View Full Version : Stop crackin on the lasher
2003-07-29, 12:16 PM
Lasher is not a super weapon. Lasher is fine the way is. The only thing i want to change about it is the rate of fire. I can't hit anything at over 20 ft away. The thing shoots like a one legged cat without a head. So stop your crap the JH is the best weapon in the game. All the other HA are two times the weapon the lasher is. So stop crackin cuz VS gained a little power.
:furious: :vsrocks:
2003-07-29, 12:27 PM
yeah i think ur right. but on raw damage the lasher is the most powerful, although you must look at fire rate, range ammo capacity etc. to determine the actual power of the weapon. so all the n00bs can stop whining yes the lasher is very powerful but has no refire rate and the range is about as far as u can throw a piece of paper :D
2003-07-29, 12:35 PM
I agree, and if they say our weapon is to powerful then why don't they loot our corpses for it if they really think it's that good. Also some people get killed once by it and they say "nerf it! it kills me every time". Don't pay any attention to my sig, I play all three empires and my tr guy is the one with the most kills, but my vanu is close behind him.
2003-07-29, 12:43 PM
I loot Both TR and NC looking for their HA and will use them
My locker is fulled up with them
Happy lil Elf
2003-07-29, 12:46 PM
"stop crackin"
That has got to the the dumbest expression I've ever heard or read. I mean...."stop crackin"? :lol:
Anyways yes the lasher is overpowered in it's AV capabilities. I agree everything else seems fine about it though /shrug
2003-07-29, 12:48 PM
All the other HA are two times the weapon the lasher is.
2003-07-29, 01:16 PM
I just wonder why the devs are lowering its damage at range...if you can actually get hit by a lasher at 80 meters, you must REALLY be a noob, or fell asleep at the keyboard...
2003-07-29, 01:35 PM
You're thinking outside... think inside... like say the Backdoor of a base to the end of the long hallway leading to it. Its quite common for a couple of Lasher guys to be at one end spamming down the long hallway at the backdoor and hitting people just as hard as if they were at point blank.
If the other HA weapons are so much better than the lasher, why don't i see the Vanu going to loot every corpse in hopes of finding a JH or a MCG?
2003-07-29, 01:46 PM
JH is barely a good weapon now, the other 2 HA are much better. Hell, MCG was pretty damn good before they improved it. Lasher is too multi-versatile tho, it shouldnt be able to kill both MAXs and Soft targets, the JH cant do that, and it takes a full clip of MCG to kill 1 MAX if u hit him with every bullet
2003-07-29, 01:49 PM
I still see some Vanu using JHs from time to time. But you rarely see them use a MCG.
I saw something kind cool last night tho. The Vanu were defending and we were assaulting. They had the basement locked down. They had a couple of Lasher guys camping all the doorways and just raping anything that came through the doors --- Including our Maxes and MCG grunts. We were sort of at a stalemate. Then a few of our HA guys got clever and went out the backdoor and outside... they went around and killed a few Lasher guys outside... the basement still at a stalemate our HA guys came back down to the basement with Lashers, and easily cleared the basement out.
2003-07-29, 03:05 PM
Well I would loot people's corpses more but all I can use is standard assalt... The jackhammer is instant kill point blank in secondary mode. I think all three HA weapons work just fine. NC are supposed to have more damage dealing weapons. Tr chain gun is good for multiple targets and drilling through people. And the VS is supposed to be more versitle, they're using strong alien technology, they're supposed to have some sort of advantage. All three should be good at something and each have different strong parts to them.
:trrocks: :ncrocks: :vsrocks:
2003-07-29, 06:11 PM
but NC arent good at anything accept hiding now...
Vanu can kill anything, from infantry with mags to infantry with lasher to infantry with lancer to tanks and MAXs with Lancer to Tanks and MAXs with Lasher
SO, Vanu have the strongest
TR on the other hand, has MAXs and Strikers, they have the best
AA MAX-Pounder
AT MAX-Duel Cycler
NC have the AA MAX, good for us, we can use JH IF ITS EVEN POSSIBLE TO GET THAT CLOSE, and we have vanguards, which get ripped apart by strikers, mags, lashers, lancers, and Duel Cyclers.
