View Full Version : PS Concerns?

2003-01-05, 05:11 PM
What is the aspect you are most worried could plague PlanetSide. Lag? One empire dominating?

I hate to create a negative thread, but its interesting to see whats on folks are concerned about after reading about PlanetSide. Perhaps we can even clear up some confusions..


2003-01-05, 05:15 PM
Lag and packet loss for me. Also I'm concerned that all message boards even remotely about PS will become flaming whinefests after release.

Camping Carl
2003-01-05, 05:28 PM
Snipers, balance issues.

2003-01-05, 05:30 PM

if u cant shoot/etc with a good ping; snipers, etc arent really an issue

2003-01-05, 05:34 PM
Uber Smack tards - not just our incompetant ones (hee hee :p ), laggyness, 56kers, and people bitching about what the game isn't instead of what it is. I also am a little worried about it becoming a frag fest with no team work at all (I know it won't but thats what I'm worried about). I'm also worried about kill pilfering, when people hang back and let you fight until you've almost got that max down, then jumping in and finishing him off and gettin the beps. I guess thats it....and those Vanu pride marches getting in the way of tank columns.


2003-01-05, 05:36 PM
Balance issues and how lag is handled, some games handled it horribly (bf1942 comes to mind) and i couldn barely get a single kill when i had a ping over 100, and some games (iron storm) handled lag extremly well and i was able to pwn someone with 10-20 ping when i had 600.

edit: Is my name that hard to spell?

2003-01-05, 05:40 PM
being on the same server as hamma

2003-01-05, 05:44 PM
"You're so vain, you probably think this post is about you, you're so vaaaaiiiiin you probably think this post is about you doo da doo da da da..."

Apparently it is.

2003-01-05, 05:45 PM
What worries me most? That the same illiterate assclowns on the official forum are actually going to be in the game. :ugh:

Yeah, I have ping worries and the like, but honestly, my biggest worry is that the game's going to be run like EQ, where GM events are extremely rare, and usually poorly-planned, uberguilds are allowed to bully smaller guilds and independants, and customer service is essentially non-existant. Granted, I think PlanetSide's design will contribute to lessening the need for SOE's laughable customer service... if you can even call it that. In my experience, it just consisted of sitting and waiting 4 hours for some surly GM to show up and tell you he can't help you.

I also worry about balance issues... as many of them went completely unresolved in EQ, although, thankfully, the former Verant is off destroying SWG, and not PS, so hopefully this dev team, which seems much cooler, actually will be. But I still can't help buy have this horrible feelings that it's going to be EQ: In Space... MAXes will end up like warriors - necessary for squads, but complete gimps on their own. Dropship pilots will be like healing classes -- necessitated by tedium, but otherwise largely undesirable. Infantry will be like bards -- very flexible, but the only thing they're really good at is dying.

...hopefully it's just apprehension and there's no truth to it.

2003-01-05, 05:46 PM
Snipers being over or underpowered.
Boring hacking cert.
Uneven empires.
and of course the usual... bugs. :)

2003-01-05, 05:47 PM
Originally posted by Dragoon412
What worries me most? That the same illiterate assclowns on the official forum are actually going to be in the game. :ugh:
:lol: Yeah that too.

2003-01-05, 05:52 PM
Lag, for sure. That would kill the game for me.

2003-01-05, 05:53 PM
Being shot in the head :\

Actually, one empire dominating worries me the most, or one empire getting a reputation for being full of twats and everyone ignoring it.

2003-01-05, 05:55 PM
one empire getting a reputation for being full of twats and everyone ignoring it.

Yeah i fear that might happen to the VS. :(

2003-01-05, 05:56 PM
me too....let's hope the morons and normal people are split evenly.

