View Full Version : Unable to get 7-day code from Fileplanet!

2003-07-26, 02:55 PM
What's up with this? I've spent ages downloading a file of 1.4gigabyte and when i install it and get forwarded to the fileplanet it just shows 'INVALID CODE' no matter what i do about firewalls or add)blocking stuff.... and two friends of me are suffereing from the same problem: unable to et the code to actually play the frickin' game.

Any and all ideas and or keys are welcome to solve this problem....:mad:

2003-07-26, 03:34 PM
I couldn't even download the damn thing, it timed out.

2003-07-27, 11:22 AM
I had a similar problem.

I couldn't get my code using Internet Explorer 6.0, tried changing all the options and such.


I installed Netscape 7.1 (just the browser) and I got my code right away. No more 'INVALID CODE' crapola.

Hope it helps.


2003-07-27, 02:15 PM
Nope, sadly it didn't work...
I immediatly downloaded netscape 7.1, installed iit and tried recovering my code (i even trien unistalling planetside and reinstalling it again but i still get an invalid code and my firewall is off and i'm not behind a router... this is getting quite annoying... keep those suggestions coming guys & gals