View Full Version : rexdent at it again
2003-07-29, 03:01 AM
on the whole, good ideas.
2003-07-29, 11:12 AM
That is a great thread. Very rare for the OF's.
2003-07-29, 11:37 AM
Can you please post the text here? Can't get to the OF from work.
2003-07-29, 11:38 AM
wow good one
2003-07-29, 11:50 AM
It's too big to quote :lol:
2003-07-29, 12:01 PM
man that was one damn good post. i think he alone put more thought into that post than the devs have put into the entire game. if planetside were like that i wouldnt feel that i was being cheated and scammed for money...
2003-07-29, 12:04 PM
oh and for those of you who cant get to the OFs from work or whatever here is the text, but i will have to put it in 2 or 3 posts since this is so damn long, over 24,000 letters. i feel like I am always the one who does this.....
First off There is a seperation between the way players play. Some play for EXP, some are BR20 CR5 so they are playing and trying to move wherever they are needed or action is. How do we bring the entire Player base together on the grounds of EXP?
1. Forming squads should not be splitting the EXP. It needs to go back to sharing. This has been stated so many times.
2. The SOI's destroy the foundation that we are fighting in a Huge World. Why defeat the purpose? EXP Should go out across the Empire on the continent when capturing new bases. yes it is minorly Exploitable. But people can sit in an SOI and soak up EXP for time slices. Whats the difference? Add in a Kill count if you want. Whatever it takes. But make expanding the Empire by conquering new bases reward the entire empire on that continent.
3. How do you get players to defend as well as attack? Well you want to try and conquer entire continents. Have a hard time doing it. Having tons of fun while they fight across the continent. Define a system per continent for the EXP Reward when capturing bases. Have it increase in amount per base that is owned by the empire. Give a large bonus to the empire when the continent is locked. Something along these lines would reinforce "Expanding" instead of moving to a new base and not worrying about Loosing other bases. 'Something' like this -
Base 1 = 1000 exp
Base 2 = 1500 exp
Base 3 = 2000 exp
Base 4 = 2500 exp
Base 5 = 3000 exp
Base 6 = 3500 exp
Base 7 = 4000 exp
Base 8 = 4500 exp
Base 9 = 5000 exp
Continental Lock = 5000 Bonus exp
5. Also how do we get the people that don't need exp to still want to conquer bases and continents for their Empire? Something that is in the works and needed ASAP.
We need the facilities to give benefits. Each Base needs its own benefits. As well as once a Continental Lock is achieved it needs to have a "Global Effect". This could be different for each continent. This could be the same for Each continent but stacked when you had more continents owned. Numerous things could be done here.
6. Why are the SOI's so small around a base and so much territory not covered or claimed by an empire? Why do these Base Territories not extend to the next Bases Territory? why is there not a Defense grid in place that Operates for the defense that shows them where Offenses are Attacking from? This is no longer a Base vs. a Base. This is an Entire war going over Entire Continents. Forces could attack at any momment from any direction. Install a Defense grid for Continental Maps. We need to get this information to all the players. We have (Solor's, Squad's, Outfit's, commanders) that all play different ways. This is not a military functioning force. Everyone does what they want to do and what is fun. You need to get this information to everyone where the players that wish to use it can, and the ones that do not, of course do not have to.
7. How do we get Covert Ops into the Game?
Well there needs to be an aspect where a unit that is more stealthy then the rest of the army is - 1. needed , 2. can do something to help the other forces , 3. Has potential of having a major effect.
Well lets first say that who is immune to radar? Mosquitos, Harrassers, and Infiltrators. Ok so those guys are the scouts, and the breachers of base perimeters that need a very good use. Well first off with a defense grid seeing all other units that makes those 3 units very important with overall stealth capabilities. That means 2 of those units can Cause serious disruption in defensive forces. But they don't have to now. Because there is no real radar system that alerts non stealth units positions to defending forces.
Now infiltrators are not heavy fighters. They are invisible to the naked eye. They can breach base perimeters and infiltrate bases. What exactly can they do once getting inside of a Base though? Well they can hack the CC but they can't protect it. They can get in the spawn room and use boomers but they can be killed very quickly. How can you guys get this unit into a very important position without making them overpowered etc? Well why not implement the Generator Control terminal that is already in the game?
