View Full Version : Lasher Adjustment on Test
2003-07-28, 08:09 PM
for those at work:
Tomorrow morning, there will be some adjustments to the Lasher on the Public Test Server.
1) It will have damage degradation. While the projectile still goes the same maximum distance, it now degrades in its strength, as does the lash itself.
2) The damage against armor (MAXs, vehicles) has been reduced by 30%.
Victor Wachter
Community Relations Representative
Many questions can be answered by reading the PlanetSide Game Info and FAQ
2003-07-28, 08:11 PM
NC better be friggin' pleased as punch.
2003-07-28, 08:13 PM
2003-07-28, 08:16 PM
They shouldn't nerf it. My JH still rips the Lasher apart up close, just not in small corridors anymore. The corridors are what I use my friend the Thumper (or Rockletrifle) for. The only reason it seems overpowered is because the overmind likes purple now.
2003-07-28, 08:53 PM
Tomorrow morning, there will be some adjustments to the Lasher on the Public Test Server.
1) It will have damage degradation. While the projectile still goes the same maximum distance, it now degrades in its strength, as does the lash itself.
2) The damage against armor (MAXs, vehicles) has been reduced by 30%.
Victor Wachter
Community Relations Representative
Many questions can be answered by reading the PlanetSide Game Info and FAQ
Im not sure what to think on these changes yet. I will be there testing it tommorrow.
2003-07-28, 08:55 PM
Let's see how that goes, don't think the VS will be all that happy though.
2003-07-28, 09:01 PM
"/points to top picture in sig" I am still undecided. I have been using HA as vanu before the buff patch. As i said in my previous post i WILL be there trying it on test.
2003-07-28, 09:02 PM
2003-07-28, 09:03 PM
Well I've been using the lasher since the patch and yeah it's pretty good now but no it doesn't deserve a nerf.
But if they do nerf it I think I'm gonna sell back heavy assault.
2003-07-28, 09:06 PM
merging this thread with the current one.
2003-07-28, 09:06 PM
I'll give it a whirl on the test server, but since I play NC for the most part I'm going to be biased no matter what. I still try it with my character and I get practically the same results that I get with the jackhammer, but the results with the lasher seem to be a bit better. Hopefully it won't be nerfed that badly, it makes VS a harder fight now, that's always fun.
Master Betty
2003-07-28, 09:17 PM
I think they should keep it the way it is, but take away all the splash damage. Whenever I encounter a lasher, I ALWAYS get killed by its splash when I try and dodge...It even gets me behind trees. :-/
2003-07-28, 09:19 PM
Lasher has no splash damage, it has lash damage hence "lasher".
Thanks Strygun :thumbsup:
2003-07-28, 09:23 PM
I'm an NC and believe it or not i dont think the lasher should be nerfed to bad, but not for the fact it makes it a harder fight, for the fact that its not its power thats hurting us. I think it is the sheer number of the unloyal other empire members going to the VS to use it. I think we feel were getting lasher raped all the time because every god damn VS has one now and theres less ppl killing them and more ppl killing us. Just a theory...
By the not saying the lasher isnt over powered, cuz it is :thumbsup: But honestly, i dont think the nerfing will make it ne better unless ppl leave the VS and come back to their original empire because of it.
:ncrocks: :trsucks: :vssucks:
2003-07-28, 09:25 PM
Originally posted by dscytherulez
:ncrocks: :trsucks: :vssucks:
Let me fix that for you. :vsrocks: :trrocks: :ncrocks: (yes i play all empires)
They're jsut turning it into a shotgun.
2003-07-28, 10:12 PM
it will still be quite good, its not that bad of a nerf.
if you think about it, 30 armor dmg (vehicles,maxs,terminals,etc) is a bit too much anyway.
as with most other weapons, damage is lower at range.
imo, the adjustments make perfect sense.
2003-07-28, 10:20 PM
it was so much fun getting tells that I cheated because I was able to kill some vanu with my "nubber" shotgun though :(... oh well, back to stealing beamers :).
2003-07-28, 10:50 PM
What I never got is that people always complained about how overpowered a weapon was... well why don't they loot a corpse and take it then? If everyone is complainging everyone is useing the lasher then it shouldn't be that hard to find, and you can fill your locker up with them. But oh well, whatever works.
I agree I play all three also :trrocks: :ncrocks: :vsrocks: , my sig just has my guy with the most kills on it.