Pheonix is too slow to kill anything, and not that powerful, JH is only effective from point blank, and now NC loses those battles all the time because Lasher and MCG are better, and our MAXs suck.
2003-07-29, 06:32 PM
Originally posted by MJBuddy
Pheonix is too slow to kill anything, and not that powerful, JH is only effective from point blank, and now NC loses those battles all the time because Lasher and MCG are better, and our MAXs suck.
The Phoenix hits harder than the Striker does on a missile per missile basis, a good amount harder if memory serves. I don't know about reload times, haven't really tested that. I was messing around with my Vanu alt last night to truly give the Lasher a test from the good side of the gun and NC was rolling Vanguards out right and left, and destroying us. It owns Magriders, and the drivers were pulling the tanks out of Lasher range and absolutely shelling any infantry or MAXs it saw from a nice distance away. Using that tactic pretty well insures that the Vanguards can run roughshod over the VS assuming NC can hold air superiority to keep Liberators/Reavers from taking out the Vanguards. A good gunner in the Vanguard can rack up kills because the shells don't even have to land that close to have the splash damage destroy infantry.
You have the best AA Max in the game which is actually fairly effective against infantry and ground vehicles as well. The AV Max is decent, as effective as the dual cycler against vehicles and a little less effective against infantry (but still not that bad there). I think the Scattercannon Max could use a buff, but your MAXs aren't in bad shape.
JH is effective out to about 30 meters, still further in my mind than it probably ever should have been. It still owns indoors in many situations, just not in every situation like it used to. You'll have a hard time finding anybody from the other two factions crying with you over that change.
Adjust or get run over. NC had the run of things for a while with the best weapon in the game, the Vanu are going to get hit with the nerf stick before they even get their feet wet with their new gun and in the meantime your gun still didn't get nerfed.
2003-07-29, 10:12 PM
the Vanu are going to get hit with the nerf stick before they even get their feet wet with their new gun and in the meantime your gun still didn't get nerfed.
A theory of mine is that the developers hate the vanu team, even though they created it...why else would they make us wear purple?
Lasher is too multi-versatile tho
But the vanu are supposed to be versatile...where the TR have super rate of fire, the NC have super damage per shot, we're supposed to be able to do damage against infantry and max (without changing ammo types), though not at the same time...i believe they should add an AP alternate fire mode onto the lasher, with a slower rate of fire, that does crap damage against infantry.
2003-07-29, 10:19 PM
I agree
2003-07-29, 11:32 PM
Okay the TR are not going crazy cuz the lasher is a little better. But the NC are whining like a Two year old that get his ball took away. Just cuz the NC have to think and fight smarter to win instead of just gunnin and runnin is not a bad thing. It's nice not to have to out smart everyone every time. Us VS need something. some of the NC are not as Dumb most of you fight
2003-07-29, 11:50 PM
hehe the thing is that the lasher sucks at range anyway and im picking up SA next time i play so the "nerf" doesnt do much anyway.
I can still pwn those noobhammers
(refering to the noobs who use the jackhammer, not the jackhammer itself)
Who hit q and hold down the left mouse button.
If you dont even have to think about what the hell you are doing you deserve to die.
But yeah i find it ironic that after what one week they nerf the vanu, whilst after a month, of constant complaints from both VS and TR they dont do jack shit.
2003-07-30, 12:10 AM
Originally posted by ZerokoolX
Lasher is not a super weapon. Lasher is fine the way is. The only thing i want to change about it is the rate of fire. I can't hit anything at over 20 ft away. The thing shoots like a one legged cat without a head. So stop your crap the JH is the best weapon in the game. All the other HA are two times the weapon the lasher is. So stop crackin cuz VS gained a little power.
:furious: :vsrocks: I can defeat a lasher.
With a thermo-nuclear warhead...
which isnt in PS
2003-07-30, 12:47 AM
lasher: buffed after what, two months now? barely a week later, it's nerfed for being too powerful. lemme repeat that, something FROM THE VANU SOVEREIGNTY was 'too powerful' because it was hurting both infantry and armor. Vanu sovereignty...the same empire that's had it's 'flexiblity' advantage force-fed to it as an excuse for every one of it's weapons blowing chunks. yeah, makes sense to me as well:rolleyes:
Pounder/Cycler MAXes: everyone except the most die-hard TR asshats unwilling to accept balance issues said they were unbalanced from day one of the half-baked AV/AI switch with the DC. how long did it take to get a 'nerf', and a nerf that was pretty damn pathetic to boot?
