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2003-07-30, 07:42 AM
...they bumped movement speed? What if run speed and strafing got a slight increase?
2003-07-30, 08:14 AM
hmmm, what would happen if a meteor the size of a dime fell out of the sky and went thru the roof of ur house and went straight thru your computer, but u were unharmed? hehe just messin with ya. good question. no one realy knows, but i think they should cuz walking everywhere really sucks.
2003-07-30, 08:40 AM
haha...nice sig lol, unfortunately ur wrong though ;). Pwn wasnt a mistake, well it was before someone decided 2 start saying it regularly. I know who started it was a clan for medal of honor allied assualt like a year or so ago, its used a lot more now...SO I JUST PWNED UR SIG!!! lol sorry i got really bored and decided 2 teach history lol.
2003-07-30, 09:00 AM
jetpacks would be nice
2003-07-30, 12:11 PM
Jetpacks would result in a ton of happy AA MAX players. :)
2003-07-30, 12:14 PM
the word pwn had nothing to do with medal of honor, it was a term that had originated on battlenet on azeroth during the warcraft3 days at the end of the beta championships...
2003-07-30, 12:16 PM
But with the jetbacks the vs maxs' jumping ability would become usless if they could just get a jetpack. It would be fun and if they gave the vs maxs a new ability then jetpacks would work. Yeah I hate running, that's why I have more then one vechcile to drive, so if one recks I got the other one. My reaver also cut down on time to get somewhere. I wouldn't leave home without it.
:trrocks: :ncrocks: :vsrocks:
2003-07-30, 12:16 PM
Indeed. The typo was so common that people found "pwn" more amusing than "own".
2003-07-30, 12:40 PM
I always wondered about that (own vs pwn) word. Thanks for for the info. I for one am very new to the 1337 5p34k world. I am curious how it originated. Did a bunch of programers come up with it or something? Just curious.....enlighten the newb:p
Oh and to get back on topic. The enhanced speed would be cool, but that would take away from surge, and people have transportation. Hmmm. I just suggest getting a vehicle....Basilsks or Mosquito's are nice for getting from place to place. Hey and they can do some damage along the way..not a lot but some :p
You guys didnt know that "pwned" jsut came from a typo of "owned"????? I mean, c'monm its right there in front of ya! :p
2003-07-30, 12:45 PM
Well, some of us are as perceptive as you 1024 :p I being a newb with this stuff, it didn't stand out to me. I did suspect it, but was not sure. Now stop derailing this guys post;) ....
*edit* hind sight I guess I am just as guilty by making this post. :p
2003-07-30, 12:52 PM
Yeah basiliks can do some damage, mostly I only take out one-three guys when I ride it (hehe with my bumper) until my basilik stops runnign and I have to get out. I almost never use the guns on it because it's to hard to shoot acurratly and driver at the same time. The basilik is also fun because it can get some air so easily from ramping. Oh but never hit a max with it, I tried once and all it did was make my poor atv stop working and I had to get out and shoot the max with my cycler, didn't help to much and I died, but at least I tried.
2003-07-30, 01:06 PM
Originally posted by 1024
You guys didnt know that "pwned" jsut came from a typo of "owned"????? I mean, c'monm its right there in front of ya! :p The way I see it, pwned is not a misspelled owned, it is a misspelled pawned, as in, to make some one your pawn. That is the way I always saw it, that is the way I always will see it. :D
Happy lil Elf
2003-07-30, 01:39 PM
haha...nice sig lol, unfortunately ur wrong though . Pwn wasnt a mistake, well it was before someone decided 2 start saying it regularly. I know who started it was a clan for medal of honor allied assualt like a year or so ago, its used a lot more now...SO I JUST PWNED UR SIG!!! lol sorry i got really bored and decided 2 teach history lol.
Ha ha nice story unfortunately you're wrong ;)
the word pwn had nothing to do with medal of honor, it was a term that had originated on battlenet on azeroth during the warcraft3 days at the end of the beta championships...