2003-07-28, 11:16 PM
:trrocks: :ncrocks: :vsrocks: :hitit:
that is all
2003-07-28, 11:17 PM
2003-07-28, 11:44 PM
Harder to loot the lashers now with the backpacks going away soo quick. Well I have a VS char on johari, gonna try it out on test to see how it is
2003-07-29, 12:16 AM
great to hear! dang i was about to submit it to the news:(
2003-07-29, 12:26 AM
I'm not complaining, i know the lasher is overpowered, but i'm just wondering, even with all the jackhammer threads (pre-patch), howcome they never lowered its damage on the test server?
2003-07-29, 12:39 AM
I think this decision has come too soon. It's only been a week for christ sake. People complaing about it killing max/vehicles too fast are forgetting about the guy standing behind them with a decimator or the 2 or 3 people in the distance with lancers. Or the reaver or mosquito that jumped in on the action.
This change isn't going to change the way I use the lasher but I still think it's bullshit.
2003-07-29, 12:43 AM
Ever try using JH w/AP...?
Anyways, i'm glad. I want a weapon that takes skills to use. But i doubt this is gonna give me that. I doubt it'll change my play style at all since i use the lancer. If it takes that big of a hit then Pulsar w/AP still kicks ass. I bet a guy w/ MA/HA can use pulsar/AP till the clip is empty and switch to the Lasher and the Max will still fall.
2003-07-29, 12:46 AM
Hmmm I'll have to try that.
2003-07-29, 12:54 AM
the test server is kind of new so they are just now trying thoings on it.
2003-07-29, 02:40 AM
If this makes some of the zerglings go back to TR and NC, then its all good.
2003-07-29, 03:22 AM
Its really not that bad of a nerf.. it doesnt effect medium and close range at all .. lasher is still ganna be a kick ass weapon just wont be able to take out a max like it used to (im glad this is being changed)
2003-07-29, 03:41 AM
i think they should put an AP alternate fire onto the lasher, just like the other vanu weapons, and maybe AP could have a slower rate of fire, and do crap damage to softies. (like our favorite laser pointer, the beamer). After all, the vanu are "supposed" to be versatile.
2003-07-29, 04:14 AM
Definately sounds like they are making the proper changes. Its still gonna be an uber indoor combat weapon like the JH. Just not a terror vs Maxes and AMSs like it currently is.
I think this decision has come too soon. It's only been a week for christ sake. People complaing about it killing max/vehicles too fast are forgetting about the guy standing behind them with a decimator or the 2 or 3 people in the distance with lancers. Or the reaver or mosquito that jumped in on the action.
Nah, I drive an AMS. Its already happened to me several times where a lone Lasher guys wanders up to my AMS. I've seen first hand the damage they do to armor by ONE lasher. I've also been the repairman for my outfits Maxes on many occassions. I've see how quickly a lasher can hurt them with just a few shots. Also, don't forget that Twist has been testing the Lasher out himself a lot lately on the live servers.
2003-07-29, 05:16 AM
Its a fair adjustment for the Lasher.
However, it does remain true that the VS are lacking in other areas and those issues do need to be addressed.
Like the MAX'es, Beamer and Pulsar(holy crap I used a Pulsar tonight, could barely kill anything with it).
2003-07-29, 09:48 AM
Writhe you're a bastard. All I needed was another half second to have your spiked MAX buddy dead from a boomer. You just had to shoot me in the back.
Zentenk VA
2003-07-29, 10:04 AM
How can you not kill anything w/ Pulsar? It has more ammo in a clip than the gauss, accuracy and the recoil are slim to none and it can switch to ap at a press of the button... It does 1 less dmg than guass... one point. I've tested it point blank w/ a friend we were both in reinforced armor. Pulsar is best medium assault weapon period.
2003-07-29, 10:08 AM
Nobody likes us VS :( Now that our HA weapon is finally equal to the others..... everyone screams NERF TEH LASHER!!! The Devs seem to be the only ones... other than a few of you on these forums, that want to make us equal to the other empires. Most people want us to play at more of a disadvantage than we are already at (i.e. glowstick knife, laser tag pistol, etc...). I hope they stop nerfing our stuff and start fixing it instead.
2003-07-29, 10:28 AM
Originally posted by Dyram
Nobody likes us VS :( Now that our HA weapon is finally equal to the others..... everyone screams NERF TEH LASHER!!!
