View Full Version : Tank Galore

Dark Reign
2003-07-30, 07:49 PM
Many of my friends love the tanks we love to shoot, we love to run over, we love just about everything. But which is the best, me being in the New Conglomerate says the Vanguard but in base raids we get our asses kicked, so a poll out to the people which tank do you guys think is the best to use in a full assault base raid or an all out war???

2003-07-30, 08:18 PM
hehe i think you got a little mixed up. the magmower is not weighty it is the lightest of the assault tanks, but of course the lightning is lighter. the vanguard isnt all that well balanced, huge firepower with lots of armor it is very slow and yet devastating. the tr tank is the most well balanced as it has two gunners with a medium speed and decent armor.

2003-07-30, 08:44 PM
look at the vehicle descriptions it says vanguard a well bealanced all around tanl:p

2003-07-30, 09:20 PM
Magmower is my favorite. It can crush maxs and infuntry with little effort. Also the guns are an added bonus for when you can't reach a target, your stuck, or for blowing up some vechicles. It's especially good when you have the driver gunning along with the gunner, can take out vechcils and other tanks like a charm. Toke out a vanguard today doing that. The best artillery type tank though I think is the vanguard. Those missles or whatever they are can really pack a punch, I gotta hack me a vanguard someday.

2003-07-30, 09:38 PM
Yeah i <3 to toke Vanguards...:huh:

2003-07-31, 01:39 AM
I can't believe more people voted for the Prowler then the Lightning.

Sheesh, people the TR Main Battle tank is the lightning! :)

It's vastly more effective.

2003-07-31, 01:43 AM
:rofl: I voted for all because I could... ummm really uhh Vanguard because of it's monstrosity.

2003-07-31, 03:52 AM
Vanguard and Prowler both have the same armor, and both are the same speed (65 kph) while the Magrider is 60 kph.

I beleive the Vanguard has the strongest gun (from personal experience as a Prowler gunner/driver) while the Mags is the weakest. (It doesnt suffer from the arch, though, does it?)

Outfit was talking about it tonight, will have to see where the statistics were they were talking about.

My opinion though, the Magrider is the best. It doesnt get stuck in those bridge battles, and it can mow people down much, much easier than any of the other tanks. Hence Magmower. :p

2003-07-31, 04:26 AM
Whoever voted for Prowler deserves a kick to the head.

2003-07-31, 04:32 AM
I think the magrider is the best for any situation... running people over on the ground, shooting people on the walls, taking out reavers (lol)... the only thing is the light armor is a disadvantage when you can't strafe as much in bases

2003-07-31, 05:53 AM
Magrider is a great newbie tank. An experienced crew (me and Sydarm mag crew a lot, I drive and he guns) suffers because it's a weak tank in many ways. The armor is terrible and the gun does pitiful damage - it has no arc but that's only really an advantage for reavers. A decent gunner will use an arced cannon as well as a straight-fire cannon. Yeah, it's nice for running stuff over but that's more annoying than effective.

Personally, I like the Vanguard. I think the three tanks are fairly balanced, though.

2003-07-31, 09:23 AM
The prowler is best IMO because....

1. It can carry 3 people, not 2.

2. It has the most armor of all the tanks (yes more than the vanguard you stupid NC noobs)

3. Even with the armor its still realitivly fast.

Happy lil Elf
2003-07-31, 10:42 AM
Did they change Tank armor at some point? Last time someone actually tested it all three tanks took exactly the same number of shots from 3 or 4 weapons. I forget which but I believe one was a rocklet which wouls show a large difference in armor. Actually I think it'd be cool if someone would test it with AP Assault Rifle rounds. Then any difference in armor should definately show up.

P.S. Sputty, the same could be said for anyone who thinks the prowler flat out sucks ass.

2003-07-31, 12:02 PM
The Magrider s a great anti-infantry tank in that it's rather easy to run over ground targets and the accurate rail gun fires straight rather then on an arc, making for precision shots against enemies far away or in the air. Still, against other tanks it tends to be weak in terms of firepower and armor.

The Vanguard is an excellent behemoth, capable of ripping through armor and chewing up infantry in a single blast. Though it's a heavy-hitter, it can be bested by the other two tanks in a one-on-one.

The Prowler is very crew-intensive, and the top-mounted chain guns are useless unless the tank is at rest or moving really slow. At that point, they're effective against close-up infantry and air targets. The dual main guns lack as big of a punch, but fire slightly quicker. Unlike the other tanks, the Prowler has a large profile that's easy to hit. If fully crewed, it makes for nice hit and runs.

The Lightning has crappy armor, but the 75mm cannon makes it a nice artillery piece on the battlefield, good for taking out base emplacements before pushing in. Up close, it tends to be nice against light armor and infantry, but it'd be a good idea to run the second you hear an AV weapon fired.

Which one is the best? All of them... they can all be used effectively if you take advantage of their strengths. They're balanced enough so that there's enough complaints from all sides on "how much better" the other empires' tanks are.

2003-07-31, 02:55 PM
This has been discussed THOUSANDS of times, all tanks have the SAME ammount of armor, don't go and read that outdated Prima crappola, it's not true. We TR have the gimped tank, we are the Forest Gumps of the PS tanks, our main tank IS the lightning like Cyber said. The Vanguard by far is the best simply because you can fit 5 in a squad, the main gun owns everything in sight, and it just plain looks good.

