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2003-08-01, 12:44 PM
I need to vent.
Playing Tribes 2 and holding my own pretty well. We just finished playing Minotaur, which my team came back for the win against some "leet" punks. Once we started winning and holding them the admin ([PEN]freman, -PM|Infinity, and -$$$-hilaskil or something) change the map to Stonehenge... this time i'm on their team...
so they are on top of our base, screwing off... and i go for the flag... i avoid the elf, dodge numerous spikes and spiders and get attacked by their sentry turret... flying back (without any cover) i kill three of the opposing teams, two of which were a MA disc and a mine disc shot... i'm almost dead...
Soon, i hear "Pass me the flag" "Give me your flags" and i just continue to fly towards our flag stand...then BOOM.
shot down by my own team... the -$$$- guys screams. "PASS THE FLAG *****"... i almost cried.
2003-08-01, 12:47 PM
these idiots want to take the point for your hard work? MA shots are HARD, and i dont even remember what a Mine disc shot is! :p
Argh stupid ppl. I could understand them wanting the point, but killing you for it is jsut ghey.
Now these stupid fuks have half of PSU (at least) H8ting them, and hunting them in-game
2003-08-01, 12:48 PM
You almost cried due to a PC game?
2003-08-01, 12:49 PM
2003-08-01, 12:51 PM
Wow, someone needs to be tracked down and beaten to death, three guesses for his name. (hint, it starts with D)
2003-08-01, 12:53 PM
Originally posted by {{eMaGyN}}
i almost cried.
Ive only cried twice because of a game:
1. I lost my HUGE and great GT3 File do to a glitch
2. my lvl 100 PSO character got the BSOD back in the DC days.
PSO= Phantasy star online
BSOD=Black screen of death, a glitch that occured on the dc version that whiped out your guy.
2003-08-01, 12:53 PM
Originally posted by Daeda1us
You almost cried due to a PC game?
oh boy... get your flame suit ready asswipe, you were an ass to the wrong person!
2003-08-01, 12:55 PM
Originally posted by Spider
wrong person!
what the hell is that supposed to mean?
2003-08-01, 12:59 PM
Well there wouldnt be such a high reaction if it werent eMa.
Everyone here on PSU loves her alot... if it were me :p I don't think it would have a high reaction rate.
And it would probly end up being a 4 page topic on how I am a *** :lol:
2003-08-01, 01:00 PM
you just explained whats wrong with society. "fitting in"
2003-08-01, 01:03 PM
Originally posted by Onizuka
what the hell is that supposed to mean?
I'm guessing it has to do with the fact that {{eMaGyN}} is one of the only female (?) members. And since everyone has a hard on for her they stick up for her. Am I wrong?
2003-08-01, 01:04 PM
no, your right. :D
atleast thats what squeeky does....
2003-08-01, 01:11 PM
Originally posted by Daeda1us
I'm guessing it has to do with the fact that {{eMaGyN}} is one of the only female (?) members. And since everyone has a hard on for her they stick up for her. Am I wrong?
For starters, if you, yourself, knew me anymore than just a femgamer then you would definitely know that i need no one to stick up for me.
Secondly, I see the problem not coinciding with the fact that I am female and you have made a degrating comment to me, but the fact that you saw my in a vunerable state (be it a pathetic one or not) and you used that by making a deliberate inconsiderate remark.
and it doesn't stop there, you not only insulted myself, but the entire PSU community in which you so often visit.
I would suggest making yourself more useful and not coming around here. Thank you.
2003-08-01, 01:13 PM
Ok.... how could we have a hard-on eh... most of us never seen her we just like her for who she is not what she looks like.
We stick up for her because she is one of the main creators of this site, if you were to insult hamma you would have the same response.
We stick up for her because unlike idiots like you she is nice, she doesnt repress anything she tells what she thinks when its appropriate.
If there were less morons like you and more people like her the world would be a better place.
Now if you go away we will all be happy and stop derailing the thread, thank you.
As for the morons Hamma I suggest all of PSU searches for them and harrases them on T2 :p.
Wich means killing them over and over and tking them over and over!
2003-08-01, 01:15 PM
ema, that was..... mean. just read what you wrote :tear: :tear: :tear: :tear:
2003-08-01, 01:18 PM
What server was this? I've got like 15 minutes and I'm in the mood for a flame war. :evil:
2003-08-01, 01:24 PM
I really, really, really, really hate racist fucks. Let me at them!
2003-08-01, 01:30 PM
we must get our forces and ATTACK!!!!:D
2003-08-01, 01:32 PM
Double posting = :nono:
Daeda1us: Stop talking like that or you are going to get banned. Not that I really care.
See this is why i never played FPS online until Tribes2 (which was just too darn good) at least half of the FPS community are angst filled teens and/or kids of any age who have no friends or life so they need to bash and bring down other to feel good.
