View Full Version : Just when I have thought I have seen everything....

2003-07-28, 05:35 PM
I PMed JLeeAZN this, but I thought I would share it with you guys. Have any of you seen this occur in the sanct? I couldn't believe what I was seeing....

Hey JLee,

I was in the TR sanct lastnight in the Shuttle (HART) facility and your character seemed to be shooting the JH. I don't know if you were AFK, but your character was in a kneeling position, no weapon drawn, and shotgun damage was emanating from you into the ground and from you.

I would stand directly in front of you and the pellets of the shotgun would hit me or others that would stand in front of you, but I/we would take no damage from it. Others saw it and it was continuous. I wish I had a SS to post. I don�t know how to post the image from the SS. I do have the SS of it though. I took two of them. Weird, did you see your character doing this? It was one of the oddest things I have ever seen.

2003-07-28, 05:46 PM
Nobody has seen this occur? Hmmmmmm. I know at least the people in the room did. I wish I could remember their names too.:D

2003-07-28, 08:06 PM
to view your screenshots go into your planetside folder (default is C:\Program Files\Sony\Planetside) then scroll down until you see bitmaps with the names "PSScreenShot0001.bmp, PSScreenShot0002.bmp, PSScreenShot0003.bmp" etc. Then open them up and there they are! Id like 2 see the pics so i hope u figure it out ;). If you still dont get it just post back with what u dont get and ill walk u through it lol :thumbsup:


2003-07-28, 08:25 PM
He knows how to open the SS and look at it, he just doesn't know how to post it on the forums here, if I am correct. You will need some sort of hosting for it to work but I think you already know this.

2003-07-28, 08:31 PM
I have seen people firing in the sanc.. it's an extremely rare bug and hardly ever happens.

2003-07-28, 08:41 PM
Originally posted by Smaug
He knows how to open the SS and look at it, he just doesn't know how to post it on the forums here, if I am correct. You will need some sort of hosting for it to work but I think you already know this.

No Smaug. That's not true. I have a host. I just didnt' know if they needed to be converted. So they are just .bmp file. Oh, then I will try and post it tonight when I get home. Thanks for the info. It's much appreciated.

2003-07-28, 09:09 PM
Sorry, I thought you meant how to get to them. I understand now. It's very easy to convert bmps to jpgs. In fact, I recommend it even if your host excepts bmps, it will also save you some time uploading. All you have to do is go into microsoft paint, open the picture, click save as, name it and stick it wherever u want, then where it says "save as type" change it from bmp to jpg. Hope this helps! Only takes about 5 seconds.


//edit again i misunderstood lol, no you dont have to convert the SS's they are already image files, but like i said...converting the bmps to jpgs is a much better option ;)

Zentenk VA
2003-07-28, 09:25 PM
Yeah, first time I saw planetside my friend had closed beta or whatever it is where they d/l it. He went back to the sanc and he had bullets shooting out of his body everywhere non stop like a gauss rifle. and one time he respawned in the middle of the ocean all in bout 5 hour time i was over there, was funny.

2003-07-28, 09:26 PM
I've seen it. It's happened to me before.

Reholstering the said weapon worked.

2003-07-28, 10:19 PM
Never seen it. I have seen a guy fly upsidedown in a mosquito, land on the bottom part of a ramp, get out, run inside, kill a few people then run out and hop back in the mosquito. There are some very weird bugs in game.

2003-07-28, 10:28 PM
He may have been a very good pilot.


2003-07-28, 11:21 PM
Thanks for the info. I just saved it as a bmp and resized it down by 50%. Here's what i saw....it was continuously firing :p It's interesting that you say all you have to do is reholster your weapon. It doesn't look like he/she had that weapon on them...only the MCG :p


2003-07-29, 09:33 AM
Every now and then i see holstered weapons on people shooting into the ground, though it is rare and doesnt do any damage. Just gets annoying. :D

It also happened to the tailgunner in my Galaxy once, with nobody in that position.