Make it have aspects of the base connected to it that an Infiltrator can shutdown once he breaches the Base. If you implemented a defense grid over the bases territory then allow it to be connected to the Generator controls and allow hacking into the system so that it can be shutdown. Equipment terminals? Connect them to the Generator. Allow Infiltrators ability to hack into the system and shutdown those terminals. Spawn tubes? Well we don't want a single person shutting that aspect down. So put a time limit once an Infiltrator attempts to shut those down their Self power source kicks in for 2 minutes. This will allow 2 minutes for the Defenders to get back to the generator to shut it down. Infiltrators can try and hold their position. Especially if it is a team. They could lay boomers down. Try and protect their position so that they can get it shutdown.
Connect all the base aspects to the generator terminal and also the Outlying tower, and you have a whole system to work from. When would Commanders want to shut things down? Ok go for that and allow them to shutdown aspects at certain times, put restrictions. What don't you want infiltrators and hackers shutting down in split seconds? ok put restrictions on it a time limit whatever. What is ok and would help offenses greatly when a Infiltrator shut things down? When infiltrators shutdown the Defense grid, and a commander gets it back online would it be a punishment to the defense for allowing an Infiltrator to hack their system? Put a time limit on powering the Defense grid back up. Can do massive amounts of things here for gameplay. and it sure as hell is not complex.
A whole New aspect of Covert OPS!
8. How do you make it more difficult on the Infiltrators and Infantry units inside of Bases? Make stationary turrets inside of Bases. Connect them to the ceiling out of the way. Put them in key positions. Allow them to see infiltrators as well with a motion sensor. Make them disabled by Jammer nades. Create thought process when hitting a long corridor etc. You go storming a corridor with an active turret in it you will get shredded. You try and get into the Generator or spawn rooms you need to atleast destroy or desable the turrets protecting the halls. The Sentry turrets kinda like in "Aliens".
Defensive Resource Management!
Commanders on defense once Bases get down to 20/30% NTU level command soldiers to get AMS's established near the base to help soldiers spawn. Once completed he could shutdown the indoor spawn tubes to force players to spawn at AMS Units. Now the base is conserving NTU's. If over 50% of the turrets are destroyed he could shutdown the auto-Repair function on the turrets and alert engineers to get them back online. Once 90% of the turrets are operational again the generator automatically turns them all back on.
2003-07-29, 12:07 PM
9. Why are bases so Easily Captured?
First off there are clear and free entrances into it. There are no Gates, Force shields, More difficult doors to breach, and Stationary Turrets are not very powerful at all.
Get the Gates, or Force bars going across entrances. Put a force gate on the back doors. Allow them to only be shutdown when the door is opened. So that means someone has to come from inside to get the door open and the force shield to drop on that door. Means it is an EXIT and NOT an ENTRANCE.
Give the Phalanx Turrets more power or range or accuracy, or all of that, give it more armor, give it shields, give these things something. They are the number 1 defense of a base besides its soldiers. They need more life. They need to be more powerful. They need to keep enemies on the outside of the base. They need to require Vehicles to take them out, they need to force infantry to get into Transport Vehicles to breach the base perimeter and get inside quickly. They need to require tanks to take them out from distance with heavy armor. etc etc. Something to force Infantry into Vehicle and heavy armor to breach the base perimeter.
10. Why can't defense Forces spawn at their Empires Bases? There wouldn't be stationed soldiers at these bases ready for assaults when they are launched? Being able to "DE"-"RE"construct into your bases would simulate all forces being called up to defend the coming attack. Everyone comes running from the spawn tubes to man the walls, turrets, get vehicles up, aircraft flying. It would simulate an alarm being raised and soldiers pouring from the "Barracks", and then going to the hangar or Vehicle pool and getting vehicles etc established for defense of their Territory.
11. How do you get Diversions needed? How do you give ability for ambushes?
With a defense grid. And a larger area around a base covered by it. Also with the EXP System not containing people to SOI's etc, it would allow Scouts to do their job without worrying about being 'cheated' out of their exp. Lots of players wouldn't mind flying all over scouting for enemy movements. They would alert their Empire of coming attacks. If they failed the Defense Grid would help with pick up where they failed. It would alert Forces to get to that base. Either by transport or by "DE"-"RE"construct into their base and prepare. If the Scouts or defense grid bought enough time forces could move out to a choke point and cut them off. Set up ambushes.
with these scouts and Defense Grids being up. It gives the Offense the ability to divide forces in one way or another and cause diversions. Go around to one side of the defense grid. Send a force in from one side, draw the defenders out. Have infiltrators cut power to the defense grid. Then the Other force moves in under cover of no defense grid and works to breach the base perimeter. or establish AMS's etc and a defending point to launch the assault from.