2003-07-31, 03:07 PM
I just find it weird that the thresh and magrider go SLOWER than their TR/NC counterparts...they float, so shouldnt they be able to just zoom past everything?(or at least match the enforcer/marauder/prowler/vanguard) Also, thresh and magrider seem...fragile. If you run over a little bump in the road you'll take damage. If you catch some air and land, you'll take damage. I've driven marauders and enforcers and they seem more stable and tough to me. Also, driving the magrider is a bit tough to get used to, as you steer with the mouse instead of the keyboard.

Zentenk VA
2003-07-31, 04:37 PM
Lol I believe Vanu has those vehicles goverened cause if you go any faster how you gonna stop? Would love to see one going 200kph into a base lol. I've gone 120Kph in my Vanguard upside down after jumpin a nice cliff.

I love the Vanguard, If I am not lagging I can hit every target on first shot. It is so easy I don't know how other people cant do it.. i suck w/ the little secondary guns, unless really close.

2003-07-31, 06:02 PM
So many people say the Prowler sucks. That's probably becouse when you were in one, you sucked, or the people you were with sucked. The Prowler is not for noobs, with an effective crew anything is possible. I've been in so many situations when the machine gunner will fire at the vehicles and the cannon gunner will fire at infantry that are 2 feet away or the driver will stop when an enemy 5 feet away has a decimator and the driver will say KILL HIM! KILL HIM! instead of running him over. All this is WRONG! The disadvantage's of the NC and VS tanks are they suck when outnumbered. If there's more than one AV soldier in the area, you got a chance. When a prowler rolls up, it can fire in all directions. The only time I've been takin out in a prowler is by a Reaver or staying in batle till we run out of ammo, then the gunners bail and the driver does a suicide run.

2003-07-31, 06:21 PM
I couldnt have said it better Cifer. The Prowler is totally underated becasue your average player doesnt know what to do

2003-07-31, 06:31 PM
Being a pure tank driver with three chars on all races i think the vanguard is the best. Mag is good and rules for running ppl over, but the vaguards big gun can kill a MAX in a single shot, which rules. Prowler is pretty poor really, big high profile target and the guns are not very effective. Never had a prowler take out my Van. The only reason my main is Nc is because the Van is so good.

2003-07-31, 06:47 PM
And Aegis the quote in your sig isn't complete. It used to be a Marine slogan, "Kill'em all let god sort'em out" was the full version.

Edit: I also have an old Marines t-shirt with that on it. :D

2003-07-31, 07:27 PM
vanguard hands down.:ncrocks:

2003-08-01, 02:22 AM
Cifer is exactly right about the prowler. It can be extreamly effective with a good crew(and I've riden with a few). I also belive it has slightly better handleing than the Vang. The machine-guns also make much better AA weapons because they are not limited as much verticly as the Vang's 20mms are.

However, I still prefer the Vangaurd because I can nail just about anything that can be hit on the first shot with the 150(and I have easier access to it being NC). That baby will take out anything but a heavy tank in 2-3 hits(haven't faught many lightninings with it). The Vang is very driver intenisve as well. The driver must understand the limits on the gunners field of fire in orde to bring that firepower to bare.

I've tried the mag, and while effective against infantry, it is just not fun for me. Diveing it is too much like an air-vehicle without the menuverability for my tastes, and the turret bites for damage. It also encourages the enemy to just sit on walls taking pot-shots at you (which they should be doing in any case), so the squishy part is only effective when you first enter the battle or against newbies.

2003-08-01, 02:33 AM
"Same armor" is very misleading. Run into a tree with a vanguard. Do the same with a magrider. Get hit by decimator splash damage in a vanguard. Do the same with a magrider. Are you noticing a difference yet?

The prowler doesn't "suck," rather, it's just "slightly harder to use than the other two tanks."

2003-08-01, 02:05 PM
"I also belive it has slightly better handleing than the Vang"

It has MUCH better handleing than the Vanguard

2003-08-01, 02:12 PM
Originally posted by Arakiel
[BThe prowler doesn't "suck," rather, it's just "slightly harder to use than the other two tanks." [/B]

Like I said, Not for noobs.

2003-08-02, 03:07 AM
Any of the tanks are very deadly if they have a good crew. And on a one on one battle it just depends on the gun, armor, and crew. But if u were to use tanks efectively u have to combine them with air support and anti infantry vehicles with plenty of engineers.

Zentenk VA
2003-08-02, 02:30 PM
I had a prowler one day for couple hours, good gunners too. We blew bunch of stuff up and held a tower down for awhile, went to Oshur blew up 3 magriders, while i was repairing though another mag came around a corner and got us. It does have a disadvantage i noticed while trying to cross a bridge, we were getting hit by everything that flew over the vanguard in front of us. :p We had like 3 guys repairing it. Then i finally got it off the bridge. It doe's seem to have better handling but the sound of the cannon isnt as cool as the Vanguards!

I usually drive the vanguard and I have gotten very good, I took my previous battle experiances w/ other drivers while I gunned... some drive slow, some stop completely. A tip for drivers is to always keep moving and kinda zig zag when missiles are on you/lancers and when you get a lock on head over a hill or behind tree's. Drive around a #6 speed setting for your gunners to get a more accurate hit (when at full health not taking tons of damage). Run people over that are in the open, not sheltered by tree's (sucks when you hit a tree and guys all over have decimators). If you get a random gunner and he starts shooting as soon as he is in gunner spot and no enemies are around... he is a noob, kick him out. I have another tip but its for me only cause, no one else should learn it... works great in tank vs. tank battle, I always win (when im driving).