Mmm not quite ;)
"pwn" has been around longer than Warcraft 3 Beta and sure as hell longer than MoH. Try back in the day when the internet was basically just bulliten boards :p
Yes walking faster would be good. Jetpacks though...hmmm. Temping but this isn't tribes. Don't gt me wrong that's the one thing I miss the most about Tribes is the mobility but it just doesn't seem like it'd fit into PS /shrug
2003-07-30, 01:51 PM
I GAURANTEE IT WAS FROM MOHAA!!! Now, i dont disagree that it was seen before mohaa, or even warcraft for that matter. Im sure it was in fact...BUT im saying ppl actually started using when a clan for MOHAA used it all the time as a replacement for the word "owned" (I'm pretty sure the reason was, was because they mispelled it on theyre server display name and didnt wanna look like idiots so they just pretended it was some new kewl thing ppl were saying.) From there on out everyone started 2 use it...which duz get annoying at time because of the OVERUSING(reminds me of the But there...that is when it was actually used...ON PURPOSE...*duz the ace ventura thing* DO...YA...LIKE....THAT...HUH!?! YEAH! :clap:
Happy lil Elf
2003-07-30, 02:30 PM
No, you're still wrong. I know it was used on purpose years before MoH came out, because I used it on purpose years before MoH came out and had seen it used years before MoH came out. Hell it was used in EQ before MoH came out and in Tribes 1 so
DO...YA...LIKE....THAT...HUH!?! YEAH! :gayclappingsmilie:
Blatently ripped from elsewhere...
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Leet (often l33t, 31337 or 1337) is a deformation of English spelling. It is characterized by the use of non-alphabet characters to stand for letters bearing superficial resemblance, and a number of quasi-standard spelling changes such as substitution of "z" for a final "s" and "x" for "ck". It is often used on the Internet by skript kiddies, hacker wanna-bes, and gamers. Even hackers are beginning to pick up parts of it.
The name "leet" is a shortened form of "elite", made by fully pronouncing the "l" and then the "eet." The most probable explanation of its origin is from bulletin board systems in the 1980s and early 1990s where having "elite" status on a BBS allowed a user access to file areas, games, and special chat rooms, often including archives of pirated software, pornography, and text files of dubious quality documenting topics such as how to construct explosives and manufacture illegal drugs. It may have also developed to defeat text filters created by BBS sysops for message boards to discourage the discussion of forbidden topics (such as hacking).
The origin of "leet" as a word might predate its usage on bulletin board systems and the Internet. The phrase may have been purloined from the US Army Rangers vernacular, who use the word "leet" to describe their status within the military community. The Rangers' catchcry of "hoot" (itself possibly a derivitive of "heard, understood, acting" or "hua" may be a possible antecedent of "woot" (the leetspeak exclamation of victory, success or reward).
Leet is also known as hakspek or leetspeak, especially when used to shorten messages. This type of Leet may have been developed to decrease bandwidth usage before the bandwidth explosion of the 1990s. It is also regaining popularity in SMS (Short Message Service) mediums, especially among users of Trillian.
Leet is a form of written slang. It is used to create group identity, and to obscure meaning from outsiders, especially "newbies" (which may be written "n00bs"). It also establishes a hierarchy, as more complex forms of leet are increasingly unreadable to the untrained eye (consider the phrase "PHr3Ku3N7ly H4s|{3d K0o�St330nZ!": it translates to "frequently asked questions". Note the extraneous h in front of asked and the construction "teeonz" as meaning "tions"). Simple forms of leet are making their way into the mainstream, as employees whose companies use email filters resort to creative spellings to prevent swearwords from being censored.
Websites exist that are written entirely in leet. There are also converter programs which amusingly render ordinary English text into leet, at varying levels of complexity.
* "box" for computer (especially a computer that is being hacked or "h4x0r3d")
* "warez" for software (typically bootlegged software)
* "pr0n" for pornography (intentional misspelling of "porn", perhaps to defeat software crawlers from picking up the word)
* "sploitz" (short for exploits) known vulnerabilities in computer software
* "skript kiddie" - a derogatory term used by computer professionals to denote young teenagers who download pre-made automated exploit scripts and who possess little actual understanding of how computer software works internally.
* "0wned" - completely dominated (in a game); hacked into (of a computer), in the past tense, this is "0wnz0r3d". This word may also be used as a non-leet, conversational slang term.
* "CC" or "carding" for credit card fraud of one form or another
* "eggable" for Unix shell accounts (where one can install and run Eggdrop, an IRC bot)
* "r00t" for adminstrator privileges (from the Unix administrator account root)
* "m4d sk1llz" for hacking talent of one sort or another and also being possessed of great ability in terms of computer games, Webmastering, or flaming.
* "phreaking" for hacking telephone systems and other non-internet equipment
* "w1k1", "w1|<1" or "^/!|{!" for "wiki"
* "n00b" for newbies, or people who are unexperienced in a certain area, also occasionally "pr013", short for "proletariat". (Various other adjectives abound, these being the most civil of them.)
* "w00t", "w007", or "\^/007" is a common interjection, analogous to "Yeah!" or "Yippee!" It originated as a stylisation of "root!" as in "I just got root on your box!"
* "haxor", "#4><0|2" for "hacker" -- where the symbols are used to draw rough approximations to letters: >< is an "x", |2 is an "r"
o Note that the construction "-xor" or any variation thereof can mean not only "-ker" but also "zor" (which is how a majority of english speakers would say it). In the phrase "r0x0rz my b0x0rz", which means the object of the phrase (usually a game, program, exploit, etc.) is of high quality, "x0r" in the word "r0x0rz" is almost ignored (the word is pronounced "rocks") while the "x0r" on "b0x0rz" is pronounced "zor", as the word is a variation on "boxers". Of course, some pronounce "r0x0rz" as "roks-ors", which is how it is spelt. A very small minority pronounce it "rockers", following the usage in "hax0rz". It should be noted that although the spelling of leet is fairly standarized, pronounciation differs widely, as does the actual alphabet used. Much depends on which forum, newsgroup, or chat room the leet is being spoken in.
Phonetic spellings:
* "joo" for "you", also written as "j00"
* "kewl" or "ku" or "ql" for "cool"
* "r" for "are", "u" for "you", "c" for "see" (giving the common "see you")
* "2" for "to" or "too", "4" for "for" (but note "4" can also represent an "A")
* "8" for "-ate", as "l8r" for "later"
* "ne" for "any"
* "ph" for "f", as in "phear" for "fear"
* b4k4^2 or |34|<4^2 for "baka squared." In other words...really stupid.
Frequent typos are also absorbed into leet, such as:
* "yuo" for "you"
* "teh" for "the" (also sometimes used as an intensifier: "He is teh lame")
* "pwn" for "own" (to defeat badly, as in a game: "You got pwned") For instance: _|00 607 |*\^/|\|3|) ---in other words you got owned.
* "smrt" for "smart"
Some other examples:
"WHeRE @Re J00 " for "where are you"
"wH4+'S uR nAME " for "what is your name"
2003-07-30, 03:34 PM
Thanks Will. I feel 3|\|1i6h73|\|3|) :p Thanks for sharing.
p.s sorry to the original poster that your post got derailed, but I like this topic offense. :D
2003-07-30, 04:08 PM
i think there shuold be hover boards not jetpacks.
2003-07-30, 04:38 PM
2003-07-30, 05:18 PM
Other versions i've noticed are : pwnx which i have no idea of its origin. And also qwn which was someone trying to be dumb and everyone though it was funnah so they'd use qwn to referance that particular time frame. I believe it derived from a post on Tribalwar and is inherantly used by the Tribes/T2 community.
Dave tryed the jetpack thing out and screwed up T2 pretty bad. However, in PS i think it could work but not in any form we have seen in Tribes/T2. Skiing is a feature in T2 i miss alot. But skiing would but dumb in PS IMO. But to some degree you should be able to slide down hills. If a jetpack were introduced however unlikely. It would have to be very limited in it's range of abilities.
In T2 you could gather enough momentum and jumpjet into a state refered to as skying. That would definately be overboard. But i wouldn't mind being able to jump over a wall or even the top of a tower.
But now what if all movement where bumped a little? With slightly quicker strafing abilities. Would or could that make ppls lasher issues less of an issue? This is just an example of one issue that is taking alot of fire right now. But i believe there are a number instances where there are issues due to this movement rate.
2003-07-30, 07:39 PM
okok...let me put it in simpler terms for you...I'm talking about when it actually became not talking by just nerds playing everyquest who had nothing better to do. Your saying that this is a popular word because ppl wanted 2 take after the nerds playing EQ? I think not sir!
*sniff* i think the smilie is kewl...*hides in closet*:tear:
2003-07-31, 12:28 AM
if anybody here has played MOHah or any other first person shooters know that with any more movement based sort of thing that still has to do with guns you're going to have people insanly jumping crouching and acting like an insane luntic while firing i've come up against them but luckly not in Planetside:) altough i try to myself,:p but it never works.
2003-07-31, 05:48 PM
Thats just cuz there a jump timer of some kind limiting how quickly you can rejump. I like this feature for the most part. But it would be nice to at least be able to do a double jump. I miss the intense duels i had in T2 were win, lose, or draw there was always a rush and you weren't limited by movement. You can kinda have some good duels in PS but not really. I think it just feels like most of the fighting is very 2 dimensional.
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