View Full Version : Twist Speaks Out: Lasher

2003-07-27, 05:56 PM

sry if OFN, been afk.

2003-07-27, 06:04 PM
God that place is a flame zone. Anyway, he should play as VS and realize how "different" (I don't really wanna say overpowered becouse it feels like whinning) it is. I think they should make each one good on certain ways. The Jachammer, should obviously be good at close range. As for the others, :ugh: I don't know.

2003-07-27, 06:10 PM
Lol. Twist is awsome



2003-07-27, 06:12 PM
It sounds like to me they are checking out the effectiveness of the Lashers AV capabilities. Im really not affected all too much by the Lasher. I have concerns about it, but if I had a Max cert, I'd be uber pissed about that weapon.

2003-07-27, 06:36 PM
I dont think the lasher is overpowered towards infantry, but it is a little towards MAXes/Vehicles.

2003-07-27, 06:36 PM
My only problem with the Lasher is, I kill just as well with it close-range as medium-range. Allow me to elaborate.

I've only used one once (picked it off a dead barney) and was able to pop off 2 VS from about 50m or so. Death at this range is unheard of with my JH (but at close range, that's nothing to gasp at). Then I went ahead and knocked off another 2 VS that happened to be in the same room as me. Wow now. It's very bloody close (if not equal) to the JH in close quarters, and at medium range it's the best HA out there. But how would you tone-down it's CQB strengths? I sure as piss don't know.

Back on topic - bloody good job to Twist for playing the game from a neutral point, and allowing himself a better idea of reality. Rather than the majority of MMO dev's that simply allow the CSRs to do the reading (not even playing). I'd love for more dev-involvement with regards to the gaming.

2003-07-27, 06:39 PM
The vanu you killed at 50m must have beens n00bs, because ive used lasher before patch and still do after and havent killed many at that range except inside a hall where they had no where to run. (guarding back door with 1-2 other HA users :D )

2003-07-27, 07:24 PM
I can't believe he actually used the phrase "nerfing is teh suk".

2003-07-27, 07:30 PM
EDIT: If I don't have anything nice to say...I should just edit everything I have to say.

Hopefully they will get a good idea. Lots of people on that thread contributed good stuff.

However, this issue has been nagging me: If both the MCG and Lasher were upgraded at the same time, and all the VS say the Lasher is balanced, then how come the NC aren't crying about the MCG? After all, if HA was balanced, we'd be complaining about the MCG just as much, right? Right? :rolleyes:

2003-07-27, 07:34 PM
Yes indeed it is. Twist's tests are only being done due to the unrelenting whining coming from folks such as yourself. And judging by Twist's post, he dosen't seem too blown away by the Lasher's effectiveness. You've just been given a bigass pacifier.

2003-07-27, 07:36 PM
Originally posted by Sandman
I dont think the lasher is overpowered towards infantry, but it is a little towards MAXes/Vehicles.

i agree with sandman, they need to make the lasher's "burning radius" or whatever you call it smaller. Like now a guy with a lahser can corner you a totally miss you directly but kill you.

i dont think the lasher needs to have slower bullets or do less damage... but it does do a LOT of damage to armored things like vehicles and infantry.

Just a small inbalance that i think needs to be fixed.

ack those people on the OF "N3rF teh lasher!!!1!!!1!"


2003-07-27, 07:44 PM
You've just been given a bigass pacifier.

Well I hope they washed it before they took it out of your mouth and gave it to me. In fact, I think the letters 'JH' are crossed out, and now it says Lasher on this pacifier. Odd(I'm not saying you specifically, but the Lasher whines aren't any worse than the JH ones were).

EDIT(again): All I want is for two things: for it not to lash after 20-30m, so then a near miss is just that; a near miss, not 'xx' health lost. Then most MA users would stand a chance. The other is lower the damage vs. hard targets. If you think that would totally "nerf" the lasher then maybe I should hand the pacifier back?

And no I don't care if you were referring to my post or not. ;)

2003-07-27, 08:12 PM
Originally posted by Eliaas_Demens
Yes indeed it is. Twist's tests are only being done due to the unrelenting whining coming from folks such as yourself. And judging by Twist's post, he dosen't seem too blown away by the Lasher's effectiveness. You've just been given a bigass pacifier.

Yea I usually dont whine when i get killed by a weapon, but I do get mad when my friends computer just restarts itself for no reason or a pop up add comes on and the screen gets minamized so i die. Those are the only big reasons I get pissed when I die.

2003-07-27, 10:36 PM
My TR character with sweeper V.S. a vanu with lasher=:sick:

Cycler V.S. vanu with lasher=:blowup:

2003-07-27, 10:49 PM
Does anyone understand what the hell Sandman just posted?

2003-07-27, 11:12 PM
yes. :stupid:

2003-07-27, 11:48 PM
I think he said he's unhappy when he has a sweeper going against a VS with a lasher, but he's happy when he goes up against a VS with lasher when he has a cycler.

2003-07-28, 05:55 AM
Heh sorry if I'm posting this shit when someone already has cuz I don't have time to read this whole post. But I was playing on emerald a few days ago and I see twist put out a GM message that says: "OMG N3RF TEH LASHER!!!!" It was the funniest thing I've seen in a while.

2003-07-28, 07:04 AM
I saw this one picture that had a GM broadcasting a message from the terran to the NC saying "You are screwed. That is all."

2003-07-28, 02:26 PM
Yea, that was back in beta

2003-07-28, 02:52 PM
The Lasher is a great weapon now. Good for clearing hallways and all sorts of close in fighting. I started playing the other two factions just to see if it was too powerful and my conclusion is that it could use some adjustment to it's anti-armor capabilities, but against infantry it feels right.

I had fun with the Lasher for about a week, but I found it less than ideal for most situations and have unlearned it and gone back to my Special Assault and the lovable Thumper. I really missed the indirect fire capabilities of the Thumper and actually got less kills with the Lasher.

A lot of people got Disco fever and jumped on the Lasher band wagon just to test out it's capabilities and it of course unbalanced the game for awhile. Just like when everyone jumped over to the NC to play with the Jackhammer.

I may pick the Lasher cert back up at some point because it was good in some situations. Until then, Special Assault gives me more flexability for my style of play.

2003-07-28, 04:19 PM
Originally posted by Eliaas_Demens
Yes indeed it is. Twist's tests are only being done due to the unrelenting whining coming from folks such as yourself. And judging by Twist's post, he dosen't seem too blown away by the Lasher's effectiveness. You've just been given a bigass pacifier.

He needs to play against the Lasher from all perspectives.

In a vehicle, in a MAX, as infantry, etc.

Lashers are incredibly strong now against armor, and even more so because they can switch ammo types in a split second.

2003-07-28, 04:29 PM
Lashers are incredibly strong now against armor, and even more so because they can switch ammo types in a split second.

Uhm... Lashers don't have AP mode. The patch only increased the lash radius, and the rate of fire right? Meaning Lashers still do 30 damage against all targets.

2003-07-28, 04:30 PM
what do u mean in mere seconds, lasher doesnt have to change ammo at all. they dont have a secondary fire mode like the pulsar. The lasher is anti-MAX and Anti-Grunt with out the need to change ammo or firing mode.

*EDIT* damn you beat me to it eliaas