ShitF....sorry, StarFire MAX: sucked rocks since the back into beta, still not buffed.
beamer? check. quasar? oh, wait... it got a bigger clip at the cost of AP damage...check. Thresher? still check, the 'buffs' suck and the common pool buggy is still better.
but we have the MagRider! or some such bullshit that tries to make it sound like we have the only tank in the game. we have the jumpjets! which were nerfed to fucking hell and back and now warrant 'threat to presonal safety' status on top of that. we have the lancer! and it can hurt infantry! not nearly as good as a bolt driver, and exceedingly difficult to use as an anti vehicle weapon. but hey, IT'S FLEXIBLE!
I really don't really believe, or want to even begin to think there's some secret agenda to fuck up and screw over the VS, but holy hell the evidence really points that way.
stop your whining, there nerfing the lasher because everyone has one and it pwns andthing at clost range, and now it pwns everything at long range too. i could start a whining contest with you about how the tr have nothing but its max's but i dont need to, make out with what your delt
2003-07-30, 10:42 AM
Originally posted by tmax
stop your whining, there nerfing the lasher because everyone has one and it pwns andthing at clost range, and now it pwns everything at long range too. i could start a whining contest with you about how the tr have nothing but its max's but i dont need to, make out with what your delt
The TR have a lot more than their MAXs, and the Lasher sucks from long range. The crappy aim on the thing doesn't hurt it too bad out to medium range, but at long range they spread out so much that dodging them is easier than winning a race at the rest home.
2003-07-30, 11:08 AM
Originally posted by Madcow
The TR have a lot more than their MAXs, and the Lasher sucks from long range. The crappy aim on the thing doesn't hurt it too bad out to medium range, but at long range they spread out so much that dodging them is easier than winning a race at the rest home.
long, meduim or short..makes no difference. not sure how you could say that it sucks from long range. do you use one or are you on the receiving end of this gift from above?
2003-07-30, 11:24 AM
Originally posted by OutlawSZ
long, meduim or short..makes no difference. not sure how you could say that it sucks from long range. do you use one or are you on the receiving end of this gift from above?
I only play my 2 TR chars seriously, but I have NC and VS chars on other servers to test things out. I spent a long evening testing the Lasher, and it flat out sucks from long range. If you think it's good from long range at the receiving end, you haven't used one. Even crouching and firing you have little to no control over the orbs at such a distance, they're literally all over the place. It does make a difference, and exaggerating the effectiveness with the weapon doesn't really help the argument. From CQB to medium range I was running around slaughtering with that gun (and it is a n00b weapon, I was purposely running around using zero tactics and wiping the floor with people), as soon as I was past a certain point from a medium distance I'd get slaughtered by the Cycler/Gauss in short order.
2003-07-30, 11:50 AM
I would not have believed it if I didnt see it for myself on a number of occasions. Up close its incredibly effective, no doubt about that. But it seems just as effective long range as well. I believe they even went as far as to tone this down in the public test server? I could be mistaken about this though.
2003-07-30, 12:11 PM
At long range the orbs travel so slow that if you just crouched and cralwed away the orbs wouldn't hit you. And not to metion the fact said earlier that the orbs fly all over the place because of it's CoF. The only way you could get killed by a lasher at long range is if you tried, you have 1 hitpoint and happen to get lashed, or your away from your computer, but still if you don't move with the big CoF it would take awhile for you to be hit with the lasher. Don't worry about my sig, this is my tr guy, he has the most kills by about 20 or so now, of my vs or nc guy. I play all three empires.
:trrocks: :ncrocks: :vsrocks:
2003-07-30, 12:13 PM
MCG > all. Tracer lag is more effective than anything I've been shot with.
2003-07-30, 12:24 PM
Originally posted by Eliaas_Demens
MCG > all. Tracer lag is more effective than anything I've been shot with.
Are you actually implying that the MCG lags the game worse than the Lashers? Ain't no way the tracer lag even touches the disco ball lag.