Camping Carl
2003-01-05, 05:56 PM
Originally posted by Dragoon412
What worries me most? That the same illiterate assclowns on the official forum are actually going to be in the game. :ugh:

Yeah, I have ping worries and the like, but honestly, my biggest worry is that the game's going to be run like EQ, where GM events are extremely rare, and usually poorly-planned, uberguilds are allowed to bully smaller guilds and independants, and customer service is essentially non-existant. Granted, I think PlanetSide's design will contribute to lessening the need for SOE's laughable customer service... if you can even call it that. In my experience, it just consisted of sitting and waiting 4 hours for some surly GM to show up and tell you he can't help you.

I also worry about balance issues... as many of them went completely unresolved in EQ, although, thankfully, the former Verant is off destroying SWG, and not PS, so hopefully this dev team, which seems much cooler, actually will be. But I still can't help buy have this horrible feelings that it's going to be EQ: In Space... MAXes will end up like warriors - necessary for squads, but complete gimps on their own. Dropship pilots will be like healing classes -- necessitated by tedium, but otherwise largely undesirable. Infantry will be like bards -- very flexible, but the only thing they're really good at is dying.

...hopefully it's just apprehension and there's no truth to it.


2003-01-05, 06:08 PM
Memory issues wory me the most. While a grafics card has an effect on FPS, most MMOGs main combat issue is eating up all your RAM, and then some. The RAM issue is the reason most MMOGs dont have cliping on character models.

Also memory leaks often cause you to crash at the worst posible times.

2003-01-05, 06:14 PM
Balance. Also gonna be some whining about off-hour dominance, especially with "local" servers instead of one.

2003-01-05, 06:28 PM
My worry would be that PS starts out good but loses support and is cut from SOE after a year or two just as I was getting really good at all the necessary skills.

2003-01-05, 06:42 PM
What worries me most? That the same illiterate assclowns on the official forum are actually going to be in the game. :lol: I definetly worry about that.

But mostly I worry about ping/lag. And hopefully my computer will be able to run PS decently until I get a new one.

2003-01-05, 06:46 PM
the former Verant is off destroying SWG, \
heh, im beta testing it

2003-01-05, 06:49 PM
What worries me...

Flavour of the month weps.. (weps that are the best 1 month and suck the next because they had to be "readjusted")

Package loss

1337 d3wds

2003-01-05, 06:49 PM
too fast paced to allow good strategies:(

2003-01-05, 06:56 PM
the netcode, no matter how cool anything else in the game is. If the lag is terrible, i wont play. Its my #1 concern (that and nerfing Snipers :) )

2003-01-05, 07:16 PM
Actually on offical boards in seems like people on "from" the different faction are like this:

TR= Mature

I think there even was a thread about it once.
I can understand that the more intelligent people will choose VS because of the tech. And I guess the lamers choose NC because of they powerful (as in high damage) weapons (like: w00t that g0n R0xx0R!). But I don�t know about TR, maybe because they�re old-fashioned ;)

Anyway may concers are about the lag and the teamplay.

And BTW I like the word "assclowns" ;)

2003-01-05, 07:24 PM
I can certainly agree with the community issues, on the official boards, etc. Its one of the many reasons I created PSU in the first place. Create a better enviroment for those interested in the game, a more open community where new folks are welcome and not flamed.

Lag is also of concern with me, having played the game a bit I have some experience with it. I think they have done a good job to make some very nice netcode. But it was a corperate WAN afterall So ping was not of issue. It will be very interesting to see what happens when people from all over the place start getting in game.

Balance issues concern me as well, I hope they can get things well balanced in beta so that it doesent have to be tweaked to hell every month because people complain. :mad:

2003-01-05, 08:01 PM
1st ping/lag/latency

2nd a diing (too small) community in europe (like tribes 2 in europe)

2003-01-05, 08:06 PM
How my butt will look in the terran jump suits...



2003-01-05, 08:07 PM
:lol: :lol:

2003-01-05, 08:18 PM
I just hope Hamma and the rest of the staff can keep PSU from becoming the massive Flamathon that most game sites become.
Also ping issues which normally aren't too muvch of a problem and certain weapon and vehciels certs allowing easy access to overpowered weapons and vehicles. Especially if the sniper becomes the non vehicle troop destroyer and the MAX being able to take on anything easily..

