View Full Version : Question

Dark Reign
2003-07-28, 05:42 PM
Heres a question for everyone well two questions, which weapon do you think is the best in your clan and do you guys think that the Suppressor is a little bit overrated????? Hopes this sparks up some convo....

2003-07-28, 05:47 PM
Wheres the punisher option? :(
THhat really the weapon I use most. More than the lasher (cause I made a VS guy :) ) Personaly I love to be able to switch to grenades/rocklets with just the click of the mouse. Hit em' with a plasma then shoot em' up with normal fire.

2003-07-28, 05:50 PM
Why do I get the feeling that this is some ploy to call the MiniChaingun overpowered?


2003-07-28, 06:49 PM
The Surpressor is nice. Really accurate, not too bad damage either. If it had a 50-round clip I think you'd see some people seriously consider using it as a primary weapon.

2003-07-28, 06:56 PM
Yeah I've taken out alot of people with my suppressor, but I've also had to get used to it because I don't even have med assult yet. Instead I spend my certs on vehciles and support certs.

2003-07-28, 06:57 PM
Originally posted by Warborn
The Surpressor is nice. Really accurate, not too bad damage either. If it had a 50-round clip I think you'd see some people seriously consider using it as a primary weapon.

I'm constantly amazed at the spawn campers who don't anticipate somebody popping out of the spawn tube with Surpressor firing. I get a perverse amount of joy spawning in and killing people with the Surpressor until the MAXs show up and ruin all the fun. I'm personally embarrassed by the standard armor kills I've had, it's a necessary part of the game but it feels pretty cheap (unless it's some noob out in the field wearing it even though he's obviously been to an eq terminal, then it's fair game). My Surpressor kills after spawning are high points of every gaming night, though.

2003-07-28, 07:08 PM
I think the rocklet rifle is by far the best weapon IF you know how to use it. It's not something noobs should pick up. Once you have a good understanding of splash damage and grief points as well as your limitations with certain weapons, try it out. I've seen to many noobs just spam their rocklets very carlessly. Then they complain about, "The Rocklet gun is a griefer! Boo hoo." No, the pounder is a griefer. Anyway, the Rocklet Rifle is for SKILLED players only.

Warborn, last night I saw some guy finish off a MAX with a suppresor. On local chat he kept saying stuff like "OMG the suppresor rocks! I killed a MAX all by my self! OMG I love this thing!" I wish I could have seen him take on a fully healed MAX later on.

2003-07-28, 07:09 PM
I don't think its the fact they don't anticipate people coming out... its they don't see them coming out. It's another great feature of Planetside. You've probably seen this before in a different circumstance. Have you ever spawned in a tower and run to the Equip Term and get stopped a couple of feet before you get to it? As if a cloaker was there? And you pull out your gun and shoot thinkiing you might get them only to be quickly awarded grief and then suddenly a friend appears out of the blue? I know I've experienced this alot and I know others have too. Well I'm sure its this same "feature" that happens quite often when camping a spawn tube. You spawn and see me, but I can't see you. So therefore you can shoot me, but since I can't see you or even see some sort of muzzle flash I stand there staring at you as if I didn't anticipate you coming out. :)

2003-07-28, 07:10 PM
Never happened to me before

2003-07-28, 07:20 PM
OMG!!!!11one1!!1 N3RF 73H M1N1 Ch41Ngun!11!one!!!one11!1 LOLZ!!!111!one!!!11111!!one

2003-07-28, 07:23 PM
Why isn't Beamer on the list?

2003-07-28, 07:25 PM
AMP, baby

Master Betty
2003-07-28, 07:27 PM
I like the rocket rifle the best...Combined with audio amp, I've held off an entire tower against a squad of 8, it was pretty funny...Its practically an automatic kill with secondary fire mode, and you can sort of snipe with it if ye crouch. Sure, it's not good against several people at once, but one on one it reigns supreme. :)

2003-07-29, 01:35 AM
Would have 2 say the punisher very accurate and when put in the right hands Deadly 2

2003-07-29, 06:58 AM
WTS? Those weapons aren't really well comparable. They're in different classes. An AMP against a rocket launcher?

2003-07-29, 11:38 AM
Well once I killed a person with a AMP at medium range while running, I only fired one bullet with that huge CoF and I got lucky because he had probably about one hit point left and that one bultet killed him. :hitit: