View Full Version : PM from enemy for the first time
2003-07-31, 07:35 PM
so for the first time yesterday, an enemy private messaged me and insulted me for takin so long to kill him with a mag rider.
he said a buncha crap and i asked him to leave me alone and he got in my face.
this personally ruins my gaming experience knowing that people can do this to me when im trying to enjoy the game.
is there anyone else who thinks that they shouldent allow PM's between enemy teams? not only is it annoying and rude but its also an opening for people to help each other cheat.
they should not allow other empires to message each other, theres too many flaws and unhappy endings.
2003-07-31, 07:39 PM
Personally, whenever that happens to me, I don't get mad, I get even. :) Just all the more reason to show his empire who's boss. :) Of course, it's also nice to get GOOD tells from the enemy. Contact with my enemies, good or bad, totally makes the game worth playing to me. :)
2003-07-31, 07:41 PM
i guess im just too sensitive with that crap... er hot headed? i dunno. i suppose ill have to learn to start ignoring ALOT of enemies.
still i think its a chance for people to cheat alot and reveal battle plans though.
2003-07-31, 07:45 PM
True, although battle plans aren't really critical enough now to make much of a difference. Plus you can just TK the hell out of anyone you suspect is spying. Maybe we'll see this issue pop up more when bases actually mean something. :)
2003-07-31, 07:46 PM
Personally I love it. This guy VictoryRose killed me one time when I was at the CC. He was on top of it and I was across the room. Out of no where he kills me with his MCG. I inform my outfit and within minutes everybody is there. This outfit member who was in there too waited for me to return and we finished him together, I was killed again. Then I came back and the guy said are you ready to kill him again? No I said, so I sent the guy a /tell saying Are you ready to die? What? He said. Then I popped around the corner with my rocklet gun.
2003-07-31, 07:46 PM
its nice to recive messesges from people who relize that its just a game and complement you an a good kill even if it was them being killed
2003-07-31, 07:52 PM
I've done that too :D
Da King
2003-07-31, 09:08 PM
I like to send messages to people that get run over by a friendly vehicle.
I just say "you went splat"
I've had people give me a bad time and others who just say: "yes I did like a bug on the windsheild"
Personally I like the PM from enemys but there are the losers that just want to insult you but I say screw them.
2003-07-31, 09:15 PM
a simple /ignore "asshat name" works ;)
2003-07-31, 09:17 PM
Why can't we just have some honorable opponents so if they till you it is something like " hey! that was a nice shot! " but instead we have smacktards.. I hope someday they will mature.
2003-07-31, 09:18 PM
Okay, I admit it. I mock people when I run them over with an ANT. But come on, if you're killed by an ANT, you kind of deserve to be teased.
2003-07-31, 09:47 PM
/ignore person's name here
2003-07-31, 10:25 PM
i know about ignoring :) but i wonder... is there any way i can ignore ALL tells from opposing empires?
2003-07-31, 11:02 PM
Now there's an idea for the next patch!
/ignore enemy :thumbsup:
2003-07-31, 11:16 PM
Yeah, I get tells here and there that are actually complements. But every now and then, i get some asshat who's pissed cause they died. Like a while ago, I had a long range firefight with some HEL guy and killed him with my Supressor (underated gun). He sent me a tell to go fuck myself. Go figure :rolleyes: .
2003-08-01, 12:13 AM
nah, keep enemy tells in, it does have a few useful purposes.
1) telling them "nice shot" etc
2) messing around with their minds.
on my vs infil char, i do this sort of thing quit a bit, i once told a tr to get inside an ANT so a cloaker wouldnt steal it, then proceeded to blow him up :D.
3) organizing fights at off-peak hours (think 3am)
4)weapon trading
lots more uses......... :)
2003-08-01, 12:28 AM
I love getting tells from enemies. They're usually just compliments or jokes, trying to mess with me.
I once had a TR cloaker who was stalking me and she kept sending me tells trying to convince me to work with her small team that was trying to take this base that I was defending. That was a lot of fun because it was just me and these 3 TR and for some reason I was getting the best of them. When ever she would see me, she'd let me know and then I had to try and guess where she was. I set up a lot motion sensors to help me keep track of where they were and had the best time dropping off balconies down on top of them or hiding around corners in ambush. It was jsut like a big game of hide and go seek with some good natured razzing between us.:D
2003-08-01, 01:19 AM
i love getting tells from nmes after killing them, its been a while since i got one, that i was happy with, last few times it was them being assholes, so i just say F you and ignore them, but when they say something like "you suck!" i reply with a TY, because it just means im playing my game well
2003-08-01, 01:44 AM
here's a towel for your bleeding pussy
2003-08-01, 03:39 AM
The majority of the /t's ive received have been good ones. Once i was chatting with someone for about 10 minutes before even noticing they were an enemy! :eek: Xenetic, i think. Ive always tried to say hi whenever i see him, which i do often, actually.
One of the 'bad' /tell's ive got was when i was being chased around a base by an anti-infantry VS MAX. I only had a Cycler with limited AP ammo, so whenever i saw him i ran. (obviously) Everytime i did he would do the 'Is that the best you can do?' voice macro. Well, knowing what type of weapons i had i always said 'Yes'. :D
One time, i had to run to the other side of the base before i felt safe enough to stop. (half was swarming with VS) Since i didnt get my 'Yes' macro off, i sent him a /t Yes. He then replied with 'thats all u pussy tr do whimp' and squelched me. :confused:
Too bad i didnt get me 'Let me grab a decimator and get back to you about that' off before he did.
2003-08-01, 04:21 AM
I haven't gotten too many tells from enemies.
I send tells all the time to enemies, usually when I have to work hard to kill them, or sometimes when they get me good.
Yesterday I got into a discussion with a cloaker who stole a reever, and I saw it when hopping back into my reever after rearming. I chased him down and he ejected before I was able to blow up his reever. Well he cloaked and I thought at first I had killed him (he ejected about 1.5 sec before his reever exploded due to my 20 mike mike). I did one pass with darklighter on just above the ground and saw him hiding by a rock. Shot 4 rockets at him killing him.
We ended up chatting for about 5 minutes while I finished waiting for a base cap. Think his name was adam420 or something like that.
Anyway, in the right hands, telling to an enemy can be a good thing that makes it fun. In the wrong hands it can be annoying.
2003-08-01, 04:26 AM
Responding to the first post, Personanly I think /Tells between empires can be very good, sure you get the idiots, but every game, school, workplace has them!
Personaly I've experienced alot of good tells from enemys, be it me giving praise for a kill, or a funny moment we both shared, to a good dog fight!
Of course any tell you recive be it from an idiot or a level headed enemy means one thing! you did something to make them spend the time to msg you, in my books this means you did something good!
2003-08-01, 11:34 AM
People send me hate tells all the time. Most of them are from infiltrators that accuse me of cheating :\ The other bunch I get is when some shithead runs out in front of my vehicles and I kill them. I usually just replay "Do you actually think I am going to stop for you when you run in front of my vehicle? what kind of crack are you smoking anyways"
Bottom line is, when people run in front of my vehicles I kill them and dont give it another thought
2003-08-01, 12:54 PM
I send tells a lot. Most often are the ones to people who got a nice kill on me, or to people who get a string of kills on me. I had one sniper the other night who killed me probably 3 times in a 5 minute span, and every kill was completely odd and different. The first time a bug had spawned me inside an AMS instead of the spawn tube, and the AMS had gotten blown up right afterwards without killing me. So I'm invisible inside the blown up husk of the AMS and I'm chatting with my squad mates about it. Out of nowhere I'm sniped and dead.
