View Full Version : People have forgotten...
2003-07-26, 09:05 PM
...what Communism is.
Communisum is a good idea. Unfortunately corrupt and greedy people would destroy it given half a chance. As long as there is greed communisum will fail. That and people like to be different.
Maybe make a system inbetween communisum and democracy. We'll call it Canada. :D
2003-07-26, 09:18 PM
Originally posted by Mtx
Communisum is a good idea. Unfortunately corrupt and greedy people would destroy it given half a chance. As long as there is greed communisum will fail. That and people like to be different.
I agree and disagree with you. But I respect your opinion, unlilke *someone* who called me "closed-minded" in IRC.
2003-07-26, 10:08 PM
Originally posted by Mtx
Communisum is a good idea.
I don't agree. A strong and fair government isn't everything. Communism has been done before in many countries and has failed.
The government shouldnt baby its people, they will become to reliant on the government for aid and the econemy will burn out. We need to work with other countries as well.
2003-07-26, 10:16 PM
I think you guys missed the point of what mtx said. If you take the time to read it Communisum is a GREAT idea. I mean think about is fair for everyone. But thats all it is though, just an idea. Why? Because everyone has their own point of view of what is fair. If we were all clones of each other with all the same wants and needs then Communisum would have worked out great.
2003-07-26, 10:17 PM
we are not all equal.... besides i dont want to stand in line for toilate paper anymore :D
2003-07-26, 10:21 PM
Does anyone notice the MTXs name The Mensa Troll, this probly will soon start into a commy thred bashfest...
2003-07-26, 10:25 PM
/me moves this thread to the political debate forum
i would if i could
*Aztec links to that story*
<AztecWarrior> reuters has its head up its ass
<Vick> they cannot have an opinion?
<AztecWarrior> you are a moron, vick
<AztectWarrior> communism is EVIL!!
<Vick> way to be close-minded, go live in your own world then
Lets keep shit in context, thanks.
2003-07-27, 01:07 AM
Originally posted by Onizuka
/me moves this thread to the political debate forum
i would if i could
I concur.;
2003-07-27, 12:06 PM
Originally posted by Mtx
Communisum is a good idea. Unfortunately corrupt and greedy people would destroy it given half a chance. As long as there is greed communisum will fail. That and people like to be different.
Maybe make a system inbetween communisum and democracy. We'll call it Canada. :D
Good idea if everyone is lazy. If they thing it's only right to make the same pay as someone who has worked harder. Sorry I don't see it merely as greed that someone expects to be compensated for puttting in more work.
Sorry I think the free market system provides more incentive for the people to work harder and better. Not to mention it fosters a greater learning and inventive state. How many inventions for instance can you name from the U.S.S.R. versus the U.S.
The free world tends to lead the way in this. With communism you end up in a stagnant state waiting for new machines or such from the free world to pilfer ideas from.
2003-07-27, 12:51 PM
Originally posted by AztecWarrior
people have forgotten what Communism is.
Damn non-commies :furious:
2003-07-27, 05:28 PM
[just as a patriotic side note, england has invented EVERYTHING]
the problem is, there would be no incentive to work. you could be crap at your job, but it wouldnt matter because you cant be sacked, or even if you are, you are given another job that you cant do.
However democracy doesnt work either. it is meant to be a group decision, but it isn't. whenever the government [in england anyway] makes a big decision [i cant remember the las ttime we had a refferendum on anything] without a vote, and the people argue, as it is a big decision, they say that they are voted in to make decisions on behalf of the people, which is crap because very few of them are down toearth guys, because they all come from laa-dee-da families. Also, you dont get a choice really. what if you dont like any of the parties? your still fucke,d you might be better off without a government. well, obviously that snot true, there would be complete chaos, but you know what i mean.