I think the point is that they want your HA to be equal to the others. I personally think they shouldn't move so quick on this and that they would need stats over a more extended period of time before they make a move, but I think everybody was aware pretty quickly that some sort of move was going to be made. The Lasher complaints made the JH complaints seem pretty tame, but I think that's just because the NC are much better whiners than we gave them credit for.
2003-07-29, 10:40 AM
How can you not kill anything w/ Pulsar? It has more ammo in a clip than the gauss, accuracy and the recoil are slim to none and it can switch to ap at a press of the button... It does 1 less dmg than guass... one point. I've tested it point blank w/ a friend we were both in reinforced armor. Pulsar is best medium assault weapon period.
It does less than one point of damage at point blank range. The problem with the pulsar is that the damage dropoff rate is horrendous. In a firefight at medium range the pulsar doesn't stand up as well as the gauss or the cycler, both of which keep a more respectable damage at longer ranges.
Or so I've been told.
2003-07-29, 10:46 AM
The only equality that the HA weapons should have is their role: Close Quarters Combat. The Lasher not only fills this role but has been proven to be very effective at killing maxes and light vehicles. Its also shown effectiveness at range as well. Those are the two issues the Devs are addressing. Its still gonna be a beast at its role as a Heavy Assault weapon.... it just wont be an effective AV and Medium Assualt weapon as it is in its current form.
2003-07-29, 11:09 AM
Originally posted by Cease
I think this decision has come too soon. It's only been a week for christ sake. People complaing about it killing max/vehicles too fast are forgetting about the guy standing behind them with a decimator or the 2 or 3 people in the distance with lancers. Or the reaver or mosquito that jumped in on the action.
It had been on test for awhile before it went live.
2003-07-29, 11:52 AM
Nah, I drive an AMS. Its already happened to me several times where a lone Lasher guys wanders up to my AMS. I've seen first hand the damage they do to armor by ONE lasher.
I've been the driver and the lasher user that's shooting at the AMS. And a single user doesn't take them out that quickly. It takes around 4 clips.
It had been on test for awhile before it went live.
Have you even been on the test server? The only time there were equal numbers in the empires is when the devs were giving out free xp for showing up. And when they weren't doing that it was twice as many vanu as the others. It was almost the same conditions as the first few days after the patch. How can you get accurate info with those lopsided numbers?
2003-07-29, 12:03 PM
This all could of been avoided if they would have better listened to the communtity.
We asked for faster moving orbs they gave us faster ROF.
WE didn't want faster ROF.
Go back to the old lasher just make the orbs move faster and make it lash more.
2003-07-29, 12:11 PM
I've been the driver and the lasher user that's shooting at the AMS. And a single user doesn't take them out that quickly. It takes around 4 clips.
Thank you for taking what I said out of context. My response was to the gent that said "People complaing about it killing max/vehicles too fast are forgetting about the guy standing behind them with a decimator or the 2 or 3 people in the distance with lancers.
Which is why I quoted him before I replied.
And thats why my reply says "...I've seen first hand the damage they do to armor by ONE lasher.
I never said a single user can take out an AMS fast. No one grunt takes out an AMS fast, even with AV weapons because AMSs are tough as nails.
2003-07-29, 12:13 PM
Originally posted by Ceiba
Have you even been on the test server? The only time there were equal numbers in the empires is when the devs were giving out free xp for showing up. And when they weren't doing that it was twice as many vanu as the others. It was almost the same conditions as the first few days after the patch. How can you get accurate info with those lopsided numbers?
that's why I said in a different thread that the CSR's for this game are unsatisfactory.
2003-07-29, 12:49 PM
Thank you for taking what I said out of context. My response was to the gent that said "People complaing about it killing max/vehicles too fast are forgetting about the guy standing behind them with a decimator or the 2 or 3 people in the distance with lancers.
The person you quoted was me. Now tell me what you meant in your reply since I took it out of context.
2003-07-29, 01:12 PM
Just scroll up two posts where I explained what I meant... a second time.
2003-07-29, 01:13 PM
Originally posted by Pyro212
This all could of been avoided if they would have better listened to the communtity.
We asked for faster moving orbs they gave us faster ROF.
WE didn't want faster ROF.
Go back to the old lasher just make the orbs move faster and make it lash more.
amen...but you know the devs never, ever listen to the community. We post our ideas, and they do the exact opposite of what we want.
2003-07-29, 01:48 PM
Originally posted by Cease
Just scroll up two posts where I explained what I meant... a second time.
If you had actually explained anything in that post I wouldn't have to reply for a second time. Since you didn't even know it was me that you replied to I think we should just end it here. Good day to you...