Next, I make my way to the top of a hill and am waiting for a few NC who are making their way up. I probably haven't moved in 30 seconds. He snipes me and kills me.
Last, I find a sniper and lay a boomer at his feet. As I'm backing off I drop dead. The spinning camera shows me the exact same sniper who shot me in the back from point blank range.
I finally sent him a tell asking if I was flashing on his HUD, he laughed.
I'll also send tells to people right before I boomer them if they've stayed stationary too long. I think it's fun to let somebody know they're going to blow up, and then blow them up.
2003-08-01, 01:12 PM
I agree with ^^^ them, pms between empires is good fun!
i love it when an enemy that i dont know pms me.
we cuss eachother out then he /ignores me and we stalk eachother. just a game.... and i think its fun.
2003-08-01, 01:26 PM
It's actually fun being able to send tells to other empires. Granted, about half the private messages you'll ever get will be people telling you have no skill for using <your empires choice weapon/vehicles>, some people out there will actually commend you for killing them or pulling something off.
To an even greater extend, you begin to form relationships with outher outfits out there. Knowing your enemy is both inciteful and fun, because it creates friendly competition if handled right. There's some people in my outfit that are on such good terms with other empires that we've been able to meet at a certain location and perform weapons exchanges. For instance, we once gave a VS guy some Strikers and ammo to hook us up with ammo for a couple of Magriders we managed to jack earlier that day. On that same note, you can organize your outfits to battle at a certain base to get away from those damn Zergs that are so common these days.
It's really no different then other FPS titles where you get to talk with your enemy while you're dead. That's why I find it so stupid that PS restricts you from sending messages while you're respawning... especially when you can already be on voice chat with your teammates. Most people find that an ideal time to catch up on chat messages, and makes that 30 seconds pass faster.
2003-08-01, 01:29 PM
Originally posted by X-113
[B]\Of course, it's also nice to get GOOD tells from the enemy.[B] If I get killed and it's obviously a skilled and/or lucky person, I usually send 'em a compliment. It's cuz of that that now I have both TR and VS pals (endless supplies of Mags and Prowlers :p)
2003-08-01, 03:36 PM
it's dissapointing that everyone cannot read /local.
i think sony should further enhance the comm abilities between enemy empires. like, give us a "shit talk" channel.
talking shit to eachother is one of the biggest attractions to fps' for me.
2003-08-01, 03:52 PM
Dude... you couldn't come up with anything to say back to him? tell him to stfu nOOb, youre the one who died (or at least SOMETHING like that) sheesh... weak...
2003-08-01, 04:17 PM
Cyskoraeban, I like the line at the bottom of your sig.
2003-08-01, 05:59 PM
I've had it happen to me once or twice now, where some nme will actually ask me if i can join my squad. EH? :p
2003-08-01, 06:36 PM
I disagree with not allowing enms to talk to each other, I have 2 VS Friends and 1 TR Friend on Markov, we would trade stuff like weapons, vehicals, and so on. Just a better gaming experience to try out every weapon and vehicals even if you're with 1 empire.
2003-08-01, 06:45 PM
Originally posted by LSnake23
Just a better gaming experience to try out every weapon and vehicals even if you're with 1 empire.
Not to mention the free exp. :p
2003-08-01, 06:51 PM
Originally posted by X-113
Not to mention the free exp. :p
Not enough to move my bar :tear:
2003-08-01, 07:53 PM
yah that xp means nothing when you start to get high up in br
2003-08-02, 01:22 AM
well thats BS cheatin in my opinion, but then again there will always be a way to cheat in this sorta game.
and i did have a reply for the guy who insulted me, just i get pissed off for the rest of the day cause i remember the guy who insulted me for no reason...
plus, i like to be alone and solo and have no one bother me...... and that bothered me. i like to kill without words and have no comments.
and a towel for my bleeding pussy you ******? go suck a cock and fuck this forum if shitheads like you are gonna piss me off too. and yeah, i talk the talk and walk the walk so take me on in game, in RL i dont give a fuck anymore.