12. How do we get commanders more involved with controlling the entire Empire?
Implement the Control Nexus that is in teh Drop Ship center or Interlink Facilities. Allow them to see empire force clusters on the continental map. Allow them to see enemy forces on the continental map. Allow them to use the control nexus to establish waypoints that the entire empire can see. Allow them to mark Enemy Units or AMS's. Allow them to establish Ambush Points, Defensive Stand positions, etc.
Allow them to do the things and offer the aspect of a "General" that is in the base and controlling the Empires Forces. If worried about to many doing this. Put restrictions on how many waypoints can be up at one time. Say 2 Waypoints per Commander. 10 Waypoints per Continent. That means 5 Commanders could be working at the same time. Just something to add in teh aspect for some players that would enjoy the role.
Having these High commanders also gives opportunity for assassinations from Infiltrators. All you have to do is implement the things and it opens up opportunities. To make this Assassination possible you would have to make it where say if a commander is accessed into the command terminal and is killed, then he is sent back to the Sanctuary. Something along those lines would allow the assassination to work. This will make those Commanders defend their Selves with Motion sensors etc to detect any infiltrators that try and sneak up on them...
13. In this Massive game, there is normally always one empire outnumbered. One side always has more soldiers vehicles etc that outnumbers the other side. How do we get smaller forces to give larger forces that is always an aspect the 'potential' of fighting off a larger force?
Well first of all the need the range weapons that are effective up to around 150-200 meters. Something to keep forces pinned down. Stationary Weapons, Carried Weapons, Turrets, Etc. Suppression weaponry that slows forces down. Makes forces think. gets forces to flank and divert. All the tactics that are needed in this war. Burst firing weaponry, and heavy weapons to 30 meters do not fill in any of this. We need these things to open up better opportunities.
The heavy weapons specialist that carries the heavy machine guns etc, that shoot longer ranges, and help keep enemies pinned down or moving through heavy cover. Using transports and vehicles to breach defensive positions. Etc.
14. How do you get Forces into the Terrain fighting?
Well with defenses being more difficult to breach then more forces are moved out. With defense grids forces go out to meet others and slow their progress down. With connected bases and connected Defense Grids terrain would be covered. It would give offensive forces positions away. It would allow Defense the Information they need to go and seek out the other Forces and dirupt their Progress.
If you want to force this even more then add in a Alien Artifact System for continents. Create 1 alien artifact per type of Base or 3-5 alien artifacts per continent. So 5 types of bases then 5 Alien artifacts. Make them randomly spawn on the Continent. Install a beacon that they give off. They will be able to be installed into whatever base they are meant for. Allow them to only be carried by MAX Suits without being able to 'run mode'. Then loaded into the Trunk of vehicles and moved to any base owned by your empire that matches the artifact. Or can just make like 3 per continent and they can be stashed into any base owned. However you want to work it.
Then it can be stolen. OR when a base is under attack and under certain conditions of restrictions a Defender could "Eject" the Artifact out of the base and it would go to a random spot on the map. The only time it would give off a beacon is when it is not controlled by a single empire. This means everyone that is in the same empire always knows where it is, however the Enemy would ONLY know where it is in certain cases. And it will require spys to go and search enemy Bases for the Artifacts. Then alert the larger forces or a small strike force to go into enemy territory and steal it.
Only time they would know exactly where it is -
1. They saw it
2. It is somewhere on the ground not controlled by a certain empire.
This would make it only Known by Certain Conditions. Once ejected from a base it gives off a beacon. Until it is picked up by a MAX unit. Once the MAX Picks it up he cannot run. Then it is either carried by the MAX in walk mode, or transfered to a trunk of a vehicle. Then taken to a friendly base and placed in some type of holder. Then it would give everyone on the continent some kind of Bonus.
Increase to health
Increase to armor
reduction on NTU Usage
reduction to Spawn timeres
Shield Regenerators for vehicles or something
Speed increase to vehicles or Aircraft
All kinds of things.
2003-07-29, 12:08 PM
15.How do you get away from "Lattice Lines" that take away from player thought and overall strategies, while still not allowing Infiltrators to solo hack bases?