Hopefully we can get a PSU server going soon eMa so we won't put up with kids like those guys. :)
Originally posted by Onizuka
2. my lvl 100 PSO character got the BSOD back in the DC days.
PSO= Phantasy star online
BSOD=Black screen of death, a glitch that occured on the dc version that whiped out your guy.
Wow that brings back memories! Someone else here played PSO ? Man that game was awesome. BSOD wasn't too bad, if you knew the signs you could rip out the modem cable and have a somewhat good chance of saving your character, the worst was the FSOD(Frozen Scr....) that as far as i know was instant death to your character.
I remember losing quite a few chars to glitchs, it pissed me off much too. :)
Happy lil Elf
2003-08-01, 02:07 PM
We stick up for her because she is one of the main creators of this site, if you were to insult hamma you would have the same response.
First of all, it wasn't an insult to eMa in any way shape or form. It was a smart ass comment. I too found the "I almost cried" thing ver sad, however I also have hung around girsl enough to know that girls can and will cry at the strangest times over the strangest thigns so I shrugged it off. Second of all I'm calling bullshit on the above quote. There is no way you can truthfully say being an ass to Hamma would get the same reponse as being an ass to eMa because people are asses to Hamma all the time. eMa will get more defense from the community because, well, honestly she's from the female side of the fence (No I'm not saying she needs more defense either, just that she'll get it).
In short he made a dumb assed comment that was in rather poor taste, not put an infant in a blender. It's not that big of a deal.
Of course then he went on to try in his own sad pathetic little way to insult the entire community and for that I'll agree. Do the world a favor, Daedalus, and go play tag with some cars on the interstate.
2003-08-01, 02:24 PM
I still don't understand why she cried.
2003-08-01, 02:27 PM
Looking back from the top, I've decided that this thread has just gotten absurd.
This thread apparently went to shit when I made an insensitive comment. I laughed as something I thought was silly. You know what, maybe eMa was really hurt by my reply. If thats the case, I'm sorry because thats not the reaction I was aiming for. The worst I thought would come of it would be a, "haha, jerk" and she'd laugh it off and leave it at that.
Why did I expect such a reaction? Well, maybe because T2 is a game. It really shouldn't be taken all that seriously. Yes, I know its competitive and someone screwed you over, but still.
So I think I've throughly explained my first reply. I come on to check what has happened and see...
Wow, someone needs to be tracked down and beaten to death, three guesses for his name. (hint, it starts with D)
Now for those of you who think that what I've said deserves a banning, just take a look at that and tell me which is worse. Yet still, I'm the only one who's taking any heat.
Things progressed and I posted this...
I'm guessing it has to do with the fact that {{eMaGyN}} is one of the only female (?) members. And since everyone has a hard on for her, they stick up for her. Am I wrong?
You, as a female, should know EXACTLY what I'm refering to. Hell everyone should; who has been to other internet forums that are comprised of mostly males (and I'm guessing most of you have). You all should know, that when a female is a member of a community like this, they are usually hounded about, "show me your boobies", "lets see some pics", etc, etc, ad nausem. That is what I was refering to. It had nothing to do with you besides the fact that you are female. What I was taking a crack at, were all the guys who kiss ass and jump to your aid (not refering to eMa or anyone else on this board specificly, but to the entire internet population as a WHOLE). If you don't agree with me, you really need to open your eyes.
Now apparently I didn't completely pull that out of my ass because another poster in the board actually agreed with me.
And as for stuff like this:
Do the world a favor, Daedalus, and go play tag with some cars on the interstate.
I'm not even gonna bother.
2003-08-01, 02:34 PM
All is forgiven.
The almost cried part was a joke... i was too mad to think of anything else... me and my over exaggerations, i was in fact, extremely pissed...and whenever i saw your post, i didn't take it as a joke, but another insensitive instance.
Your sense of humor is just different than mine... and i didn't catch that. Heh, its hard to by just reading some text.
Anyways, just be careful. I think it was the HAHAHAHA in like, size 20 font that got me angrier.
2003-08-01, 02:38 PM
I understood this post 0.01%
Happy lil Elf
2003-08-01, 02:45 PM
I'm not even gonna bother.
Good, because then I don't have to either :)
2003-08-01, 02:53 PM
Screw you Lucasarts for releasing KotoR on X-Box only, you rat bastards
2003-08-01, 02:54 PM
Where the hell did that come from? ^^^^
2003-08-01, 03:15 PM
Originally posted by Happy lil' Elf
Good, because then I don't have to either :)
That's not my point exactly.
Do you believe in Karma? You should.
Happy lil Elf
2003-08-01, 03:29 PM
Do you believe in Karma? You should.
Irony at it's best. :rofl:
2003-08-01, 03:32 PM
What's with the hate on FPS kiddies? I come from 3 years of CS, a CAL-I clan, and I'm under 18. Will I be shot?
I feel all the <3
I <3 pie. Warm pie.
2003-08-01, 04:45 PM
gamers suck.
