View Full Version : Crashes on two different puters

2003-07-27, 08:40 AM
I downloaded the trial about 3 days ago to test if I should purchase it, but I've come upon some problems...

First I tried the game on my main gaming PC, specs below:

AMD Athlon 1200mhz
512mb SDRAM (think older model, not sure)
80 gig HDD 7200 rpm (or so)
SB Live soundcard
Geforce 4 TI4600 graphics
Latest Zonealarm and antivirus

However, after one day of somewhat flawless gameplay the game locked down in the middle of a game and crashed.
I rebooted and tried again and it looked ok, but suddenly the system said my antivirus had to be reinstalled. So I tried to reinstall it, but the system locked down, twice...

Then the puter refused to even load up windows, which I plan to have fixed later this week in a computertech shop.

So I tried to play the game on my new laptop for fun, specs below:

Compaq Presario 2516EA
Pentium 4, 2.53 Ghz processor
Windows XP home
ATI Radeon 64mb shared graphics card model IGP 345M
512 mb DDR RAM
40 gig HDD 4800 rpm
Latest Zonealarm and antivirus

Now this config loads the game ok, but its a bit bad on graphics, I have to tone down settings to low and set the view distance to one fifth. When I'm on the ground this setup works, barely, however when I try to fly or drive something I get maybe 5-10 minutes, until I reach a big base or something like that. Then the system just freezes and doesn't even crash to windows.

Seems very strange. After a reboot XP tells me something went wrong with the graphics card. However I can't find proper updated drivers for it on ATI's website or compaqs. The version installed now is from 2002-08-15 so there should be an updated version somewhere I reckon.

Anyone have any ideas what to do?

My plans for the future with my main PC are serious upgrades, just need to figure out what to get.

My laptop isn't really meant to be a gaming PC, but it'll have to do for now as backup.

2003-07-29, 08:42 AM
Nobody had this problem before?

2003-07-29, 09:03 AM
To fix it on the laptop you can download and install these drivers: http://www.powdahound.com/files/drivers/ATI_M9_6360.zip
I had the same problem on my laptop until I updated to these (they are the catalyst 3.5s but modified for laptops).

As for the desktop it's probably an issue with windows 98. I've heard that PS doesn't enjoy 98 too much. :)

2003-07-29, 10:54 AM
Great thanx, I'll try these right away :)

Thanx again

2003-07-29, 11:12 AM
Ugh, these ATI cards sure doesn't make it easy to upgrade drivers...

Been trying like they said to enable VGA mode and then try to run the setup, but it just says INF error, video driver not found...

Setup was unable to complete the installation, try to setup your display adapter with a standard VGA driver before setup

Oh yeah, been trying what they say at the website: Uninstall drivers, reboot and run setup... doesnt work at all

Sorry to bother you all, but this is really weird... almost like they wrote the thing to NOT work instead of making it work...

Is there a fool-proof step-by-step readme somewhere?

2003-07-29, 02:48 PM
Ah... finally got it to work...

Thanx for the help, game runs ok now :)
Not fast, but ok

2003-07-29, 09:38 PM
No prob... The drivers I posted were supposed to FIX the "inf not found" error on laptops. ;)