With spawn tubes not being able to be shutdown immediatly, and Defense grids being operational on Bases. Defense being able to spawn into Friendly bases. And also could implement an Alert system that went off on a base when a door was hacked. You can do many things here to stop infiltrators from doing things immediatly with some time limits, you can stop solo hacks from having it dynamic like I have listed. All kinds of things can be done. This would allow Offenses to spread forces out attack locations, cause Defenses to react and spread forces to defend areas under attack. The defense Grid would still hold most forces to attacking the front lines. But aircraft can disrupt defensive forces by going around the outside of the continent and attacking behind enemy lines.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- do you get Outfits Involved without disrupting gameplay?
Allow them to purchase bases for outfit points once a continent is locked. Force them though to choose from the bases connected to warpgates inward on the continent. So when a continent is locked 4 bases are available for outfit claiming. Once those 4 are claimed then Outfits can purchase the inner bases as well.
This will help reinforce that the outter perimeter bases are protected.
17.How do you force Offensive movements to have a difficult time breaking Continental Locks and insureing that Defenses mount to protect their already owned territory?
Allow the outfits that purchase bases to upgrade things with outfit points. Better turrets, higher NTU storage, Improved IFF systems, Stronger Shielding or gates, etc etc. Once Outfits spend their points on these bases they will want to protect them dearly. How do you get them their Quickly? Allow "DE"-"RE"construction into those bases from other Continents or from Sanctuary for all empire soldiers. You have to keep the quick response systems in place or players cannot get there to protect their property.
The more travel time their is the more discouraging it is.
How do you ensure that Offenses will mainly go for the outter bases on continents? Allow them ONLY to be HART dropped onto locked continents. The warpgates should be closed to ONLY the empire that owns the continent. They should be the only ones that can use the warpgates. If 2 locked continents are connected NOONE can use the warpgates between those continents. Once a HART Drop is chosen for a locked continent ONLY allow them to be dropped in one of the 4 Warp bubbles. That will force them to stay together, They will have no vehicles or aircraft until hackers infiltrate bases and aquire vehicles etc from the enemies bases. Life will be extremely important during this time. etc. Now it will be very difficult to break locked continents. This will improve Global stability without making it 'to' stable.
18. How do you actually make MAX units give more appeal and actually be feared by other units that they are designed to kill?
Well for one thing they traded mobility, and versatility (Killing versatility, and support versatility) for some more armor. Their weapons are really not any more powerful. How do you make these things better without making them to Powerful? They need to be powerful Versatile 'killing' machines. They need to have Target Acquisitioning versatility.
Someting like
Or just
This versatility is already in Infantry. It won't make them more powerful. It will give them different targets. It will allow them to actually be worried about. Seen as a vital part of forces. Right now they are mainly just an extra target for Infantry and Vehicle units. They are so one sided that they are always vulnerable. Unlike Vehicles and unlike Infantry. I for one feel they are the most vulnerable unit on the battlefield.
If they were just more versatile in target acquisition then they could actually protect theirselves as other units can. Even indoors they are very vulnerable. They are not the 'cool' unit that people make them out to be. Sure some of them are good but they only have like 1 particular situation they are even useful in. That in my mind needs some adjustment, and it seems like killing versatility is the best way to keep them "not" overpowered and "not" to overly used.
These types of things add "Dynamic" and "Compelling" Gameplay.
You have given EXP to all players on the continent where they can do whatever aspect they choose and not have to worry about exp flow. Even the easir players can find a aspect whether it be killing, strategizing, team tactics, solo riding vehicles, pilot, whatever, the game still has the basicness for anyone. The more they help the more they are rewarded. You have effectivly made every aspect of the game equal and no 'dreaded' aspects. You have created a dynamic and ongoing battle where forces will fight enlessly to conquer for their empire. You have created Empire Cohesion, Everyone will be fighting over the continent with the knowledge they need. Support classes will not suffer. You created Diversions being needed, Availability for Ambushes.
A "General Commander" Aspect to the game. More continental, Base, and Global Stability. A More challenging Game. A Potential for Smaller forces to be able to stand up against Larger Forces. An Overall Aspect of Strategy with forces being able to attack all kinds of different locations, stealing artifacts, conquering territory, Expanding the Empire.
Enormous Depth, Countless overall strategies and tactics that are "Needed". The list is endless and full of possiblities to build on from there.
People play in a system like this they will sit back after a battle or an assassination, or a covert operation, or a scouting trip, and just say "DAMN!. That was the most badass time I have ever had." "The best damn gaming experience ever expected or had."
The direction things are going in now are more "Tedious" then anything.
Give the players what they want.
I have elaborated a few things on my web site if you want to take a look as well. Some doctored Screenshots and what not.
P.S. - I honestly find it no more complex then an RTS. Or a normal FPS. The personal skill has been removed through most of the weapons and client hit detection etc. Slow gameplay. whatever the case. These types of changes are honestly what I think is in need to restore the enjoyment and inject the game with the Longevity it needs. Am I wrong? really? Is it to complex? What is the problem?
2003-07-29, 12:47 PM
That thread is very good reading. I hope the devs take a long hard look at it.
2003-07-29, 12:50 PM
What can I say.. that was badass. It really shows you the potential this Game still has
I hoep the devs actually listen for once.
2003-07-29, 01:46 PM
I wish there were a way to know what's do-able and what's not do-able.
you can have a great idea but if current technology can't support it..
is it the money makers preventing such changes from happening to the PS? is it lack of programmers? who gives the go ahead?
seems like those changes would take the course of over a year to fully balance and implement. will any of you be around for a year? I won't be.
2003-07-29, 01:53 PM
Originally posted by sniper4evr26
[B]oh and for those of you who cant get to the OFs from work or whatever here is the text, but i will have to put it in 2 or 3 posts since this is so damn long, over 24,000 letters. i feel like I am always the one who does this.....
You're not the only one who does this. I have done it for PaulJar1 too......once :p
Oh, and the ideas rexdent came up with were awesome. I would play that game for sure.
2003-07-29, 02:14 PM
i remember his first ideas, he should be designing this game because his ideas are so much better then what they've been pulling out their ass
2003-07-29, 02:14 PM
Originally posted by kidriot
I wish there were a way to know what's do-able and what's not do-able.
you can have a great idea but if current technology can't support it..
is it the money makers preventing such changes from happening to the PS? is it lack of programmers? who gives the go ahead?
seems like those changes would take the course of over a year to fully balance and implement. will any of you be around for a year? I won't be.
Yah, I wonder the same thing regarding the possibilty. All these ideas sound great on "paper", but may not be feasible. The game is already taxing people's higher end systems. So who knows, maybe we will see those (changes) or maybe we won't.
As for your other questions regarding lack of programmers and who's calling the shots, I am not an SOE s/w dev. I couldn't say for sure why they seem to be as not as responsive as we would like. Maybe they are making these suggested changes, but just aren't that open (communicating that they are). I can't say for sure only the SOE devs/managers know the future of PS.
As for will I be playing this game in a year, hmmmm. If things stay as buggy as they are now, probably not. Besides WoW maybe be out by then :p
2003-07-29, 02:32 PM
I am gonna go out on a limb here and say that a lot of it is Ego. Coming from 4 years of playing EQ, this was clearly evident. Just because your an amazing programmer doesnt mean you automatically have the best ideas or vision about how to make your game fun and compelling. Also, they feel like if they start implementing everything the community wants then they could lose control (give you an inch you take a mile concept) The Devs NEVER want it to be glaringly obvious that the customers have better ideas than they do because they are the experts right?
This happened in EQ all the time untill certain ideas became so popular they were basically forced into the game. Just look at the Latice logic unit concept. No one was asking for this. The Devs ignored the zillions of fantastic concepts much like in this original posting here and created thier own concept. Why? The only thing that could explain such a thing in my mind is that they want to do thier own thing and arent willing to let the community take the leadership role in helping to create compelling gameplay.
Now I am not talking about the idiot hordes over on the official forum. Its very easy to see where the bullshit is and what the good ideas are. For example, It was clear from the start why the Jackhammer was overpowered (all current goals in PS revolve around tight quarters combat in rooms and towers/bases). The JH was drasticaly more effective than any other weapon at doing exactly that. If there were other goals in the game, the JH would have simply had a strong point and not a totally overpowering one. Another example was that it was evident the first day what was wrong with the Lasher after it was buffed. It was too effective against MAXs and armored targets, doubling as HA and AV. It really baffles me how I can discover this after playing for 5 minutes, but the devs tested this for weeks, still released it, and still couldnt nail down what was wrong
In short, the Devs need to realize where their bread is buttered and start utilizing this community and abandon the "dont fraternize with the peasants" type attitude
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