2003-01-05, 08:31 PM
Originally posted by {{eMaGyN}}
How my butt will look in the terran jump suits...




I'm sure you'll be dynamite baby! :drools:

2003-01-05, 08:42 PM
Originally posted by Lillemanden
Actually on offical boards in seems like people on "from" the different faction are like this:

TR= Mature

I think there even was a thread about it once.
I can understand that the more intelligent people will choose VS because of the tech. And I guess the lamers choose NC because of they powerful (as in high damage) weapons (like: w00t that g0n R0xx0R!). But I don�t know about TR, maybe because they�re old-fashioned ;)

Anyway may concers are about the lag and the teamplay.

And BTW I like the word "assclowns" ;)

And what empire are you going to join, lover of "assclowns"? Every empire has its mature, intelegent, and "Lamers"(AKA:Llamas). From what I've seen, and this is just my perspective, is people join the VS because "beams will kick your asses!", people join the TR for their extreamly high ROF. and people join the NC becaus "we got the gauss baby!".

I'm NC because of their philosophy, and it's nice to have the best shotgun, and the biggest gun in the game(Vangaurd). Also, the Gauss looks like a nice gun.

You cannot judge an empire at this point from forums. Try checking out outfits from each of the empires. I'm a member of A New Dawn (www.newdawnoutfit.tk). We are a guild of mature gamers.

2003-01-05, 08:42 PM
That i won't be able to kill MAX's with sniper oh and lag

2003-01-05, 09:33 PM
Im afraid that the New Conglomerate is gonna own everyone.

NC rulz

2003-01-05, 09:41 PM
I'm a little worried about balance, but I think this where the "no-win" scenario comes into play. If nobody knows who is "winning", lamers won't be as likely to switch sides to be on the winning side.

I agree with the post above, I think each side will have an equal amount of mature/intelligent/lamers, frankly, this game doesn't strike me as the type of game that attracts lamers and tkers.(Who wants to pay to team kill?)

It's all in good fun, all I am worried about right now is getting my new system before the game is released ;)

2003-01-05, 09:58 PM
Im afraid that the New Conglomerate is gonna own everyone. That's impossible to say, seeing as exclusive beta hasn't even started.

2003-01-05, 10:21 PM
the NC knows more than you think:D

2003-01-05, 11:43 PM
The biggest thing I fear in a Massively Multiplayer Online Game are the players themselves. THEY are what make or break the game...they are what make it fun or enjoyable...Planetside is awesome game with great concepts and ideas; its the interactions with other players that will make it even more so enjoyable or less so. I don't want to have to deal with people who tk(I know this probably wont be a big issue,but still), people who flame others or put others down.

WHAT AM I SAYING??? This happens to every online game, or multiplayer game period...

The lag...yah thats about it

2003-01-06, 01:50 AM

2003-01-06, 05:00 AM
the biggest thing i'm worried about is the lag that mmo games have and also the bullets speed (talked about in my other post.) If the bullets fly so slowly like tribes then i would not really like the game too much and will probably stop after the first month or two.

2003-01-06, 05:58 AM
Hopefully the subscription fee will mthin out the idiots(it often does). Expecially in FPSes if there are Tkers, vehicles stealers, campers that can be a rel problem but playing a couple MMOGs have shown me that it actually does thin out those idiots a lot.

2003-01-06, 07:52 AM
And what empire are you going to join, lover of "assclowns"? Every empire has its mature, intelegent, and "Lamers"(AKA:Llamas).
Well on the official boards people seem to fit into what I posted earlier, and I'm not the only one with that opnion (it was discussed over there). But that of cause dosn't mean that everyone is like that, just most of the people over there.

And I'm VS BTW.

2003-01-06, 11:43 AM
Well hmmm let me see... I think the only problem would be that I will become so amazingly skilled at this game that I will be able to take on entire factions by myself and their futility would just... um suck (BTW I'm Vanu Soverignity :D. :borg: :borg: ) Otherwize, balance and lag.:spam: :drools: :sniper: :domotwak: :blowup:

2003-01-06, 12:15 PM
TR are probably the last ones I'd wanna join even though I'll probably end up TR...their guns are so.....boring!