2003-07-30, 12:26 PM
Originally posted by OutlawSZ
I would not have believed it if I didnt see it for myself on a number of occasions. Up close its incredibly effective, no doubt about that. But it seems just as effective long range as well. I believe they even went as far as to tone this down in the public test server? I could be mistaken about this though.
They are having the damage degrade over distance, so that getting hammered at medium range + with the lasher won't still be instant death. This isn't a case of the weapon being too powerful from long range, it's a case of the weapon having a distinct advantage from all other weapons which don't hit as hard from a distance.
2003-07-30, 12:40 PM
Originally posted by Madcow
The TR have a lot more than their MAXs, and the Lasher sucks from long range. The crappy aim on the thing doesn't hurt it too bad out to medium range, but at long range they spread out so much that dodging them is easier than winning a race at the rest home.
So what?? ALL Heavy Assault suck at long range. Moron.
2003-07-30, 12:51 PM
Originally posted by CrazyCrazy
So what?? ALL Heavy Assault suck at long range. Moron.
Hi, troll. Read the thread. Try to use your grey matter. Put one and one together. People are saying the Lasher is good from long range, I'm disagreeing. Now be a good trainable and go away.
2003-07-30, 01:13 PM
stop your whining, there nerfing the lasher because everyone has one
everyone had a jackhammer, it never got touched
2003-07-30, 01:18 PM
honestly, everyone did NOT have the jackhammer. it was very common, yes, but there weren't nearly as many as there are lashers now. it's a bit ridiculous.
2003-07-30, 03:42 PM
duh, of course everyone has one. remember, this is the record setting barely-over-a-week-since-buffing nerf. it's the current flavor of the week and everyone's trying it out. everyone having it right now is not an indicator of the human tendency to want to win using whatever means possible. we're still in the 'oooh, pretty shiny' phase.
and if you can say 'everyone has a lasher' then I can damn well say 'everyone has a jackhammer'. 'it's a bit ridiculous.'
2003-07-30, 04:13 PM
Here's my question. If people wanna say "The Lasher sucks at range." "The Lasher isn't that good vs Armor" then why do you care about the changes since thats what they are addressing?
2003-07-30, 04:17 PM
Originally posted by Cease
Here's my question. If people wanna say "The Lasher sucks at range." "The Lasher isn't that good vs Armor" then why do you care about the changes since thats what they are addressing?
The Lasher sucks at long range, it's very good at medium range which the nerf will definitely impact. I don't think I've seen anybody say that it isn't good vs. armor, but maybe I'm reading the wrong threads.
Funny, I feel like the Lasher apologist and I'm TR. Go figure.
2003-07-30, 04:25 PM
rememebr when the vanu were getting fucked every which way but sunday, and people replied to the moaning vanu
'the terrans have rapid fire, the NC have hard hitting hsit, and the vanu have versatility'
now, at the time we did not. now we have a weapon that can kill armour and soft reasionable well, one would assume it is a versatile weapon which is fair enough. but noooo, nerf the bitch!
my point is, this is how we are meant to be, versatile. we also have a magic tank that can kill people through think walls such as bunkers, but thats another tale.
2003-07-30, 04:47 PM
Originally posted by Call-The-Gestap
rememebr when the vanu were getting fucked every which way but sunday, and people replied to the moaning vanu
'the terrans have rapid fire, the NC have hard hitting hsit, and the vanu have versatility'
now, at the time we did not. now we have a weapon that can kill armour and soft reasionable well, one would assume it is a versatile weapon which is fair enough. but noooo, nerf the bitch!
my point is, this is how we are meant to be, versatile. we also have a magic tank that can kill people through think walls such as bunkers, but thats another tale.
Versatile could also be a weapon that doesn't need to directly hit a target to damage/kill it. The Lasher already had that, and they increased the lashing effect. It is and was versatile, just because you'd prefer it being versatile in a way that makes you significantly stronger does not necessarily make it best for the game.
2003-07-30, 05:34 PM
i dont ever remember the old lasher even lashing, and if it did, it did a whopping 1-2 damage.
2003-07-30, 05:57 PM
Originally posted by Katanaboy
i dont ever remember the old lasher even lashing, and if it did, it did a whopping 1-2 damage.