2003-07-29, 02:06 PM
Ok I'll put it really simple for you....
People have a problem with the damage the Lasher does vs Armor. We aren't making it up. This isn't a conspiracy. There isn't a Lancer gunman behind the grassy knoll shooting at our Maxes that we don't know about. Some of us have a good idea what ONE lasher can do vs Armor.
And the Devs have been playing on the Live servers for the past few days specifically in regards to the Lasher. So they aren't just taking our word for it... they are seeing it first hand themselves.
2003-07-29, 02:54 PM
Originally posted by Pyro212
This all could of been avoided if they would have better listened to the communtity.
We asked for faster moving orbs they gave us faster ROF.
WE didn't want faster ROF.
Go back to the old lasher just make the orbs move faster and make it lash more.
you just don't fucking get it, do you? the devs WANT it to be an effective CLOSE-RANGE WEAPON. CLOSE-RANGE ONLY. faster orbs = effective at long range. BAD. and lash MORE? listen, i have an alt that uses exclusively the lasher, and it's easy enough to kill someone you don't even have LOS to. they're making the damage degrade so that it becomes a CLOSE RANGE WEAPON.
it doesn't matter what you want, because that's not what it's meant for. i'm sure lots of us terrans WANT the repeater to one-hit-kill everybody. but that wouldn't be balanced, now would it?
2003-07-29, 03:23 PM
Originally posted by Katanaboy
I'm not complaining, i know the lasher is overpowered, but i'm just wondering, even with all the jackhammer threads (pre-patch), howcome they never lowered its damage on the test server?
I was wondering that. How come after a week's whining the Lasher gets nerfed, while during six weeks whining about an equally over-powered n00bhammer not a whisper..
2003-07-29, 03:41 PM
Originally posted by Sleepwalker
you just don't fucking get it, do you? the devs WANT it to be an effective CLOSE-RANGE WEAPON. CLOSE-RANGE ONLY. faster orbs = effective at long range. BAD. and lash MORE? listen, i have an alt that uses exclusively the lasher, and it's easy enough to kill someone you don't even have LOS to. they're making the damage degrade so that it becomes a CLOSE RANGE WEAPON.
it doesn't matter what you want, because that's not what it's meant for. i'm sure lots of us terrans WANT the repeater to one-hit-kill everybody. but that wouldn't be balanced, now would it?
You apprently never bothered to use the lasher before it got beefed. I imagine you just made an alt so you could bitch about how overpowered it was after the patch.
The original lasher hardly ever lashed, and when it did lash it was for a WHOPING 1 or 2 damage.
And about the range, i beleve you assume you know what the devs want. The lasher is not a close range weapon, the jackhammer is a close range weapon. It is a close-medium range weapon. Well maybe medium is going too far, lets just say its not supposed to be an extreme closeup weapon like the jackhammer.
Before the patch you were lucky to hit at extreme close range becasue the orbs were so easy to dodge. Increasing the orb speed would stop people from dancing away from the orbs and giggling in our direction. It would not greatly increase the range of the weapon because at longer ranges it would still be easy to do the ol' dance and giggle routine. And it wouldn't own MAXes and vehicles, leaving the malcontent forum posters to find something else to whine about.
2003-07-29, 04:11 PM
Okay. Have been reading as many of these Lasher threads as I care to read. I have played as TR NC and VS. I know that you all are bitching about the Lasher. "it's over powered". "It really sucks". I have used them before. I hate the orb speed from a user point of view. I hate the damage from a target point of view. Here is a wonderful idea for the devs. Since everyone wants to be equal. Make the damn weapons to same. Simply solution, just change the look of the rounds as they are fired. That will balance the playing field. I do understand the VS about the Lasher susks. Yeah it does sometimes. I have used and like and hate it. The only thing is there are plenty of other weapons out there if it sucks. From the target end God does it ever suck to come up against someone with a lasher.
Take a look at med assault. Everyone has a different type rifle but all in all they are the same. Fire at about the same speed, sure TR faster, then VS, then NC. Do about the same amount of damage, sure NC, TR, VS. All can fire standard and AP rounds, sure VS, TR, NC. All the round move at the same speed. So if you look at Med assault you can see the playing field is balanced. Keep this same idea and move it over to HA. There problem solved. Oh here is another Idea stick to the story behind it all. The TR stuck to Faster firing weapons, the NC more bang for your buck, VS more techno.
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