I'd gladly take an NC gauss over the normal lead spewing weapons the TR have...

off topic BTW...just came to my mind as I happened to be reading this thread and am too lazy to find a "which empire are you gonna join" thread :p

2003-01-06, 06:20 PM
I'm worried about lag, and everyone being a sniper. Its the one thing im good at (in most games, not sure about this one) and most people sterotype anyone who wants a sniper rifle as a 'n00b lamer' because most lamers want to be a '1337 �n|P�0rz hu wi| r0X0r teh b0xorz!' and it bugs the hell out of me. Oh yeah, that, and the fact that the community may well end up sucking...

Im NC by the way, Im an idealist, even in computer games and find it hard to fight for something I dont believe in, even if its not real, funny huh?

2003-01-06, 06:21 PM
Better start flaming Dio and all the other Vanu...hehe..jk..I think they'll handle ping issues well...

2003-01-06, 06:40 PM
the only thing that bothers me is all I see being formed are NC outfits. That will mostly likely change upon release.

2003-01-06, 07:28 PM
the thing that woories me most is most unlikly to happen but i worrie either people hacking the game and makeing it no fun (but that is the reason we will be paying are 10 dollars a month to not let that happen) and i hope the game does not get boring to fast with it always being the same thing just war war war but i still cant wait till it comes out

2003-01-06, 07:29 PM
Yeha, that's a real pronblem. E&B got really boring to me after a moth or two...waste of money for that game

2003-01-06, 07:45 PM
Originally posted by trickstyle
the only thing that bothers me is all I see being formed are NC outfits. That will mostly likely change upon release.

Yeah another point i forgot, so far 90%+ of the clans made are NC or TR. Hopefully it will change a bit once game is released. :(

2003-01-06, 07:48 PM
Someone else pointed this out earlier, and they were right. Most of the NC squads have less than 10 people. That would cause little to no damage... There are a couple of larger squads, but not much. Also most of the Vanu squads are large, and their organization is great.

2003-01-06, 07:52 PM
and their organization is great.
Like I said we have all the intelligent people :D

2003-01-06, 07:53 PM
Hamma will get you in the night!

2003-01-06, 08:04 PM
The biggest worry i have is that this game isn't going to be what i hope it's going to be :(

other things:
- lag
- not being able to find outfits/groups to join (having to wait a long time to group)
- low fps or having to run on low resolution
- people that are total morons to their own empire and no gm to do something about it
- the best outfits make you go online everyday or else you're out stuff

And the horor one:
- choosing the wrong certs and finding it out at the late phase of the game levels. Like the reaver dies easy with the first ecounter with weapon x and you went to be reaver pilot. Or you went max and noone wants you cause you're slow and reinforced armor can do just as good against that and that, etc etc. Pretty much choosing the certs that make you play the way you don't want to

So i'm glad you can recycle the certs and you got VR training! :) but still... :(

2003-01-06, 08:36 PM
No headshots, people just massively spraying into eachothers torso's. Very boring, no skills.

2003-01-06, 08:51 PM
people just massively spraying into eachothers torso's
Hey what�s wrong with that ;)
I like the minigunner in Q3F;)
So I'll be getting me one of those TR weapons :D

2003-01-06, 09:35 PM
L . . . . . . . . L. . . . . . . . . . .LA. . . . . . . . . . . LA. . . . . . . . . . .LAG . . . . . . . . .is. . . . . . . . . .my. . . . . . . . . . .bigest. . . . . . . . . . . . .concern
Sorry hadn't been done yet and of course spam galor

TR = :spam:
NC = :blowup:
VS = :borg:

2003-01-07, 03:46 PM
1. wait for half an hour for a tank
2. tank arrives, healer gotta run
3. found replacement healer, bard's bedtime
4. guildie bard logs on, caster's girlfriend calls
5. lowbie caster finally finds his way. group utterally destroyed by ultra mob.

oops, wrong game.

2003-01-07, 04:41 PM
Lag isn't a concern of mine, a complete moron would know that for this game to function even remotely successful, lag needs to not be an issue. I expect the development team to be on top of this first and foremost....hence, no issue.

What will be an issue as always are exploits and hacks/scripts which is what destroyed Counterstrike. Yes, this will be on a protected server, but it will still happen somehow. Hopefully, the D-team will be ready to keep things even and fair. Which leads into my biggest concern.....Who has played a FPS where one team simply annihilates the other team/teams? Then that team gets more gear, more money, more power and from that point on the game is ruined and not fun. The PS crew better pay close attention to somehow making sure the 3 sides stay even....if one side gets stronger, everyone will bail to join them, and they will get even stronger.....this is similar to the uber guild scenario in Everquest. The largest guild always ran the server basically, the players from other guilds would always quit to join the larger guild eventually, and it was stuck in that cycle permanently. That guild was going to remain the strongest for all the game and that is exactly what happened on the EQ servers. Now, if this happens with PS the game is ruined, people on the smaller/weaker empires will get frustrated and quit or join the "uber" empire. This crap ruined CS too, and that was only for one map, but man did it make that game horrible if you were getting raped for 30 rounds in a row and no one would even the teams. If PS development team is going to stay hands on and make sure each individual server stays EQUAL and FAIR with its empires, then this game has a shot at being something special...if they dont.....then God help PS.

2003-01-07, 06:03 PM
Originally posted by Zalo
[B . . . a complete moron would know that for this game to function even remotely successful, lag needs to not be an issue. I expect the development team to be on top of this first and foremost.... [/B]


Camping Carl
2003-01-07, 06:17 PM
Yeah another point i forgot, so far 90%+ of the clans made are NC or TR. Hopefully it will change a bit once game is released.

I suspect it's because the vanu are more overconfident and indepentdent. They're typically the type of players who rant about their skills, even if they don't have any.

They'll mostly try to go solo at first I bet, each trying to be an uber solo sniper. Then either they'll wise up and form outfits, or die. Must be something about them that attracts all the immature/teenage players. That, in a nutshell, is why I dislike the vanu. :D

2003-01-07, 06:58 PM
HEY! I'm a teenager...and I'm TR...

2003-01-07, 07:13 PM
To me my greatest fear in this game is that one faction will be the strongest and go around with 500+ people just annihilating everything and everyone in site. Sniper balance issues will be a problem imho... They could be too powerful (Like dying in 3 hits from a sniper) or too weak (Hitting the person 15 times only to have them run inside a building and be fine). Also, people that take advantage of a bug or something that causes you to die unfairly... and of course actually dying and losing everything...

Still though, this game looks absolutely amazing :D :eek: :D

Camping Carl
2003-01-07, 08:27 PM
Don't worry sputty, it only applies to vanu scum.

2003-01-07, 11:11 PM
Thanks for the reassurances...now on to the rap music and stupid vin diesel movies....ok I can't even pretend..I ahte both Vin Diesel and rap...they're sort of mixed anyway..sorry for those who like it but that's the teen "stereotype" vbut they normally don't do anyhting but waste space...I couldn't even try to be sarcastic..too hard.. :mad:

2003-01-07, 11:11 PM
And for some reason old people are afraid of me...:rolleyes:

2003-01-09, 09:31 PM
change the name of the planet (most of you know what im talking about), i'm not concerned about anything unless something isn't fixed before actual release.
what me worry

2003-01-10, 04:16 AM
Good answer NARF.

My worry is that my Commodore 64 wount be fast enough for the game. Maybe I should upgrade to 2megs of ram insted of 1. ? Opinions?
:confused: :confused: :confused:

2003-01-10, 04:37 AM
Originally posted by Airlift
Lag and packet loss for me. Also I'm concerned that all message boards even remotely about PS will become flaming whinefests after release.

Heh heh

Tribes 2!!!!

