View Full Version : Need a cheap PC

2003-07-29, 03:52 AM
As you guys know, i made a thread about a month ago regarding needing a second PC for a very small price. Well, along came "Prowler' promising me a $3,000 PC along with a montior and speakers, This turned out to be a huge elaborate hoax, i spent nearly $100 on stuff in preperation for the arrival of the PC from "Prowler" and negotiated a custom title, voice in #ps-universe, and a $200 fee that i would pay. I lived up to all of that except for the cash (would be payed upon receiving the package). Since then, the $100 i spent on accessories for this non-existant PC has gone to waste and i'm hoping i can put it to use on another PC.

I am not looking to spend much money, if any at all. I know this is a longshot, but i would really appreciate the help if anyone has a PC lying around the house. I would like something in the range or 800-1.0mhz

If anyone can help me out, i would really appreciate it. Please inquire via PM, and please only serious/real offers.

2003-07-29, 04:45 AM
Um... I'm not sure how you'd upgrade it, I'm a bit of a comp dummy, but I could get you a cheap ass $20 PC and you could buy a new motherboard or whatever.

2003-07-29, 05:32 AM
I just need a PC for IRC, Winamp (possibly), Trillian, Teamspeak, Outlook etc...

If you can get me on that can do that, and wanna provide me a dn price and specs i'd appreciate it :)

2003-07-29, 09:41 AM
I think I may have an 833 MhZ lying around somewhere, but it's only the processor/motherboard assembly, and there's no way I'll get the National Socialist Ministry of Finances (read: dad) to send it to a random person on the internet.

2003-07-29, 10:05 AM
Originally posted by AztecWarrior
I think I may have an 833 MhZ lying around somewhere, but it's only the processor/motherboard assembly, and there's no way I'll get the National Socialist Ministry of Finances (read: dad) to send it to a random person on the internet.

But....i am Squeeky...not some random interweb person :(

2003-07-29, 10:10 AM
How much are you paying for this cheap PC?

2003-07-29, 10:42 AM
What kind of PC do you need? You already said round-abouts 1 GHz, how about memory? Graphics card? Need a sound card? If that other fellow was about to charge you 3 large for what you are saying you are looking for, he was definetly ripping you off.

2003-07-29, 10:47 AM
Read the whole post dude, he was gonna charge me $200 for a $3,000 PC. Turned out the fucktard was full of shit

2003-07-29, 10:54 AM
Originally posted by Squeeky
Read the whole post dude, he was gonna charge me $200 for a $3,000 PC. Turned out the fucktard was full of shit Whoops. :D Sorry. I misread.

2003-07-29, 11:02 AM
I found a computer that was very inexpensive and not too terribly shabby out of the box really...

They are Microtel from Walmart.com. I have bought 3 of them so far, 2 for where I work and 1 for home.

They were Duron 1.2's with 256megs ram, built in ethernet, built in video and sound (that can be upgraded if needed), 20 gig HD's, 54x CD Roms. These were $250 each. No operating system, but I just installed my own...

They have larger ones available with bigger CPU's and more memory, larger HD's etc... but for a nice basic system, you can't beat $250...

So far they are extremely reliable too.

www.walmart.com (http://www.walmart.com) if you are interested.

2003-07-29, 11:05 AM
Thanks whiles, thats right up my alley :brow:

2003-07-29, 01:28 PM
if it seems too good to be true it usually is.

2003-07-29, 01:51 PM
hmmm those microtel DO look pretty good for the money... ;)

oh and prowler promised me somethin to that never got sent so i know how u feel squeeky. :)

2003-07-29, 02:02 PM
Yeah, the Microtel I bought for my house is souped up pretty decent for a cheap PC...

Stock model comes with 256mb ram, I had an extra PC133 128 laying around, so it has 384mb ram. I had an Eforce VGA MX 200 laying around so it has a 32meg video card, already had ethernet built in and plenty big enough hard drive.

It plays Day of Defeat, Medal of Honor and all those games like there is no tomorrow...

Don't know how it would fare on Planetside...

My other machine has some problems with Planetside that I'm currently upgrading... (memory concerns)

It is an Emachine T1842, 1.8ghz Celeron with 384mb ram (I just purchased a 256mb PC2100 chip for $20 on half.com to try and soup this up to 512mb total) and a GeForce MX 400 64ddr video card.

For good deals on computers and accessories, you might also check out Half.com (http://www.half.com) .

I found lots of PC2100 memory for under $25 there and some good deals on computers and video cards, anything you might want.

Hope this helps,


2003-07-29, 02:24 PM
Originally posted by Onizuka
if it seems too good to be true it usually is.

Thats what I said when I saw Squeeky getting all happy over Prowler's offer... But I did not think someone would actually try to scam someone so publicly, so I kept my mouth shut....
