq pilot, the thing I dread the most is hearing your AA MAX start firing as I sweep over a tower where it's taken roof guard... typically, it's a *BLAM BLAM BLAM* "You have lost control of your vehicle." "WTF?!" *boom* kinda experience. :huh:

If your TR boys feel like a hearty chat, feel free to drop by our board and shout a heya. We dig enemy relations - it's always better to get a feeling that the enemy you seek has an identity. RoT stands out for us in this regard, but I'm more than happy to add to that hitlist.



2003-07-29, 11:16 AM
I'm in AA Alliance... the "IRON" in your names tends to standout whenever I bump into you guys, so it's easy to remember. Now that I've had more time to think about it, I don't think I've run into one of your outfit members without seeing another IRON member close behind. And the more I think about it, I don't think I've ever bumped into one of you guys without a JH or Phoenix. You tend to be a good source of empire-specific weapons for us to steal :-)

And yeah, I know all about that TR stubbornness... we take turns being the devil's advocate and pointing out that we're hopelessly outnumbered or the only Terran forces on the continent, but the rest of us just slap that command uplink out of his hands and tell him to pick up a gun. How one of us manages to get out onto the roof with an uplink when there's 7 Reavers, who knows...

2003-07-29, 01:45 PM
I'd have to also comment on the IRON outfit. They alwasy see mto be where the most help is need. I'm in the outfit Liberty and Guns. We tend to try and avoid the Zerg and defend or attack places that would be least expected. We alwaays end up attracting more attention from teh enemy or having their Zerg fall upon our laps, but the IRON Brigade seems to show up at least 50% of the time with at least a squad to help out. I'm glad that we're not the only ones not following the Zerg.

PS.Oh and we seem to be hte only outfit taht does ANT runs in Zerg situations, so call upon us if you need one, we've had our share of practice.

2003-07-29, 07:55 PM
ummmmm, "loyalty"???

Dude, I hate to to tell you, but its just a game. I have consistently played three different chars in three differerent empire's, oon three diferent servers, specifically because I like to try out new toys. In fact Planetside IS a toy. sheesh.:rolleyes:

2003-07-29, 10:43 PM
I really didnt see much of problem before the lasher update, when the jackhamemr was the strongest.
Now i wonder why you didnt see a problem?

At least the NC isnt creating 50 billion threads complaining about how powerful the lasher is. I seem to rmeember a certain trillion threads aboiut the jackhammer.
And despite the trillion threads, the lasher is getting the nerf, not the jackhammer. Happy?