View Full Version : Second Wind

2003-07-28, 07:39 PM
Anyone know how much Stamina is used or how much HP is gained when Second Wind goes off?

2003-07-28, 07:39 PM
I remember it wasn't worth the cert.

2003-07-28, 07:45 PM
Doesn't cost cert's. Second wind is not usefull. It only kicks in once your health is below 10. Advanced Regeneration is much better, and is basically the same thing except you can heal your self when ever you want. For every 2 stamina points you have, you wil recieve 1 health point, when Adv regen is activated. If you crouch your stamina recharges quickly, so if you crouch then turn on adv regen till your health is full, then stay crouched for 30 seconds to let your stamina recharge, your all set. :D

2003-07-28, 07:52 PM
2nd wind is divine intervention to us ground pounders. i've had that as my 3rd cert since i hit br18.

it adds 25 hp/stamina when you get very low on hp

it is the only passive implant

2003-07-28, 08:07 PM
never tried it out, heard it sucked? hmmm gotta try it out

2003-07-28, 08:12 PM
it sucks if u expect to live from a tank shell. or u charge into a mass of fire.

but if you're a hardcore grunt and play smart, 2nd wind is gods gift to infantry. (besides surge)

2003-07-28, 08:25 PM
Originally posted by kidriot
it is the only passive implant, except for range magnification


Second Wind really isn't very good in my opinion. It's OK, but generally speaking, the amount of health and stamina you get back will very rarely save your life. It'll only let you take a few more bullets beyond what you normally would be able to take.

2003-07-28, 08:34 PM
I use it as a sniper and there is nothing like the look on an inflitrator's face when they realize that you aren't quite dead :D

If you have medical its better than adv regen because it allows you to escape to safety and heal up.

All imho.

2003-07-28, 08:39 PM
Originally posted by BDMJ
I use it as a sniper and there is nothing like the look on an inflitrator's face when they realize that you aren't quite dead :D

How about the look he makes when you turn around and one-shot him at point blank with your sniper rifle? They must hate when that happens.

2003-07-28, 10:54 PM
Yeah, its really funny when they try to run :D

Also I have had really good experiences with the audio implant. I reccomend trying it out! Other people seem to not be so pleased with it, but whatever works.

2003-07-29, 01:25 AM
I find Second Wind to be great as a second or third implant. In firefights with other grunts, it can provide that extra "oomph" you need to come out victorious. I can honestly say it's saved me a visit to the respawn tubes dozens of times.

But yeah, compared to some of the other implants, it's rather useless. If there's another implant you have your eyes set on, it's probably more worth it.

2003-07-29, 01:50 AM
So it will drain your stamina to 0 and use every 2 sp to get 1 hp when you go below 10 hp?

2003-07-29, 02:56 AM
when u get around 10 hp it "boosts" you to 25 hp/stam. that uses the implant and it resets.

doesnt range magnification use stamina when you're zoomed beyond normal levels?

to my style of play, 2nd wind is the most useful implant after surge.

with med i dont need adv regen. and even so, i'd rather be close to max stamina as often as possible.

Zentenk VA
2003-07-29, 10:18 AM
I'm using surge, second wind and darklight. I used to have Personnal shield it is GREAT when doing medium fire behind a tree or something, turn it on peek your head out and it absorbs dmg for you while you finish them. It is also good when in bases and you are 1 on 1 you can't be stopped... unless you had like 2 rounds of ammo and you gotta reload lol!

2003-07-29, 10:24 AM
I had Second Wind for my 3rd Implant for about a week. I found it completely useless.

2003-07-29, 01:50 PM
may have to give personal shield a shot for when I'm in exo.

2nd wind is required (imo) for surge agile/heavy assault users. the ability to near permanently surge in the proper situations is life saving.

also, with client-side being what it is, you warp around like hell when u surge in towers.