Cauldron Borne
2003-08-05, 02:33 PM
I ALWAYS send compliments of kills, no matter the cause. If someone killed me I commend them and tell them to keep up the good work. It is because of this that my outfit now has access to just about EVERY thing in the game. We held a raid on a gun tower owned by vs the other day. We were all loaded with lashers, just for fun. we got a lot of /tells about that. 20+ people running at a tower with lashers blazing. hehe.
Demon's Dragoons: finding new ways to blow you up every day.:thumbsup:
2003-08-05, 03:25 PM
One of the funniest tells I have recived is when I forgot to cloak as an infiltraitor and was sneaking into a tower. This guy ran out of the tower as I was going in and he ran past like he didn't see me so I continued. He then came back and started to follow me like he was a noob lost or somthing. As I get close to the CC he runs up the stairs and kills me. I got a story of how he watched me the whole time, and how to hit k to cloak. :D
2003-08-05, 04:10 PM
Originally posted by Nixon
It's really no different then other FPS titles where you get to talk with your enemy while you're dead. That's why I find it so stupid that PS restricts you from sending messages while you're respawning... especially when you can already be on voice chat with your teammates. Most people find that an ideal time to catch up on chat messages, and makes that 30 seconds pass faster.
Ok lets correct this a little.
When you just died (respawn button is on screen)
You can do the following:
When you have hit the respawn button and you are waiting to respawn you can:
remember you can /the first letter as a shortcut. eg. /t /o /s
2003-08-05, 04:28 PM
I do like the enm tells. I /t this one sniper once. He killed me three times. I then found him hiding behind a rock and blazed away at him. send him a tell about him killing me three times and that I finally got him. He /ignores me. I was like what the hell.
At the same battle we have an ams at our tower outside the VS base. My GF also has an account and plays at the sametime I do. She was gunning in a turrent, at the tower, covering the base. Well I died and respawned at the AMS instead of the tower. I die again instantly. This VS reavor showed up and was blasting the AMS. I get a /t a few minutes later from the VS pilot asking me if he got the AMS. I was like no bro try again. I told him we would be waiting on him. He was like there is no way you will be able to stop me. So I tell my GF to watch for him. He was like blown out the Sky like three times. I wasn't even around there I was working my way into the base. He was like man you guys are good. I told him that he was beat by a girl. We then just shot the shiznit for a while and were off to more base caps and recaps. It was a blast.
2003-08-05, 04:35 PM
Originally posted by Strygun
/ignore person's name here
2003-08-05, 04:38 PM
Hehehe, yeah, trading weapons seems to be pretty popular now. The other day I pass by a tower in my lightning and just barely saw an enemy dart into the door. I dismounted from my lightning and went inside (inf infiltrator suit. What I saw inside was one TR one VS and one NC trading weapon. This I would not allow. I went to the equipment console, got my AI MAX (nc shotty max) and slaughtered them all. Damn traitors.
2003-08-05, 04:39 PM
My primary weapon of choice is the sweeper shotgun. Any of you other guys that swing this gun get the anoying tell about being a noob with an overpowered weapon?
Cauldron Borne
2003-08-05, 04:45 PM
yeah, so I come at the guy in my reinf armor loaded with ALL HA weopons (JH, MCG, LSHR) and systematically kill him while cycleing through the weopons (gotta carry one in the pack). I then ask 'em if I use the uber powered weopon.
Demon's Dragoons: we're there before you. (so we can leave mines in places where you don't want 'em)
2003-08-06, 01:38 PM
Originally posted by Conceptor
i guess im just too sensitive with that crap... er hot headed? i dunno. i suppose ill have to learn to start ignoring ALOT of enemies.
still i think its a chance for people to cheat alot and reveal battle plans though.