2003-08-01, 04:46 PM
Originally posted by Daeda1us
You almost cried due to a PC game?
[statement retracted] :mad:
2003-08-01, 04:48 PM
........ err, pls ignore this. thx
2003-08-01, 06:29 PM
Originally posted by Lonehunter187
I understood this post 0.01%
2003-08-01, 06:42 PM
Originally posted by Daeda1us
You almost cried due to a PC game?
Now back to CS you 12 year old
2003-08-01, 07:04 PM
Being under 18 doesn't make you immature, having a mental age under 18 makes you immature.
Our very own Squeeky is 14, many of us are sub-18, and yours truly is also 14.
2003-08-01, 07:17 PM
I cried during the original tribes.
My friends tried to show me how to play for 6 hours, and I never really got the hang of it very well.
I was really good at flying though. So good I flew over the enemy base and it took me a good couple minutes to walk back.
And I would cry if something ever happened to PS. I have a box of emergency tissues ready for any disaster.
2003-08-01, 07:18 PM
You people are morons.
She was exaggurating, a.k.a joking.
She was nowhere near tears.
End of story. :rolleyes:
2003-08-01, 08:46 PM
Ema I was playing some custom WarCraft 3 game called escape from weed world and I saw somone named ema (don't know the rest of the spelling) was that you ?!?!?!:eek:
2003-08-01, 08:50 PM
It'll be a dark, dark day when I ever play Tribes 2 again.
Wow, someone needs to be tracked down and beaten to death, three guesses for his name. (hint, it starts with D)
Now back to CS you 12 year old
Of course then he went on to try in his own sad pathetic little way to insult the entire community and for that I'll agree. Do the world a favor, Daedalus, and go play tag with some cars on the interstate.
oh boy... get your flame suit ready asswipe, you were an ass to the wrong person!
Yeah, he is the asswipe, he made an intelligent post explaining he did not mean it that way. Ema forgave him, and he was completly right about you guys. If someone said this about me, or Dio, or Spider, you would of hardly cared. Ema seems nice to me, I have chatted with her some, but how is she any different then other people here?
You, as a female, should know EXACTLY what I'm refering to. Hell everyone should; who has been to other internet forums that are comprised of mostly males (and I'm guessing most of you have). You all should know, that when a female is a member of a community like this, they are usually hounded about, "show me your boobies", "lets see some pics", etc, etc, ad nausem. That is what I was refering to. It had nothing to do with you besides the fact that you are female. What I was taking a crack at, were all the guys who kiss ass and jump to your aid (not refering to eMa or anyone else on this board specificly, but to the entire internet population as a WHOLE). If you don't agree with me, you really need to open your eyes.
I see it all the time, and annoys the fuck out of me. From my eyes it looks like guys think they will get sexxxored or something.
Anyway, you guys are being assholes, please stop. If it helps, I am sure eMa would wish for :love:.
Originally posted by Vick
I see it all the time, and annoys the fuck out of me. From my eyes it looks like guys think they will get sexxxored or something.
Well i really hope that guys don't do it for that. :lol:
In my case it has little to do with eMa's sex, sure it factors in a bit but i could care less if my online friend is a guy or girl, sexy or not, single or not, whatever, the only thing i care about is the friendship. The whole "jumping to her aid because she is a girl" might apply to some but to me eMa is merely a good online friend, heck just read my previous posts and you'll see i've "jumped to Squeeky's aid" more than once and i REALLY doubt it's because i wanna sex0rz a 14 year old guy. :D
2003-08-05, 03:29 PM
Uninstall Tribes
Snap CD
Problem solved
2003-08-05, 03:30 PM
I should do that for some other frustrations
PSU is down:
Torture Hamma
Eat his flesh
Decapitate him
2003-08-05, 04:00 PM
hertin' fer certain
2003-08-05, 04:01 PM
Originally posted by Hamma
Uninstall Tribes
Snap CD
Problem solved
2003-08-05, 04:21 PM
Well, as long as i'm not the one to bring back the dead, i might as well give Vick a lesson on timestamps.
09:48 AM This is where the initial post was made by the retard
09:49 AM This is where eMa first responded, with a :mad:
09:51 AM This is when i made my post, the first one you misquoted
09:53 AM This is when spider made his post, the fourth one you misquoted
10:03 AM This is when the retard made his second post, asserting the only reason i give a damn about my ex-clanmate is that she is female
10:11 AM This is when eMa made her first real response, telling him to shut up or leave in so many words
11:07 AM This is when Happy lil' Elf made his response, the third one you misquoted
11:27 AM This is when the retard made his an actual response
11:34 AM This is when eMa forgave him
See, now here is the complicated part, 09:51 AM, 09:53 AM and 11:07 AM all happened before 11:27 AM and 11:34 AM. It may be hard to understand, but it's an important life skill be able to be able to organize things into the order they actually happened in.
edit: bah, zoned on the CS one
2003-08-05, 04:23 PM
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