View Full Version : will it be playable?

2003-07-27, 09:21 AM
im about to get a new pc (having one custom made) these are the specs:
amd xp2600 processor
Geforce fx5200 128mb
80GB hard drive
1024mb ddr ram
built in sound
v.90 modem (56k)
i know planetside shoould work fine with these specs but how will it play with the 56k modem?
i currently cant get broadband where i live so i dont really have much choice. will it still play quite well?
also should i make anything on the computer better? if so what should i have it upgraded to?

2003-07-27, 09:22 AM
PS is has some very nice netcode which allows 56kers to get almost the exact same performance as someone with cable. I only recommend that you stay away from VERY large battles.

Also, when you get the game, in your options, find the bandwidth settings and set it for 56k.

2003-07-27, 09:26 AM
thanks, do you think all the specs on the pc are fine aswell? i was thinking about maybe getting a better graphics card. what do you think?

2003-07-27, 09:43 AM
Everything else should be fine. Though if you want a new card there is room for improvement.

2003-07-27, 09:47 AM
what card do you think i should get? i dont want to spend to much money but i would like really good card.