2003-01-10, 06:04 AM
Only worse. The boards could become T2 + EQ :eek: :eek: :eek:

2003-01-10, 12:49 PM

Packet loss/high ping - Good net code is required with a FPS high packet loss and high ping would make it unplayable.

Low fps (frames per second) - I think min spec is a Geforce2 with 64meg which is about right as I could run T2 with min/medium setting and get good fps. This will really show when you get like 100+ people on screen and everyone's firing and moving.

Weapons' balance - This is one of the hard ones as weapons need to be balanced so that no 'uber' weapon dominates the battlefield but not be 'cookie-cutter'. Sniper rifles will need to be watched closely, I'd like to see them be like the T2 sniper rifle where a head shot will almost kill you but you have this long red beam telling everyone 'Here I am!!' when you fire it.

2003-01-10, 01:02 PM
Originally posted by Camping Carl
I suspect it's because the vanu are more overconfident and indepentdent. They're typically the type of players who rant about their skills, even if they don't have any.

They'll mostly try to go solo at first I bet, each trying to be an uber solo sniper. Then either they'll wise up and form outfits, or die. Must be something about them that attracts all the immature/teenage players. That, in a nutshell, is why I dislike the vanu. :D

Wow Carl, I think you should re-evaluate your impressions. You've described, well, everything I am not. I have an outfit setup already. I've never been interested in a game where solo/cowboy players reign supreme. And I am probably considered "old" by gaming standards. Yet, somehow, I will be part of the Vanu.

Anyways the ppl you don't like are probably pretty evenly spread, from ym side of the fence it seems that most of them are on NC :)

2003-01-10, 02:13 PM
Don't even try Messiah, to a lot of NC and TRs the VS = l33t kiddy snipers and/or infiltrators. Although i fear myself that might happen, i just hope i can find a good group of VS that are mature and smart, otherwise looks like it will be New Dawn for me, maybe CDL but i really don't like TRs armors and vehicles. :)

2003-01-10, 02:22 PM
Heh, let's hope all the empires are balanced player wise. I'm not worried really about weapons but if that does happen then it'll be a little annoying and it would become a 1 vs. 1 battle.

2003-01-10, 02:25 PM
I think the VS will be fine once the game gets going. Everyone tends to get a little cocky and in the NCs case loud mouthed and retarded. We have nothing better to do than post in forums until this game comes out so things will heat up for almost no reason. :rolleyes:

2003-01-10, 06:11 PM
What does l33t mean ahhhhhhhhhhhh???:confused: :eek: :mad:

2003-01-10, 06:13 PM

Guardian AngeL
2003-01-11, 09:18 AM
ill be a l33t galaxy pilot when PS comes out:D

2003-01-11, 07:04 PM
making outfits before the game is almost completely pointless, because you'll most likely get a bunch of posers who think they are good. you'll probably end up with only a few good men... which i guess is good to get it started but still i think its better to hold tryouts (which are probably hard to set up in this type of game) but it seems the only way to weed out the weak. i only zlightly changed my mind while typing this, most outfits will be stupid the ones to survive will be the ones with good people joining before hand.

2003-01-11, 07:07 PM
i'd most likely join maybe 2 or 3 outfits then when the game starts up join the one that has the highest potential of actually staying around long enough to raid some enemies.
so actually while writing my last POST and changed my mind a bit. so if you want me to join an outfit ask me...

2003-01-11, 07:10 PM
^ somthing like that ^

i've been playing games since Wolfenstien 3D.
and maybe a bit before, and im vanu.
enouhg im done,

2003-01-11, 09:08 PM
What worries me is a lack of ground troops. I mean, if anyone can be anything, why be anything except a vehicle driver/pilot? They have more armor, go faster, and do more damage. Of course you will have to dismount in order to take a base... but unless it is REALLY necessary, who is going to bother?

I really want to see battles involving mixed forces... but honestly I fear it will not be like that at all :( A bunch of tanks, a bunch of mosquitoes, a bunch of reavers, not much else.


I hope they make the grunt path appealing enough.