2003-07-27, 05:41 PM
Originally posted by Call-The-Gestap
[just as a patriotic side note, england has invented EVERYTHING]
2003-07-27, 07:23 PM
Originally posted by Call-The-Gestap
the problem is, there would be no incentive to work. you could be crap at your job, but it wouldnt matter because you cant be sacked, or even if you are, you are given another job that you cant do.
exactly i forgot to mention that. while demecrocy isnt fullproof, until something better (and actually reasonable) comes along, it is the best.
2003-07-28, 12:13 AM
Short and simple:
Capitalism is the only system of economic organization which creates wealth.
I also beg all of you to please read this article to educate yourselves. This article was written by a man named Thomas Sowell. He is a black economist who grew up in Harlem, served in the marines, and persevered untill he made it into Harvard then Chicago.
He was a devout Marxist.
The name of the article is Disasterous Utopia:
Disastrous utopia
Socialism is a wonderful idea. It is only as a reality that it has been disastrous. Among people of every race, color, and creed, all around the world, socialism has led to hunger in countries that used to have surplus food to export.
Its economic disasters have afflicted virtually every industry. In its Communist version, it killed far more innocent civilians in peacetime than Hitler killed in his death camps during World War II.
Nevertheless, for many of those who deal primarily in ideas, socialism remains an attractive idea -- in fact, seductive. Its every failure is explained away as due to the inadequacies of particular leaders.
Many of the intelligentsia remain convinced that if only there had been better leaders -- people like themselves, for example -- it would all have worked out fine, according to plan.
A remarkable new book makes the history of socialism come alive. Its title is " Heaven on Earth: The Rise and Fall of Socialism". Its author, Joshua Muravchik, is a scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, a leading think tank in Washington. It is hard to find a book on the history of socialism that is either readable or accurate, so it is especially remarkable to find one that is both. The story told in "Heaven on Earth" is so dramatic and compelling that the author finds no need to gild the lily with rhetoric or hype. It is a great read.
This history of socialism begins more than two centuries ago, at the time of the French Revolution, with the radical conspirator Babeuf, who wanted to carry the revolutionary ideas of the times even farther, to a communist society.
It ends with current British Prime Minister Tony Blair, who brought the Labour Party back to power by dropping the core of its socialist agenda and putting distance between himself and previous Labour Party governments, whose socialist policies had so backfired that the party lost four consecutive national elections.
In between, there are stories of small communal societies, such as that founded in the 19th century by Robert Owen, the man who coined the word "socialism," as well as stories of huge nations like China and the empire that was known as the Soviet Union.
In all these very different societies around the world, the story of socialism has been a story of high hopes and bitter disappointments. Attempts to redistribute wealth repeatedly led to the redistribution of poverty.
Attempts to free ordinary people from oppression repeatedly led to what Mikhail Gorbachev frankly called "servility" to new despots. How and why are spelled out with both facts and brilliant insights expressed in plain words.
Human nature has been at the heart of the failures of socialism to produce the results it sought, even when socialist leaders were idealists like Julius Nyerere in Tanzania or Pandit Nehru in India.
Nowhere have people been willing to work as well for the common good as they do for their own benefit. Perhaps in some other galaxy there are creatures who would, but the track record of socialism among human beings on earth shows that this is not the place.
Worst of all, the concentration of political power necessary to try to reduce economic inequalities has allowed tyrants like Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot to impose their notions and caprices on millions of others -- draining them economically or slaughtering them en masse or exploiting them sexually.
Mao Zedong, for example, had harems of young girls -- and occasionally boys -- for his pleasure in various parts of China.
There is no point blaming the tragedies of socialism on the flaws or corruption of particular leaders. Any system which allows some people to exercise unbridled power over other people is an open invitation to abuse, whether that system is called slavery or socialism or something else.
Socialism has long sought to create a heaven on earth but an even older philosophy pointed out that the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
2003-07-28, 12:23 AM
Woot for the commies~! ...cept most aren't very good at pulling it off. Except for one colony in Utah, I'll let you guys find it.
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