It did lash, and you're completely guessing on the damage. They increased the damage and the distance that the lashing happened.
The point of the argument is that the weapon has versatility without being able to rape MAXs and vehicles. Sure, the Vanu would rather have versatility that means easier battles for them and a no-brainer 4 certs to spend but that doesn't mean they should get it.
2003-07-30, 06:19 PM
you think that being able to shoot at someone, miss yet still damage them is versatility? thats essentially what the MCG does, its so innaccurate - tats not versitile, it just means you shoot at their feet.
2003-07-30, 06:27 PM
You're grasping at straws. If I hide behind a tree or barrier does the MCG hurt me? Not a bit. Does the Lasher hurt me? Probably kills me, actually. If you suspect an infil is around nearby and don't have DL, you could fire all over the place with the MCG and probably hit them but almost certainly wouldn't kill them. Do the same with the Lasher and watch them drop.
Show me where the definition of versatility means only useful against armor and useful against infantry. It's good up close, and at medium range. That's versatile. It's good direct fire or just blindly firing in the general direction of a target. That's versatile. I understand that you're blindly defending your empire's weapon, that's normal. Your argument is weak sauce though.
2003-07-30, 06:29 PM
but...but...but... we have the thresher, man, give us a break!
2003-07-30, 06:34 PM
Originally posted by Call-The-Gestap
but...but...but... we have the thresher, man, give us a break!
That reminds me, I need to drop Lasher with my alt and get Thresher. I'm seeing a whole lot more of those since the patch and they seem to be more effective. Wouldn't mind seeing whether or not they stopped being hoverturds.
2003-07-30, 07:19 PM
I have no clue how they could nerf the lasher when the MCG and JH are both better than it. Too many TR's and NC's have been whining that finally the VS have a decent HA weapon now I guess.
2003-07-30, 07:53 PM
Originally posted by Xenar
I have no clue how they could nerf the lasher when the MCG and JH are both better than it. Too many TR's and NC's have been whining that finally the VS have a decent HA weapon now I guess. I don't think the Lasher needs a big nerf, but the MCG and JH are both better? I've been doing a lot of Lasher defending, but I've been realistic in it. Every time a VS poster shows up reality is getting thrown out the window. I ran around with my alt and purposely didn't use tactics with the Lasher. I was absolutely destroying the other army. I was regularly getting 4-5 kills per death, and that was using only 1 of 2 tactics. Stand still and fire, or run at the enemy and fire.
2003-07-30, 11:58 PM
us TR have got hit with recent nerfs quite a bit latly if you ask me we got are MAXs totally downgraded terrible sure this was a while ago but i say,--Lest we forget-- this also made my strategy guide terribly out of date:p
2003-07-31, 12:50 AM
if you ask me we got are MAXs totally downgraded
first of all, OUR, not are. second...pounders and DCs rule...pounder does the most damage per shot of any of the AI maxes, and it has an awesome RoF when clamped down, and it has the ability to do indirect fire, and do good damage to both vehicles and infantry. Dual cycler can also do good damage to both vehicles and infantry, and can tear almost anything up when clamped down. Oh yea, you really got downgraded...
2003-07-31, 01:06 AM
Originally posted by 00AgentDuck
Well I would loot people's corpses more but all I can use is standard assalt... The jackhammer is instant kill point blank in secondary mode. I think all three HA weapons work just fine. NC are supposed to have more damage dealing weapons. Tr chain gun is good for multiple targets and drilling through people. And the VS is supposed to be more versitle, they're using strong alien technology, they're supposed to have some sort of advantage. All three should be good at something and each have different strong parts to them.
:trrocks: :ncrocks: :vsrocks:
2003-07-31, 01:43 PM
I actually like it a bit that Lashers are a bit over powered sometimes.
That forces people to use tactics instead of brute force to get them taken care of and circumvented.
Just think in real life, whatever troops happened to be fighting, one weapon system was generally more powerful than another, look at WWII for example.
The American Sherman tanks vs the German Tiger tanks at the Battle of the Bulge.
The Tigers were shredding the Shermans all over the place, so the American tank crews had to adopt new strategies to combat against the Tigers effectively.
It is all in strategy and tactics at somepoint. Brute force will only get you so far.
At least thats my opinion on the matter.
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