Just laugh and keep playing my friend. It's just a game. If someone (enemy) is going to take the time type to you their hatred for your tactic/move/action then they are taking the game tooooooo seriously. Ya I know when I see a Magrider (unless I can assist in it's destruction) I head the opposite direction. It's part of the game. I don't hold it against the enemy if they run me over. I have to admit when I am in my AMS or Lighting I will run the enemy over if the oportunity is there. So I can't hold it against ya. Heck, it saves on ammo. That's my view on it. So don't let it get to you. If they are incessantly bothering you with the "tells", tell them to relax it's just a game. Then just use the "/ignore" command. :p
Cauldron Borne
2003-08-06, 08:21 PM
I was on Cyssor just now in Ganuku, waering my ScatMAX config. I walked into a room with the sheild on and ran right into a room of about twenty guys (with at leats three maxes). I killed 'em all. I have no Idea whether or not it was skill on my part, or stupidity on theres. Anyway I got about ten tells about my cheating, and about eight tells on my good ability.
2003-08-06, 09:00 PM
yes indeed it is a game. but i quit it and moved onto Star wars galaxies (i couldent help it) maybe when the game has more to it i will renew my subscription but until then.... i say farewell.
for everyone else remaining on planetside, i wish you the best of luck (especially VS) i may check up oin the posts due to boredom at work anyway. :)
2003-08-06, 09:21 PM
Heh yeah I congratulated this guy on killing me. Turns out he was the leader of HEL, an elite NC clan on Emerald. Anyway our conversation ended up with him inviting me into HEL but I have much more fun playing with stfu. :D
2003-08-06, 10:03 PM
I think its kinda funny.
Some VS guy sent me a tell to "stop hiding and fight." I told him I was fighting, and he goes, "no. hiding."
I guess he thought I was an infil with plasma grenades because the bloody fool didn't realize I was wearing reinforced and standing on the wall with a thumper.
I'm sorry I just don't jump down and surge + JH your lasher wielding self just to make killing me more convienent. :p
Almost all the other tells are good though or in jest. Like, "damn your JH!" etc. etc.
2003-08-06, 10:09 PM
Originally posted by Fire_Monkey
Heh yeah I congratulated this guy on killing me. Turns out he was the leader of HEL, an elite NC clan on Emerald. Anyway our conversation ended up with him inviting me into HEL but I have much more fun playing with stfu. :D HEL are self-proclaimed Elites. The REAL elite clan is "Liberty". It has all the best NC in it.
Any1 like my new enforcer siggy? L337, no?
2003-08-07, 03:56 AM
I like walking up to enemy cloakers and just standing there with my JH out and darklight on while I wave at them. They just sit there but, some try to move and that's when they get blown apart by my JH's secondary mode. :p
One time, I did this to a cloaker and he started to "crawl" at me with a knife. I let him "try" to knife me and then a few seconds later JHed him. :rofl:
I also trade weapons with enemies sometimes so, if you are TR or VS and you see me, send me a /tell. I might trade weapons with you. Also, if you're a TR or VS cloaker and you see me wave at you, wave back! I won't kill you unless it's a huge battle, you run from me, or try to kill me. :D
P.S. I sometimes forget and just kill cloakers or anyone without thinking so, I'm not promising I won't kill you... :domotwak:
2003-08-07, 04:05 AM
One day on ishundar i saw a NC running away to a base, so i startet to chase him. I noticed that he was to far away for the minigun to be effective so i sendt him a /t saying stop please.
He stopper, i unloaded my minigun at point blank and laughed my ass off. Strangely, so did the other guy, guess he had a sense of humor.
2003-08-07, 11:48 AM
Thats friken hilarious Zatrais! I am going to try that tonight!
Cauldron Borne
2003-08-07, 12:00 PM
I did something like that once. I was in my lightning and geting shot at by reaver, I guess he left to reload so I hid in the trees and asked him to come back. I got out and while he was busy pounding the lightning i capped him with my suppressor.:D
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